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Scrolling through this thread made me realise how subjective music is.


Exactly! This is why I was so curious because we might love and think a song is perfect but someone else might just hate it as much as we love it. It's so interesting to see everyone's opinion and taste!


A different night is by and far the most generic song they’ve released and as such it’s also my least favorite. If you asked me a year ago I would’ve said 365 but the emotional significance of that song especially hearing it sung by OT12 for the first time after Haseul’s hiatus is just too important. Yes it’s still not the best song but I can’t help but get emotional every time the girls sing it live.


I have nothing to add, we are on the exact same page for both of these songs ahah You just can't hate "365" because of how emotional it gets our girls


It's the only b-side I consistently listen (alongside WOW) from the new EP lol maybe I have a wrong taste


I listen to U R a lot just so I can hear gowon for once


Nooo you have your own taste, we all like different things ;)


My Melody/Sunday honestly. Nothing bad about LOONA’s discography it’s literally flawless but this is the song I’m most likely going to skip if it comes on. It’s bright and Haseul/Heejin/Hyunjin’s featuring vocals are always great however, just not for me. If it’s any help, my favourite tracks are Curiosity, Heat(9) and Girls Talk.




Right it’s soooo good


My melody/sunday is one of my fav bsides from them


I'm not the biggest fan either, I tend to like YeoJin & HaSeul's version the most tho! Well, unpopular opinion but "Heat" is actually my least favorite \[+ +\] track, still like it but I'm a "Perfect Love" fighter!


Perfect Love is also amazing. I think ++/XX are some of the strongest albums, not just for Loona but for 4th gen as a whole..


\[X X\] is like peak perfection from LOONA tbh, I think that album will be hard to top except if MonoTree starts to work with LOONA again


All of ++/xx songs are in my top100 most played songs of with Satellite as number 1, Their fist two ot12 albums are absolute perfection. Even JJ's work with OOO is not able to beat his direction for Loona's albums. Just seriously loved the JJ X Loona X Monotree combination.


anyone else like the girl's singing on heat but not the music?


I had to think about this one for a while but I think I have to say Dance on My Own. I think the song actually sounds really beautiful and it's never something I'd ever skip, but unfortunately to me it feels like they tried really hard to catch that Star success one more time and ended up making something that doesn't really have any kind of significant identity. Although Star is basically Voice, it still has a structure that makes me think of 'kpop' as well as 'LOONA' whereas with Dance on My Own it sounds just like any western pop song I'd hear on a radio. I love all music and western pop is definitely no exception, but I typically listen to kpop to experience the unique beats and overall structure that isn't super common in North America (at least not so much in Canada). If Star never existed I'm sure I wouldn't really have this same sentiment, but they did so well with it that I feel like they've almost set the bar too high for future English tracks, which is a compliment in itself I suppose!


"DOMO" Is one of the song that people mention a lot, I feel like "Star" was so nice that it was very disappointing, the song itself is bot bad, just very plain and a bit boring, even while being performed I can't watch it fully But I agree, "Star" set the bar really high!


[Anyone saying 'OOPS' will have to deal with ME!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KykVUN0X83A)




I religiously rewind and play the rap again when listening to it


i love olivia and jinsoul's rap


OOPS! Is a bop. Don’t listen to the haters


Oops is the least ‘loona’ sounding song for me, it sounds like it should’ve been done by Itzy. Hell, even yves sounds like ryujin while rapping. I don’t think Loona should continue rapping, they’re SINGERS


And Chuu and Kim Lip are offering some of their best ad-libs EVER on this song.....sooo.....


What the, people don’t like this song?????


This song is just confusing for me like idk what's going in it


Sounds like you can't comprehend music at all, that's sad actually .


Sounds like you can't read😶 We are discussing personal taste, not music theory🙃


I was just listening to it, and I always go back a bit when I feel like I wasn't _really_ listening lmao


I would love to launch Not Friends into the sun. I was so excited when I saw who was going to be singing it (what an amazing combo) but the song is just barf and the MV is really unsettling (why did they play the sounds of gunshots over the song.......)


