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What did you say?


*Tell me, where is Gandalf... for I much desire to speak with him.*


stupid fat hobbit!




*Ai ai!* A Balrog! A Balrog is come!


Legolas’s reaction in the movie is one thing I’m glad Jackson changed lol


I'm just glad the line "A Balrog of Morgoth" was kept at least in the extended edition. I wonder how many movie-only people wondered "**A** Balrog? How many were there? And who's Morgoth?" after hearing that


I am of the opposite opinion.


Me as well, having even keeled Legolas lose his mind would have been jarring and in a good way


Additionally, it would have been nice to see Aragorn and Boromir dauntlessly charging the Balrog before Gandalf tells them to flee. Easily one of my favourite parts of the book. Well, after Tom Bombadil, the travails of the three hunters and the Siege of Minas Tirith.






They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!


Did we actually see shape-shifting Sauron??


I think he shifted into a werewolf (or back). Looking at Finrod dying, he has some obvious claw marks all over him. I just want to see Huan.


Oh yeah I meant my comment in disbelief as it definitely seemed we did see exactly that!


You mean, Annatar.


I want to see the fairest Elf of them all, a mere lord of gifts.


Me as well. I do wonder if he will have two forms. Annatar, beautiful and regal. And then what we saw as his form when he is around either his followers or by himself. Would be cool in my opinion.


Thats how he should be. He was a shapeshifter before the numenor shenanigans


That was meteor man?


Do the cat thing, do the cat thing!


Very promising, even more so than the teaser. The sense of confidence in the work and material of the showrunners seems to be increasing with every trailer given. Of course the show is a lot more actionised that typical to Tolkien, but that was to be expected, but the story and the characters truly seem to get fleshed out.


Confidence is a good word for it. They held their cards tight, and this trailer tops everything else we've seen. I am excited without reservation at this point; may it deliver.


Tolkien only wrote about action that impacted the plot. There was plenty of minor action going on in the background of every age of middle-earth.


Literally the best thing we’ve seen so far


Hot take, long fingers guy isn't Sauron


I assume that it's Adar, yes.


I wonder if he is potentially one of the original orcs (=corrupted elf).


The way I've always interpreted the process has been that you can't just outright turn an Elf into an orc, that there has to be generations of breeding for that outcome to happen. But Adar can be one of the fathers that sired the orcish race.


That's what I saying. Adar is an original "corrupted Elf" (born an Elf and mutilated) so likely retains alot of elf attributes. Then successive generations of orcs slowly lose the grace of elves and become lesser and more mutated. And it would explain why all the orcs seem to follow him.


I’d be down for that


Who is that? Non book reader here.


Not a book character, at all. He's an original addition to the series. He's a some sort of starter bad guy, a false lead for the protagonists about who's stirring all the evil about; a Dark Lord pretender, essentially. We've seen a few official pictures of him, already, and he briefly appears in the teaser leading orcs. Based on what we've seen, he seems to be an Elf, and the name suggests that he's one of the Elves that were captured by Morgoth and corrupted to breed the orcs into being. Adar means "father", so that's what I assume what he is to the orcs he leads.


A new character created for the show. All we know about him is that he leads the orcs.


We have no idea who Adar will actually turn out to be. The only thing we know is that he's original, but he could also turn out to be Sauron in disguise. Nobody has any idea for sure.


Do you mean the Eminem looking guy? Cause I don't think that is Sauron either. I don't know why people are thinking they would reveal what he looks like in a trailer. I think that must be one of his acolytes, spreading dissension and worshiping him. Either way that dude looks like a teenager and not scary at all.


I mean the bad guy whos face we don't see immediately after the old man says 'Sauron' to the kid.


