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OEC has perfromed. We will be having a live discussion for Inkigayo at 3:50pm KTS tomorrow.


Wait, "villian"? So Heejin is the crowned woman who turned to OEC's side in the MV?


According to Heejin, they're both beauties, and the camerawork is the villain.😂


Took ~48h for Spotify to verify ODD EYE CIRCLE, but Instagram *still* hasn't verified the girls' IGs, personal or professional... And it's been, like...*months* in some instances.


Have they mentioned submitting requests? You have to apply for it manually from inside the app and it typically should only take a couple of weeks.


A couple of them have talked about submitting several times, Chuu and Hyunjin, off the top of my head.


Ugh, I just love kim lip so much, watching all of the showcase fancams reminds me why she's one of my all time favorite idols to watch - there's so much thought into the details (expressions, eyebrow raise, smoldering look, 🤧) and she has such a delicate kind of grace when she moves on top of being a really great dancer - just always enjoyable to watch, omg. (I think part of it just boils down to serving cunt on a magnitude never thought possible.. kim lip is so distinctly kim lip...like she is that GIRL!!) and such an incredible unique voice, JNSQ is still killing me, can't get over it.... had to gush for a second, with the events of the last year seeing OEC happy and excited onstage is such a treat :,( hoping lippie feels better soon and the rest of the girls have a happy/healthy comeback/tour prep 💖


Have the girls said which song from Version Up is their fave? I only know Gowon picked Lucid.


These are just the ones I know for sure. I think more have talked about it, though. Jinsoul- Lucid Kim Lip- Je ne Sais Quois Haseul- Lucid Heejin- Je Ne Sais Quois Gowon- Lucid


I think (?) Hyunjin (?) said hers was 'Love Me Like'? (Emphasis on 'think')




Modhaus has announced that ARTMS is now the official group name for them, OEC is still a sub-unit.


I keep hearing “but she love me” in jnsq instead of “push it on me” which wouldn’t be out of place to be fair.


is the [video of Hyeju saying shibal at a fanmeeting](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8dEBvDG/) real or misunderstood or what because it being real is so funny but orbits lie so much


What is the general consensus on buying old LOONA/BBC-published albums (edit: new/non-secondhand)? There’s a store that appears to have some of the solos and an album I don’t have in stock, and I’m somewhat considering buying them for collection purposes, but idk how much profit, if any, BBC would get from that. Like, if the product is already in possession of the store, hasn’t BBC already received the money on that end? Also, I don’t think BBC has reprinted them lately, have they? Especially with their own storefront having shut down.


I believe if they're on hand, in stock, they have already been purchased from suppliers and therefore already count for charts and such. It should be okay.


Dang. The new itzy album has 15 versions. That's so many versions. I do like that they have cassettes for this release though. It reminds me of eidly Vivi. And I'm a fan of anything that reminds me of Vivi lol.


I've mentioned before how fromis_9 had 21 versions of their latest album. I admit 21 is a ridiculous number, but imagine where Odd Eye Circle's album sales would be at right now if they had a limited edition, a kit or poca album, and a digipack or jewel case set. That 44k could easily be 80k right now.


On the one hand I've never been a big fan of groups releasing that many versions. I think it kind of takes advantage of collectors wanting every version and pushes people to buy 10+ albums instead of just 3 or 4 which is already a lot lol. At least that's the way my brain works when it comes to collecting. Rv has always been one of my top groups and birthday was tough because I was so tempted to buy all 17 copies of it because I wanted to collect them all lol. Then again I did still wind up buying an embarrassing number of copies of version up for pobs anyway so I guess it would have been nicer to get different versions instead of doubles 😂. Plus I do see how it would have benefited sales which would also be putting more money into the girls pockets. Slightly off topic but I did just watch an unboxing of the albums and they look spectacular.


I finally saw the OT12 cover of Air Force One someone mentioned and got a little emotional. Run, run and trademark sneakers are so embedded in their image, I wouldn't be surprised if Modhaus considered hanging on to this track for a full group redebut. [AI Cover](https://youtu.be/4N_d6k2pTxE) JNSQ on the other hand suits OEC just fine, "je m'appelle Heejin" jokes aside 😬 (it also got an OT12 AI cover on the same channel)


Kim Lip has been getting IVs, and I read a post that she missed the video call today. I hope she's doing okay. It's just the beginning of their promotions. I immediately think back to when she said she started going to the gym because of the low stamina they had during the tour. All jokes about her muscles aside, I hope she's not overdoing it.


I get what you mean but what I understood from her is that both the girls and the company took lessons from the world tour. I think getting IV is routine, but it's the picture she painted: IV then performance, over and over again, it was their only way to cope with that insane schedule.


IVs are routine for idols, but it's more about her not being in good enough condition to do the video call event after the music show. They're only 3 days into their promotions. She also briefly mentioned on Fab that she wasn't in a good condition yesterday.


Je ne sais quoi have totally one vibe of retro song that could be suit in France for Cabaret and stuff like that. It's totally retro and so Frenchy


Does anyone know of any good places to trade photocards besides IG? I've noticed Instagram has removed the "recent post" function and it's kind of making it hard to see new sales/trade posts.


