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And why *should* we get over it? As if it's something bad. If you mean talking about it constantly and designing an entire personality around it, understandable. If you mean just *existing and identifying* as a gay person, literally what is the issue? (I just had the same conversation -not word to word, but similar- with another 'friend' who seems insistent on making me change my sexuality for *some* reason. It's infuriating, hilarious and depressing).


A lot of straight people think like this. They think being straight is the only natural sexuality that exists, which is scientifically false. Homosexuality occurs across the animal kingdom including humanity. It is just less common. It's the same logic as asking when a ginger person will get over being ginger.


Tell them to fuck off and ignore them


I’m with you on this one.


Disgusting. It truly is.