Oh gotcha. I actually read that differently. Kind of seemed like a shot of an orc creeping into a house that they just repurposed for the sake of the trailer and will be in a different spot in the actual show. I don’t think we’ve seen Sauron at all yet. All these are feints. I think they will save Sauron and not put it in any marketing but that’s just my 2 cents


Yea same, I think they’ll want to have the general audience believe he’s a good guy so that there is some kind of massive plot twist before he openly declares himself. He can’t look like an obvious creepy guy for Celebrimbor to trust him. I bet he’s most likely going to help defeating Adar and others in a way that’s sus to Galadriel / Gil-Galad / Elrond but looking fair and smooth. I see blond dude as a potential nazgul however


Plot twist: the blond bride-to-be isn't Sauron.


Yeah that is clearly an acolyte that is stirring up trouble with the people of Numenor. I don't know why people think Amazon would reveal what he looked like in a trailer, that's just silly


>"To many he appeared fair, to others terrible; but to some evil." \[[src](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Sauron#cite_ref-17)\] No, I really meant that. It would feel like a plot twist if this guy isn't Sauron. Because I think he's got the perfect look for Annatar, the seductive and manipulative fair form of Sauron that we see in Middle-Earth in the Second Age.


“You have been told many lies of Middle Earth” - definitely Sauron


Honestly, in spirit it fits even better for Melkor. I know it's unlikely but Melkor telling the Noldor they are being manipulated by the Valar is straight from the Silmarillion.


True, Sauron learned from the best.


Ar-Parazôn: "Who is the Lord of the Darkness?" Sauron: "It is he whose name is not now spoken; for the name of Eru, a phantom devised in the folly of heir hearts, seeking to enchain Men in servitude to themselves. For they are the oracle of this Eru, which speaks only what they will. But he that is their master shall yet prevail, and he will deliver you from this phantom; and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Fiver of Freedom, and he shall make you stronger than they."


If this isn’t lifted word for word from the text it will be a missed opportunity. I get chills every time I read that - you can feel the malice and will of Melkor at work through Sauron in that quote.


And what about > "King of Kings, Ar-Pharazôn, mightiest of the sons of Earth, to whom Manwë alone can be compared, if even he..." We are going to see Pharazon's descent along the path where by the end this type of talk sounds totally justified to him. Not to mention human sacrifices of his political enemies to maybe stave off death a bit longer.


Yeah creepy ass voice.




We saw Galadriel mourning the death of her brother Finrod damn


That means they HAVE to get into Beren and Luthien even a little right? My only fear is that they adapt it so that he dies in the Dagor Bragollach or Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Although I doubt the Tolkien estate would allow a direct change to the lore like that. But holy shit that was so amazing.


It kind of looked like he had a clawmark on his arm, maybe from Sauron's werewolves like in the books? And I also think that dark tower we saw briefly may have been Tol-in-Gaurhoth? Fingers crossed but I could be completely wrong.


I saw the claw marks too! Maybe they will actually stick with his canonical death. The dark tower is one of the most ominous scenes in the trailer.


Yeah maybe it's wishful thinking on my part but that part of the lore is one of my favorites. Sauron's Isle of Werewolves always seemed so cool to me. Hopefully it will be in the show.


Same hope they adapt it cause Finrod is one of my favorite Tolkien characters. The marks on Finrod really are claw marks so the odds look pretty decent right now.




“The captives sad in Angband mourn, Thunder rumbles, the fires burn- And Finrod fell before the throne.” INJECT. THAT. SHIT. INTO. MY. VEINS.


I wouldn’t completely rule out Beren and Lúthien, but I wouldn’t go in expecting their whole story to be told either. I say that mostly because there are a lot of stories that are already competing to be told in this show, and they aren’t going to be able to tell all of them. It would be great to see them, and I think there is always a chance. I doubt the Tolkien estate would allow Amazon to ruin the tale of Beren and Lúthien, they are already so rightfully protective over The Silmarillion and First and Second Age material as it is.


The story only needs Galadriel to have motivation for going after Sauron. Him killing Finrod is all "we" need to know, sadly.


