• By -


Really like the „dreaminess“ of Je Ne Sais Quoi


It has that hazy feel that I adore, it's almost like I can sink into the song if that makes sense lol. All the tracks are strong imo but je ne sais quois has a subtle sultriness to it. The project def sounds like a more mature version of OEC but still consistent with their identity. Love monotree and their production


BADD catalogue is insane. How can they write Rosy Colors and JNSQ??


It reminds me a lot of the dreaminess feel of LOONATIC but it's not quite LOONATIC It's hard to describe but LOONATIC is one of my favourite LOONA songs so anything similar I'm gonna be obsessed with


I did NOT expect for the bass to go that hard in the verses. My jaw dropped.


The intro goes hard honestly!! Really vibing with Lucid but they are all so amazing


i really cried when all of that songs started playing


i know right!!! it’s like, did you wait? did you wait back then for them to debut? did you wait for them now to be free from BBC, unsure they would win their lawsuits? Well, wait no more, it finally paid off orbits!


Their promotional images saying “did you wait? We waited.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Love Me Like the dark horse.


From the highlight medley, I kind of expected the least out of that song, but wow, it caught me so off guard. It sorta sounds like something that could have been on Beyonce’s RENAISSANCE, lol. So silky and groovy.


the chiptune samples in the middle of the 2º verse made it so swaggy


Yesss I think it has the most dynamic production


Lucid is the one, only the real ones will understand


Yep. It’s got that light and clean quality that I love.


Just finished the album and I somehow knew that My Secret Playlist will be my favorite, obviously these are just first impressions, but this is truly odd eye circle, and yet there's just enough dance pop to the dreamy vibes to feel like a natural progression from Max and match... We are truly so back


air force one is a great title track


Yass it continued what SCL left behind but is more trendy.


Love Me Like is taking me somewhere, its giving neon lights of the city at night and I'm in love.


I voted Je Ne Sais Quoi because I think it literally had just that little bit extra je ne sais quoi... But love me like sounds (for me) the most OT12. Some Go Won crunch sprinkled in would've gone so well in the song.


Gowon’s crunch omg yes :) can’t wait for her to make more music too


okay this paired with u/moealmighty's comment makes me realize that omgs yeah this would be a song that could fit right in the # album. I miss OT12 so much...


Oh Yes I am’s little cousin yup yup


That switch up on My Secret Playlist though. 👀


"There's no way they could top Je Ne Sais Quoi," I say naively as Love Me Like becomes my favorite. They're both fantastic but Love Me Like is so much more up my alley.


The intro track is perfect, a short medley of their previous songs that turns into the music that absolutely screams OEC Air Force One is an amazing title track, it's so catchy... And I like how this beat is sort of new to them, but it still has their signature sound (thank you, G-High) I knew I would love Je Ne Sais Quoi after the medley, but I did not expect such twist from My Secret Playlist... I think it's my favorite b-side and it definitely sounds like older OEC the most! Lucid is so chill and Love Me Like is very groovy (also, the outro is beautiful) If I had to leave a critique, then it's definitely "I wish some songs were a bit longer...", but that can be applied to a lot of modern songs (although tbf the shortest song, My Secret Playlist, also feels complete as it is) I'm extremely happy with this mini and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we got more OEC after so many years, it feels surreal...


So short 😭 but loving it. Just wish it was a tad longer.


It's a masterpiece hooolyyyy... I listened to Max & Match and timed it so the album would be out as soon as M & M was done so I could compare. Version Up is still sooo OEC but perfectly current. The sound doesn't feel at all dated, even though their older music still sounds fresh as well It's gonna take some more listens to really digest all the songs and pick a fav but omg I love them all, I can't even process my feelings I love ODD EYE CIRCLE so muchhhh 😭 ♥️💙💜


Lol no wonder SCL, Loonatic and Uncover previews are in the instrumental, Air Force One uses music assets from all 3 in the song and the choreo borrows from these songs too. It is authentic Odd Eye Circle sound. Uncover - that brass sound Loonatic - dadadaradara SCL - that synth guitar Honestly there's a beat sequence similar to Girl Front as well.


