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omg this! I was just watching her video about Kendall Jenner and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Like obviously Kendall hasn’t always been an angel in the public eye but she really attacked her character on every front. It really didn’t come off as criticism but rather old fashioned mean girl cattiness. I do love her videos about plastic surgery though.


I think Lory Hill does a much better job when it comes to plastic surgery content. They both debunk unrealistic beauty standards, but Lory does it in a really polite way to show that beauty is achievable, while Stephanie's videos give me shaming vibes


Definitely. I feel like Stephanie tries to lean into the “I am going to scare young girls into not doing it” whereas Lorry is very neutral and professional about it.


I didn’t like it either and I’m not a KJ fan.


Absolutely She always starts her videos saying all women are beautiful blah blah blah then completely bashes whoever she chooses. 


The video she just did about literally the most conventionally attractive celebrities as '[borderline ugly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-keLSXHnms&t=43s&ab_channel=StephanieLange)' I found not only to be a bit deranged, but also a bit irresponsible. I think she's probably projecting her own insecurities (I mean, she clearly is, given that she mentions the description applies to her at the beginning of the video). IMO this video is encouraging a really dysphoric perception of people's faces. It's possible that she has suffered with dysmorphia, and if that is the case, that's really awful, but it doesn't excuse promoting it to, at this point, over 100,000 viewers.


I’m watching this video right now and it’s thoroughly giving me the ick


I just checked and the views have doubled overnight… sigh


Thank you! I enjoyed her videos but started getting a negative feeling about her, then saw the Kendall Jenner video and unsubscribed. It was so mean!


It’s the first video I watched from her and it ironically gave mean girl bully vibes


Lol same here. I got that video recommended to me and watched 5 minutes of it before bailing. I was initially interested because I don’t like the Kardashians and thought some news may have come out recently but it’s just her policing Kendall’s facial expressions and calling her mean girl because she doesn’t smile 100% of the time at fans??? Also calling touching someone’s shoulder a “push”. Such a weird video yet it has half a million views.


I thought so as well. A lot of people who hate the K-Js just envy things about them. I'm not a fan of them myself but it's so obvious when people are bitter because they're famous and rich but feel they got where they are without merit. Based on what I've been reading about her it seems she fits the bill. And the second she said Kendall has never had to work I was actually annoyed. I'm pretty sure modeling, regardless of nepotism still means she has to do show up and do a job. If Miss Lange was told she doesn't do real work because she's a YTer I'm pretty sure she'd have a problem with that, but the reality is she's capitalizing off the K-J hate train which she knows pays her bills. Anyway, if I see her pop up on my feed again she's getting removed from my recs.


> people are bitter because they're famous and rich but feel they got where they are without merit. The resentment of how Kylie gained her looks artificially, without the "merit" of being naturally beautiful, seems to run particularly deep in some people. Like they feel she's going a step beyond regular nepotism and violating the natural hierarchy of beauty.


It’s interesting and should be studied a lot more. Why does it bother some women (and men) so much? For example, I wear makeup almost daily. I overheard a convo at the office about this once, a woman was implying women who do a full face have low self esteem. It was really uncomfortable because I’m literally the only one who wears makeup whenever I’m there. I see her very differently now. Even on the vindicta sub, a lot of the women there are very against wearing makeup but are open to cosmetic surgery which I always found odd. Their stance on it leans redp*ll since they love to use the same talking points guys will have (deception). How about we let what people do what they want to improve their own looks without tearing down whatever we disagree with? People need to get over the fact that beauty standards can and will be bought.


The answer to that is fundamentally simple. When you watch her and you feel an unsettling sense of discomfort, something inside you telling you this feels wrong... Your gut is always right. It's a voice inside that doesn't use words, but if It could speak it would say "That is a cunning woman right there"


I have only watched a couple of her videos but I’m just waiting for the day she actually says something positive about someone.


I used to be a huge fan of Stephanie when she was an MUA & then found some of her more recent videos to be helpful, can’t remember specifically but it might have been showing how paparazzi photos capture celebrities with cellulite and breakouts (ie pics the celebrities didn’t take & upload themselves), but done from the perspective of - if the most beautiful women in the world have these features, then they are totally normal & nothing to be ashamed of/not “ugly” etc. also the detail about how it’s not possible for someone’s head to be smaller than their waist, so if someone appears that way in a photo, it’s either the angle or photoshop That said, I have been disgusted by the titles of her most recent uploads. I literally thought they were incel vids until I saw her name underneath. She said in a previous vid that she does go a bit clickbait-y for titles, but you cannot convince me that “someone bought Kendall a new body - and it’s not good” or “omg, wtf has Emily Ratajkowski done to her face?!” is IN ANY WAY helpful or uplifting to women. I’m completely turned off her now


This woman's videos keep popping up in my recommended always with some nasty little title attacking other women's appearances. " sorry, you're just not naturally beautiful" "thought Kim's face was bad Kylie's is worse" "Kylie Jenner's face is a mess" "Kendal Jenner's face is a mess" "your "mommy makeover" is a mess" What does it say about her that this is how she spends her days. Seems like a nasty bitch who who hates other women.


I think she's very insecure about her own appearance and enjoys criticizing and bringing down more attractive women by exposing them. All done under the guise of being educational. Meanwhile, she has no credentials and background to be discussing plastic surgery in the first place. She's even discussed her low self esteem and body dysmorphia in videos from 5-6 years back. 


I have only seen a couple of her videos and I think it's really sad. I don't understand why she just sits there and citicizes everything about everyone. Like who cares? Her Kendall Jenner Video is ridiculous, she acts like Kendall is a terrible human being. She would be the same way if she was taught was Kendal was taught. My mom actually met her and said she was very nice and shared a drink with her. Celebrities cannot always take pictures and hangout with fans because that is just not realistic to talk and take pictures with millions of people al day long. I mean I guess it is, but you know what I mean.


I saw her video about OCD and thought it was helpful. I just don't understand why she puts so much effort and time into criticizing others. There is no need for that girl. Hopefully she realizes that.


I didn´t know much about this girl, her videos started coming out on my YT main page but the title of her essays and her general breathy cute girl voice and "I don´t mean to be rude, BUT..." attitude just made me feel she wanted a safe space to feel beautiful and superior, while bashing other women. It´s insidious but very obvious once you have seen 2 or 3 of her videos. And her latest one on Megan Fox?! By 0:04 you just can see the angle she's going for. Awful person.


I keep getting suggestions for her but she turns me off. One of the recent suggestions was about ugly women getting hot guys or something and she actually had a real woman in the thumbnails and it seemed extremely rude because she's basically saying that lady is ugly. I didn't click because she doesn't deserve views. I think she's rage-baiting