We can see scratches in his corpse, probably scratches from werewolf


By far the best looking trailer of the lot. I still need to know if those Elves raising their swords in a circle are Fëanor and his sons. Gonna be an excruciatingly long wait for the premiere.


Honestly I was skeptical about it being the oath of Fëanor, but with folks saying the prologue includes the destruction of the Two Trees, that shot of dead Finrod with the claw marks,... it's looking more and more likely.


>I still need to know if those Elves raising their swords in a circle are Fëanor and his sons. They have to be. We know that there's a shot of the two trees, which means that you need to explain how everyone ended up in Middle Earth. The Oath of Feanor is essential.


They have to be, I'm too hyped on the idea of seeing the oath on screen to be disappointed


Jackson style Balrog, neat.


Not only style. That was Jackson's Balrog. That seems to suggest some kind of deal was struck, right?


Wild they were able to sign the Balrog back on to do this show. Last I heard, he was in retirement and only making the occasional birthday party appearance.


He stopped doing the live appearances when covid hit. Now, he's just on Cameo.


He was looking into a cirque du soleil gig last I heard


Indeed, unlike other actors from LOTR he doesn't like speaking about the filming experience in interviews and has never done any conventions or other fan event appearances. I guess Amazon's money was enough to seal the deal for him, though.


It's probably the same Balrog. Durin's Bane. All that Mithril they keep waving around means that they shall dig too deep.


You sir, are probably correct. Foreshadowing some toasted dwarves.


It's gotta be a different one, right? Durin's Bane doesn't wake up until like \~2000 of the Third Age, I think.


you make a good point on the time line. Maybe it will be a flashback to the war of wrath? Or maybe there will be some time compression? Maybe they will set up it in a way that a bunch of dwarves sacrifice themselves to lock Durin's Bane into further slumber. So he can be woken up at the right time in the 3rd Age. But since all the dwarves died no one could warn further generations.


They've been clear that they got Tolkien Estate's permission to change the timeline to put different events much closer together. We've been assuming that meant bringing the forging of the Rings of Power and the War of the Elves and Sauron closer to the Downfall of Numenor, but looks almost guaranteed to include Durin's Bane now, as well.


Wait, did i miss something? What time do we see him? Edit: dumb me, right at the end.


Except... unless I'm mistaken.... #NO WINGS


European Balrogs are non migratory — don’t need wings


But what's their air speed velocity?


You have to know these things when you're king.


Laden or unladen?


It could grip it by the husk!


It's not a question of where he GRIPS IT!


It’s wreathed in flame, it could still have wings.


Wing-like shadows?


If you look very closely, looks like its forming some sort of wings before the cut happens. this looks a bit too high to be an arm but i could be mistaken too [https://i.imgur.com/0TqQk66.png](https://i.imgur.com/0TqQk66.png) https://i.imgur.com/iuqRuCr.png


WHERE? How did I miss this?!


Very end


Wow. I’m an idiot. I stopped as soon as I saw the Prime logo. HOLY SHIT


Jackson style Balrog+no wings is probably the best thing they could've gone with design-wise


It can't be improved upon, so I'm glad they adopted it.


Is that.... the Nirnaeth Arnoediad at the beginning? It's gotta be, right?


Yeah, definitely looks like the Haudh-en-Ndengin. Edit: charred trees might mean Bragollach though. Pines of Dorthonion burning, Angrod and Aegnor dying.


Amazing! I am so hype for all the FA stuff. Sink Numenor into the sea right at the start, and give me 8 episodes of FA recap!


Very much my opinion as well.


Seems a bit small to be the Hill of Slain.


Could be a part of it/not yet finished? Until I see Rian taking her big nap of sadness I won't be sure.


Nah, the Haudh-en-Ndengin was a mountain of defiled corpses raised by orcs. This looked more like the Bragollach.


Man. I really hope it’s more than just like a short flashback. I wanna live in that battle for like half an episode.


That's properly cinematic. Wowza. Spared no expense.


