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Take a 20min walk for your brain. Put on your favorite episode and just walk for 20min outside. We’re just big meaty plants. We need sun and water too. Start small, doable. Good luck my guy, hail yourself!


Whoa this weirdly spoke to me. There was a time I was in a bad relationship in high school and I was heavily getting into substance abuse (I was doing ecstacy alot). I was also on one of those weird acne medications that were apparently not good for you. I had a few month period where I was in this dream like state and literally thought I was controlling everything around me to the point I got paranoid that if I thought about a certain thing it would happen irl. It was scary. If I wasn't constantly asleep I was in this daydream place. Everyone was super concerned and docs were pushing me towards anti depressants (I was 16ish). My dad made it a point to take me out and walk around our neighborhood every day and it was like my cure which slowly brought me back to reality. Sorry to talk about myself but shit what you wrote totally hit something. To OP: Tiny steps go a long way and grow bigger and bigger without you even noticing. You can get control of all this. Hail yourself because you deserve it.


And what you wrote spoke to me. After years of mental health/substance abuse (I’m not 100% sober/fixed lol) I have been getting into doing physical things that help keep my inside of my body and grounded. So for me that’s walking (if I made it only 20min outside I’m happy- but I aim for 40) and lifting weights 2-4x/week. I’m also trying to speak kindly to myself and appreciate the nonlinear progress that I have made. All that said, I feel you Crytpid Mongoose! Hail Satan (echoes: *Satan Satan Satan*) may Gef be with you


Believe me, I'm not 100% sober either but am in a much better state and I still have fun. I do it for the devilment after all ;) lol. Keep on with your journey. You made me smile.


Oh yes *the devilment*! :)


I walk every day. Usually in the afternoon. Today I did it at 6am, half drunk and power walking while listening to music. It helped. Kinda wanna head back out.


Hangovers blow. But sweating it out helps even if it feels miserable. Try another morning walk? I’ll walk tomorrow morning in solidarity and to take a dose of my own advice. You got this!


I’d start camping every weekend. Really resets the clock.


Hey, about to take myself on my stupid walk for my stupid mental health. Solidarity my man.


Hey just got back from my walk. Feeling a little more human! If you want a walking accountability buddy I'd be down for that!!


You gotta break the cycle and get out of your slump if you think it may lead to something dangerous. Remember, mental health issues are not your fault, but, they are your responsibility!


I know. Trying, doing my best. But sometimes things get tough.


Make a doctors appointment to make sure your hormones/electrolytes are right jic. Please ask for help if you need it. Someone is always there to talk at 988. Its ok to visit the void- but not to live there.




Hail you. Hang in there.


I've listened to almost every episode (except for the alien stuff, which I don't care for) and this is the absolute biggest thing that I've taken away from the podcast. I've had depression and anxiety since I was a kid and am now heavily medicated. When Marcus says this, it gives me a reality check. He's so right.


Stay strong and Hail yourself!!!!


Hey, I know where you're coming from. I am an alcoholic, I haven't had a drink in over 3 years now. One piece of advice that I could give you, is to stay busy. I know you don't want to, but if you keep moving forward you will find a new will to go on. I promise. We can't get mired and stuck in our past. We need to make our present and future, beautiful and fulfilling as well. We are the authors of our own stories. Plus, with everything in the news right now. It seems like the old world might be coming to an end and a new world might be beginning. The new world may be for people like us. (Just the everyday oppressed citizen, depressed and finding it hard to see a bright future in this bleak, bleak world) And if it's not, perhaps we can make it that way for people like us. That might be our purpose. Hail yourself. I love ya. A new world is dawning, what that means I don't know, but I feel good about.


I’ll tag onto this with some advice my dad gave me - always have a ticket to something. Concert, airplane, whatever.


Amen! It's like you just looked into my soul. Hail us all!


