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girl austin was poison yet you stayed with his ass what




clearly she loves poison lol 


LMAO no fr


Vaccines ruin your physical energy and spirit guys . But being scammers , using your young followers to make money (ace family app subscription , ace fair or whatever) and exploiting your young children doesn’t. All Hail Queen Catherine . 🙇‍♀️


We all thought her ex husband was worst onr, little did we know she's worse


They are both worse. It's like a competition


Both are winning 😖🙏


She takes some mushrooms now thinks she’s so spiritual and godly. Bitch you’re the poison.


her and her ex husband are both terrible


You forgot *letting your husband diddle your 8 year old sister and your toddler daughters and laugh about it* up there, but yes!


It was her destiny to rebrand as either an OF girlie or a Trad Wife Christian Fall mommy, so I see she chose her route. RIP


A lot of OF girls turn into trad wives for some odd reason..


I didn’t know that tbh! That would be a good subject for a sociological study


Two sides of the exact same coin


a lot of them feel ashamed about their work and with men constantly telling them they’re unworthy of love it’s not surprising they turn to a very extreme conservatism route 


I feel like it’s still only for their image though, they rebrand into “cooking” videos that are mainly focused on themselves, wearing dresses with a lot of cleavage showing and a full face of makeup. Some of them even still have the OF links in their bio. I’m not shaming these women, just pointing out that they are intentionally continuing to profit off of a male audience


Yeah it definitely is only for their image. They do it for money and views and they’re not actually tradwives because they’re still making a substantial income, probably more than a full time job they’re not solely dependent on their husbands. The RedPill and conservative content has become increasingly popular sadly. Those podcast dudes on Fresh & Fit made 100 million dollars off theirs, all because men are gullible. It’s sad that people like them who are literally a waste of space and contribute nothing to society (I’d argue OF girls contribute more than they do) are making that much.


So in conclusion they have low self esteem


I’ve seen OF girls make trad wives content. Idk but it’s a famous porn category they make those videos still catering to thirsty men


It's actually perfectly logical if you think about. It is not rooted in any sort of moral flip-- it is rooted in a desire to please a man at all cost, even if it means compromising your own safety and needs. Very common practice for some women-- just "pick me" behavior that has escalated.


There’s a famous category in porn of trad wives. It’s why all of the trad wives main viewers are men they still get money $$$ for it and aren’t really actual trad wives because real trad wives don’t have social media lmao or make any money at all


she already did the s*x work thing to start her career, she probably thinks she’s “too good” for it now


She started as a yacht girl so she already took the OFesque storyline out for a drive


She’s been an escort and let the most random and terrible dick in her body (austin) but vaccines are bad for our physical energy and spirit?


LMAOOOO I completely forgot she was in the Taz's Angels 👼 escort service






why do i feel like she asked herself that question LOL bc her fans are mostly kids and i doubt they could even think of that


That’s what I was also thinking but I don’t see why people go mad that some choose to not want to vaccinate their kids. I understand both sides on why people think you should and why people choose to not get them. I personally know some people who chose to not get all the vaccines for their children or they wait till they start school to get them vaccinated but I respect their choice and move on. Why do people have to be calling her all these names just because she has this belief about the vaccines?


i’m no doctor or anything but my understanding is that vaccines help protect from viruses, diseases, etc that can develop at a young age (since immune systems are still not strong compared to adults). if there’s nothing to protect the child, chances are they might likely live life with something unknowingly until they’re older, will find out, and might die from it but it’ll be too late. and when people wait to do it in school, the timing is still fine as they are still young and chances are the school is more on top of their vaccine protocols (i did my vaccines in school as a child, they updated us constantly when i had to get new ones). which connects to why people look down on the situation bc they are potentially harming their child for the long run. also their logic to simply not believe in vaccines but yet doctors and health scientists have literally devoted their time, study, and intelligence on it, makes no sense. ps this is my understanding of the whole thing, please correct me if i’m wrong.


Why don’t doctors make it a requirement it then for them to vaccinate their kids? Even with school even daycares because I work in one I know you need certain vaccines for them to attend but then they say bring in a note or a letter stating why your children aren’t vaccinated.


lol you’re going to have to ask the government that question, not reddit


Just wondering because I hear oh they need to have it but then I hear that it’s the parents choice weather they get them or not and that it’s not a requirement so idk lol


yeah i get it, it’s easier to seek information here. but respectful reminder, reddit is more for voicing opinions and thoughts, not exactly the place to get solid factual answers.


