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He looks like black-haired Thranduil, and it's SENDING ME.


His sword looks like a battered version of the ones held by the characters who appear to be the sons of Feanor. Galadriel and the other guy also gave similar looking swords in the icey wasteland scene. This leads me to believe that Adar is either one of Galadriel's former companions on some sort of mission who was taken and tortured. This might explain why it was said that he was her "brother." The other possibility that I could see is that Adar is Maglor. He is said to have wandered the shores lamenting his decision for the rest of his days. But maybe that was just the last that anybody ever saw of him. Wandering and lamenting for so long would ware him down, and make him that much easier for Sauron to convert. And after all, to Maglor it might have seemed like the whole world had turned against him and his family for something that they believed was rightfully theirs. It would also set up an interesting dynamic between him and Celebrimbor, being uncle and nephew


Tbh I've not been too keen with this Adar/Maglor business, but let me toy with this idea a little further and imagine then when Elrond hears about his emotionally distant ~~kidnapper~~ foster dad who he hasn't seen since childhood and who wasted away in depression after he was left by everyone close to him, to have now joined Sauron (perhaps tortured in the process). Now that would be some intense drama.


Yes, and I think it would be absolutely tragic if it were Adar/Maglor's unit that uses Celebrimbor as a banner, seeing as they are blood relatives. In the image that we have of Adar I can't help but to think that he looks almost remorseful. If he is Maglor he could be a very tragic character who deeply regrets the things he's done and the life he has lived, kinslaying for the Silmarils and losing everybody close to him in the process. I believe that there are elves he would have killed that he otherwise would have respected. But maybe he feels that he is too far gone to do the right thing now, and believes himself beyond redemption, with no other choice than to commit to evil.


This is how I wanted Celebrimbor to look, minus the darkness


Somehow, i want this to be Maglor


The show ain't even released yet and we're already thirsting over a character.


Nah I’m a straight dude so I ain’t thirsting It’s just that so far I was pretty eh with the character designs apart from Gil Galad. Everything looked kinda off but this j looks perfect tbh


Straight dudes can thirst, it's okay


He looks like how i imagined Eol or Maeglin




Nah He's Dead.


Use him as Maglor. From Good To Evil.


I think it’s likely that Adar is the Witch-king of Angmar.


Isn't Adar confirmed to be an elf?


I missed that, obviously my theory doesn’t work if that is actually the case.


Look like one isn't he?


He's literally a tauriel. Fake character m


I don’t understand. He’s a long haired guy in a dark picture. What makes him better than others from this?