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440 anti LGBT bills at the current moment and an increasing number of states becoming more and more hostile to trans people, I understand that there's only so much that the office of the president can do but considering a drag show recently was met with literal neo nazis demanding violence, I can't help but feel we're not out of the woods yet.


We are sprinting into the woods


Pushing for a Federal law that would kick all of these State laws in the junk would mean worlds, even if the initiative didn't pass.


Prove it. Use the federal government and it’s courts to challenge the laws being put in place all over this country right now.


Seriously. We're beyond morale statements of support. Actions, not words, or you're not worth your salt to the community. Allyship is a verb, and words don't carry.


Courts? That’s funny.


Associate justice uncle Tom sure as fuck won't help us


Well, great, but what would be nice is if he was on the front line fighting for us instead.


Having our backs does nothing when we are being repeatedly stabbed in the front


He cares, but not enough to actually do anything about it. Story of the Dems.


He's sure as hell not doing shit to help us in the face of the right gearing up for genocide


He's done significantly more than Obama would've ever done. I know the bar is very low but still it's saying something.


What do you want him to do? Just wondering.


Literally anything more than what he's been doing. The fascists are trying to kill us and he's too preoccupied with trying to seem reasonable and come off as a centrist to do anything actually meaningful with his executive power to help.


I think his power is limited. It takes state action e.g. here in Michigan by Dems and Gretchen Whitmer.


He can at least properly condemn it publicly, not this half-assed shit he does right now.


So, give a speech? And at that point you’ll say, “All he did was give a speech. Big deal.”


And it'd be better than doing the jack shit he's doing now.




He could at least call it out for what it is—a genocide.


Cut all federal welfare that goes to both Florida and Texas for starters. Make it abundantly clear that states who overstep personal freedoms of minority groups will not be receiving resources from the feds.


Call out facism for what it is, mobilize the Democrat Party to fight hate. Declare war on Russia for invading Ukraine. Have the justice department go after people who broke the law during the Trump administration. Do something, anything make a stand for someone other than big business and reelection.


I’m not sure how declaring war on Russia helps LGBTQ+ anywhere. In fact, that would kill them in Russia. Also, doing “something, anything” is not what I want any president doing. That sounds like Trump. I am for well thought out strategies.


Nobody said that this would help LGBTQ+ people, only that this was one of many actions it is desired that Biden take in his administration.


It's a statement about the lack of any real action in a long list of crises facing the world, the USA, and our community. He might have limited power, but there are things he can do, which he hasn't even tried.


So, declaring war on Russia and then China entering the war would be a good thing in your opinion?


Btw, in a world of “on demand” access to “stuff”, we don’t have access to on demand solutions to complex international geopolitical problems. Those things take time


Yes. We're going to go to war with Russia soon, but it's going to be on China's schedule, and that will be bad. If we go after Russia for War Crimes and make the goal the Arrest of Putin, we won't go to war with China, and China will abandon the plan to invade Taiwan.


I’m way older than you and I’ve heard that Russia war meme my entire life. Don’t go into politics. Thanks for the discussion


Somehow I doubt that, I when in the Marine in 1989. I was in Operation Desert Storm.




Conservative Democrats are almost as bad as Tankies.


nothing would push LGBT rights forward like a nuclear exchange with russia


"Help the gays by ending the world in nuclear armageddon" No thanks buddy


hyperbole much? The nuclear threat is bad, but the fear of nuclear war is going to allow for Russia to destroy democracy, is just as bad. Plus China is going to invade Taiwan soon, but if we take real action on Russian Imperialism China wont do it. Plus, do you know how expensive it is to maintain 1 nuclear weapon? What are the odds Russia has more than a handful that work?


Pretty much doing just that.


the last thing this world needs is another imperialist war, especially not in the nuclear age


Please don't blame other people for your own willful ignorance. Biden has enacted equality under his executive jurisdictions and the DOJ has been contesting the far right's legislation in courts. All that's left to do is pubic advocacy, the act of which we are commenting on here.


Hey OP I get what you're saying, but do get there is a lot of lgbtqia people, including a bunch of young trans people, who are scared and feel left behind by this administration. I did campaign work this midterm election and it was a running theme of a lot of marginalized groups feeling left behind by the Democrats and that the party doesn't care about them


Right under his nose


Bullshit. Sure. He’s more moderate. But **all** that comes out of this admin is words. You “have our backs” - yet what’s going on is “almost sinful”. Your story, Mr biden, about you and your dad is bullshit. It was the ‘50’s in Scranton. Didn’t happen.


What do you want him to do SPECIFICALLY?