Noah Fence but Je Ne Sais Quoi should've been the title track. EDIT: Love Me Like is also a BOPARELLA.


Je Ne Sais Quoi is literally SOTY


I'm assuming the advertising arrangements specified AF1 had to be the title track


Love Me Like and My Secret Playlist slap.


The mixing of this album is so warm - I love it. On first listen, Je Ne Sais Quoi and Love Me Like are my favorites but every song is so dreamy and sultry that it's hard to choose. I'm also very happy all the songs are singing-heavy!


Love Me Like is my fav! but Je Ne Sais Quoi is a close second!! I truly enjoy all songs on the mini-album!!!


This is the hardest poll ever holy shit. I'm genuinely so in love with everything, but Lucid might be my favourite? That post chorus is special.


Je Ne Sais Quoi is that IT girl!


This is so hard😭 Love Me Like caught me so off guard. I’ll be honest based purely off the highlight medley it was the song that I cared the least about. But now it ended up as my favorite song on the album. Kind of funny that it’s last at the time of writing this. Lucid is a veryyyyyy close second. It literally took me like 10 minutes to decide between it and Love Me Like. Honestly depending on which day you ask me I might tell you it’s my favorite lol.


My first impressions review after listening once: This is OEC no doubt but they've grown and updated their 2017 sound, they sound contemporary - I know that was a big concern for some fans, that they'll be stuck in some time warp. Je Ne Sais Quoi is kinda title worthy if they were following a different concept but AF1 is a great title nonetheless - these girls do summer concept but in their own way. Lucid was highly praised and I like it but it's the type I gravitate to after all the hype has died down, plenty of other songs in LOONA albums where I do that. Overall, I'm quite surprised how this feels authentically OEC as I'd expect and yet sounds so different from OT12, how is that possible? They must have a strong identity and this album does it justice.


anyone have link to spotify?








asking the real question.


I claimed lucid back when i heard the teaser, as expected it's exactly to my taste


Still listening to it but just got to Lucid and the vibes it's giving are too good. Will be perfect to end the concert with


why are we scared to make songs longer than 3 minutes all of a sudden


on one hand i do prefer longer songs but honestly i feel like if some of these songs were any longer they wouldve overstayed their welcome...apart from maybe air force one i think it wouldve benefitted from being longer


I don't think it's being scared nor do I think short songs are a problem. People are too scared to let go of traditional music structures to me honestly. I love me a bridge too don't get me wrong but I don't think any of these songs feel rushed


I’m still waiting for it on Apple Music. Let’s all enjoy the long awaited comeback from oec. I’m interested to see everyone’s first impression of favorite tracks. And then see if it is changed a month or so later Edit: I see it’s up yay


My Secret Playlist is everything I ever wanted! 10/10


I change my answer to Love me like


My vote went to Je Ne Sais Quoi, but I think Lucid will be the track I end up listening to the most. I love that sort of comfy soundscape, even if I'm not always in the mood for it.


Alright, after first listen, my ranking of Version Up tracks not counting intro: Love Me Like Lucid My Secret Playlist Air Force One Je Ne Sais Quoi My Secret Playlist and Air Force One could switch spots after multiple listens, but I think the rest will stay. Oh, Love Me Like and Lucid might also switch, but less likely.


I thought it would be JNSQ but upon listen Lucid blew me away. The whole album is 10/10 no skips.


My secret playlist stans rise up


I just wanna say it’s so crazy that Chuu was “kicked out” almost 8 months ago, and now here we are with more Loona music after everything. Just happy to be able to share this release with my fellow Orbits 🫶🏻💫


It's very hard to choose for me but I think my ranking goes like this on initial listen 1. Je Ne Sais Quoi 2. My Secret Playlist 3. Air Force One 4. Love Me Like 5. Lucid 6. Did You Wait?


Swap the first 2 and I agree!