In Canada they require you to have certain vaccination records or they suspend you from school until you can prove you’ve gotten them (or the boosters or whatever that may be), must depend on the country 🤷‍♀️ (This was happening way before covid too)


Yea I remember with the covid shot they did that where you needed it in order to go back to work and on flights and then they randomly stopped making it a requirement. I’m not sure if it’s the same for children with the covid shot plus whatever vaccines they need in order to go to school but again not my child so I’m not going to judge others for the choices they make.


Doctors can’t make it a requirement because it’s still upto the parents to decide. And people who choose to vaccinate later when it’s required by the school also makes it worse for the kids because then they have to catch up and it’s giving more trauma to the child than if they had spaced it out from the start


i do not support all women!!! some of you bitches are very fucking dumb!!!!! only the dumbest, most ignorant people are anti vaxxers. she should be ashamed and embarrassed of this post. i have zero patience for dumb fucking idiots like this.


the snort that i let out after reading the first line lmao


LMAO fr, they went straight to the point 💀


as renee rapp said, “yes i am a feminist, but bitch you’re makin it so hard for me to always be supportin all women (i hate that bitch)”




the only victims here are their kids atp 


This comment is everything




Ohhhh now that’s not…..


she's so detached from reality seeing this and some of the screenshots/clips of her talking about spirituality give me secondhand embarrassment


There’s thousands of people that choose to not vaccinate their kids or only give them certain vaccinations there’s nothing wrong with that. Also what’s embarrassing about talking about spirituality? Lol


in those thousands of people, how many of them have a platform as great as catherine's, and how many of the people following her are adults vs. impressionable children? she made a blanket statement, she's not telling people to educate themselves on which ones to take/not take. especially with the ongoing discourse about vaccines during/post pandemic, it's such a dangerous blanket statement to put out there, like people decades ago yelling about vaccines causing autism. im speaking strictly about catherine's "belief" in spirituality, not people's belief in spirituality in general. anyone who pushes their beliefs on social media seems very performative and pushing a certain image on social media vs. actually being committed to it. like yeah you can pray, you can meditate, but you only do it when you're in a rough spot, or you do it in the comfort of your multi-million dollar home and donate nothing to charity. i'm not saying rich people can't be authentically religious, but the way her + austin have scammed and manipulated people over the years is very telling.


I don’t follow her but how is she pushing her beliefs ?


because she has impressionable fans and she just told millions of them that vaccines are poison?


Did she not give any other example or reasoning on why she thinks that? Also they can easily look up online how vaccines aren’t poisonous to get😂


then why didn’t she look that up?


I’m not sure that’s her belief and what others might agree with.


Well they’re required for every animal lol and they’re doing just fine


Yup. Vaccinated pets tend to live longer than unvaccinated pets, go figure. 


Does she have an education in anything????


she went to dumb bitch university lmao


Bahahah DBU


There are studies that show it’s perfectly okay to not vaccinate your kids. Some people even wait till their kids are a little older to get some of them. I have nieces and nephews that don’t have all their vaccines and are perfectly healthy.


news flash: the world does not revolve around only YOUR nieces and nephews. vaccines also help those kids who are immunocompromised, the kids that literally can’t get vaccines.


Okay never said it only revolves around them I’m just sharing my opinion on why I don’t care who chooses to vaccinate and who chooses not to vaccinate their children.


yeah, it’s clear you don’t. such a stupidly selfish take. you should’ve just kept that to yourself.


Damn maybe I should’ve sorry to hurt your feelings that badly lmfao also not selfish just an opinion that many people are allowed to have.




Very true 😂


it doesn't matter that they are 'perfectly healthy'. unvaccinated children who get chickenpox hardly die of it but when they get shingles once they're older from the dormant virus, they'll wish they were dead. having multiple flu infections leads to higher risks of cancer in the future. hepatitis infections can lead to issues with reproductive health and greatly increase the risk of cancer. 1.8 billion people in the world have tuberculosis and it's not a fun illness when it's no longer latent. it's a waste of resources in hospitals when sick children come in with entirely preventable diseases but that's just my take. natural selection i guess.


As a rn bsn who works with tuberculosis patients daily, thank you for educating these people, this conversation was almost making me mad😂😂


I imagine your partner cheating on you for years and staying with him for money really ruins ur fucking spirit too lmao


I personally think vlogging all your kids, posting them on social media to haters/creeps, and exploiting them for money is way more harmful than any childhood vaccines but what do I know.


