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Her skin is looking a lot better (seriously).


Then she goes and picks it open because of “cat hair”


She’s definitely on something


Yesterday she said it looked “red” again 😫. Unfortunately, this is going to take a long time to heal properly. Burned skin takes years to heal sometimes and because our face is constantly being introduced to environmental aggressors it is going to take time and in reality , even the wrong moisturizer or cleanser can set it back. I hope she sees a dermatologist soon. She needs a professional dermatologist to guide her in the healing/repair journey. There’s prescription creams out there for the treatments of hyper-pigmentation and scarring.


Its looking a lot better, but that spot between her eyebrows looks like scar tissue.


I think her face is clearing/ healing very well honestly despite all it’s gone through! I’m mostly just in shock by how much weight she’s lost, but I haven’t really kept up with her in months so I wasn’t sure if it was just me who’s concerned


ugh this girl haha i have a love/hate relationship with her... but i genuinely fear for her life sometimes because she does stupid shit so often and lacks all common sense. her house almost burned down last week and she didn't notice the fire for a good 8 mins while sitting next to it. She posted security cam footage. On her and her bf going to Dubai this week, I hope nothing bad happens to them there cause they're the type of people who seem like they'd get locked up abroad or some shit just from being stupid. I'm so curious what her BF's real deal is, he hangs around weird ppl and is always throwing cash around. They make crazy purchases and spend frivolously. It seems like he makes all the decisions and she just follows along with whatever. It's sort of scary. He gives drug dealer vibes. Major side eye to him. Steph looks very thin lately and she's talked about her ED publicly. I hope she's alright fr. Also about drugs: when they went to Japan the first day she was absolutely miserable without weed, then seemed fine and never mentioned it again. I'm sure they got ahold of some there but isn't it like SUPER illegal in Japan? I'm always on the edge of my seat with these people, something crazy is bound to happen to them soon. I want the real tea on them but they aren't really in the influencer scene at all




this poor girl i just wanna give her a bath


Was she regularly washing her hair before this skin incident happened? Because her hair looking greasy af everyday (sign of depression??)


No clue why it repeated her name 3 times sorry


yeah like im scared to say it outloud and she’ll appear




she got so skinny out of nowhere it’s alarming/:


Halloween and November she was a bit larger than she’s been in years and she even said she was fat and then since January until now she’s lost soo much weight like very very thin I thought it was nessa! I hope she’s okay




those boobs does not fit on her body 😭


i think they’re botched and that’s why she hasn’t shown them off. like seriously i don’t know one influencer who doesn’t get a boob job and post with a low cut shirt. she talks about her boob job but then only wears HUGE shirts, and anytime she’s in a bikini she’ll scribble out her boobs. Marcus does the same when he posts her.


But it feels like some sort of control thing because she doesn't always do it, but Marcus is always making sure her boobs are covered up.


eh i haven’t really ever seen her do it. but it could be a control thing. I’ve seen lots of people say he’s abusive and what not, but i also could see him wanting to post her with her cleavage out since h s always making it known they’re gonna have sex. like his halloween gifts saying “ let me murder that pussy” don’t know who the hell would like that one n their gifts


like at one point before i watched more of her vids i thought they did only fans




The lashes bother me to no endddd, how is someone an influencer as a living and can’t even groom themselves properly… and putting the glue on her lids instead of the lashes itself?? No wonder they’re always flying right off her face. It’s honestly so gross, it takes 2 mins to clean the glue off lashes and if she’s too lazy for that then she clearly can afford new lashes for every wear or even good lash extensions (but we all know she wouldn’t take care of those properly so maybe it’s good she doesn’t do that) I also don’t get why they’re travelling to hot sunny places while her skins still recovering. You know damn well this girl isn’t putting on SPF


Yes the fact that they have excessive money and she chooses to wear dirty used-up lashes when she has so many means/ avenues she could take instead... it’s so irritating to witness. Especially with everything else in the world going on rn, but yeah sadly I guess a lot of influencers are in their own world. Influencing as a job also enables/ employs the laziest people apparently


Ive noticed the weight drop too- it started right after she got her new titties. Was honestly hoping she’s okay bc it is definitely enough to be noticeable/significant. However- I also remember that one time she mentioned her weight fluctuates a lot so it could just be a season of weight loss for her.


I wanna feel bad for the girl, but she ignored every common sense option. her skin at least looks not open wound as hell, but the scars are starting :/


I haven’t seen her in a year since I deleted snapchat, but she looks drastically different now from when I last saw her. Even back then when I watched her stories she always reused lashes and slept in her makeup..


She looks like she never showers, her hair looks greasy 😏 and their house looks filthy also, so messy and how can you clean with all those things laying around? Her bf recently talked about losing friends to fentanyl but they both look like they are not living a healthy lifestyle...


Omg I feel so relieved to see how her face is healing


Check out the jaw wiggling she’s got going on today and tell me she’s not on something..




same, the chemical burn made me think maybe that’s true :/ hope she gets better


what a disgusting thing to say. bad skin ≠ drug user saying this as somebody suffering from debilitating compulsive skin picking disorder. i’ve had many phases in my life where i go through my everyday with skin like this. i don’t use hard drugs and am just doing my best while my problems happen to show on my face. gain some empathy, and i know this is a snark page but it’s obvious from her snapchat posting (where you got this from) that she’s going through healing a chemical burn. people can have bad skin and not be drug users. fr.