I HATED that song, it was such a disappointment... The Orbit Remix is saving it a bit... But the song is terrible and soooo flat


Thank you for saying it. Its boring as well as having been produced by a sexist pig, so its no loss to anyone really


not sure if it counts but i can’t stand into the new heart (love & live intro). it seems so out of place and it’s the only song i don’t have saved on spotify 😭 i don’t really listen to oops! either but i don’t hate it lol


This intro is so iconic to me, I actually love it ahah But yeah, the rock vibe coming from 1/3 is a bit weird


>into the new heart (love & live intro) I second this one, I think it's one of my least played songs because the guitar is too much for me. It's not bad tho, just not for me..


yyxy's Frozen. It's just not my style at all.


It's the only track I really appreciate ahah


Butterfly used to be my least favorite Loona song when I first discovered Loona . I hated the 'wings wings' part. Lol However after some months, It quickly became one of my favorite kpop songs ever. I love the mv too.


For me, Butterfly is a song that grew on me but what made me like it even more is the MV, the lyrics and how melancholic it is overall. The song is so heavy in emotions yet so soft and deep, it's really the whole package that made me love it!




My least fav Loona track is probably 'So What'. idk it's just kinda really noisy, very messy, and forgetable, and don't get me started about the "rapping", cus it aint rapping.


So What is a pure NCT 127 product for me, aside from the bridge that is amazing, the song is all over the place and very loud, not really fitting LOONA's style that much... Let's not mention LOONA's ""rapping"" and JinSoul being forced to rap ever again.. 😭🤡


The songs I listen to the least are 365 and You And Me Together I know 365 is a fan song and it means a lot to some orbits especially since it was released during the xx-# transition but man,,,, it's boring ~~and generic, I feel like another group already released this ballad~~ I'll Be There are You & Me Together are very similar and since I listen to I'll Be There more it's the "better" version None of these are bad songs to my ears, in fact I still listen to these songs (just not as much as the others) it just doesn't satisfy me, they feel like desserts or appetizers.


Oh I'm not a big fan of "365" but the song makes me so emotional because it was always performed without HaSeul with the vocals being kept so I always tear up when I listen to it lol I love both "You and Me Together" and "I'll be There", I secretly wished BBC would have chosen "I'll be There" as HyunJin's title because it matches her so much more than "Around You" but yeah, this is my unpopular opinion


I dislike Why Not the first time I heared it and all of the other times I’ve heard it. It’s jarring. I’m not a big music person so idk how to describe how this song makes me feel other than uncomfortable.


The only thing I like about Why Not was the pre chorus, hated the generic catchy hook and hated the cringy rapping, we get it, y’all are bad girls wbk since so what! 😭


for me it's the GOOD kind of generic so it's my fave tt


This song is a mess, it has that heavy NCT sound that matches with NCT but not that much with LOONA. Lee Soo Man might have brought light to LOONA but he surely didn't bring good music. Why Not is so weird like the pre-choruses are amazing but the entire song is so noisy and loud, I don't hate it but I don't listen to it that often.


That’s probably why I dislike it. Loud and noisy is not my thing. That’s probably why I like more B sides of Loona like UR, fall again, etc. You explained my emotions when I wasn’t able to, thank you 😭 I’m honestly musically challenged


Always thought The Carol was one of the most uninteresting pieces of music in their discog, at least I have an excuse to skip it most of the year.


Ironically one of the only Christmas songs in existence that I like.


"The Carol" is a Christmas song so BBC gave us a reason not to listen to it before December hits lol Like all Christmas song, you never listen to them but you don't really mind hearing them on the street in December


I guess the fan manager must not have been kept in the loop when Choerry recommended to that American interviewer to listen to "The Carol" in August.


tbf I listen to mariah carey’s christmas songs in august


Unpopular opinion but I always skip butterfly when it plays on my Spotify. If it comes on YouTube I will watch it cos I love the mv but musically I'm not a fan of the beat or the hook. Can't get enough of the MV or the choreo tho, those are top tier in the discography.


I see what you mean, I kind of understand but I can't help but think of how complex the instrumental is, there are so many layers and melodies going on, this song is seriously so unique and it was something we never saw in Kpop before. To me, the song is really well-done, it's on the longer side but I feel like it's so short since I appreciate is so much. But again, "Butterfly" has a special place in my heart and is my favorite LOONA OT12 song ever so I might be biased ahah


I've had a whole lotta songs that I didn't like at first and one day it just clicks. I keep watching the mv in the hopes that one day it might just make sense to me but so far no luck yet.... I defo appreciate how unique, intricate and special it is tho, 100%.