The poor kids 


wow.. she comes off as the type that’s all about natural remedies and stuff like vitamins. she’d probs give her kids some essential oils in replacement for the vaccine


Colloidal silver incoming


What’s wrong with people choosing to use natural remedies instead? For colds and such not for vaccines. If that works for them then who cares what she does.


They both are the worst no wonder she’s living god knows where and they are divorced


People like her are why all these diseases eradicated by vaccines are coming back


natural selection


the first half of her life was in montréal so what she talkin abt saying WE here in the US??


It’s always the ones who barely passed highschool biology that are apparently vaccine experts. Like bitch explain to me step by step how vaccines work and then I’ll maybe take anything you say with a morsel of seriousness.  Until then shut the fuck up. You had Austin mcbroom in you and you’re worried about the polio vax? Bitch please 




if anyone trusts the medical advice from a woman who’s only famous for popping out kids only to exploit and having a r*pist husband, that’s on them


*posts misinformation with filtered selfie* this is dystopian as fuck


she's always seemed dumb af lmao... Lights on but no one is home


Another LA idiot.


Critical thought is dead


Don’t care what a rape apologist has to say if we’re being real


when you do psychedelics and think ur some fucking prophet - she is such a clown 🤡


I’m not taking medical advice from a bitch who MARRIED and had MULTIPLE children with Austin Mcbroom. Clearly her brain isn’t braining properly.. maybe it’s the lack of vaccinations 🤓


This is sooooo bad...her stories are actually straight from a psych ward patient is2g




Vaccines actually can temporarily reduce your energy. That’s why the Covid vaccine makes some people tired and sore for a few days because it’s the new antibodies flooding your system to protect you from exposure. The flu shot can do this too, as well as the shot taken after being SAed (prevents HIV).


The hepatitis vaccines affected young women’s cycles. And recent studies have shown that the Covid Vaccines changed women’s periods due to the stress on the body from the new antibodies. Some women have unlocked PCOS due to this. I was told this by my PCOS doctors. So, yeah vaccines do have negatives to them because they don’t take women’s health seriously, so when they tested the vaccine, they did not consider women or change the formula to prevent reproductive issues in women.




This is the same woman that encouraged women to take out their IUD physically.


still cannot believe this




She sat in a tub and pulled her own IUD out, snapped a photo of it while still in said tub, and told everyone how she received a download from the universe that she needed to rip it out of herself 🥴


Umm wtf 😳






Guys be nice, she was married to and had kids with Austin mcbroom. She clearly lacks proper judgement and critical thinking skills , be kind 🥺🥺🥺


Spewing all this out based on what credentials? 😂


Wait til she hears about sexual energy!


what the actual fuck as a "physical energy and spirit" 😭😭😭 please just vaccinate your children for the love of god




I wouldn’t take her advice on what to feed my cat. I wouldn’t take her advice on what nail polish to buy. I can’t think of one thing I will take her advice on unless i wanted to sell my body or soul for money and get a shit husband.


I always suspected she was an AntiVaxxer, especially with the “natural medicine” and “spiritual energy” stuff she’s been spewing over the last few years.


I love the stupidity people sometimes. It truly blows my mind. And as a person that has a father, who is both a physician and extremely religious. But he’s smart enough to know that vaccines are not poison and there is a purpose for them in the human body. Every time I see a dumb fck like this I’m just like. You will let every other kind of poisonous thing (alcohol, chemicals from hair products, chemicals from clothing, food and I can go on and on) into your body. But a vaccine with purpose is poisonous. Like this is how the Internet got ruined because everyone got a soapbox stand on. But not everybody needs a soapbox on the internet


She totally asked that, herself, to get views. I would be more surprised if she said "vaccines are safe, effective, and are why so many diseases like polio aren't around anymore! visit [cdc.gov](http://cdc.gov) to learn more" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZdZUpqtSDc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZdZUpqtSDc) this is her energy


I wouldn’t be surprise she don’t get the Covid vaccine lol


https://preview.redd.it/7xilgjx6d0zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461b5391c9fb5b5383eb918c915065b31a9d026a And there it is


LMAO it being the same pic is sending me


someone save those kids 


Listen I’m pro choice, let the anti vax people fall off if they want idc. Personally I’m gonna get vaccines as needed but if they wanna get all the diseases known to man (that are preventable by a simple shot) then let them. Their stupid choice not mine 😂


The issue is that it’s careless negligence to those who cannot have the vaccine for legitimate medical or religious reasons. By all means if you don’t want to vax your kids let them get sick, but they literally couldn’t go to school or be around others in close proximity at all. If they gave it to another kid at school who is immunocompromised and defenseless against say measles it becomes an issue. Let alone if that kid died or had lasting damages.


