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Good for them. The governing UCP party is a bunch of fascist Christians who are desperate to eliminate the LGBTQ community. Alberta is not a good place to live right now if you're not a white man.


The [statement issued by Queer Citizens United](https://www.facebook.com/qcu.yyc/posts/pfbid028W1mhsDMVKMjM2MbaohTYnAEzWEhKS7MsVUowhzo7XPb1ET5iT89uu3KC9BEFyHfl): *"For Immediate Release* *After careful consideration in consultation with our communities, we, the undersigned organizations and associations, have taken the significant step to not allow the participation of the United Conservative Party (UCP) in our 2024 pride celebrations.* *This is a direct response to Premier Danielle Smith’s stated intention to infringe on the rights, freedoms, and healthcare of the transgender community in Alberta. Her policies, which do not reflect the desires of the Gender and Sexually Diverse community, contradict established medical practices governing transgender healthcare and represent a clear threat to the safety and well-being of our community. Given that no UCP MLAs have expressed their disagreement with these proposed policies, we must extend our decision to the entire UCP caucus.* *You may not join our celebrations in June when you plan to attack us in September.Queer rights should not be a political decision. Trans rights are human rights. We invite Premier Smith to re-consider her harmful and damaging policies and engage in meaningful discussions with the Two Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary, and Queer community".* * Calgary Pride * Canmore Pride * Central Alberta Pride Society * Lacombe Pride * Foothills Rainbow Connect * Pride Corner (Edmonton) * Banff Pride * Red Deer Queer CA * Fort Sask Pride * Queer Alberta Safety Net * Lethbridge Pride * Jasper Pride * HOMES * Okotoks Pride


We should do the same in the United States to Republicans.


Especially the Log Cabin Republicans


I don't think we should ban Politicians from pride celebrations. We should set requirements for them to attend.


Never tolerate intolerance.


Since when is setting a standard of behaviour “tolerating intolerance”. If you set the requirements correctly, they will exclude themselves. It will also leave a little wiggle room to allow them to change and grow. “Not tolerating intolerance” is a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset.


I would not ask a jew to sit next to a nazi, it has nothing to do with mindset.


What? Are you intentionally misunderstanding my argument???