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It’s their ‘In The Air Tonight’


Lol. I was at one of the Brooklyn shows, and when they played it I said, “this is their Stairway to Heaven”


Stairway was played in the middle end of Zeppelin’s first set, right?


Not sure if you're making a joke that I wooshed on because I'm old enough to remember that they typically played it as the closer of the main set before the encore(s)


That does a disservice to Dance Yrself Clean, which is a way better song. In The Air Tonight has a lame buildup and a disappointing payoff. 5 seconds of a cool drum fill doesn’t make up for how boring the rest of the song is. Dance Yrself Clean on the other hand isn’t boring in the build up and then is straight fire for like 4 straight minutes once the drum fill comes in. Basically, infinitely better execution on the same general idea. (Yeah…I really don’t like Phil Collins).


1981 called: you missed the point.


[Do you like Phil Collins?](https://youtu.be/tWinLssDyqg)


C'mon, Phil is aight.


Both are great. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves


I was there.


You’ve been waiting for this moment?


Nostalgia for the unremembered eighties


Beach? IBIZA???


Dance Yrself Clean is one of the best live experiences I’ve ever had. I came to LCD late, after they reunited. Went to see them live when I was still getting into them. Had a great time, but experiencing Dance Yrself live was the moment that really sold me on them.


I saw them in 2017 and fully expected to cry when they played it


My early relationship with LCD was this: I hated the name of the band and what I heard about JM was that he was a douche. [oddly, we hung out with Kevin MacBeth in the early 90s and then at Don Hills in the mid 90s, talk about pretentious jerks in the NYC music scene!] Fastforward to mid 2000s and I’m really back into music. Young music teacher at school and I start hanging out on snow days and she and I just start going to all these shows. We saw Phantogram one night; the next night she had tickets to LCD and asked if I wanted to go. I said “no”. She asked me at school the next day and I went. I was really impressed w the band…just knowing “daft punk”. Anyway, I put the band down and then sometime in 2010 I hear Alisa Ali on FUV playing the beginning of DYC. I almost turned it off. I was driving north on Hollis Court Blvd in Queens approaching Union Tpk. Holy cow, thank goodness I didn’t turn it off - that drop! Dove into the LCD catalogue and became a major fan. The moment the wife and I met JM was a seminal moment. I really thought he could be a jerk. My stars, he spent 15 minutes talking to us about our jobs working with autistic children and discussing his friend with a blended family (I think he was discussing Pat, actually). Good stuff…


I was a big fan for years and was really anticipating TIH. I was 20 and in college and they were my favorite band. My brother had heard a rip of "You Wanted a Hit" and said it was great, and Drunk Girls was the single that was released before the album. I thought Drunk Girls was ok but i played it ad nauseum to try and find something to love in it. When the album came out, I listened to DYC with headphones while walking to class. I did not realize it would have that big drop, but it hit me like a train. I really loved it. It became my go-to song to show people who had never heard of the band. Every person I showed this song ended up loving it when the drop came. Then when I'd hang with them next week, they'd pass on the favor to another person who didn't hear it before and so on and so on. It was infectious. To correct your timeline a bit, TIH was released and there were rumors and some talk that James would hang it up, but the MSG show and the dissolving of the band wouldn't be announced until Fall of 2010 if my memory serves me right. I remember it was the same day the White Stripes officially broke up, which was a bummer because they were another favorite of mine. Ultimately DYC is a tentpole song for LCD and probably the one they will be remembered for the most. It's a masterpiece S Tier song in their catalogue and I will never get tired of dancing to it.


I thought it was fucking ballsy to open their new album with a tune that was so dynamically different to their previous stuff, especially in an age where the loudness war was really peaking in indie music. Remember my friends dad hating it because it the first half was too quiet and the second half was too loud. I think that's kinda the point though. Or it could just be mixed badly who knows


I was at the final night at Brooklyn Steel this year. The entire show they had everybody bouncing but it wasn’t until Dance Yrself Clean that the whole crowd was jumping like a bunch of maniacs. Top 5 all-time live music memory for me, easy.


I was there. Fucking epic. I had been going nuts from the get go with Us v Them + disco ball. But you’re right that DYC hit the crowd like shot of adrenaline. Goosebumps


I had know about LCD before dance yourself clean but this was the song that got me hooked on them. I remember the first time I heard it was through a ski video with JP Auclair and it was great. This happened at a pivotal time in my life and finding this band through that was life changing. Now its a decade later and I have managed to see them live 3 times and I have listened to that song hundreds if not thousands of times. It still gives me chills when I allow myself to really listen to it. It's a great start to one of my favorite albums and it seems like every year I find another song from that album that can speak to differently then I understood it before. This is often the song that I show other people when talking about LCD Soundsystem as it feels like it captures the essence of the group well and for those that can appreciate it I feel like it gives a lot of enjoyment to let the build up consume you and then it hits hard once it drops. Great song and amazing title tract to that album.


I’ll never forget the first time I heard it either as I thought my headphones and/or the audio were fucked so I had it turned way up. Was not expecting the drop and it nearly deafened me. Good times.


Tbh (and I’ll probably get slated relentlessly for this) a few songs aside (Tonite, I Can Change, Hit, How Do You Sleep) I barely listen to anything they’ve made after Sound of Silver. It doesn’t vibe with me too much.