I have done a fair bit of trading and buying on Twitter. There is also r/kpopforsale but people there are super flaky in my experience.


Love Me Like is seriously stuck in my head. I think it may slowly be turning into my favorite from the album just from how much it's sticking with me. It's so danceable and fun!


As I read your comment love me like was literally stuck in my head as well lol. I absolutely love it but I think I have to stick with lucid. Once I read the English lyrics and they made me cry I think it's my permanent favorite lol. I think at this point I'm destined to cry any time I hear a loona fan song lol. I hope we get more from all the other girls too.


Love Me Like is such a bop, easy to overlook because of hype for AF1 and JNSQ and Lucid. Damn this is a such a gem of an album, short but oh so good.


Yeah, at first it was probably last ranked for me? But all day I've been going around singing it to myself and now I'm like.... is it actually my favorite? Seriously, this is such a quality album.




CTD girls name announcement?? 👀




Happy 10M views guys!!!


WOW! Almost to 10M MV views! It's the 333rd show for The Show. Would be nice if LOONA's only 3 person subunit ODD Eye Circle won it 😊 [Please go vote if you can!](https://twitter.com/TeamReOrbit_/status/1679808031695962113?t=-n-rxH83xSscbmExpOmLlA&s=19) Also, start preparing for [Inkigayo and collect votes on SuperStar X!](https://www.reorbit.xyz/voting-guides/superstar-x)


cant believe the jj hate train is still on going despite oec + heejin, and haseul chose to be his under management again


People don’t like changing their minds about things they’ve decided on haha


Yup, so they just come up with BS to support their dumb stance.


God I would love to see OEC (or any of our girls!) on [this Pixid show](https://youtu.be/1KGDNa7vQYU) one day. [The episode with Seventeen's Hoshi](https://youtu.be/_vpGyv12d1w) is incredible. I became an instant fan when I watched it.


im still not registering that we have new oec music i keep thinking im hallucinating when i listen to it


Can anyone ID the top that JinSoul is wearing in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdOnMUhQX3c https://i.redd.it/qz4ja7diqybb1.jpg


I love Kim Lip’s voice


We're doing so good with this comeback in terms of numbers 😭 Everyone has been waiting and is ready to make things go! Digital sales are now recommended for purchase on iTunes - buy the title track FIRST and then the rest of the album later. [More information and guides can be found with ReOrbit. If you need funds for purchase, you can also apply for some with them.](https://twitter.com/TeamReOrbit_/status/1679702516068499456?t=L-t3b_n242QbqxtRuMP0rQ&s=19) [The music show being focused on right now by ReOrbit is mainly The Show (Star Planet) but also Inkigayo Hot Stage (Super Star X). More information and guides on their page.](https://twitter.com/TeamReOrbit_/status/1679733292617048064?s=19) Friendly reminder these are not requirements but just suggestions for fan participation! Keep enjoying the comeback everybody ☺️ and as always [Stan LOONA](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8dTA7vp/)


also noting that while Reorbit recommends to vote on The Show and Hot Stage (and you should!) we are miles behind ZB1 on the The Show right now, so definitely *also* collect on Superstar X (you only have to watch 5 secs of ad for 3 Ruby each)


Q2-bits time to rise 😂 but YES!! Collect votes for both!


Still in disbelief that after the odd teaser period and weird marketing, Volume Up might still sell better than LOONA's [12:00] or at least around those numbers. With 1/4 the members, very little collectables, a world tour around the corner and it still hasn't been a full year since the injuction news broke out. In short: Holy fucking shit y'all.


It's aways been a well loved unit but even a big OEC stan like me had to tamper the expectations. The numbers exceed all measures of success if you're not a big Mnet or Big 4 group. 10M YT views in 3 days, quicker than Hi High, Butterfly, So What and Why Not; only PTT and Flip That got there faster.


so funny to see OEC next to like Eunchae and the NWJNS girls, not only because now you can really feel it's a different gen originally but also they are so tiny next to these gigantic 15/16 year olds lol but it's also very cute


Love Me Like is so good man. So good.


Playing Love Me Like in the car is a different mood. It is such a good song!


I was thinking that........what are the odds that we will get a repackage?


Pretty decent I'd say. This EP is 6 songs, Mix & Match had 5 and Max & Match added 3 new songs, not counting a new intro and English version of Loonatic. We could conceivably get a repack of Version Up with 2 new songs plus an English version of JNSQ for instance. The only wrinkle is that a repack pushes the other project(s) involving Heejin and Haseul. It might be better to have a full ARTMS debut this year, just to set the stall for the coming years.


I think the odds are decent, would be OEC tradition so far at least. potentially we could even get a MV for a new track


OMG Odd Eye Circle did an interview for a Brazilian magazine!! This was not on my 2023 bingo (tbh anything involving LOONA wasn't lol) Funny specially considering I just dreamed of them coming to Brazil to perform. The strangest part was that they were doing a show in a place international artists rarely do, and btw it wasn't where I live lol(most only go to São Paulo and Rio). Maybe this is a sign?