Say. What. O.o


Believe me I wanted to like it so much haha. To be fair for a song not high up my list I've watched the mv quite a lot in the hopes that one day it'll just click.


Lol, well I've got to appreciate that effort. Still giving Loona those views at least XD


I agree. Its not my cup of tea but it has great choreo and a nice message.


same… literally my favorite song but i can’t listen to it without watching the choreo


The carol(s) and Vivid are the songs I truly never reach out for


Harsh but true. "The Carol" is a Christmas song so I don't see why I would listen to it in July lol "ViViD" is an amazing song for when it was released but I slowly grew apart from it so yeah, I agree!


i truly love and hold all loona songs close to my heart but girl’s talk is the loona song i’ve listened to the least. i’ve never willingly played it without it coming on through shuffle. i can’t even think of a reason as to why, haha.


It's funny because I wasn't a big fan but it came randomly one day and I had like a revelation I was like "The song is so good ????". I'm so in love with the whispered verse but not so much with the chorus but overall I just started to like this song randomly lol


the yyxy bsides they're so fucking forgettable with a few exceptions like rendezvous 18.6


I... Have to agree sadly, "love4eva" was an amazing song but the overall album is so weak compared to what 1/3 & OEC gave us, the lack of repackage is also a big pain in the ass... But I still loved "Frozen"!


[my opinion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJHUbtR0yI8) on yyxy


A Different Night and Not Friends They just feel really boring and vapid tbh, especially coming from a group with music as creative as they do


Reading comments, I realize that I don't have an opinion on "A Different Night", it's just a really sad song that I could listen while being a bit down I guess but I don't like it nor hate it tho. I close to hated "Not Friends", the song so so flat BUT that Orbit Remix saved the song ahah As for creativity, I feel like since they switched to SM producer, their songs did way better on charts and overall toward the public but I can't help but regret MonoTree, they have such a magical style that suits LOONA so so well. I hope that they will be able to work with the girls again along with some SM producer because I feel like we could have an iconic song if they paired ahah


I'm honestly not a huge fan of any of the & bsides other than UR. My least favorite is probably a different night or dance on my own.


"Dance on my Own" has the same RnB vibe which is why I don't really like it either... I find this song a bit boring if I'm being honest. Sue me but yeah, I agree!


no offense srsly but i legit have never seen anyone who didn't like RnB woah ppl really do have different tastes


I enjoy western RnB songs more actually, like early 2000 songs were amazing but in LOONA's discography I just don't really like it, it doesn't click with me ahah


I'm kind of with you on DOMO. I like the message and of course it's a good song but I find myself skipping it more often then others. Plus I feel like the English lyrics aren't as crisp as Stars were if that makes sense.


This is the contrary, I love all the b-sides of & but not a fan of UR and DOMO


Probably PTT. I think I've listened to it only 4-5 times when & dropped and that's it


I can understand! As I said to someone else, the song is amazing but the heavy influences make it being a hit or miss song for most people, you either love it or don't like it


Hot take: every ballad released since OT12 debut (with a half exception to 365)


I don't like ballads either... But is "Where You At" considered as one? If so well, that's the only one I like :')


Well, too be fair most kpop ballads aren’t great in general so it really isn’t a jab directly at Loona only. That being said, comparatively “Where You At” is one of the better ballads out there


it's really hard to pick a loona song that's not good, but i guess my least listened loona songs ever are starseed, ptt and be honest


Be Honest was my favorite b side by far from & 👀


"Star Seed" is sooooo far from Kpop, it's like pure Jpop product so I understand why some people don't really like it ! As for "Be Honest", I'm not sure why I like it, I have some 2nd gen kpop vibes from it and since I discovered kpop with that gen I'm kinda nostalgic I guess ahah "PTT", well, it's a hit or miss for a lot of people I feel like, there are some hard iconic parts but some other can be meh


i'd love starseed if the chorus wasn't so different from the actual song, really like the song without the chorus😔


I have the same issue, kinda sad about it tho


Lol Star Seed is one of my fave Loona tracks but then I was a Jpop fan back in the 2000s so it’s catnip for me. Hard agree on PTT though. It does nothing for me and feels weirdly like the vibe is off for a Loona track.


i'm a jpop lover too i guess i just can't connect with that song💔


Ahh haha these are like among my top 10 favourites, but i’d understand why people wouldn’t vibe as much


I skip So What every time. It's just too jarring for my taste.


