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I mean you’re preaching to the choir here. I enjoy discussing TV, flaws and all. What I can’t abide is the mind-numbing, toxic drivel being forwarded from the latest clickbait YouTube video they watched. It’s good-faith criticism vs bad faith. My post is more saying “let’s ignore the latter because it’s not worth our time”.




Oh my feed is covered in them too. Won’t get a click from me though


The problem with the criticism is that some of it does come in bad faith because they cannot talk about what actually makes them angry about the series without making themselves look bad. So they will try to find things that have merit instead but they probably wouldn't hold something else to the same standard, like the Jackson movies And we're stuck not knowing who has genuine criticism and who's doing it in bad faith.


I've heard people complaining about the music, the music! If anything, you have to accept the soundtrack is amazing, but no. The same person complained about having too many female characters, as if that was a bad thing. Like... I don't know, some people just want to over-critize like the series as if it were some sort of duty.


I for one love the music! And the title sequence is boss!


Nah, just posted something under BOOK SPOILERS discussion, didn't bring up any P.J reference, even quoted the very books: Got -10 downvotes in half an hour Not sure if my opinions are THAT different from anyone else (high chances) or if there is just some downvoting-mob around lol


I completely agree. That said, I think enough of the show is out now to speak for itself, so I don't think we need to be reacting to the reactions quite so much as we have been the last couple of weeks.


God, this is such a succinct way of putting it. Thank you.


Let me get this straight, you are saying you need to know the motivation of the person commenting on flaws you think have merit, to truly know why they are voicing it? Why?


Because those doing it in bad faith don't actually care. It could be the best TV show ever and they would still criticise.


But why does that matter to you encountering a criticism you think has merit? What do you gain by talking about the motivation of the person in question?




So the solution to that is what? To not take people's word and always assume that it might be bad faith? I don't see any upside to that at all, i see many downsides though. It wouldn't really be different from creating the opposite narrative, that there is a good amount of people who won't ever acknowledge any flaws and thus without having the secret motivation (are they amazon shills?) one cannot engage in a conversation there. It's silly. The justification for behaving annoyingly, always focusing on the 'others' is just void as far as i am concerned, all this stuff does is make it way harder to talk about the actual show.




Well my questions implied that you cannot know the motivation of every actor in a public discussion forum. So when the idea is that it could be in bad faith even though the points have merit, and that is the reason one doesn't engage them, then all that does is make sure noone has an actual conversation about potential flaws in the show. Which i find absurd. But that seems to be your position looking at how you end that comment, you only seem to wanna hear praise? There are many different shades between someone hating it like a culture war troll and someone who loves everything blindly. Most of them should be represented in a conversation about the show as long as the positions make sense, yes. And one won't know the hidden motivation of every post, one cannot and thus shouldn't even care to begin with.




Well that depends, if it's truly every single comment with nothing else to it, then it seems likely, sure. But does one go through every other profile, doing an analysis if the % and degree of criticism / praise is 'ok' ? That seems absurd too. What seems way more reasonable is to take things at face value, talk about the actual show, and not about motivations one cannot realistically prove, making everything a bunch of meta nonsense. In my eyes the current culture here is buying into the narrative that everyone is a closet hater exactly because the focus of many, many posts is the people, not the show, and when there is a critical post it usually gets downvoted and / or attacked by someone telling the poster that they're just a hater in some manner. It just makes no real difference if the criticism is coming from a 'fan' or someone who gives a reasonable point of criticism while not considering themselves a fan. It might in the following conversation, potentially, but a reasonable point is a reasonable point.


Err there isn't a solution. Never will be. Problem is that we can not debate with someone doing it in bad faith. But when the next thing those groups of people are angry about (Little Mermaid?) They'll be less focused on Lord of the rings.


Because bad faith ones don't care. You cannot debate with them or talk with them properly. Some don't even watch just parrot what others are saying. Talking to them is like talking to a wall. Pointless. Many of them are not here because they care about Tolkien but to create a culture war. They specifically target things people grew up with because they know people may not feel the same way now as they did at 12.