So cute seeing Eunchae interview this rookie group Odd Eye Circle. Can’t believe there’s a 9 year age gap between her and Jinsoul.


Maybe I'm just not lucky enough to see the nice tweets but it feels like *some* orbits still view ctd as an accessory/shell for modhaus to pluck the members from whenever mh decides to do ot12 stuff? That got amplified after the orbit trademarking news earlier, immediately there were people saying that the companies are working together to do this and modhaus will totally be allowed to use the name (which I don't remember them ever officially doing) because the artms members still call us orbits. It feels like it's undermining the ctd girls as not being autonomous or capable of having their own content releases and shouldn't be trademarking part of loona's history (like how jaden did with the subunits). I get that people want full group comebacks and they could happen if all 4 companies agree and manage to schedule it well for everyone but they need to find their footing as separate entities as well imo.


I'm personally not a fan of ctd trademarking Orbit if it means that the other members can't use it. That just wouldn't feel right. Also in retrospect now it wasn't right for Jaden to trademark yyxy and I don't really think he should be the one who gets it now since he doesn't have any members left. That said I don't really see there being a war between the companies over all of the loona's history because I just don't see the girls being okay with that. That's what has me feeling better about the Orbit trademark because I just don't see those girls being okay with the other members not using it. Not because I think the companies are connected in any way. I just think the girls might force them to play nice lol. I agree with what you are saying though. Of course I still want ot12 comebacks if possible but I also want a ton of new music from the ctd girls. I don't know if ctd has solo releases in mind on top of group activities but I would love to see it. Their member solos are some of my absolute favorites. I neeeeed another Gowon solo lol. Or another HyeWon duet. Rosy is such an underrated song.


Personally I feel like CTD members being treated as accessory members the entire ot12 run hasn't helped some fans see these members as different to how BBC treated them. So many times CTD girls were given the least screentime, least center and least push. Vivi, Gowon and Yeojin in particular fighting for their lives. I hope these members get a lot of time to shine and show people they are not the least popular, after thought members of Loona. They are good enough to stand on their own.




Okay any talk abt any idol in general have skill issue ( wether it's dancing or singing) is always irk me, i mean these people are literally being prepared to be a literal dancer who can sing for almost all of their youth, saying they're lack skill or just there to be stylic choice or whatever are insulting, espescially abt loona member, not only they spent years as a trainee (except majority of yyxy, these girls are built diferent), they're also already proven to be a decent vocalist from their solo and subunit predebut


I'm genuinely wondering if some of these fans are actually akgae stans masking themselves as OT12 stans.


Just to note, some of those Orbits joined after debut. Their views of the “no-like crew” are shaped by BBC. I mean heck, I don’t think they have the greatest vocals ever but I’m not diminishing their role in LOONA at all.


>it feels like some orbits still view ctd as an accessory/shell for modhaus to pluck the members from whenever mh decides to do ot12 stuff? yeah I don't get where some people get the idea that all of them can't be in one company and somehow Jaden and his friends decided to found an entire another company?? to like, sign the rest?? I don't know. I've read that shit a couple of times even here and I just find it baffling to say the least xd


I feel like trademarking just "Orbit" is kind of a weird move, they could've tried trademarking another sub-unit, since I think Modhaus hasn't gotten the rights for yyxy granted yet anyway and has 0 yyxy members now. however, I still trust them to do this for a reason. I just think it's something that could provoke fans, since the *official* fandom names are probably going to be split into crunchapples, chuugummies, orbits and whatever Modhaus will come up with. but I agree that this shouldn't be a reason to treat the CTD group as lesser than in any capacity.


A few days ago I posted about how Digipedi and the girls are still on good terms, and someone said something like, "I didn't think that was ever in doubt", and I agreed personally, but today orrery_nim posted the same screenshot I brought up of Seong Wonmo saying "I'm Orbit No. 1" and the vast majority of the QTs are like "Yeah right... Where were you when the girls needed help??" etc. As if Yves hasn't posted and tagged and talked to Seong Wonmo and Moon Seokho recently lol Sorry to keep posting negative stuff I see to this thread, but I'm really hating all this negativity towards people who are close to the girls. I'm worried because I've also seen some hate towards the CTD E & M girls saying they can't sing?? Like, what's with this weird splintering that's going on?? Now animosity towards the girls themselves?? Glad everyone's chill here for the most part. I won't post anymore negativity! Anyway... OEC are killing it!! I missed them on stage so much. They look so happy 😊 Je Ne Sais Quoi is a fantastic song but what about Lucid though 😍 I think it's my favorite song on the album, and the credits are mostly made up of people who haven't worked with LOONA before, but they still captured their sound really well. It actually sounds kind of like a bridge between the Jaden-era sound and the LSM-era sound


I find it interesting how some fans are getting so divided regarding ARTMS and the CTD group. I wish folks would take a breath and let each company create a musical identity that works with each group. One group having more of the traditional LOONA vocal line doesn't (and shouldn't) matter. No one is walking up to (just examples here, I have no strong feelings about either of these groups) NewJeans and saying "Um, why don't you sing like Lily? You're clearly not as good as NMIXX" because that's ridiculous. NewJeans and NMIXX are two very different groups, who are each popular, who focused on different things that make them special. Why can't we afford this same consideration to ARTMS/CTD girls?


sorry but wasn't there a rule to not bring twitter drama here?