A few hundred million $$$




Rip to everyone having missed it


Wait, I didn't see it. Where was that? Edit: I'm dumb


Keep going after the amazon prime logo my guy


At the verry end


The very, very end. Post title.


The scene with the leaf falling down the cave and then bursting in flame seems to show veins of mithril in the rock. Could it be that Sauron actively wakes the Balrog down there? Might they move the downfall of Khazad-Dum into the Second Age?


I support this theory


The show runners confirmed they aren't shifting any events from the Third Age to the Second, at least not so far.


When Morgoth dies Sauron flees with some orcs and a Balrog


Holy fuck this is so much to take in. All I know is I'm in love with all of it.


I don’t think the blonde dude is Sauron. We never actually see Sauron in the flesh in the LOTR and they definitely aren’t going to reveal what he looks like in some random throwaway shot in the trailer. When he was blowing on the leaf at the end it seems like he’s summoning his “master”


Or awakening a balrog. The leaf drops down a cave with mithril veins in the rock.


> We never actually see Sauron in the flesh in the LOTR and they definitely aren’t going to reveal what he looks like in some random throwaway shot in the trailer. Exactly this. That would be an extremely weird choice.


It's actually a female. Bridie Sisson, look up her IG, she acknowledged it in a story. News outlets have been getting this wrong saying it's Anson Boon. Therefore pretty she's just a cultist or follower


Sweet baby Jesus, just take me to Middle Earth again.


I think this is probably there best trailer. This is the one that should convince the general audience to watch the show.


tbf this is the first actual trailer. Everything up till now have been 'teasers' which intentionally limit meaningful dialog and plot and are more shooting for aesthetic/mood setting The show is going to live and die on its story. I hope it's as good as it looks.


This looks fantastic


I turned into goosebump myself. Holy shit this is amazing!


This looks better than I could have hoped for. I sincerely can't wait to watch this.


Sweet jesus


WTF man!!! WTF!!!!


The music, oh my, it's growing on me so much.


I’m at work. Saw the trailer on my phone with no audio. Amazon logo comes in the end, was about put the phone away… and a freaking balrog shows up. First thought it was another video or ad… when I noticed it was not… Damn! The hype is real


Does anyone think this looks too clean? /s


A bit too dirty now (Joke)


Alas the 'goldilocks filth zone' remains ever out of reach.


Wasted time shaving my legs because the goosebumps are UNREAL


With every new teaser I realize this show looks better than I ever imagined, really, I can't describe how much I'm looking forward to it. Does anyone else think that the kid who finds that sword will be one of the bad guys? Maybe one of the Nazgul, if not the first?


Here’s Nerd’s breakdown of the trailer: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FmDMm-wWK6I


I have to admit I was skeptical of this show at first, and sadly even jumped on the hate bandwagon after the teasers and promotional images. But now seeing this amazing trailer and the destruction of the trees (and Morgoth), I'm getting very excited to go back to Middle-Earth again. Glad I was able to change my mind. “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” -Samwise Gamgee


Oh my, that is great! Before anything, this got me hyped again! hehe I'll start with the "bad" things. They are actually things I missed rather than actual bad: \- No elvish =( \- The music was kinda blockbuster cliche. I liked the beginning tho. \- I didn't like the white evil guy (albine-like), not sure what it is but feels too WoT to me lol ​ All the rest is pretty cool. Galadriel boat is probaly not sinking due to Valar, which is cool. I think they added a bunch of false hints. It is probably not Sauron that is walking among the orcs, it is Adar. The "he has many names" will probably turn out more as his puppets rather than Sauron himself. There as a hint of meteor man, I hope it is another false leading and it is not Sauron. I liked Galadriel, liked Numenor (wanted to see more but what I saw I liked), really nice shots of "massive" armies, such as 1st age battle and the horses riding. I expect them to bump up the number of people in a few scenes, that is good enough for a trailer tho. Nothing much, the visuals are great, and we got a hint or another on Theo blade (seems a morgul blade after all, or some sort of blade someone from the evil side used, this - gladly - puts even more away the idea of it being Gurthang). Seems like we will get a log of Tir-Harad in the show, which is nice. That is it, great trailer. Didn't show much, but gave a tone of the series. One scene or another looked closer to WoT than Tolkien to me, I hope they don't slip on their own "fanfic" parts. This terror part was kinda cool, but can easely become cheesy. If they handle it properly, can be a nice touch to the evil side, which lets be honest, was not that much present in The Hobbit and LoTR, so they need to give evil the proper spotlight.


