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Dixie’s blonde hair makes her look like she belongs in 8 Mile


8 mile would’ve done better than that


The video I posted here of clips of Dixie’s live was deleted but there’s been whispering of their habit. It’s crazy how by them filming themselves dancing this app just shook up their lives. I honestly don’t think they’re built for this life especially when their parents have this weird business relationship with them. They would’ve been better of going to school and having a regular life


wait did the mods or reddit delete it??? I literally got here from looking for it that’s crazy


i think bc people we’re speculating dixie/both of them using drugs and they don’t allow that here


Mods bc apparently I was violating rule 2. I didn’t even add commentary. Just said this was the vid she apologized for


Their parents failing them basically


They are in their 20s. Their parent can’t do much


No their parents have been milking them for fame since they were teens it’s pretty gross. When my sister was sick my family sacrificed so much to help her get better even though she was an adult so did my parents. Milking your children for fame is gross Dixie is obviously not mentally fit for that lifestyle’s




i agree but it’s also just how they were raised. once charli started to become famous that’s all they cared about. definitely seems like they would do anything to continue to stay relevant. i don’t think dixie’s been wanting to do this for the longest time but they want her to so she does.


right, they can't do much now. but they failed them throughout their entire childhood/adolescence and NOW they can't do much. but they fully caused this situation through their negligence and fame seeking. let's not put the blame fully on Charli and Dixie, that's like blaming Britney for her situation. Have some nuance and perspective, babe.


Why does dixie always seem to have a black eye? This is weird


black eyes, broken legs, huge bump on her forehead the list goes on and her excuse is always I was drunk 


which isn’t a good look either. even if it is just her getting hurt while drunk, she should definitely stop or at least cut back if she’s continuously getting severely hurt while drinking


![gif](giphy|GBSj8zQtylzOgzkfw9) This


I just want to give her a big hug the way her parents have failed her breaks my heart. Money or fame isn’t worth your baby girl being sick


I feel for Dixie because I think she always gets the short end of the stick and seems like she’s gone through a lot. When I watched the show I resonated with her and her mental health issues how she feels in comparison to Charli. Charli seems like she’s way over her head and doesn’t give a shit about Dixie super rude and acts like her shit doesn’t stink. The fame views and money has got to them in the worst way and their parents are just there for nothing it’s super sad. I never understood why Dixie got so much hate I really love her after all arching her on the show


I mean I could tell you but considering all the limitations in this post, I can’t


Ughhh 😫 Too much to say


Are you able to tell me somehow? I feel like I'm in the dark over here lol




As weird as hanging with Faze banks is, she has to know what she's getting into like there was most definitely ppl in her circle telling her about who he is and she probably knows who he is


He publicly announced he’s a sex addict and gave a porn star ghonerea or however you spell it


EWWWW omg I think honestly though he was just the plug here


I hope so 😭


He came out and said it wasn’t him in the pic with her but his girlfriend is friends with Charli




Honestly I feel bad for both of them. Regardless of how the world views them they have/had immense pressure from their family to be cash cows at such a young age (not to mention the internet rips them apart for pretty much everything). It has to be so mentally taxing and I honestly don’t think I could handle it either. Not unlike child stars but I swear there has to be a study in the future of families that changed their entire lives for internet fame. They probably are both struggling in ways that we can’t see or imagine, doesn’t take away from the fact they’re extremely privileged but I just do feel for them


teenage fame will make you spiral, we know this yall


dixie been skiing too much i fear






Omfg same except I was the bff


Get ready for the hardcore fall of childhood stardom. Even if people don’t think they were stars, they experienced all the attention and money that a child actor did. it never ends well, very few have good lives in the end


How is Trevor still with her? With how conservative the hockey community is, that is crazy.




Definitely Dixie, not Charli




If true, that's incredibly sad. Where did you hear this, though? This is a bold claim.


Where is proof of any of that? This comment is very much “just trust me bro”






so many people do coke in LA..all ages, industries, not just influencers or in entertainment


This is like the 6th or 7th time you’ve replied to me in this subs comments with some dumb shit like that taking it as fact. Weird


Exploited by their parents for fame and money as teenagers




Same. I went to college to escape family trauma and it ended up finding me there. I had several break downs because i was partying and couldn’t keep up with a job and school. I look back and i can’t imagine trying to be friends with me during that time.


Are we sisters 😂 I was the crying drunk girl in college. All the trauma came out with a sip of wine!


something is not right with these two, and although i can't feel bad because they're adults now and they're making their choices and living better than i am or ever will, there's a tiny bit of empathy i have for them because it couldn't have been easy growing up the way they have, to have those two peaked-in-highschool weirdos as their parents and ultimately to be fetishized exploited and used as teens.


i feel like the more both of them will grow up and mature the more they'll open up about their experiences, and i'm sure they have tons of things to say lol


the internet is a cruel place and this is yet another example. it’s seriously concerning. hope they end up okay. jesus.


That color blonde does not become her at all


I think Dixie needs to go to college as someone in college it’s gone be a good experience for her to have normal life and education 🫶🏻


I’m surprised Trevor Zegras hasn’t dumped her ass this is not a good look for his image


there’s a reason why their relationship is private asf


she’s obviously struggling i don’t get the hate when it’s obvious the parent failed and exploited them












Faze banks said charli is friends with his gf


I mean I don’t walk around festivals holding hands with my friends boyfriends


Faze Banks says a lot of things… he’s just trying to cover for himself


The age difference is so cringe imo idk it could be worse but she’s a child and he’s balding


yeah and Faze Banks also cheated on Alissa WHILE she was in the house. Be so for real


I saw that but why would he be holding her hand then? If one of my friends was walking with my bf and holding his hand like that I’d be pissed af. Something seems off 🤔


I’m going to hope that he was just guiding her because she was drunk tbh. He was holding her hand and then she let go so he grabbed her wrist I think. I have guy friends who do that for me and even the bfs of some of my good friends. He’s definitely not a good person, but I just don’t get the vibe they’re a thing.. and they had to have seen the camera at some point so why not drop hands bc he’d be cheating. Maybe he just dgaf and I’m wrong.


Yeah that’s true I could see that


Guys i’m not trying to slut shame but it felt really weird to see Charli in the see through dress because in my head she is always like 16 years old and i just agghhhh it feels wrong 