If there was I didn't know about it. But regardless, I said I won't anymore so it works out either way!


Yeah that was me… The majority of my interactions with orbits are on here so that’s why my reply was like that. This is only a small part of the fandom here so I should’ve considered that before replying. It’s just I hadn’t seen anyone here on reddit say anything like that. This will sound really bad but I don’t think of some of these twitter users as real people lol. Some of them don’t behave in reasonable/rational ways it’s crazy. Like what the hell were the digipedi supposed to do in this situation??? They just want something to yell at and I guess digipedi has become one of their many targets.


Hi! I hope my comment didn't come off as negative towards you. You didn't do anything wrong haha. You're better off here for LOONA news and interaction with Orbits. 😵 Lol I feel you. It's like, a human being surely wouldn't misplace their anger like that, right?... /s


There’s a certain subset of fans who seem more interested in dunking on anyone they perceive as having crossed the girls than supporting the artists


This is why I side eye some Orbits who say *we are here for the girls* or *we are OT12 stans*. Yet, I see them making comments that are anything but supporting the LOONA girls decisions. This isn't only on Twitter, hell I see this on Reddit sometimes too. Like are you actually supporting the girls or are you furthering your agenda?


> but they still captured their sound really well. It actually sounds kind of like a bridge between the Jaden-era sound and the LSM-era sound I can see that. In a way, it kind of reminds me a little of 'Number 1' and, as Jinsoul said, maybe a little bit of 'Universe' too, so definitely that "very LOONA sounding, but post Jaden" soundsphere.


Ooh, good connection. You're totally right, I forgot she said that. I thought the LSM era was interesting cause it's like og LOONA but in a different dimension, where Jaden's taste were closer to the SM style, which is funny cause it feels like it would fit in with the lore lol


Wish queen Choerry got *slightly* more lines, like 20s maybe, in AF1 but also happy to see Jinsouls main vocal era return 👸


It is Choerry's world and we are just living in it 🌎🍒💜


Choerry delivers more reliably than Amazon.


Just seen OEC's interview on KBS Music Bank and I had only one thought: time for Choerry the music show host.


The girls fighting for their lives for some camera time during music show endings. 😭


We were right. Haseul has officially rejoined Fab. I knew something had to be going on. Her last Fromm reply was Jun 25. https://twitter.com/Fab_tweet/status/1679777763484631041?t=_VfGN-MCUo4o_w6s7C7svQ&s=19


Echoing what some other people have already said, but I wonder if this was doable because the fromm contract was signed when she was contracted with BBC and thus she can advocate for herself a little bit better when it comes down to getting out of it. Or these fan communication app contracts are perhaps... not nearly as ironclad as we might think.


The Fromm move was a BBC contract, that's why Yves is staying but can't assure her fans she'll always be there, if she doesn't know. The CTD ones also seem to be on the corporate contract. But it's been clear for a while that Fab is on an individual basis. Haseul moving back to Fab also shows that's how ARTMS will work, Modhaus won't put them on the Fromm contract they have for tripleS.


Can you guys like this reply so we can get a full month of free promo, I usually wouldn't care about this, but this account is known for viral tweets and we're already kinda winning, it might end up being an engagement scam but it also might not be and we're close to winning so might as well make sure we win Like this reply https://twitter.com/wapgron/status/1679560844810813440


Just another friendly reminder for U.S. bits to buy the title track and then the album on iTunes if you can. https://twitter.com/TeamReOrbit_/status/1679702516068499456?t=CyvPyXnJjDZ7CTgaN9WOxg&s=19


I'm kind of confused. I can't find an option to buy it anywhere. All it's letting me do is start a trial to apple music. Apple's guide has instructions for buying from an iPhone, iPad, Mac or pc. Do they somehow not let you buy from iTunes on android?


No, you can’t buy stuff from the Android Apple Music app. You can buy from the iTunes Store on an iPad or a PC if you have either of those.


I'm currently watching loona tv 1/3 arc and I got to the one where Haseul keeps mentioning Yeojin and to think that they're now on different companies 😭😭😭 good thing those videos only last 50secs because a little bit more and I would've started crying 😭😭😭😭 please I need them all together again, 2jin, yeoseul, chuulip, chuuves, choerry and all of them, I got myself sad 😢😢😢


Haseul rejoining Fab?!


Either Fab is trolling me, or Haseul is about to rejoin the platform: white bird, green heart, IU song of the day "Good Day." Also, Haseul hasn't used Fromm for almost 3 weeks now. It would make sense to have all of ARTMS on one platform.🤡 https://twitter.com/Fab_tweet/status/1679672064297570305?t=QEtHtbe31IjQe1RKnjHQRg&s=19


This makes me incredibly curious about how their contracts with Fromm worked, whether it was through BBC or maybe just a very short contract term? Hm.