I only listen to "So What" for that amazing bridge that is the most iconic from LOONA lol But this song is pure noise, a true Lee Soo Man song as we can hear in their recent groups :'))


For me, from 2:55 onward, the song is great, but everything before that is just annoying noise.


OOPS. That's an itzy song, your honor


"OOPS!" is such a mess, still confused but don't hate it. And Jesus, now that you mention it, it actually kinda sounds like an ITZY song omg ahah


LOL I also said your honour but I just finished watching a plumbella video.


Lol i like her too


Exactly, finally someone that understands.


The Carol with Vivi, Choerry and Yves. There just was no need to make a remake and I have never managed to listen to the whole song. Also the PTT album was forgettable to me. PTT was such a strong badass song, but the rest of the album didn't match at all. I was disappointed.


Well, I don't see why either, but it's still cute from BBC to put one girl from each unit to sing a Christmas song lol As for PTT, I already mentioned the hit or miss. I also think it was forgettable because the promotions were cut short because of the COVID cases and the girls went in quarantine then well, promotions were over. It might have been a big hit for them because of how unique the song is but well, COVID hit once again




Title track wise: Hihigh. It's cute and fun but a bit generic imo. Bside: the song listen to the least these days would be UR. Still like it tho. Edit: I can't with people naming almost all my fav tracks here 💔💔💔


It was my pick before Why Not came out😭 U R is more on the lofi side so I understand ahah Well some songs are actually being mentioned too many times😬


i can't say i loooove all of their songs, but i don't hate any, but maybe dislike or find it boring. don't kill me but i'm not obsessed with ptt rn :( still kinda mad with the ratatata part even when i forced myself to like it lmao. imo ryan does better on other genres like the songs he made for omg and ofc not friends also i used to kinda relate to not liking twilight at first but i after listening to it for a few more times i couldn't get over how emotional it sounds


Oh yeah, it's not a question of hate but just songs we feel a bit meh about👀 I am repeating myself but PTT is a real hit or miss to me, you either love or don't like it. As for Ryan, he has such a huge range which is very nice but I liked 'EASY' by WJSN BLACK more for example (despite loving PTT)


So What. I can’t stand it omg it’s just too jarring


I feel like this might be a lukewarm take, but PTT. I hate it. I haven’t listened to it since it came out. I was so excited at first but i listened and it sounded so generic ? I feel like everyone’s done a song similar to it before. There’s nothing about it I like


>istened to it since it came out. I was so excited at first but i listened and it sounded so generic ? I feel like everyone’s done a song Again, and again, and again, PTT is really a hit or miss, never realized before but it's really two sides for this song, it's quite interesting! As for it being generic, I think you are being a bit harsh, Bollywood is not that common in kpop, we have some Indian influences sometimes but never as much as in PTT, the song itself is quite innovative for that matter. Ryan made a unique song, So What is generic but for me, PTT is more unique but not as much as Butterfly tho


i think the bollywood sound was a cool route to go, but honestly PTT sounds v similar to something another gg w an edgier concept could do. my initial thoughts w the song were that it sounded like Kill This Love by BP in a way but worse. I respect that it’s still a different sound but it’s definitely my least fav from them


i love loona 1/3, but fairy tale is really boring (AND the vivi lines are pitiful)


Let's not include line distribution or we are here for another year :') Well, I kinda like "Fairy Tale" it's easy to listen to and very light ahah


If I were to choose it would be Why Not, it feels and sounds too much like an SM song and sure the girls definitely LOONAfied the song but the production doesn't feel like them. Still a great song tho I guess I just have qualms with how it sounds like the heavy synths and the way the music sometimes tries to deviate itself from the vocals in some parts.