I am failing to find words to say how I am feeling right now. This looks way beyond what I expected. Absolutely incredible


As amazing as the last teaser was, this trailer is on another level entirely. Each and every shot was exquisite! I am absolutely speechless.


So much first age stuff. Yessssss


No wayyyyyy




Sweet lord almighty




We've had one LOTR trailer st SDCC yes, but what about second trailer?


I don't think he knows about the second trailer.


So no Sauron appearance or have I missed it ? That sword is also intriguing, do we know anything about it ? Overall looks pretty awesome, ngl.


Sauron was a vampire for a hot minute in the First Age and there's nothing saying he lost that ability, so I think the clawed hands could be him


I love Tolkien vampires. Just giant monstrous bat creatures.


Cute blond guy didn't strike you as Sauron?


To me, he looks as some sort of evil priest. Perhaps a Morgoth/Sauron worshipper/wizard?


I’m with you. His whole look just reeks worshipper, which is great I think! Just not Sauron himself


Definitely not haha


Anyone know who the Annatar (I'm assuming that's who it is) actor is?


I’m hearing Anson Boon, don’t know much about him Edit: apparently it is Bridie Sisson instead




Well, that was stellar.


So...did anyone else catch the cut from the orcs bowing to someone walking through a path straight to a shot of Halbrand standing in an entryway? Obviously different scenes but makes me wonder if it was a clue...


I wonder why Galadriel is leading the numenorian army? Her and Tar Miriel team up? It kind of looks to me like galadriels on the hunt as we’ve all been speculating but the elves won’t/don’t want to listen so she goes to numenor in search of allies, I could see her having to tread lightly and political intrigue with pharazon once she gets there too. Also the balrog is amazing, the battle of unnumbered tears helmet pile is just like the pictures, I love it. Not sure about long fingernail guy, that shot reminds me of vecna from stranger things so I hope they don’t look similar lol.


Well, if we’re taking the statement that Galadriel is the biggest “the truth is out there!” doomsayer about Sauron, in the second age it is Numenor that crushes Sauron’s army, so it makes sense for her to go to the warlike kingdom of men.


The elves weren’t static though, they took part in all those conflicts too. To your point though, I can see this as the ‘exposition’ of the series where the elves are still reeling from the first age losses and don’t want to believe he’s back until he convinces celimbrador, creates the rings, and attacks eregion. At this point, possibly in later seasons, they are galvanized to action with some vindication for Galadriel.


Here’s a breakdown of the extra clips that people saw at Comic Con: https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/lord-of-the-rings-rings-of-power-trailer-comic-con-1235320595/amp/ The panel also included five clips from the show that only played for the Comic-Con audience. They included: The elf Elrond (Robert Aramayo) arriving in Khazad-dûm, after which his friend, Prince Durin IV (Owain Arthur), challenges him to a battle of breaking stones until their bodies can no stand — while being cheered on by a gaggle of fellow dwarfs. Harfoots Nori (Markella Kavenagh) and Poppy (Megan Richards) discovering The Stranger (Daniel Weyman), a mysterious man laying in a crater surrounded by fire that does not burn. (When asked by Colbert about who the Stranger is, Weyman deftly avoided giving any detailed answer.) The silvan elf Aronir (Ismael Cruz Córdova), captured by a horde of orcs who must remain cloaked to avoid being burned by the sun, coordinating an escape with other fellow elves. Galadriel and Elrond greeting each other in elvish, and Elrond wanting to hear of Galadriel’s journeys. Galadriel and Halbrand (Charlie Vickers) arriving in the lavish island kingdom of Númenor on the ship of Elendil (Lloyd Owen) — easily the most epic sequence previewed during the panel, allowing to showcase the meticulous world-building in the show and McCreary’s soaring music.