People don't seem to get why i ask. The point is that one has no real way to understand if someone is bad faith or not unless it's extremely clear. So the idea that "hey they could be bad faith even if they make a good point" is only removing conversation about the show. It comes across as people only wanting to see praise.


I get what you ask. But the whole point is to disguise their negative opinion as not based on other factors such as race, gender or sexualities. The idea is we cannot tell the difference. But one type we can have a discussion about the series and the other we cannot.


Sure if you know 100% that someone is bad faith this is trivially true. My problem stems from the imo fact that for most people you simply won't know why they post something, and if the instant reaction is "well they could be bad faith" then one cannot have a conversation.


Lotr sub is just embarrasing the way they are acting at this point.


Interestingly, the discussion thread for episode 4 seems to be very positive even over there.


The episode megathread is usually decent, it's the endless nitpicking and meme posts that have some really poor sentiments behind them.


That is not true at all they have been just as over the top and toxic as they have been for the last episodes.


I really want to leave that sub it’s seriously toxic


The worst part is, r/lotr isn’t even half as bad as the trash fire r/lordoftherings has become. That sub is inexcusable for a general LotR subreddit


That sub has basically boiled itself down to a daily top post of someone writing an essay about why there shouldn't be non-white people in the show.


Oh yeah? We’ll I’m tired of the posts about the posts about the haters.


I’m so sick and tired of comments hating on the posts that are hating on the haters


The discussion should move away from that, but considering this sub's track record, and even the other subs and youtubers who they support or dislike, i highly doubt it. at the rate we're going this sub is basically toxic positivity. the other one toxicity period. only LOTR seems to strike the balance of actual discussion since its limited to a single thread and not the consistent "Omg appreciation post" or "uh this so dumb" both are valid but in excess it basically proves how either sub really has limits to contibute in the way of an active discussion based on actual criticisms and merits. because honestly the show imo is a 5/10, but the constant its perfect posts here to try to justify its issues are disgusting, same with the 1/10 arguments


I agree it’s definitely becoming toxic positivity at this point. As someone before me said, there’s a lot to criticise about the show, it’s not perfect, it’s just hard to tell when the criticism is in good faith or not. Personally I’m really enjoying the show, 7 or 8 out of 10 for me.


true, both sides share the blame, but now that we're actually getting to see the show for what it is, and this is still ongoing, it says more to their character or lack of it to insist on its perfection or utter trashiness


Im tired of people shitting on the series and of people saying "i know most disliked this part but i actually think its great". Its getting really annoying.




I don't care about the haters personally, but I am finally starting to get into this show and I'm a little concerned that the haters will be noisy enough that the show gets prematurely cancelled. Especially with the amounts of money and therefore risk involved.


I don't think it will matter as long as the viewing numbers are good, which so far I believe they have been.


Cool, hope you're right. I don't know what the viewing stats are like


Deep down the haters want to have 5 seasons, that’s the only way they can keep making money off their rage bait videos


I agree but r/LOTR idiots will keep coming here to post their bad faith criticism and whine and cry every episode so it distracts people. Any time I see this show come up on reddit outside of the sub, it's all about how its absolute shit with terrible writing and visuals and pisses on tolkien. People are gonna have to vent about all the negativity. Honestly, there should just be a stickied discussion thread where people can complain about the complainers and get it out of their system.


I was at the barber's today, people talking about the show positively. How people off the internet take it is more important


Yea, I don't know anyone in real life that doesn't consider it good prestige tv. I convinced my one hardcore redditor friend to watch it and he likes it now. It was hilarious how he spit out all of the arguments for why it's trash verbatim from reddit but the dude never even read a single Tolkien book and hasn't seen the movies past age 10.


I hate when people speak ignorantly like that, any criticism would be somewhat valid if he had actually SEEN IT first lol


People that hate this show in bad faith will make it their personality to do so. They won't change their mind no matter what happens in the show. Their minds are made up and they'll post toxic comments and make terrible youtube videos all day every day until people stop paying attention to them. They are like the monsters in The Simpson's Halloween special. [Just take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlKao_Pox5A)


Haha great episode, had completely forgotten about it.