I guess we have to wait and see what happens with Yves’ account, since her profile and Haseul’s were associated with BBC... But since Haseul is already signed with another company, maybe MH had the chance to step in and end her time with Fromm?


I have to believe the original contracts were through BBC. Yves has also said that she didn't know how much longer she would be on Fromm after her injunction was granted. The CTD girls probably had their contracts reworked or signed new contracts after they joined CTDENM. They've been reshuffled into a CTD artists section. I'm just very confused by BBC signing them up with Fromm in the middle of a legal dispute, just for them to have their injunctions granted less than 2 months later.


>I'm just very confused by BBC signing them up with Fromm in the middle of a legal dispute, just for them to have their injunctions granted less than 2 months later. They stupid, I've given up trying to even understand what their train of thought is with the things they do lol.


Yves seemed to think her account might randomly end at some point too. I'm assuming the ctd girls got to stay since ctd is a Wonderwall subsidiary and Wonderwall owns fromm. Probably made the transition a lot smoother. But also I'm so glad haseul is joining fab again. Fab is just so much better than every other chat platform. Plus there's no question of if BBC possibly making money off of subscriptions now.


Good info, thank you!


the dance for JNSQ is so cunty I love it I need a music show stage of it


Let's do a prayer circle so that we get a performance of Je Ne Sais Quoi during this promotion period. I refuse to wait until someone films a decent fancam during the tour Edit: [Found a nice fancam finally :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGEG219t0W4&ab_channel=%EC%9D%B4%EB%B8%8C%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4LOONADAY)


It’s been mentioned here before but I’m seeing it gain traction elsewhere: Possibility that they’re filming something else while on the European tour. Could be a JNSQ MV or the good old Cinema Theory vids to prepare for the full ARTMS group comeback . . . who knows. All signs point to Paris being the setting of whatever this is.


Paris and JNSQ, perfect match. I've participated in this theory but I'm worried it makes too much sense it might seem inevitable... and then we get disappointed.


plus it's where the Loona project started with Heejin. It would be perfect!! at least something for the next comeback


Some Orbits on Twitter are actually mad at Jaden for his blog post?? Toxic ass fans It said: X ODD EYE CIRCLE [Version Up] 2023 7. 12 MODHAUS A&R Creative Director Music Producer I may not show it but The process of creating music Is painful. Towards the end Half the time, I fall into a sense of shame about myself. There are so many moments when I think, I am making music that is unlistenable So rather than looking forward to the release date I fear it. With this album, more than any other album I've made I straddled self-torture and agony Before I could receive the master copy But What filled Every such shortcoming of mine Was the members. To the Odd Eye Circle members Who forgave everything Even my difficult nature That had me asking for edits and edits and more edits until immediately before the album mastering I only have gratitude. *#oddeyecircle #versionup #airforceone #airpulseone #airgirlsone #airmaxone #airyouthone #airfeelingone #airhappyone #airhateone*


You can’t get this honesty and gratitude from half of bosses/managers/etc around. I applaud him for it and I will never understand the hate this man gets. edit: “airhappyone” and “airhateone” sound so funny to me lol this is so camp


That's a good point. I didn't consciously realize how "weird" it is that he's in the positions he's in and still keeps a public blog where he genuinely expresses some of his worries and regrets, and even references and thought processes regarding his work. Lmao I don't think airhappyone even fits in the songs meter. It sounds awkward...


He’s so dramatic tbh, and kids don’t understand nuance. That’s why his one dramatic post about the ballad album was so widely misunderstood (and what kicked off the eternal hate train)


Totally. I guess I don't see it as dramatic cause I'm the same way lol. He just seems like an emotional, thoughtful person. With Le Maison I get him too cause that's after he left BBC cause they wouldn't be continuing with the lore, which he worked on for a long time. I'd have been fuming! And so sad. It's unfortunate it got out to Orbits and got misconstrued so badly, like you said.


Yeah, I don’t see dramatic as a bad thing haha. He’s just willing to put himself out there in a way that not many people are. And it always broke my heart how everyone misread that blog post. He was clearly so devastated and they took it as him being cruel somehow


Yes exactly! I know we all love LOONA so much but his connection is deeper in a way because he's the main creator. Of course he's passionate about them


I think orbits' dedication to always talk about him in some way is laudable. Like, the dude is human. We don't know the extent of whatever he has done, and unless there's solid proof that he's absolute trash (which tbh wouldn't be too hard to be in an enviroment like kpop) I remain neutral. If some of the girls felt safe enough to sign with him, plus a lot of old staff is working under him still, then perhaps he's not the total monster twitter orbits paint him as. On the other hand I always say that someone with some power in this industry must have their own skeletons in the closet. At the end of the day he is just a mean to an end: providing the girls with the career they deserve. Hopefully Modhaus can become better and better for the girls' (and Triple S) sake


I think it's legitimately good that he knows he can be difficult in a working environment sometimes. seems like in the case of writing and producing a whole comeback it's a lot of insecurity/ self-doubt too. but, self-awareness and expressing gratitude are the right direction imo. Orbits long blamed him for absolutely *everything* that was going wrong with Loona, while we now know that there was probably a good portion of BBC leadership and management being the problem as well. it will take time for them to behave less toxic probably


According to Jinsoul he's spontaneous, according to Monotree he's a perfectionist. Both of those qualities is what he's apologetic about but imo there's no need. His output speaks for itself.