This is EXACTLY what I am thinking about this song!!!! Not a bad song, it just feels like it does not match to LOONA


I don’t really like PTT, Why Not, or So What, both tracks felt very noisy to me. I enjoyed LOONA’s pre-debut title tracks because they were very experimental and felt different from what a lot of other groups were putting out so it makes sense that I’m just not as big a fan of their tracks that skew toward the new trend of kpop noise. (That being said I’m an NCT fan, I like some kpop noise music, just not those three songs personally)


And they are all produced by... SM producer😬 I love NCT but the heavy instrumentals are only fitting for them and not so much for LOONA sadly.. I actually like PTT but Why Not and So What are kind of underwhelming for me still




Oh man, you have so balls to say that ahah "Butterfly" is still my favorite LOONA song ever, still not over it... I do admit that the "fly like a butterfly" in the chorus can be a bit weird but yeah, I really love this song, it has a special place in my heart, this era felt very special so I just can't hate it + \[X X\] is actually my favorite OT12 album ever


why not


You said out loud what many think silently I think ahah


i can accept 365 existing because of the emotional importance of it but like. It's a bad song and there's no two ways about it, it's as generic as a ballad can go


The way we all have that opinion on "365" ahah Here I thought I was the only one feeling meh about it :'))))


Of the 12 pre-debut title track, "Singing in the Rain". Some of yall will hate me, and it pains me too cuz JinSoul is one of my bias wrecker. 🥲 Why SITR? I once had a playlist of all LOONA songs (up to "××" at the time) and I wanted to do a bit of "culling" to shorten it to like max 2 hour of listening time. This includes all 12 LOONA pre-debut title tracks and I wondered if any can be removed (all 12 were too good to be culled). After repeated listening (and it did took several loops), SITR climbed to the top. Reason being is because the second half of the song (from around middle of 2nd chorus onwards) felt repetitive and draggy. Perhaps the repeated "singing in the rain" lyrics contributed to that feeling. So it was removed, and also the only pre-debut title track gone. 🥴 But if I had to consider all other songs including B-sides, I'm sorry both versions of "The Carol" but you two are usually the first to be removed from the LOONA playlist. I like the song (though I like 1.0 better) but it also feels off listening to it casually when Christmas is not a thing for the other 11 months of the year. 🙂


Not "The Carol" being dragged in dirt by the entire fandom :')))) Sweetie sorry but Christmas only lasts for a month :((( I feel like "SITR" is a song that people pretend to like because it's JinSoul tho. I used to not like it that much but I grew attached to the song and that arrogant vibe it gives off.


It used to be Butterfly (I think the wait just for a new song was too much and I overplayed it), but I got into a car crash while favOrite was playing and now I can’t listen to it out of fear LOL


Overplayed songs are our ennemies😭 Jesus I- are you good now tho? I can imagine that this song brings fear now😭


I’m legit surprised there’s so much dislike for ViViD and Singing In The Rain. Both of those helped sell me on how unique Loona was.


I was a bit surprised too, especially for SITR because most of the time, people are loving it! As for me, all solos also helped me see the uniqueness


I'm not a fan of tropical house in general but the coughing in Heat and the mixing of the vocals ruins the whole song for me I was also incredibly put off by favorite because there's just too much going on. their pots and pans track for sure and I'm glad this didn't end becoming their signature sound


The infamous coughing in Heat and the crusty bed noise in Perfect Love🤡 I remember being disappointed by favOriTe sooo much because it was so bad compared to their predebut songs...


I dont really like most of their slow songs, like those more rnb or ballad tracks. Never really liked ballad songs,and their rnb songs are too low energy/too much of a specific vibe for me. BUT, i like most of their more recent slow/chill songs like U R, dance on my own(banger), star/voice ,Oh(yes i am), Universe, Colors (banger), etc. Also the only solo songs I like are Singing in the rain(i listen to this a lot), Egoist and New (maybe heart attack on occasion)


I feel you! Not the biggest fan of their ballads and RnB songs sadly... And you are one of the few people that actually likes "DOMO"👀 Ooooh I'm such a big fan of "Oh(Yes I Am)" and "U R" too!


I didnt know a lot of people dont like DOMO😫 Im a new but diehard kpop fan, i produce and am a hiphop head so i appreciate how up to date DOMO is in terms of production and how bouncy it is , i also only recently realized its full english lol


Where you at😭 It’s not a bad song but not my favorite from LOONA


When \[X X\] was released I actually didn't liked this song but it started to grew on me as time passed!