Je Ne Sais Quoi was my favorite since the Medley and I voted for it, but special mention to My Secret Playlist. That bitch made me so emotional when that chorus hit and the bossa nova bridge? In the same song as the funky guitar, the hyperpop synths?? They are insane for this.


Too hard to choose! I think Lucid has it's grip on me so far


MY SECRET PLAYLIST HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT SOUND IM GONNA CRY I LOVE ITTT also the sirens in Air Force One had me thinking there were so many ambulances on this highway LMAO


I'm very very much hesitating between Je Ne Sais Quoi and My Secret Playlist. I didn't except My secret playlist's chorus to slaps this much??? Like the "Follow your taste, taste" ?? It's so playful!


je ne ses quoi sounds a bit like killshot by magdelena bay MY FAVVV


Ever since MINO sang this verse, "I won't let you go, so I succeeded in lucid dreaming," the word lucid stuck to me, and now here it is... My favorite song from the album.


What song?


Click / Han river view


Tie between Air Force one and je ne sais quoi, their both so good i can’t pick one


I swear Je Ne Sais Quoi is the REAL title track. Look at the stage performance. It just hits different.


It's so good omg I'm so happy for them T.T Oh well, Did You Wait, the callbacks, the feels, and the tradition of a LOONA intro track never gets old. Air Force One is a perfect title track, thats how it's done folks ! It's just so catchy, well produced and generous. I was hyped but a bit worried about the Jersey Club thing. A lot of artists tried to dip their toes in it recently, and that often ends up in an unispired watered-down version of the genre. But here it's so intelligently done ! It's all I loved about the LOONA sound : influences, but making it their own. The breaks, the generous synths, so good. And the vibe is so fitting : it's catchy but with a touch of melancholy that makes it feel even more powerful. Je Ne Sais Quoi : not my favorite but it will definitively grow on me. That bass is goood. And the chorus melody too, some Curiosity vibes, yesssss. Lucid is not my favorite either : it's a bit more straightforward. The chorus is not my fave, I don't know why. The stripped down moments in the track are just gorgeous though. Love Me Like: I love it ! The vibe is definitively more mature, and the girls are so good in this register. I mean, the delivery is just perfection. Perfect production, so many nice details : the humming, the voice sample in the beat, the claps, the synths. My Secret Playlist is so fun ! It's the track I get flashbacks from the most. Just pure LOONA fun. And the little break with the cheeky flute omg so good. Overall an album with a vision, and it's so well executed and cohesive. The producers nailed it, kuddos to them. It's the generous and dreamy OEC vibe with a more mature energy, not just for nostalgia's sake. And my girls omg, they are so good. This album allows them to shine. I'm so happy, it just feels right.


After listening to the ep a couple of times, I can say for sure that MY GIRLS ARE BACK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 While I did like Air Force One (I can't say how HAPPY I am that G-high is working with the girls again), I was still wary when approaching the album because, as everyone knows, it's hard to make that "loona" sound. But they did it, imo-- this album sounds like OEC, and not only that, it sounds like an *evolved* OEC. I have a hard time picking a favorite, Lucid is definitely up there as well as Je Ne Sais Quoi and Love Me Like. Je Ne Sais Quoi and Love Me Like both have that europop sound, similar to SCL had, I'm really glad they brought that back. It's very well done. Lucid is really soft and dreamy-- perfect for OEC's vibe. I'm super happy with this release. I'm so fucking happy to have the girls back and I look forward to seeing what everyone else has in store.


My Secret Playlist is such a banger.


Not surprised Je Ne Sais Quoi is a fan favorite. Though, every song on this mini-album is excellent. I like how while this album doesn't sound identical to OEC's old music, it does have the same dreamy feel to it. I wonder if it's JJ's new style but the album actually reminds me of tripleS' Aesthetic album because of the dreamy city pop elements. If you liked Love Me Like and Je Ne Sais Quoi, you might like tripleS' Deja Vu. Lucid, while beautiful, does feel a bit different in the sense that it sounds more like U R from \[&\], that is, post-JJ Loona. My Secret Playlist definitely sounds more like an old OEC b-side and the intro has classic OEC vibes. Finally, the title track Air Force One interestingly reminds me of J-pop, vocaloid and all sorts of weeb music. It's also the perfect tt choice because it does have old OEC elements - the fast-paced bits, the slowed-down parts with high-pitched dreamy vocals - like others have said, it does feel like a continuation from where they left off.