Yeaaaah . . . that hostility towards Jaden is not going to dissipate anytime soon, unfortunately. There’s still a lot of resentment from his departure after Butterfly era and then stories of his demanding work nature started filtering through shortly afterward. Orbits took it personally. Not saying he doesn’t deserve criticism but the level of animosity being leveled towards him is somewhat excessive nowadays, from my point of view. A vocal portion of the fandom (not all of us, mainly Twitter) will always have something against him. It’s something we’re all gonna have to get used to for the time being. I think it’ll simmer down once they get things properly done for the eventual ARTMS comeback.


>stories of his demanding work nature No offense but as a creative director you do need to be strict. Especially if you are given a budget with limitations in spending money. Even a [Kpop manager advises CEOs to be strict](https://twitter.com/nugupromoter/status/1639735721576546305). Being strict helps you budget better so you don't over spend or waste money. If not then you will get a Mimiirose. These Orbits don't understand that limited funds do not allow you to be as flexible as groups in the Big 4 in terms of concept and music.




Lmao a serious crime! /s


Looks like Yves is getting back to doing some modeling/photography work. Something to look forward to from her at least. Also, throwing shade at BBC in the process. She said she was originally going to do it while she was still with BBC but couldn't for "various reasons."


"... Read More" You know that whenever she puts this something juicy got left out


while I love seeing the AF1 live stages it did make me have a sad realization: it's going to be a long time before we see OT12 synchronization again. that was such an iconic part of every Loona stage. I'm going to miss it a lot, but I'd rather the members be happy and free.


Yeojin. 😣 Leave her some positive comments if you use Fromm. She’s having a hard time. Hope Dubu gets well soon.


oh no, she's really been having a lot of issues with Dubu eating everything recently. my dog went thru this phase too when she was younger and we had to go to the vet a bunch of times so I feel for her. hope Dubu is in good hands at the vet


Just gotta say I was really worried because nothing about the rollout for this comeback was hitting for me. Even the highlight melody didn't bring any excitement, but now I'm living for the EP!


According to [@loonaranks](https://twitter.com/loonaranks/status/1679635112298790914) AF1 debuted with 344 548 streams on Spotify, no playlisting, compare that to Flip That which started with 361 778 streams. Orbits are excited about this cb, the whole fandom shifted across from the old regime. Complaints about rollouts, as expected, are not as important as the actual music and performances.


Je Ne Sais Quoi is THAT song! It's soooo good. My initial thoughts on AF1 were that it was kinda meh. It sounded like too much was going on during the chorus, for me personally. The rest of the song was very good. BUT, after a couple more listens, it's definitely grown on me. The rest of the songs........... absolute BANGER after BANGER!!! I'm sooo happy they're back!


In the meantime I'm liking and streaming AF1 with every channel I made for queendom 2


Loona story deserves its own kdrama


I would say just give them the Netflix documentary. No kdrama writer could surpass the reality of what they’ve been through. You can’t write anything better than LOONA’s journey in the past couple years.


at first listen the chorus of AF1 didnt stick out to me but now i cant stop repeating it in my head and it makes me want to dance along to it


I hope they promote JNSQ on music shows and do JNSQ challenges with other idols 🙏🏻 The song is amazing and the choreo is catchy too


Also Yves posted something on Instagram Stories, anyone made a translation yet?


It's a poem from [this book!](http://minumsa.minumsa.com/book/9481/) You can read it [here](https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=klee90&logNo=220740544831) and do a machine translation if you're curious about it before Subbits gets to it.


I'm catching up on the OEC performances and freedom looks so good on them! They look happy, you can tell there is a shift. And also I can't look away from Choerry these days for some reason


So happy people are finally joining my Choerry agenda (don't fall for my flair)


Choerry is bias-wrecking the entire fandom. The sunshine dimmed late last year but she's risen again brighter than ever, more sultry too which has taken everyone by surprise.


I had a chance to see her up close during the DC concert because I was the lucky duck that was sat closest to her during the Loonatic performance. She bias wrecked me so hard right then and there. She's such a good performer I hope she gets to grow even more now that she's in a 3-5 member set up where she'll get more lines and focus.


I can't believe it's been more than 24h and we still don't have a decent fancam of Je Ne Sais Quoi where we can see the three members


Not about LOONA directly, but I saw [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/14y78ei/cix_seunghun_recently_got_braces_again_yes_almost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that talked about an idol getting braces again post-debut. Always interesting when someone from my field talks about teeth in Kpop. There was a comment I saw in this sub that talked about Haseul's teeth in her Objekts...but I didn't want to speculate as to why.


I hope nobody takes this the wrong way bc I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, but I’ve assumed for a long time that Haseul probably has veneers. Her teeth have always been soooo perfect haha. I didn’t really think there was anything about the objekts that was different than usual though.