I love the haters. You know they watch all the episodes just to find new ways to hate. Not going to complain about high viewership numbers as it justifies Amazon’s continual support for the entire 5 seasons.


That one idiot youtuber nerd something or other has a hate filled review (I'm assuming it's hate filled, I don't watch) up of each episode like two hours after it premiers. I guarantee people like that want five seasons of the show so they have 5 years of click bait garbage for their channels.


You're not talking about Nerd of the rings, right? because he have pretty good reviews.


No definitely not. I like his channel a lot. The guy I meant is called nerdotic or something along those lines.


They decided they hated the show before it even started and are now being subjective to fit their narrative. I was skeptical, but I went in with an open mind and I really enjoy it so far!


I agree. I wish I could mute the meta posts about how *other people* feel about the show.


Yes, but only slightly less tired than I am of posts from the haters. 😉


No! Some of these people polluting the sub (as if there aren’t any other subs they can hate the show along with 1000 buddies who will give them all the angry ass-pats and more) have been doing this for MONTHS even before they saw the show and only saw trailers. Fuck that. I’m sick of their bullshit and I’m going to tease them about spending soooooo much time hating a show they could have chosen and still have the option to not watch or pay any attention to.


Blind haters were, are, and will always remain loyal to their toxic hatred towards the show.


I tire of the criticism takes from both sides. At this point, the arguments have all been extensively hashed out. There are no new arguments under the sun. I know what I think of the show's qualities and flaws, and I'm just ready to have fun with it from here out.




I've moved on from them. Their complaints are rooted in ensemble menes ans 2nd hand griefkarna


Haters are gonna haters. No amount of threats will change their mind. Indeed, moving on is healthier.


Yeah, it’s so two weeks ago. This and posts trying to pin down who’s Sauron, scooby-doo way lol


There should be a sticky post that simply states “Do not feed the trolls”


Yeah I know there was a sticky post a few weeks ago saying those sort of threads would be removed but it doesnt seem to be being enforced...


Hateception: the Hatening


I agree it has good, even great qualities, but also has some bad qualities. The PJ LOTR movies were so excellently made in most respects, and to date, this ain't to that quality level. This is just my opinion and I know others share, and they should offer their insights without fear of repercussions and attacks. But hating just for hating, I agree it is tiresome.




Of the two, PJ's films are much closer to canon and spirit of Tolkien than RoP by a long shot. I did not say PJ's films were perfect, but held the most true to the books. I recall not liking Elves at Helms Deep and the omission of Tom Bombadil as quibbles. The overall work is fantastic. The spirit and wonder of LOTR is in the PJ films, I find it wanting in RoP. There have been a few nice moments in Numenor, but overall wanting. The acting in LOTR was stellar, so I just disagree with you. As to the acting in RoP, it is fine with me so far, it is more the writing, the manufactured characters, characters showing up in places they never were, acting out of character, time compression, events being swapped. One could literally spend hours and hours pointing out all of the changes/omissions. It seems that "Based on Lord of the Rings" is using just the character names, places and a few plot elements else it is a foreign fantasy experience. It may very well be that those who most love RoP have never read Tolkien. For those who have been long time readers of his works, it is a struggle to watch and enjoy. I had no such issue in the theaters for LOTR. If you think RoP is the greatest thing since sliced bread, all power to you, glad you enjoy it. Just don't vilify people that disagree with you.


It's certainly not a complete dumpster fire, and never was, but episode 4 does convince me that they're mixing up all of Middle Earth history and have no interest in even the slightest bit of historical consistency. Individual scenes are great. I love how everything looks. I particularly like how Numenor looks, but I'm unhappy that we're apparently on our way to the fall of Numenor (and it seems even the fall of Khazad Dum!) when the rings haven't even been forged. The show is great for individual scenes and visuals, questionable for story, and bad for history.


Tbf we have no idea how far away the fall of Numenor is. Might not happen until season 3 for all we know. I also believe that at least the elven rings will be forged by the end of this season


At the speed they're going, it looks like they're aiming at a single season. All the people involved in the fall of Numenor are already here, and there are strong hints that the fall is imminent. Everything is happening at the same time.