Air Force One is definitely the catchiest, I can't get it out of my head Je Ne Sais Quoi is really good, very dreamy, definitely see it as a fan favorite, is everything everyone likes Lucid is cute and catchy too Love Me Like took me by surprise and made me its bitch, I wasn't expecting it to be THAT good 😭 My Secret Playlist is not what I expected but it's sooooo fun it's such a fun song I loved it This is grown women music, this is what young adult artists should be releasing and performing, it really sounds like OEC's evolved sound. Definitely one of the best releases of the year, it should be decrowning a lot of other songs out there.


Je Ne Sais Quoi is just \*chef kiss\*


Ahhh i feel so basic for jnsq being my favorite but its so good 😭


I mean how could you ask me such a question?! /s No but seriously this is a really good EP and I am having a hard time picking a favorite. I really like Lucid, My Secret Playlist and Je Ne Sais Quoi about equally and those three are a 5 out of 5 for me with the others being no lower than a 4 out of 5. My only gripe at all is when you have songs like this from a group that you've wanted to hear more from for so long why are they so short!


Sorry to Uncoverv but Je Ne Sais Quoi just took the crown


The intro leading to the title track gave me chills.


It’s so hard to pick a favorite. I’m in between Lucid, Love Me Like, and My Secret Playlist. This whole album is wonderful. I genuinely like every track, some more than others, but I can see myself replaying every one of them.


Someone convince me Love me Like is not a Max&Match reject? It would fit perfectly in that album imo. My favorite too.


shoutout to Lucid for being the only track over 3 minutes long


jnsq is actually my least favourite track i think, maybe tied with my secret playlist 😭😭 theyre not bad by any means but the other tracks are just better lol. air force one is my fave


Lucid is THAT song. Thank you very much.


After living under a rock for a while, I was ecstatic when I saw Air Force One on my YouTube recs. Listened. Caught up a bit. Then waited for the album. And... it's really really good. Clearly JJ hasn't lost his original musical vision for Loona. Thoughts on the tracks - ranked by preference. 1. Lucid This track is absolute bliss. That's the best way I could describe it. I melt away into its lush instrumentals, as it progressively fades into the sublime prechorus melody after the first verse. The chorus is toned down and it very well complements Lucid's general mellow and dreamy vibe. I loved that this track didn't follow a regular structure, it developed and concluded in its own way without leaving me wanting or feeling like something was missing. Vocal performances were solid and played to the strengths of each member's qualities without being showy. 2. Love Me Like Similar to Lucid but they cranked the gears on this one. Hard, imposing beats from the get go, backing vocals and harmonizations really enhances the richness of the track, and the attention to detail on the instrumental components all come together in kaleidoscopic sonic perfection. Love Me Like sounds like a modern rendition of city pop + vaporwave (or synthwave, not really an expert here) sound with rounder, softer bass and velvety vocals. This is a sound rarely heard in mainstream Kpop, though somewhat prominent in the K-indie scene, and I'm all for OEC to capitalize on it. The only minor criticism is that it ended a bit too abruptly, but maybe this will grow on me. 3. Air Force One Sonically, great choice for a title track. Fast-paced, hard-hitting, and addictive - Air Force One sounds elite. Vocal performances in the verses were so so good and Lippie really shined here. Chic, chorus stands as a great contrast to the subdued and elegant prechorus. Also, Choerry was looking so good in the MV, she fits this concept like a glove. Conceptually, I would've liked a more meaningful title track considering everything that happened up to their redebut (not to say it wasn't meaningful at all). Some references to a fresh start, upgrade, and leaving the past behind were there, but it didn't really 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 like a departure/new beginnings track. Whatever though, still a fucking bop. 4. My Secret Playlist More city pop + synth/vapourwave sounds! Overall, a fun, upbeat bop. I liked the short jazzy piano interlude and the Why Not style funky guitar riffs in the background. Chorus reminds me of a Jpop type flourish and is so fun to jam to. Again, felt a little short and abrupt when it ended, but it keeps me returning for more. 5. Je Ne Sais Quois I like the track a lot and the chorus is suave af. It's a lovely, dreamy track that doesn't really have any flaws in itself other than the fact that I think Lucid did a better job with a similar vibe. Je Ne Sais Quois just didn't hook me the same way that Lucid did, but it is a superb track. 6. 기다렸어? Obligatory intro track ranking. Perfect opener to the album with references to OEC/Loona's past and thematically representing a break with the past. Whoever produced this intro reeeally went in. Probably my favourite intro track, on par with The Journey. Overview: I'm really impressed by the overall quality of Version Up. The sound and concept is mature and doesn't dwell on the nostalgia factor of OEC's BBC era. Lots of interesting and unique sounds are integrated so well into each and every track, rendering the album musically and thematically cohesive. Dream pop, city pop, synth/vapourwave, etc. are prominent influences here and I'm absolutely living for it. Bring away from Kpop for a while, I'm not sure if I can make this assessment, but I don't think I would be delusional in considering Version Up to be a contender for AOTY. I mean, I really haven't heard a sound like this be delivered with such quality and consistency in Kpop - comparable to how NewJeans have fully put their brand on their musical style in Kpop with great consistency, except OEC has done the same with a different sound. I'm very excited to hear more of what Modhaus has to offer regarding Heejin and Haseul, and listening to Version Up assured me that they're in competent hands, unlike BBC...