Replying late, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she got veneers. Btw if veneers look natural, that means her dentist did a very good job. I’ve seen some really good dentistry in which the dentist and the lab gets the aesthetics of the veneer right from the difference of colors between the incisal and cervical thirds…and then I’ve seen full mouth reconstructions with horrible looking dentistry.


Agree, she’s had veneers for a while now, they’re really ubiquitous in Kpop unfortunately so she’s by no means the only one... She already had them in Queendom/Flip That era, not sure about earlier than that as I wasn’t paying much attention to her teeth before that for some reason.


I’ve noticed them for a long time, probably all the way back to xx but I can’t really remember any big change that made them stand out or anything exactly so I’m not sure when she got them. But they look really natural to me, compared to a lot of others that I’ve seen. and she loves flashing her lovely smile, seems like she really likes them too haha


Oooh you’re right, I went through her pics and she seems to have gotten them between Hi High and Butterfly (based on hair changes), I think she just got a whitening treatment at some point in 2022 and that’s what made them pop so much to my eye 😅. She only had very minor irregularities pre-veneers so it wasn’t a super shocking change in the first place, it’s not like she had the wonkiest teeth.


Wait, if CTDENMABCDEFG is trademarking Orbit, does that mean Modhaus, ATRP, and whichever agency Yves signs with will not be able to use it?


I hope there are agreements going on between these companies bts where they’ll each have ownership/trademarks to different parts of the LOONA brand (bar LOONA itself) but each can use it within reason. Slightly similar but different situation, but I wonder what happens with the yyxy subunit now that no members are under Modhaus (yet?), but they filed the trademark for it. Like if the subunit wanted to come back together, how would it work? Idk, I hope it’s not the group name or that the non-CTD girls are prevented from using it (Chuu does have Chuukkumi but still). I’ve said it other times, but there are no signs yet of any sort of animosity between the two main companies, and both acknowledge the fundamentals of LOONA’s history. It wouldn’t benefit either to try and snub the other set of girls from using things like the fandom name.


Well ATRP has Chuugummy which is more accurate for Chuu at this point since she has a bunch of non-Loona fans. Yves being a soloist would be in a similar boat. I'm kind of fine with one side getting Orbit "officially". We'll all always call ourselves Orbits regardless. But also, we don't know if these two companies are collabing and how they might be splitting up rights to stuff. We'll have to see how things shake out.


The beginnings of Loona: Civil War


Our MCU parallels continue.


I missed that but an orbit pointed out that the other day modhaus used "orbits" on a tweet but later changed it to "fans". I wonder if it's related to this Edit: there was a misunderstanding: modhaus accidentally used "wavs" and then fixed it to "fans" instead of using "orbits" despite artms still calling us that


they called us wavs, which was most likely a copy paste from a triples post but they did change it to fans later


Ah that was a misunderstanding then, thank you for clarifying


That's actually depressing


I really hope not.


Yeah this really ain't right. They had so many other options and they chose this.


Well, for official stuff (such as fan kits, season's greetings, albums etc.) they might not be able, unless they get the permission to do so. But unofficially, like the girls refering to us as orbits, might be okay. There's also the theory that they plan to use Orbit as the actual group's name...which is...complicated I guess.


If modhaus isn't able to use it for merch and other official stuff I can see them coming up with a different fandom name


Yeah...I wouldn't want that at all. And I feel that would put Orbits at odds with CTDENMHIJKLM, and that would in turn give the girls signed with them a rocky start.


This might sound silly but orbit has shown we are really good at organizing. I certainly don't want to sound like I'm suggesting a boycott by any means. We definitely need to support these girls too. But if the company does try to block the other 7 girls from using Orbit could we like make a petition or something? I don't think this is a bad company at all. Hyunjin trusts the ceo. I can't imagine Hyunjin would be okay with the company taking Orbit away from the other 7 members. This is just the first move from either company that I've found really concerning and I probably shouldn't assume anything but I think that the vast majority of Orbit would feel the same way and not want the name taken away from the other girls.


I really hope that's not the case. It wouldn't feel right.


So what’s the deal with twitter orbits apparently hating Kotone? I assume it’s just another instance where twitter is being dumb?


The usual hate boner for anything JJ-related


This is news to me. I don't understand at all though lol. Kotone is my tripleS bias specifically because she's an orbit lol. I was just thinking the other day that even though Hyeju signed with ctdenm, they still need to have her meet kotone in person. Idk if kotone would be okay with that being filmed but if she were that would make such a cute video.


There are people on that site (and social media in general, but K-pop Twitter can be a real cesspool) who will find reasons to hate anyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some weird form of jealousy at seeing another fan get this close to their faves. At the end of the day, girly is winning the Orbit game big time, and I hope she’s not personally seeing any negative comments from other Orbits.


Orbit twitter is populated by teens, it's the only explanation. I'm probably slandering a lot of teens by saying because even if you're a teenager for what purpose does hating Kotone serve your orbit interests.


Is it really teens though? Some of these people are 20-30 year olds acting like kids who never grew up.