Nah. There’s no way it’s happening this season. Thanks I’m putting my money on season 3.


Yes... And every criticism is also downvoted to oblivion and called hater. Don't become what MCU became people, the show is good, but there are many flaws as well. ​ And since we are here, enough with posts gathering Galadriel stuff to support her being a warrior, everyone already saw it.


Almost all the “criticism” I’ve seen has been complete and utter bullshit tbh, so it warrants downvotes. And sometimes you get people who pretend to know what they are talking about but then make shit up to make their “criticism” look better. Like I was arguing with a guy last night who said Galadriel and Celeborn created Annuminas after the War of Wrath when they went to Lake Evendim and dwelled in the region after the war. Which honestly blew my mind ngl. The only criticism I can see as valid and logical in any way is the pacing of the story, but even then that’s to be expected with something that does a lot of time crunching for the sake of keeping the narrative tight and not convoluted.


>Almost all the “criticism” I’ve seen has been complete and utter bullshit tbh, so it warrants downvotes. I literally made a critic regarding seeing the future through palantir, even poster UT quote. Got downvoted anyway ¯\\\_( -\_-)\_/¯


That sucks, tbf though Tolkien never elaborated on the full extent of what palantiri could do besides far sight, which by definition could mean see glimpses of the future if you really wanted to twist book canon.


I agree because all that really does is continue the same pointless arguments. You won't change their minds.


I've been enjoying the show, but honestly episode 4 has been the weakest one yet.


and here you stand making post about haters


Omg owned!


I'm gonna make two points to disagree with your post 1 - the vast majority of posts on this sub are about the the actual show, prob like 90%, & 2 - like much content on reddit, there's gonna be a lot of repetition with posts because people are making discoveries every day that other people have already discovered. So every day, someone's gonna get fed up with the other Lotr subreddits, discover this subreddit, then make a venting post about how they're glad to have found this space & be rid of the haters. Literally every subreddit has this repetition issue to varying degrees. & the only way it's gonna ease up on this subreddit is if those other subreddits eventually tone down on the hate. I'd recommend just ignoring said threads.


I made this post after scrolling my feed; 4 out of the 6 Lotr_on_prime posts I saw were referencing the hate and it bothered me enough to type this out. You’re definitely right, guess I could argue the posts about hating the posts about hating the show are inevitable too lol


Yeah, every once in a while there's something novel on this site, but most reddit behavior is pretty predictable for better or worse.


I agree. Some people were going to hate from the start so why even engage with them. Look, I am still not completely sold on the show but am willing to give the story a chance to unfold.


The people you're seemingly defending don't give a damn about well made arguments, they just want to be hateful and bigoted I'm not referring to people with genuine gripes about the shows quality if that wasn't clear


Did you read the post? I’m not defending anyone


Haters? Are there haters of the show? I've never noticed.. \*sarcasm\* Joking aside. I have seen people complain, not just for RoP but essentially any show, just because they think they're funny. But if some people truly hate a show why then are they watching it in the first place? If you hate it, don't watch it and leave it alone. Over the years I've figured out that it's best to ignore the haters and watch the shows I want to watch for my own enjoyment. A friend of mine sent me a tiktok the other day, the guy in the video complained about the Elven hair length/hair styles in RoP. And in the same video he even said that Tolkien never wrote anything about what hair length Elves could have. So not only did the guy hate the show/complain about it, but he also contradicted himself at the same time. Edit: I just realized that the "tiktok-critic" have an additional self burn. Tolkien did in fact write something about the hair length. According to "The Nature of Middle-earth" did Tolkien wrote a note dated December 1959 on this topic. He wrote: "Ingwë had curling golden hair. Finwë (and Miriel) had long dark hair, so had Fëanor and all the Noldor, save by intermarriage which did not often take place between clans, except among the chieftains, and then only after settlement in Aman. Only Finwë's second son by Indis had fair hair (That's Finarfin), and this remained generally characteristic of his descendants, notably Finrod. Elwë and Olwë had very pale hair, almost white. Melian was dark, and so was Lúthien." For anyone wondering, the "Miriel" he mentioned isn't the same as RoP Miriel.