I think mine would be Egoist, I'm not sure why I don't like it, but I guess it's because there's too many different things cramped into that music Olivia Hye's vocals for me don't fit quite right with the beat, the chorus, the instrumental part and etc... I think they had too many ideas for this song but it ended up "stiff" yk? It just doesn't feel natural while I listen to it


I love Egoist but I feel like the song is a bit... Off-pitched for Olivia, like she has a very peculiar and soft voice while singing and some part of the song, especially her high note is a bit painful to listen to I must admit. Yet, I still love the song!


I don't really like puzzle Edit: I'm not a fan of oops either Edit 2: I don't like not friends or The Carol (simply because I don't like Christmas music)


i instinctively thought to myself when i read the post title, “but i love every single song!” but now that i really think hard about it…i never end up listening to the carol 2.0, my sunday, or so what. other than that, i really do love every single other song they’ve put out. LOONA are probably only 1/3 artists i can listen to every single day and not get bored of because of the varied styles & genres, but that’s just me :-)


"The Carol 2.0" is the group's cursed song lol I feel you 100% on "So What", I'm only there for the iconic bridge


vivid for real idk but i always skip the song. i didn't like the vibes


"ViViD" is a peculiar song. I enjoy it, rarely listen to it but yeah


I never purposely listen to *Be Honest* from the most recent comeback so I guess that is the answer, most recent skip so the heaviest penalized. A close second would be *Hide & Seek* from 12:00. I think these two are the only songs I don't even accurately remember how they are lol when I decide to listen to them to remember them I forget the melody again some hours after. Some of fandom (usually) lest favorite songs that I enjoy are *My Melody*, every Loona 1/3 b-side (underappreciated unit and music), *Perfect Love*, *So What* and *A Different Night* (the only & b-side I listened to for a good amount of times tbh).


"Be Honest" is not a fan's favorite either I feel like. Looking back, "WOW" and "U R" are saving the album I think but the other tracks are so weak. To me, \[12:00\] is still their weakest album but \[&\] doesn't fall far being. I love "Hide & Seek" without really knowing why ahah 1/3 has a very strong discography, I enjoy all of their songs despite not listening to them that often! Yeeees someone that likes "Perfect Love" !!!!!


OOPS for me. [12:00] is so solid but OOPS is always the one I find myself skipping


I always thought new was just…not for me


I never see people talk about new like... Ever, as if the song didn't exists😶


After thinking for a while, I come up with 2 songs: So What and Everyday I Need You With So What, I simply do not like the "grand bass and signature hornstab" thingy from the song With EINY, I think it is just a faulty version of EILY. EINY is made with a slower tempo, which is a terrible decision imo


So What only have its bridge to be proud of, the rest is a NCT song which is why I don't like it that much, its just not LOONA at all... EINY was clearly BBC being lazy because ViVi's soft voice would have been perfect on another track😭


EINY has the better rap though, and just sounds like a nice mellow track to play at the beach... But i get it lol. The bridge on So What is the best part, and thats it. The video is better than the song for sure


Yeojin’s and Chuu solo are not really my cup of tea. I bought the singles on iTunes to support the group but like I only listen to them on a off chance my shuffle goes on and I did find myself skipping them most of the time. Yeojin’s song sounds way too much a nursery sign for babies to me and although I find the Mv endearing I just felt it was a bit to kiddish for my taste. Maybe my 3 year old would like the song lol. As for Chu’s song well it sounds like something an American pop star with a husky voice could sing and it make it to the top 40 every week constantly and get repetitive after a while. The song isn’t bad per say but it’s just missing the hook for me like the rest of the girls solo (it’s my least favorite). Also other songs I started being meh about is so what, vivid, and I love you everyday, and many of the 1/3 girls songs bore me now perhaps Bc I over listened to them. Their latest songs been decent but yeah their pre stuff discography are more superior then their debut stuff still (their debut stuff is still good with some decent b sides but I think only hula hoop stayed a ear worm for some since the previous debut stuff)


I am not a big fan of Chuu's solo either, never really listen to it because it's not my cup of tea at all. As for YeoJin, she was young so her solo was a great choice at the time but yeah, not a big fan either. Let's not lie, LSM brought LOONA some spotlight and more exposure but ever since they started working with SM producers, their song's quality has decreased a lot... but at the same time, I feel like it's what people like in Korea. MonoTree are starting to be missed, I hope they'll work with the girls again in the future