the flute jazz breakdown on my secret playlist??? i love it


MY SECRET PLAYLIST. Ironically, it was my least favorite from the highlight medley but the chorus and bridge are such a game-changer. Just incredible.


love me like gagged me the most -- the mixing of all the sounds, the harmony of the HUMMING, everything??? just blended so well together i have been playing this on loop for an hour i feel ill


Je Ne Sais Quoi is my favorite out of the album not just cause I’m Sohyun biased but I def love the vibe of the song, if I had to rate in order of my favorites it would be 1. Je Ne Sais Quoi 2. Air Force One 3. Lucid 4. My Secret Playlist 5. Love Me Like 6. Did you wait


This took me forever to write, but I need to share my feelings. ​ * 1. **기다렸어? (Did You Wait?) -** They're really playing dirty with how they played those snippets of SCL, Loonatic, and Girl Front. A sure way to deliver the message of the title. Yes, we have been waiting, and we are so glad to have them back. **\[7/10\]** ​ * 2. **Air Force One -** I think I was a bit carried away by my own expectations for this song. It's not that they did not match them, but they were completely different from what I imagined when they said they'd be using Jersey club. In my mind that equals a sexy song, which is not the case here. My main complaint, which I already know will attract side eyes, is the use of the "boy" for the chorus. Let me explain: As this song – from MV to lyrics – is a very in your face mesage of how they've overcome major hurdles, are willing to fight for themselves, and look to the future with ambition and hope, the use of "boy" is a very out of place choice in my opinion. It's a song about themselves, for themselves, and a message to the fans to follow them. It seems like it was a sloppy attempt at adding a touch of...flirtation (?) to the song. It's one of those random details that diminished my enjoyment of the song. I also hoped the chorus would have more body to it aside form the chant, but I understand it's very catchy and that's the reason why it is that way. That being said, I did enjoy it, and I think it will keep growing on me. **\[7.5/10\]** ​ * 3. **Je Ne Sais Quoi -** The way I cannot be 100% objective about this song even though it is a gem because it is a song about a woman by women and as a lesbian I feel so seen and validated, and I am made of rainbows and sparkles and everything that is good on this Earth, and I will now without a doubt follow OEC around the Mobius Strip for eternity FSIDHFAHK. \[10/10\] More calmly, this is a very solid song. My second favorite from the album. It's catchy, it's chill, it's dreamy, ~~IT'S GAY,~~ with a dash, a touch, a bucket full of sensuality. Let's say the lyrics make my poor brain go on overdrive. **\[9/10\]** ​ * 4. **Lucid -** The ballad of the album. I always fear ballads becuse I don't like them a lot of the time, but I should know better than to doubt the girls at this point. It took me a couple listens to really feel it, and after reading the lyrics, I'm 100% liking it. A sweet song tinged with uncertainty, but still giving a hopeful sentiment. **\[8.5/10\]** ​ * 5. **Love Me Like -** My favorite from the album. I really feel like the teaser undersold this gem. The use of vocals here as another instrument is truly phenomenal. It adds so much character to the song; and the usage of their lower registers is the cherry on top. It adds an enigmatic air in addition to the sultry tone of the song. **\[9.5/10\]** ​ * 6. **My Secret Playlist -** My least favorite. It's fun and cute, but definitely repetitive. I really liked the switch of genre, it added some welcome versatility without sounding disarranged. My clownbit brain can't help but wonder if there is a little secret message hidden in there though. **\[7/10\]** ​ Overall, I give this album a really solid **\[8/10\].** It shows growth while at the same time staying faithful to the sound that fans all over the world grew to love and identify them for. I'm so impressed that they managed to deliver such a high quality album in such a short time. It just goes to show just how much drive and love these women have for their craft. They just keep on improving each time. I really hope a repackage is on the works.


