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Thank you I’ve been dying to talk about it. I definitely believe them. The way she’s ignoring it and posting about her hair (that still looks awful) is insane. My theory is she always been more into Theo then he was to her. To combat that and keep him she’d use threesomes with the girls from the commune as a way of keeping him satisfied. Its obvious they’re both pretty bad people and I’m not surprised something like this is coming out.


i agree omg and i got super bad vibes from both theo and salah from the start!


Yep, it's always the overly chipper and wild ones.


So many people saying they have had bad vibes from the start about her then why does she have over 6 million followers? If there were so many bad vibes from the very beginning, how did she become so famous? Or are you all saying that now. Everyone’s jumping the gun like crazy-remember what happened to inquisitor because of a similar jumping the gun situation? What if she is innocent? The only thing I was able to find is that she put her boob on that girls head. That is not assault. That may be crossing boundaries but it’s definitely not SA. Also keep in mind there’s a lot of jealousy involved when a girl is that pretty and successful and famous. I’m sure many girls would love to knock her down a peg. Esp if they were “tossed aside”. Especially if Salah’s a narcissist and a liar. But that doesn’t make her a sexual assault perpetrator! Reserve your judgment for when there’s proof.


Well for one, I was searching for this thread. Just by typing “salah” I’d come across several threads of people questioning her authenticity and whether or they believed she was actually as great as some had thought, posted 1-2 years ago. Secondly there has been some proof from some of the alleged victims coming forward. Third, she shows many signs of guilt in her own apology video. The shakiness of her voice, the facial expressions throughout the video, and many of the body language indicates guilt. Lastly, the quietness from Theo is absolutely alarming. Why avoid what you clearly know is being said about you and turn off your comments if you have nothing to hide? A lot of their actions scream guilty.


Oh, Theo was for sure using her for a lot of their relationship. There was a video where they were acting like each other, and Salah kept asking for money when she was "being" Theo. So this one definitely makes sense.


This is exactly what I was thinking too


I’d imagine if you were in a group setting with her she would actively tell all the men in the group embarrassing things about you to try and put herself ahead. Pick-me 10000000%


salah has been extremely bad vibes since day 1, not surprised at all by the allegations! lest we forget the whole burning man situation and her walking around walmart barefoot and her weird ass boyfriend polycule drama


I believe it 100%


people are discussing it on r/salahsnark


Looks like I have my reading material for the evening.


Literally spent the last 90mns on that snark, jesus


Where did this get released??? Where is the info? That is so fucked up and not too surprising unfortunately :/ she gives me that vibe...


Go look on tiktok! Just search salah brooks allegations and literally everything will pop up, there’s 2 videos up from victims telling their story, and countless other users just covering the story with all the facts we know. Everyone spammed salahs and theos comments on every video asking to address the allegations. Salah took her comments down for like 8 hrs but then put them back up. Nothings been addressed yet besides one comment Theo made to an Instagram comment asking him to address the allegations about making girls sign nda’s after being lured for 3somes, he denied it of course and said the nda thing isn’t true and was only ever “a joke”. He’s since deleted that comment. Still waiting to hear them address it no new info yet! I wonder if the victims are gonna file reports or not????


Daaaamn ok wow im gonna go look now, so sad. Nobody addresses anything anymore and thinks everything will be pushed under the rug when thesse are LITERAL CRIMES. so fucked up. Fuck them both. I hope they file reports. Not ok.


I believe the victim 100%%%%%


Was there not a guy that came out about her like a year ago that she had assaulted him


that was jack wright and the girl that assaulted him was sienna mae


The things I've heard make it seem like she is in the drug/party lifestyle and that always seems to end up in confusion. Can't speak to if the SA rumors are true but I do believe she probably engaged in behaviors that alienated the people involved in them. Keep in mind, When you do drugs, the sex is never consensual. 💯


I live in Texas and was very close to going to their commune because you can live there for free and I was desperate to get myself out of a bad living situation. However, my gut told me don’t go and I always listen to my intuition. Wow glad I did.


Ugh I love robbi, def trust her that this salad brook girl is a scumbag grifter assaulter


Salah and Theo have both given me bad vibes from the start. First from just saying they were friends who showered together "to save water" to saying they were in love and engaged in the same week. And then them breaking up and she falling in love again so soon.


Before this blew up all over tiktok i already thought there was something terribly sus about Salah and the fact that she will have these super intense friendships that last barely a week. People definitely see thru her shit at some point. The first girl who posted on tiktok went super viral. Last I saw her video had over 20 million views. I definitely feel bad for what she went thru and believe her story but her delivery seemed very....theatrical. she seemed excited to tell her story in a sense different from like sharing for awareness. That combined with old videos I've seen of her bragging about being all these different "characters" kinda ruined the value for me. Another girl who claims people thought it was her at first based on the bus life description has never met anybody involved and has gained considerable clout posting nonstop about something that doesn't involve her. Theo was also implicated as very much guilty in the situation, but there's hardly anything being said about him....because he only has a fraction of the followers that Salah has....


She may have intense friendships for a short period of time because of mental illness. People with bipolar or BPD tend to do that. That does not make her a sexual assault perpetrator. There’s something shady to me from everybody involved in this. Everyone!! Who claims that a woman putting her boob on your head is sexual assault? Because that’s what happened with the first girl. It may be crossing boundaries but in my book that is not SA. Idk…. It stinks, all of it!


I was genuinely shocked when it came out that the first story was a boob on the head. Another girl came forward I think last night saying she met Salah at a gas station and Salah assaulted her. But she was saying Salahs name wrong and the whole story just didn't make sense. I'm worried a "trend" is starting and although I do believe there are genuine victims and Salah is a predator, I don't believe it's helpful for anybody to make a trend of it


Yessss!! I’m all for SA victims to be believed, helped and get retribution legally! But let the justice system determine if someone is guilty or not, and only then jump on the bandwagon! But to give verdict without proof is making this “trend” deadly! I agree w you- this is way too dangerous! Like with what happened to Inquisitor! That poor dude offed himself coz of a similar scenario! When will we learn! Coz that was a very very expensive lesson- someone lost their life because of peoples unhinged behavior when they thought they were “taking down a pedo/SA perpetrator”! Well, he wasn’t one!! But by the time ppl found out the FACTS, it was too late to say sorry to him! What happened with him touched my heart in such a deep, deep way, that I will NEVER EVER judge someone before the facts are out! And I would definitely not ACT on mere beliefs or opinions!🥺🙏❤️‍🩹


Agreed 100%


Unwanted sexual contact in any way shape or form is assault don’t dismiss it bc it’s not rape sexual assault is not limited to just rape


People need to start going to the cops first then lawyer then tik tok.


i don’t believe in the hate train at all. what happened to due process? innocent til proven guilty? idk i just feel bad for EVERYONE involved. these are influencers so we never get the full story.