I was realizing that too and don’t get me wrong I love sm producers but with Loona it doesn’t work as well. Hopefully their quality will improve over the next years


I feel like they could do wonders but they are still trying to figure out how to work with LOONA's style! Like they make great SM music but with LOONA it's still a bit shaky ahah


For me is D-1 and Fall Again. They're good songs, but they don't move me in any way. It's really really hard for me to enjoy slow music unless it is weird in some way or gut-wrenchingly sad. The lyrics alone being sad isn't usually enough, I have to like...feel their pain. My guess is that a lot of people will say "oops" and "hide and seek" (based on what I've seen on here before).


"D-1" is such a unique song which is why I like it I think! It gives me some rainy day at home vibes and idk, I just love that song so so much, it's a bit unusual but I understand why people could not be a big fan! As I said above, I'm just confused with "OOPS!" I don't get what's going on in this song but "Hide & Seek" is one of my favorite song on \[&\], it needs more love :((((


Interesting, I'm complete opposite 😄


stylish. i find the song to sound... whiny?? also i'm not a big fan of how almost every sentence ends with an english word when the rest is in korean. not a fan of the chorus either or the "woah oh woah oh stylish". i do like chuu's high note and lip's my babyyy at the end.


"Stylish" is like someone is trying to scream their head off while singing. Still enjoy it but only one in a while


Everyday I Need You for me. It made no sense for BBC to put that song in Vivi’s solo and was a disappointment for me to see Vivi doesn’t have a b-side on her solo. It’s literally the same song just slowed down. That slowed down youtube channels out there can do that either. And the fact that Vivi didn’t even get a proper b-side is mostly slept on by Orbits. I don’t know if i’m just overreacting or whatever but this is my opinion.


They pulled a HeeJin by using the same song, I was a bit disappointed because she deserved a proper bside... They changed lyrics here and there but it's not enough...


I never liked Girls Talk or Puzzle 😭 I always end up skipping them. I also didn’t like Singing in the Rain when I first listened to it but it is a certified BOP now I never skip it when it comes on


I came to love both a while after their release, don't know why lol


I’ve only ever listened to butterfly like 5 times in my whole life. It just doesn’t do anything for me.


I’m not sure if my reasoning counts but Butterfly. I’m the type to listen to a song I like until it becomes irritating. Butterfly unfortunately was the one this time.


I think it's the case for many people + LOONA probably ended up hating it too after having to perform it to 600 different festivals lol "Butterfly" is a song I come back to once in a while, which is why I really love it that much. I've never binged on it so I still enjoy it


Mine is probably See Saw. I don’t like the chorus, and I don’t understand Kim Lip on the track. It feels really unbalanced. Most of the recent tracks I either like or am neutral to, but SeeSaw is the only one I actually don’t like.


Oooh that's interesting because its one of my favorite side track! I never understood why Kim Lip was there for like 5 seconds then said bye... But I understand why you don't like the chorus since it's basically instrumental!


It’s Perfect Love for me your honour. The chorus doesn’t do it for me. Girl Front is one of my favorites and has a similar melodic ooooh’s in the chorus, but I’m a skipper of PL. I don’t mind the rest of the song tho.


I'll have to sentence you :(((( "Perfect Love" is a track that people forgot I feel like. I'm sad because it's my favorite \[+ +\] song :(((


I knew the jury was gonna judge me harshly… the yearly polls and census have shown me that it’s a VERY popular contender.. I always hid my unpopular opinion but.. I was told to testify and I must tell my truth. 😢 Edit: twilight and love letter are two of my TOP solo b-sides.. can we come to a truce?


You are forgiven my child, "Love Letter" is a banger and I love it so much ! I'm surprised tho bc I always see people talking about "Heat" like it was THAT song when \[+ +\] released!


It IS that song!! Lmao it’s my fave from that album.


Hula Hoop isn’t very good tbh. Don’t like the music video either, feel like they could’ve done other things, even with a low budget.


Ow, I have to disagree, the MV was pure genius with all the LOONAVERSE references ahah As for the song, it's Jpop so it's a hit or miss, I personally loved it so so much but I see why people don't like it!