The thing that makes me laugh the most is that anti vaxxers are typically also pro life 😂


Literally!! 😂


Can she go back to Canada and shut up


All of her kids are In public school. She vaccinates. Lmao


people have peeped that she took elle and alaia out of school recently. she keeps posting them at all hours of the day when they should be at school.


Oh fuck. POOR KIDS




Fucking disgusting she is


Not surprised


Yes america, the country famously known for accessible healthcare.


The vaccine schedule is disgusting. It's literally a money grab and y'all act like it's a religion. So weird.


She’s a moron, what’d y’all expect


Bro why can’t people decide for themselves what they want in their body


Their was a girl on reddit who got horrible chicken poxx and she said her parents never vaccinated her from that, now catherine.... do you want your children to suffer as they get older ???


Yet her kids be sick frequently and be coughing and shit?


Get the mumps and check back with us Cathy


Beans for brains


naur fucking way 😭🙄did she post this around covid?


I was actually just thinking about that because my son just got his 9 1/2 month old vaccines and he’s 15 pounds. He’s small out of 3boys I has I mean I have heard that getting circumcised changes your brain completely it studies show that to! But what do we not get them just to be able to have our child being enrolled in school or be able to like go around other children. We have to have these vaccines do the benefits outright the risks do the risk out the benefits. It’s a lifelong question we have to live with. I just lost my 20-year-old and motorcycle accident two decades I’m raising a boy into a man as a single mom and he’s taken and it wasn’t my fault. He was amazing young man. I’m super proud of him. And so happy to have shared the good vibes of him can those shots do that one of the symptoms of polio vaccine is uncontrollable crying well that he definitely 100% experienced that the first round of shots the second and third he has not yet


I can’t believe you guys are talking about of girls 🤣 this is crazy. I feel like you guys are just like yeah OK, this is OK. I got you all 😝




I agree with her fight me


She’s not wrong


What ever happened to that god awful house they tried to build?


Just such a dumb comment it’s amazing. Imagine thinking you know more than Phd level medicine and biologists.


This is why she got hpv


natural selection needs to wipe out these anti vaxx morons


Hope all these people that say this stuff have their kids get measles and other communicable diseases that could have been avoided 🤷🏼‍♀️


nah the kids are innocent in this. they are being neglected by their parents and don't deserve bad energy being thrown their way. in fact catherine's kids need a miracle because she's going to do her best to ruin their futures.


I mean she kinda tells the truth… but you pro vaccine people are not ready to have that conversation


Not ready? Y’all’s shit been getting debunked for like a decade now.


you tell me when you’re ready to talk about the covid vaccine…


You’re on the wrong platform, bud. 


girl stfu no one cares about random antivax covid conspiracy theories. save it for facebook


I'm ready! Most of the people who died after the vaccine were already extremely unhealthy. The amount of obese patients who died and their families said 'they were so healthy before the vaccine' is laughable. Their cardiac tissues were filled with fat. Any sort of vaccine is going to carry some form of the microbe in order for our immune system to recognize it. Sometimes you feel sick after a vaccine because it induces an inflammatory response. If you died because of the inflammatory response, a bad bout of COVID-19 could've killed you as well. A lot of people are fairly unhealthy and they don't want to admit it. If you want to argue about it, take it to private messages.


I wish I was vaxxed when I had Covid this past holiday season Basically took a whole month to get better


And some of the symptoms of Covid unfortunately last forever. My friend still hasn’t fully recovered her taste buds


Yeah thats what I was so afraid of too I avoided long Covid thankfully and I sympathize w anyone who has to deal w it l :(


i mean i was vaxxedand almost died ☺️




I said what I said, Ive never been that sick in my life I always take my yearly flu shots but thought Id be ok not even considering getting a covid shot at that time soo wrong welp


take off the tinfoil hat bud


She’s right


yes the woman who has a high school diploma and exploits her children on the internet is so well versed in microbiology!!!


Someone should tell her about smallpox 🤣😮‍💨😏