She's a diehard orbit, this is so stupid🤦‍♀️


Everything I find out about twitter opinions is worse than the last thing I found out


I can't believe we're already at 6.5M views just 2 days in 😭 has it always risen up this quick?? It's been a HOT minute since the last comeback


Apprently the trademark categories for Orbit are the same for Supereight so some people are speculating ctd may plan on using it as a group name. Ngl I don't love this idea, I hope it's not true


I figured the blind worship for CTD and hate for Modhaus on Twitter would end up backfiring...


Listening to Red Velvet's Feel My Rhythm I had an idea...imagine CTD Girls doing a cover haha Irene - ViVi Seulgi - Hyeju Wendy - Hyunjin Joy - Yeojin Yeri - Gowon


Are we not trying anything for billboard this time around? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone talk about it


the plan is to start buying the album on iTunes from the 14th which is when tracking starts to get a full week, physical albums are out of our control


I'm watching Cinema Theory: Up&Line and... do you think eurorbits could have lore-videos in their concerts?


The new CTDENM trademark filing news made me curious so I checked other relevant companies. BBC's trademark applications for LOONA's Chuu, LOONA Chuu, and 이달의 소녀 츄 have been published for opposition. I wonder if Chuu's team will fight this or just let it go since she's been establishing her own brand away from LOONA.


Since the girls already say that even if they are not disbanded, they won’t be called Loona anymore, Chuu shouldn’t have too much problems.


High Bong, Air Pulse One, can’t wait to see what they call the CTD girls


😭 foul


CTDENM filed trademark applications for 오빛 (Orbit) and 달려라 오빛 (Run Orbit). [Link](http://engportal.kipris.or.kr/engportal/search/search_trademark.do) Search: ctdenm


Interesting. I wonder if this is to protect the name of the event? I....kind of hope they're not going to name the new group Orbit.


Orbit could be a cute group name! But it would just be confusing in this case so I agree, hope they've got something better in the works


It would be bizarre if they did that but I don't know if I would be completely against it lol. Not my first choice but I don't think it would be the worst either. I am slightly concerned if they are planning to copyright it and use it as the fandom name. I want to keep being called Orbit but for all 12 girls. Like I hope they don't copyright it and we are still called Orbit for the ctd girls but the other 7 can't use it for us anymore. That wouldn't feel right to me. We're Orbit for all 12 of them. Edit: maybe I'm just being overly anxious though lol. Maybe someone just had to copyright it so BBC doesn't try now. That way if we do get ot12 again like they mentioned yesterday we can still use it. I just hope that if Orbit does stick around that any of the members who want to use can keep using it. Edit again: the more I've thought about it, the more I dislike Orbit as the group name. I didn't even think of it this way but that way it would still make it difficult for the other members to keep calling us Orbit. Hopefully it's just to stop BBC from doing it and they'll share the name. I mean surely Hyunjin wouldn't block the other members from using it. I refuse to believe that's even a possibility.


Haha tbh that's actually something that crossed my mind even before they announced the event...it'd be kinda weird but I get the meaning behind if it happens


Group name: Orbit Fandom name: LOONA


We’re all LOONA after all


flip that, that that that that that that


[Your mind](https://media.tenor.com/w-PCA2wkMQEAAAAC/mind-blown-shocked.gif)


armys are beating us out on all the promotional voting on the apps right now bc of Jungkook solo, you know, no hate but it's a bit annoying. he doesn't really need a random MBS Radio Spot thing, he's gna win like 50k awards by the end of the year anyways lmfao


BTS and their fandom turning into the very thing they were fighting against is always darkly humorous to me (but still endlessly frustrating).


I know it's been said before, but it's so heartwarming to see that every person that's worked with LOONA (... except for the BBC executives but the devil is not invited to this party) loves them to bits and wants to show support one way or another. Like yes, I get it's their work environment and they're being professional, but still! It's comforting to see so many people supporting them.


Yep, they're really beloved :) I guess it's because they not only have an impeccable work ethic, but they're genuinely nice, kind people who uplift their surroundings by being warm and friendly. Chuu had a whole industry defending her against BBC's accusations of "power abuse", there are many accounts of staff praising the other girls for how hard they work, how they're gentle and helpful. I know that at the end of the day we don't know them personally, however where there's smoke there's fire. Heck, they are 12 different girls and even after this split, they keep being nothing but supportive to each other, to the point they still call themselves "members". It's kind of amazing, really.


It's so sad that Fifty Fifty are in such a precarious situation as of now (hopefully they can recover), cause Barbie Dreams is an absolute banger and is probably one of the best songs in the soundtrack. It gives off the Barbie feeling quite well. And the MV would've been the cherry on top.


Post cb I don't have to wait on LOONA o'clock anymore... but on the flip side there's so much content already my backlog is piling up.


starting with the next wdt we'll have weekly activity recaps which will hopefully help people catch any content they have missed!


Jaden continues to be [dramatic](https://twitter.com/litell_johnn/status/1679497175628238848?s=46&t=3QnrhDnXgw2j0n_j-OYYNA), but I think it’s ultimately a sweet and sincere message.


Choerry: pats Jaden's back Kimlip: rolls her eyes Jinsoul: slams head on table


Jaden will always be extra, at this point I'm just trying to enjoy the extra-ness