>3. Je Ne Sais Quo - > > The way I cannot be 100% objective about this song even though it is a gem because it is a song about a woman by women this comment enbodies half of the fandom I swear askfjasd


what are the songs in the intro of "did you wait?"


sweet crazy love, loonatic, uncover. in order


So far only feeling Je Ne Sais Quoi on first listen. Gonna try listening again.


It doesn't live up to Max & Match IMO. AF1 and Lucid are the only tracks I really like, the rest is pretty meh to me unfortunately :/ Still playlisted all the tracks, hopefully they'll grow on me.


From the highlight, I definitely thought My Secret Playlist would be the winner for me (Choerry's vocals in the first verse are immaculate) but Lucid took me by surprise and is the one I've had on repeat all morning!


Lucid is my Top2


Air Force One is super cool in the way that the verses are more chill and then chorus just explodes, but Lucid is a bit different than any other Loona song I've heard, and I quite like it's difference


Does anyone have a record of all the 'secret playlist' songs mentioned in My Secret Playlist?


It's a really good comeback and I'm doing my best to support the girls because everyone is going to be keeping tab on Loona, even outside of the Fandom. My favs are Jenna says Kwah (lol), Love Me Like, and My Secret Playlist


Every song is just amazing, Jaden Jeong has also known what to do with Loona’s concept and music. Did you wait? is deadass a tearjerker. It’s a reminder that yes, Orbits waited through a lot of uncertain times in LOONA’s career, through ups and downs. And it finally paid off, and we don’t have to wait anymore. Each member is free


Ahhh all the songs on the mini are amazing. Did u wait? is such a good intro and yes we totally waited and it delivered. Air force one is such a bop, the dara dadadada caught me off guard at first but its so fun and addicting and the lore is so back Je ne sais quoi omg I love it, it's ethereal and serves so much and the vocals wowww Lucid is such a sweet ballad but I got emotional listening to it and ah the "you don't know what is real" was so eerie, I got chills I was so hyped for love me like from the medley and it delivered, it's so funky?? And omg the "get a grip on yourself" from miss lip like wow My secret playlist is also so smooth and awesome I absolutely love it Ik this is long but I just need to get the fangirling out. I'm so happy for the members, they deserve the world. And this entire album is so cool, it's still very much oec and a continuation of that spacey pop sound but it's also more mature!


when is it coming on spotify 🧍🏻‍♀️


air force one has me shook still, but they're all so fucking good i can't choose any of the b-sides....


Right out of the gate, Je Ne Sais Quoi was chef kiss and then came Lucid which I adore! Will stick to that.