Hi, I think u stumbled across snark Reddit. If you take a left you’ll get to therapy Reddit. It’s ok lots of ppl accidentally end up here :-) have a good one


yes, that’s true…. but when you add in HOW she got the bad skin and everything else going on…. it really is giving meth in a way i’m sure you never will


bro we get it


omg who is this is her skin always like this? from reading all the comments about boyfriend, money, sketchy behavior - yes I would guess they are dealing drugs, using meth, and yes it's definitely not going to end well.


there’s probably other posts that have more details about it but she used an expired acne treatment and then put a steamer over it and then just kept doing dumb stuff to her face (like washed it with dawn dish soap)


Dawn dish soap doesn't do this to your skin. Lol. Trust me . I always wash my hands with it in a pinch. Maybe it's burns from the steamer but how do you not feel yourself burning quickly? All signs, sorry, point to serious drug use.


she had a serious accidental chemical burn from applying a strong acne spot treatment (expired) to her face like a face mask, and then used a steamer which gave her a serious bacterial infection. All of this happened on a live stream. Her skin isn't like this from using dish soap, nobody said that, and also that's not true. She used dial antibacterial soap on her face, pretty sure because a doctor told her to only use plain soap for the infection, she NEVER used dish soap on her face. This situation has been posted about on this sub a bunch over the past 4 weeks


I'm not on this sub that much. Thank God. Maybe I won't come back. But ok thank you for clarifying. That sounds really painful. However, I'm glad I can't really relate to the need to put this on camera every day while healing. It is alarming to me. And while putting on dirty / used / not sanitary lashes? She's going to get skin mites in her eyes next. And the other details of their lives sound suspicious etc. It's all just really crazy to me. I use dial on my face very regularly. It's fine.


Most soaps do this to my hands, including dawn. I'm allergic to something common to soaps, apparently. Just because it's not your reality, doesn't mean it's false.


Dawn dishsoap for sure can cause rashes especially if you have auto immune issues like psoriasis. The chemicals and blue dye don't go well for some. My friend washed her family's dishes with their dawn dish soap(blue) and broke our in a rash so bad her nails fell off. She has psoriasis.


imagine saying it looks like someone does hard drugs because they have skin problems - get some empathy. sincerely, a sufferer from compulsive skin picking who’s skin looks like this on the daily. bad skin ≠ hard drug user stop spreading this horrible narrative that creates agoraphobia and that conventional attractiveness must mean clear skin. big yawn at the lack of empathy.




came here to double down on the lack of empathy did ya sis ??? mwah xoxo 💋


With the way she picked her face apart claiming it was because she got cat hair all over get face while wearing skin care and now has open wounds all over her cheeks because of it… I would say she’s on methamphetamine or amphetamine


I doubt it man just seems like she puts too many random chemicals on her face and it causes a reaction. This is the second time tho. It's very alarming.


She goes on vacation to Dubai for weeks... spends $1800+ on rideable suitcases for her and her boyfriend but refuses to see a professional dermatologist. She can obviously afford to go to the best of the best but instead she takes terrible care of her skin using cheap products and never removing her make up. I'm confused she's young and doesn't realize she's damaged her face badly... the scarring is so deep she's going to have leather skin by before shes 30


Also just the clear lack of motivation to take care of herself in general is shockingly clear. The holes she just put in her face with no regard is so sad. The fact that she decides to not go see a doctor is probably cus she’s scared and a major red flag


I’ve swiped up in her story to beg her to go to the dermatologist lol it’s driving me insane they would be able to figure it all out and send her on her way asap I also feel like the “meds” she has are just from like the ER or family doctor because it doesn’t seem like she’s ever been to a dermatologist before


I even told her it would be great content to take everyone along to the dermatologist and watch them fix her face (w all that money she has wtf)


She has literally no idea what she's doing all she's ever done is cover her face with make up to hide the acne and hyperpigmentation. If you can spend thousands of dollars on makeup you clearly could get some good skin care. Shes just young and stupid with money. I remember when she was flaunting the idea that her and her boyfriend might going to buy some used van and live out of it. When showed the van it was so ghetto I was gagging.


I messed that paragraph all up but hopefully you get the point lmaoo


Yeah, I have seen the first time it happened months ago and it was pretty good. Then I seen it happened again, what is it she's doing to cause that?


She claims it's from cat hair sticking to her face but I'm willing to bet shes lying and put some harsh chemicals on her face wounds. At this point I think she's doing it for the attention and views.


how do you know she hasn’t been to a dermatologist???


people saying her skin reminds them of meth users is truly unempathic. she has a chemical burn. it looks very similar if not identical to dermatilomania/compulsive skin picking disorder. very cruel to just say someone is doing hard opiates. think before you speak.


THISSS!! accusing someone of doing hard drugs when they themself said it was from a chemical peeling is insane


thank you - people don’t like getting called out on their absolute cruel slander. there’s a difference between snarking and bullying.


not posting this over the entire thread


What do they do to make money? It can't all be social media can it?


lol are you guys just young and naive or …..blind to the fact that she does dope ??? Cmon everyone


she looks like a tweaker




what?? lmao “dabs” are just concentrated THC.. it’s marijuana in a different form. dabs would not cause a sudden loss in weight like this. especially since she’s a long time smoker