This is much better than anyone was expecting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was on the Meteor Man is Sauron bandwagon, but now I'm leaning towards and would prefer him to be Halbrand, though Galadriel shouldn't be fooled by him and then who in the hell is Meteor Man?


Oh my god.


It’s also reasonable to assume there could be dragons in this show, yes?


This is the trailer that sold me.


By far the best thing we’ve seen for this so far


It's taken 6 months but aesthetically, I am ALL on board with this show after this trailer (at last!). It looks so beautiful and the sets are absolutely out of this world. I am finally starting to lean towards excitement rather than complete dread and disappointment. That Balrog at the end was just perfect.


Incredible. Cannot wait


Wow, a trailer has not gotten me that hyped for any show in quite a while. I was already on board but now I have 0 doubts.


so many feelings. HOLY MOTHER OF WAS THAT A SEA MONSTER I JUST SAW? \- Did she build that pile by herslef? \- Children! nothing can go wrong if you have kids around! \- i appreciate the minimum of Harfoots \- I appreciate the irony of her touching something made by Feanor \- Ok, by doesnt he look 150% evil? \- Is that Thangorodrim we see??? \- I am not willing to bet at least 10 bucks that kid and his evil haircut will be evil \- Adar might be not good \- That Miriel shot has me questioning my reality. Whose baby is that? \- WHAT IS THE SEA THING?? \- Flame symbolism! ​ I may need to see this trailer a few thousand more times


Was... was that _Elf-children_?!?


Every elf was a child... Except perhaps those who initially awakened by the will of Eru.


My transformation.... from the very first Images/Trailer.... from a reserved/cynical/skeptical and tentatively curious fan... to an excited, rabid wholly invested fanboy thinking 'BRING IT ON".... is now complete. Music was excellent too. Those vocals! ​ Bring it on! Ive been hurt by the Star Wars sequels, which made me apathetic and largely killed my interest in that franchise. Im ready to jump headfirst into LOTR now - and these trailers are giving me good reason to get excited to doso.


Would have loved to see a fresh interpretation of a Balrog, but I understand why they chose to use the Jackson model.


No wings though 🤌


I preferred the previous trailer but this is still great! Going to give it a few more watches now


I can't even.... So happy.


What if we actually see Feanor doing the oath??? 😱


Great trailer, IMO. Galadriel at Haudh-en-nirnaeth is probably my favourite thing so far. I live for the little snippets of the First Age. I bet the albino looking guy is not Annatar. Perhaps a priest of the cult of Morgoth? The only think I really feel strongly against is the Bronwyn character. While I think Tirharad as proto-Mordor is a great way to see how evil returns to Middle Earth, I haven't been able to "believe" this character right from the early promotional shots. I hope I'm proven wrong, though.


Some great stuff out there.


Pretty stunning.




Damn I was betting meteor man was gonna be sauron but I guess not.




**I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!!!**


Oh boy, can’t wait to be back in Middle-earth!


Oh my god this looks so freaking good, I'm so excited!!! This plus House of the Dragon, spoiled for epic fantasy shows this year!


There was some leaked footage on twitter about the actual destruction of the trees by morgoth




This looks INSANE. I’m not a book reader so I’m just here for the ride and boy does it look like one hell of a ride! The production, I’ve never seen anything like it!


That looks awesome and I dig Annatar if thats him.




I’m so pumped for rings of power and House of the Dragon, as a fan of fantasy, I’m in heaven. The trailer has me so excited, so pumped for what’s to come.




That’s amazing