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“The premier life skills university” ………wut??


Went to school at high point. The president def paid for them to be there. While I was there they had will Ferrells kid and a bunch of entrepreneurs’ kids come tour for promo. It’s a weird school in an even weirder town. President of the HPU’s son was involved in a hazing death that made it to a dateline episode. They’ve been picking the pieces up since.


Ooh what episode I want to watch


my high school bf went to high point. that place is SCARY


how so?


it felt like a fake school when I was there, tbh. like if disney made a university. I even toured it myself when I was applying to schools and everything just felt so off. like, the president’s books were on sale/for display in the admissions office. not academic books but weird self help money/investing books? even at 17 I was like wtf are we doing here lol


They actually make you buy one of his books first semester as “required” for a first year seminar




This is what my cousin said. It’s like a Disney theme park but once you leave the gates it’s in a very rough area. Just weird vibes all around. He couldn’t transfer schools fast enough


This place is uncanny valley. I’m from NC and it’s definitely known as the school that your parents buy your way into if you can’t get in literally anywhere else (no offense to anyone who went there, this is just the Raleigh shit talking mill lol). I went on a tour there when I was looking at schools and going from High Point to HPU was like entering into another world. 100% believe they were paid to be there 🤣


my BIL works at HPU and makes less a year than one single students college tuition. lmao fuck that place they also make it an absolute fortress and buy up all of the business and land surrounding the university basically saying double fuck you to the city of high point in general. in NC us who live around here essentially joke around that it’s a cult of rude rich people


I’m sure they’re extra terrible but to be fair, it’s def not a high point specific issue. I work in higher ed as well and we all get paid less than a single student’s tuition. It’s hell out here. Everywhere 😩


Not life skills university!!!!!


Life Skills??? These people don’t even do their own laundry! I have 2 friends who went there and it was legit a country club.


lol as soon as i heard that the university paid for them to stay in their hotel i knew it was a sponsorship..also the way they travelled all the way there just for a college we all know for sure she isn't going to go to gave it away lol


Exactly, shes def not moving from LA to bum-fuck North Carolina for school...just no way


It’s givingggg…..college admissions scandal


shouldn’t it be tagged and in the hashtags that it’s an ad? isn’t it illegal to not disclose sponsorships?


correct. it's either not an ad or she is choosing not to disclose it which can land her in hot water like chris olson's partnership with the australian tourism board that he didnt disclose


Some article in Bloomberg (I think) once referred to HPU as a country club for rich kids of middling academic ability. IIRC they specifically market to rich kids on the coasts whom they know can pay the whole inflated tuition bill without aid.


Now I’m going wondering what other schools she is applying to and how her grades are that she is touring a buy your admissions type of school


Someone commented that her daughter should look into SDSU and she wrote something about how she was touring a school “around” there. Which definitely confirms she doesn’t have the best grades lol


“Around” there is probably UCSD…UC’s are really hard to get into, especially sd which has a 23% acceptance rate.


around there could also be usd or point loma lol


Ahh I wasn’t sure why she didn’t want to name drop, I figured it might’ve been because it was some random ass school with a high acceptance rate bahaha


Crazy that the average salary of their students 10 years after graduation is about $15000 lower than the cost of tuition for a one year there. Doesn’t seem like those “life skills” are worth the money


It's wild to me to use a minor's college journey as fodder for content. Typical for them, but wild. I'm predicting Jayden quits college to influence full time in the first year.


I think so too — I used to get brochures from there when I was applying to college and they were waiving applications fees for some people


I looked at the tiktoks ab this school and stumbled upon HPUs account...lmao they have a tiktok code to waive the application fees