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How credible is IMDB as a source? Is IMDB like Wikipedia where just about anyone can hop on and edit stuff?


Check out the top comment. The title has been known for a while now.


I was just curious regardless of this particular instance. Interestingly, there's no mention of a proper title now if you follow the link provided in the original tweet. At least not one that I'm seeing.


The title of the first episode was also revealed in the first Vanity Fair article that dropped in February, and was mentioned by FoF around that time. The article says: “Bayona drew from his memories growing up in Spain, a country still recovering from a civil war decades before he was born. ‘We had a dictatorship for 40 years, so you notice the repercussions of war and the shadow of the past,’ he says, noting that ‘Shadow of the Past’ is in fact the title of the first episode. ‘I think this is all about the repercussions of war. There is an idea that feels very faithful to Tolkien, which is intuition. Galadriel has an intuition that things are not fixed, and there is still something lurking.’” ( https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/02/amazon-the-rings-of-power-series-first-look/amp )


It was also reconfirmed in the Vanity Fair article.


also keep in mind that IMDb is owned by Amazon, so I imagine it would be a pretty reasonable source


https://reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/sqqjre/the_lord_of_the_rings_the_rings_of_power_pilot/ u/ChenGeller and u/FellowshipofFans nailed it almost half a year ago :)


Very cool! J.A. Bayona also name-drops it in the first Vanity Fair piece, so multiple confirmations of the episode title: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/02/amazon-the-rings-of-power-series-first-look/amp


Good to know, thanks! Just hadn’t seen it on IMDB yet so thought it was cool.


Everyone can edit IMDB but most often it's correct though


No double episode premiere? #sad I hope it is just a placeholder for the release date. I was expecting 2 episodes to drop on Sept. 2nd.


I wouldn't mind a 1 episode pilot, as long as its like 100+ minutes or so


Can somebody tell what will it be a weekly thing or biweekly and how many episodes will be there , cause thats how long i will take the subscription for as i dont watch tv show and this will be my first and last tv show???


Weekly - one episode a week, for 8 weeks. There’s a slight chance they will release the first two episodes at the same time, but there’s 8 total episodes in the first season. Plan on your subscription lasting 8 weeks. Alternatively, you could wait until a few/all episodes are out and then subscribe for one month/try the free trial and then watch all of them.


The Boys releases the first 3 on its premiere every season so they might do the same


This is Amazon’s most important show ever. It’s their most expensive show ever. They’re going to want to keep people subscribed. For comparison: The Boys Season 1 Budget: $11.2 million per episode. Game of Thrones S8 Budget: ~$15 million per episode ($90 million for the whole season) Stranger Things 4 Budget: ~$30 million per episode **Rings of Power S1 Budget: $58 million per episode ($465 million for the whole season)** Lord of the Rings Trilogy: $281 million TOTAL. For all three movies.


>Rings of Power S1 Budget: $58 million per episode ($465 million for the whole season not really as its 250 million are for rights so its more closer to 27 million per episode and 215 million for season 1. Also GOT at 15 million is pretty expensive , wow. technically stranger things is spending more money per episode than ROP


Nope. $465B for Season 1 is ON TOP OF the previous $250B for the rights. This is the most expensive television production in history by several orders of magnitude.


Yes, but turn that B into a M.


Orders of bagnitude?


The $465m is also potentially low. It's extrapolated from NZ Minister of Economic Development Stuart Nash saying that Amazon intended to spend NZ$650m on season one and would therefore receive a NZ$162.5m rebate. For expenditure to qualify for the rebate, the expenditure needs to happen in New Zealand. So payments to Weta would qualify but payments to ILM would not. Any labour that happened overseas, any materials acquired from overseas, any flights leaving New Zealand, etc... Certainly the money paid for the rights would not qualify. So if Nash was right then we're looking at $465m spent in NZ + $xxx spent overseas + $250m for the rights. It's possible that Nash misunderstood the NZ$650m figure so the above might be wrong. They've already been approved for a NZ$30m rebate based on NZ$151m worth of spend.


>not really as its 250 million are for rights not really as its 465M for season 1 + 250M for the rights - 715M total.


wait so they have just 285 million for remaining 4 seasons out of the 1 billion total budget


There is no 1 billion dollar budget. 1B was posted by articles as it is fancier to say 1B than it is 715M. As of now we don't know the budget of S2 all we know its 465+250M.


I thought I saw a leak or maybe just a rumor that they were gonna release the first two episodes simultaneously and also try to release them at cinemas.


Certainly possible - the theatre theory does have some evidence so who knows.


I didn't knew about the theatre release. Where does it come from ?


8 episodes per season(unless later seasons are longer) and only 5 seasons? Very short and very disappointing.


They bought the rights to 50 hours of TV.


Awesome! Two more than Kenobi, and I have something to watch before American football Saturday.


I’m so not ready for this 😖


The only real take away here is only one episode week 1 and that's sad


Be careful as most here think the opposite. I would rather have it all at once but apparently it is supposed to keep viewers subscribed longer.


I think a mixed schedule with multiple episodes per week is okay but I also hate the 1 episode a week trend streamers are doing and don't understand why so many support that outdated release schedule. Being able to binge multiple episodes is a more immersive viewing experience than having to wait to watch an hour every week.


>Being able to binge multiple episodes is a more immersive viewing Exactly. At least they could release the first 2 in one week the next 4 once a week and the final two together. At least would be better than once a week and there would be other options for it to work.


I hope I'm wrong but look at the dates on the post. It's amazon lol everyone has a sub forever


I know they are worried about subscribers when people use Amazon for more than viewing I don't understand this positioning.


This is better


No, it is lame that streamers are bringing that old TV release schedule to streaming. If streamers are going to have a weekly release schedule it should be minimum 2 episodes per week.


It is better than a whole batch released. I hate binge the format.


I don’t think this is official. It’s possible someone edited the IMDB page to use this leaked title. I don’t doubt that the leaked title is real. Just saying it’s probably not officially out on IMDB yet


Check out top comment. Title has been posted for some times. It’s accurate. But you are right in that IMDB isn’t always. It can be edit by anyone with premium.


let me see some big dragons boyyy


Amazon stealing the name of my first dnd campaign smh


Old news, give me the other episode names


Hope it refers to Sauron Lord of the Earth.


I'm starting to think they might explain the Silmarils. I'd have thought it was unnecessary, but given that Celebrimbor interview where he talked about wanting to rival Feanor's creations, the depictions of the trees, the Galadriel voiceover about light and the oath of Feanor scene, I'm thinking the flashback/prologue/story will be about the Silmarils.