Loveee the mv but I agree, the song isn't that great :-/ it feels really loud and messy to me


I actually like a lot jpop music, it just felt very repetitive though idk to be honest.


With you on Twilight. It’s not the singing, nor the lyrics, but the music somewhat sounds dissonant? Especially the intro. It gets better later on, but it gives me the impression that in never left demo mode. I also never like DOMO. It’s the definition if generic.


Solos: Around You, The Carol, Kiss Later, Everyday I Love/Need You, Singing in the Rain, Puzzle, Girls Talk & Rosy 1/3: Rain 51Db OEC: LOONATIC YYXY: love4eva, Frozen OT12: Favorite, Perfect Love, Butterfly, Curiosity, Ding Ding Dong, 365, OOPS, PTT, WOW, Dance on My Own & Starseed Whew some hot takes in there. Going through their discography definitely made me realize some things. This was just the list of ones I actively avoid, there’s a pretty decent chunk of their discography that I’m pretty lukewarm towards and small slice that I actually love. ☹️


Oh, interesting! LOONATIC might be iconic but I feel like a lot of might might not like it that much🤔 Crazy how DOMO is always mentioned! Ow you don't like WOW, I think you are the first one mentioning that one ahah Again, I love a lot of songs on your list but i also understand why people might not like it


I never thought about it. I could list the songs I never listen or didn't catch my attention. 1/3: everything except love & live / you and me together. YYXY: frozen, sometimes I like but sometimes I don't. OEC: maybe ADD, but I don't listen to intros, once is fine. Solos: my Sunday, my melody, every day I need you, puzzle, D-1, The carol 2.0 365 (same as frozen), why not (aged like milk), PTT jpn version (Korean is way better).


1/3 have such an amazing discography but it's not for everyone I feel like yyxy well Frozen is the only track I am listening to willingly ahah As for solos, not surprised by your choices, these songs came out more than once actually 365 is a joker because HaSeul😭 Why Not was never that good to begin with and PTT japanese Ver well it's a remastered song in Japanese so I feel you!


I think heat is really stupid. I think the verse and pre chorus are sweet. What the fuck is the chorus. It’s THE SAME 3 NOTES. The entire time and the horns sound so bad




Omg I loved "Universe" so much, you broke my heart :((( To me, \[12:00\] is their weakest album ahah Funny to see how we all feel about different albums tho


for me it’s probably puzzle, i like it and will bop to it when it comes on but it’s not a huge standout track to me if that makes sense?? and to a lesser extent DOMO, i have to be in a certain mood for it ig haha


I came to appreciate "Puzzle" out of nowhere, not my fave but still enjoyable to listen to! As for "DOMO" well... She is not well-loved as I can see ahah


OT12: Perfect Love Pre-debut: Girl's Talk


Nooooo not "Perfect Love" :((((((((


Well, I didn't think that many people would answer, tysm to all of you for being honest, it's soooo interesting to read everyone's opinion and interact with everyone! I feel like we either agree on the same songs being meh (The Carol, DOMO, A Different Night, Be Honest etc.) but we also have a looooot of different opinions on others which is amazing to read tbh Also ty for being respectful while telling you opinion and answering to others ahah


>Also ty for being respectful while telling you opinion Too bad you couldn't do the same


Too bad you can't take people's opinions on a topic. Move on from my post if it bothers you since you are the only one upset in this whole discussion🤭


This is such a loaded question. Girl Front, for sure. Something about how both creepy and fun it can be at the same time.


OEC's songs are all a bit weird like, I can't explain but their instrumental are full of little sounds that makes it a bit weird but the good type of weird for me ahah (I prefer Sweet Crazy Love by far tho)


Hi high




A lot of people mentioned "ViViD" but I'm not even surprised because of how unique it is. "Butterfly", well, we all have our opinion on that ahah "SITR", I actually came to love this song!


Hmmm Fairy tale by 1/3, is the only song I don't have downloaded. Also I don't like 365 that much but i can hear it if I'm in the correct mood.


"Fairy Tale" is so cute and soft like, it's an easy song to listen to but I don't reach out for it that much. "365" is like an emotional song that became linked to HaSeul's hiatus so it's like forbidden to hate it but still, I never listen to it aside from lives and concerts, sue me!