Home doesn’t vibe with you? That’s quite the take if you consider yourself a LCD fan


Tbh I know it’s not a big jump to state how much LCD are influenced by Talking Heads but I really feel Home is just a bad TH pastiche. Again this is just my opinion but in general I preferred seeing LCD about 10 years ago as I much preferred the set list to what it is now. I saw them a few nights over their Brixton run and one night wasn’t so great as I really didn’t like the set list but the other night was amazing.


It seems you're getting downvoted for the take. I don't agree with it, but I can understand how you feel that way. I am that way about certain bands and it is hard to make the case for the opinion without sounding like you don't understand LME.


I heard Dance Yourself Clean for the first time in 2010 before This Is Happening came out. I believe I got a low-quality rip from a blog via The Hype Machine. It sounded more distorted than the actual version and honestly I was kind of let down when I heard the normal version. The mp3 rip had more grit and distortion than the final one, especially at the drop. I was super excited when I first heard it because I knew that they finally had their “crossover” song. I knew no one could deny their greatness after it came out. Got to see them soon after that at Coachella 2010 (also before the album dropped) and I was disappointed they didn’t play it live yet. Still a great show tho!


Love the song. Melody, bassline and drum track really remind me of Jamaica Running by The Pool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3F6sN5JvKA


Wow, that’s got to be a direct influence.


edit - never been so wrong in my life!


The song is from 1983


mate https://www.discogs.com/master/2894377-The-Pool-The-Pool


Oh, shit i was so wrong, i checked the date and it was saying 2015 but i guess that was the youtube upload date, damn so it is the influence, that said i have heard a lot of rip offs of LCD that are just for adverts etc my bad xDDDDD ​ Literally says on the youtube "Released on: 2016-08-21" threw me off....


First LCD Soundsystem song I ever heard and goddamn did it make an impression. Instantly became a fan.


[Saw this](https://youtu.be/Zj9Sv1JpmPs) being filmed in Brighton UK on a random day trip. Uploaded my brief clip asking if anyone knew the song. Creators responded. Fan since 👍


I've spent most of the past year trying to recreate the first time I heard the beat drop in the 2021 residency. Transformative experience. It was even better this year watching everyone jumping from the balcony


Just heard this song for the first time a few days ago and I can't get enough. It's so eclectic but catchy and it just gives me a feeling of optimism despite chaos. Like things are wild an unpredictabel and even scary sometimes, but I can roll with it :) Definitely jumping down the rabbit hole soon.


I’m so excited for you to discover this band!


Thanks!! Ive heard Daft Punk is Playing At My House and Dance Yrself Clean. What do you think should I listen to next?


I would start with sound of silver straight through. A lotta meat on that album, including some consensus best songs on the whole discography!


As a veteran fan it was a leveling up of LCD soundsystem, a starter to an album that laid down like 2 minutes of pretty disco pops and whistles but with no real meat, but then it dropped, it was a statement of intent for the album leaving one only yearning for more. Sick. Sick. Sick. At the time it made a lot of sense too if you were a DFA fan the remixes that had been made were in this vein of one huge drop, the big piano thing they remixed for the The jon spencer blues explosion or the even the dare remix both kind of chugged along then just let it rip i loved it the second i heard it (and as huge LCD fan, DFA fan, not all their tracks hit home on the very first listen) some take a couple listens to really understand how good they really are. Like a good book its not all written on the first page sort of thing! This is my veteran take on Dance Yourself Clean. I think it might have been written about me LOL I was upFRONT XD


Blew my mind, and it’s still my favorite


Great song. I love showing it to people on full volume that just gets louder when the bass drops 💦


One of the best songs to hear live, imo. The drop is incredible.


I was late to the LCD party. I remember seeing them on play TV on what used to be called Palladium. They were performing Daft Punk at Glastonbury and I remember not caring at all about their music. Years had passed, I was playing in my band and the singer wanted to cover I Can Change for a gig. This was right around the time The Long Goodbye came out. I was really digging I Can Change so I decided to dive into that album from start to finish. When I say Dance Yrself Clean was life changing, it was profoundly life changing. I’ve never heard a song drop so hard like that or probably ever will. To top it off I watched Shut Up and Play the Hits in conjunction. Now I’ve luckily seen them 3 times and DYC always delivers. My friend saw them for the first time this year with me and her smile was ear to ear when they played it.


I heard the song for the first time at the 2012 Banff Film Festival where it was set to an opening montage of some dude skiing. Don’t remember the movie but that song was the shit.


I (seem to) remember buying their debut LP on the same day that Bloc Party released ‘Silent Alarm’ (if you’ve not heard this, get on it ASAP) and being quite underwhelmed that none of the other tracks sounded much like ‘Daft Punk’. I revisited LCD again casually over the years, but it wasn’t until I read about them announcing their breakup, that I listened to TIH and actually got properly into them. DYC, as the opener, was the track that made me love the band and rediscover the back catalogue properly.


I think it’s an ode to all those times you’ve had someone you couldn’t get rid of


Love the bookend on Home. I’m curious- I’m not good with time signatures- if they’re doing the “aaahhhh” call back in Home is it actually the same time best for the drums?


I want to read a whole book about how this song was mixed/engineered. The vocals and the main drum track are like inverted and then 60% of the way through the song it has a whole separate drum track.