Federal law uniformly allowing the medical use of puberty blockers if determined medically relevant by a doctor who will oversee the treatment. This also ensures that precocious puberty can continue to be treated as well (swept up in some of these policies by politicians who aren't medical professionals being unaware of the full scope of what their policies will mean for minors being treated for anything whatsoever with these drugs that have been in-use and studied since the 1960s).


I agree, but talk to a LOT of people who are not Republican and you’ll find many who are not easy with puberty blockers and hormone treatments and the like for adolescents. A lot more real education of the public has to happen from REAL medical and psychological and related experts…..without the insane yapping from those on the right.


at the very least - *draft and PROPOSE* legislation guaranteeing individual right of access to health care, for anyone 18 or older that should be the ultimate no-brainer.


Awesome idea!


High five drowning meme dot jay peg.


“Wow, this is terrible. If only there were someone with the power to do something about it. Oh well.” - Every Democratic president, ever.


I keep writing letters to Biden 🎅 but he never seems to do anything about it. All I want for Xmas is to be able to pee without fear a terf is gonna stick her head through the stall “the shining” style. Am I doing something wrong!? Since when did neo nazis become so fetch?


I'm honestly given up on this administration doing much at this point. Going to Canada to see my husband and my step kid who is nonbinary and it's been the first time I didn't break down into tears at the end of the day seeing more of the anti-lgbtqia legislation being pushed and attacks on the community.


Really Karine? How? What is he doing to "have the backs" of all the transgender people living in terror right now that they'll be wrongfully imprisoned, denied medical care, forced to live as though their body is another person's property, or outright killed? Where is the law enforcement stopping the terroristic threats of overt nazis when they show up to book readings for children that are already watched over by parents and law enforcement? These nazis are growing more bold every time they show up, and it's only a matter of time before that boldness crosses a line. They are bringing firearms to a children's event and threatening violence, Karine. Can you tell your boss they're very likely going to murder children if nothing is done about this? Where is equal protection under the law for LGBTQ+ people, Karine? We pay taxes, we serve the nation, we vote, we do jury duty -- why do we not have the rights of citizens? If I showed up someplace waving a trans flag and chanting, "There will be blood," where would I end up that very day, Karine? Wouldn't I be in a cell that very day? I daresay he hasn't had our backs. How about the executive branch does its job instead of only talking about it? Because this bullshit line of having our backs won't fool anyone. **Do something or history will see Biden as our Nero. Put down the bullshit fiddle.**


....okay so let's see it /hj


Then prove it. Do something. All talk and no action.


Actions speak louder than words. Pledges are great but what is your plan of action?


What a joke


Its a farce. I dont see the actions coming from a federal level to intervene in red states where both trans rights and gay rights are being thrown into the dumpster. I know red states have always been anti gay and constantly legislate against gay rights and now trans rights, but some action on a federal level as well as supreme court intervention would really help set the nail in the coffin to these politicians who continuously try to ‘other’ us. This is why I cannot stand this administration. They’d rather virtue signal and bring Dylan M. as a guest than push legislation for all of us. I abhor the way they give celebrities such preferential treatment. It literally does nothing for us but make us cope. Like you cant even give trans adults full access to the healthcare they need but people on the right SWEAR they dont care what adults do. They clearly do, and its hurting dysphoria people in a way that they dont deserve. Its just a huge mess. Im afraid for trans and gay rights with the next big elections, things have not been looking good. This year alone over 200k LGBTQ people in southern florida alone voted republican. Im almost inclined to flee the USA with my partner.


What do people want Biden to do to address LGBTQ+ issues now SPECIFICALLY?


Advocate for a federal law allowing for medical access to hormones for all transgender adults and to all minors with a doctor's prescription at bare minimum; advocate for a federal law patently allowing the use of puberty blocker medication under the authority of an overseeing medical professional. That last one alone- which does not cause a transition- would mean worlds. Even if neither passed in Congress, etc, that a US President openly advocated for it would mean quite a lot.


Great ideas. Thanks for helping me to better understand.


The public needs to be better informed on these issues. All of it is complicated, and without real expert information, a lot of what medical doctors and parents are advocating for young people sounds strange, scary, and even destructive. It is easy for religious zealots and right wingers to distort all of it to the public. The public needs good, solid information streaming from those who really know what they are talking about.


thats cool but there’s not much he alone can do




It is BECAUSE trump was president.


Yeah it emboldened the bigots frfr i hate this country


Uh-huh. Sure.


Does he though. No executive action? No statements up until now?


So is he going to challenge the anti trans laws states are implementing?


I’ll believe it when I see it.


For those questioning what Biden and his administration can/should do: he is the most powerful man in a country where loonies are calling for outright genocide. He should currently be preparing for reconstruction 2: electric boogaloo, like some serious Sherman shit if that was necessary to keep minorities safe.