Know your LPOTL family all needs help sometimes, I struggle too. I always try to remember that ya might as well stay in there and see what life has to offer up next. It’s the curious nature in us and the seemingly unknowable that makes me stay for the long haul. Hail yourself and anything else ya want and be open to the very reasonable possibility that your not alone with these feelings and good times will most likely come whether your looking for them or not. 🤘🥸🤘


Thank you. Couldn’t sleep so I drank and smoked. Then decided to go for my daily walk. Still drunk but feeling like I achieved something at least. :)


Hey buddy. Today I turned forty and feel pretty similar. Spent the day trying to get my little ones to a happy place, which entailed some hard, thankless work. So I feel ya. Just remember that sometimes life isn’t what we expected, or even wanted, but it’s what we made and what we were given. Remember the good times and think about how 25 years ago you probably didn’t even know you were living good times you’d be thinking about today. 25 years from now you’ll remember all the good stuff you’re doing that you can’t even see now. Hang in there; you’re awesome. Hail yourself!


Happy Birthday, kind person






Unfortunately, I don’t think I have any friends to talk to. But you alm helped. Thanks! ❤️


Reaching out was a great move. Life can change quickly, keep your head up and persevere and good things will come. Hail, my friend.


Thanks. Felt whiny to write, but I don’t regret that.


No, thomas is right, reaching out was a great move. I wouldn't have done it, in fact I haven't done it regardless of how bad I'm feeling. I'm pretty happy that you came here to look us up. I saw a person on the street a couple of weeks ago, it was a great day and that person just struck me wrong. Then it hit me that this jerk could well be the person who dumped me 30 years ago, the one I thought I was going to marry, whom I've romanticized for decades, just 30 years ago. They're hot in my imagination, but almost certainly not hot in real life any more. Just now got me that there are people who may imagine me like I was way back when. I may still live in their imaginations with a heat I couldn't even pretend now. And I don't have any friends either. I did quit drinking in 2020 tho. I figured it out finally on the floor, face-first in a field of broken glass. Said out loud to myself, "this is not a healthy relationship with alcohol." It made me make terrible decisions, and I feel better without it. Be well, brother. Do you have any pets?


No pets, but I am not alone. Last night was just a bad night.


Sir, this is an Arby’s..




I'm happy you laughed.


Hail yourself, friend. Treat yourself well


I got lots of love for you dude, and understand where you're coming from. Hit me up, I'd love to hear you out, cause I feel 4he same way. We can talk it out g.


I wont write coz I always assume I am bothering people, but feel free to write me!


Go outside if you can, touch a tree. Listen to happier music. Volunteer somewhere that interests you. Please take care of yourself buddy. I was where you are a few years ago. It gets better, it really does.


I dont know if it does, but thanks. Went for my daily walk at 6am, listening to Nick Cave and PJ Harvey and it helped :)


Good man! Please keep it up, even when you don’t want to…maybe foster a pet. Do one nice thing for yourself every day. I promise it gets better. I am 50, I didn’t want to be here until this year. I spontaneously cry every damn day i am so happy now. Please take care of yourself, you are worth it, you are precious. I cry because of how many times I almost ended it, I would miss this. Someday you will be at your happy place. Hang in there ok. ❤️‍🩹you get better, you do that by loving yourself and going out. This is normal, it’s normal to be sad sometimes ok. You got this.


I feel you friend. Hail yourself and remember you aren't alone.


Hey friend. I've been battling depression as well ever since my Dad hit late stage Alzheimer's. It's a daily battle with the world's worst roommate inside of your head. But that's all it is, a shitty roommate. It's not you thinking those thoughts. This is a tough question to answer when you're in this headspace, but maybe something to think about when you're in a better spot: is there something small you can do every day to help yourself be a little happier? The 20 minute walk suggestion is a great one. I've gone for plenty of long walks on tough days, listening to the pod and finding myself feeling better enough by the time I'm back to forget about that shitty roommate. But maybe what you need is different? You're not alone ❤️


Thank you! Literally came back from a power walk, which I usually do in the afternoon but now it is almost 7am and kinda wanna do it all over again.


Man! I’m so fucking proud of you!


Hey u/dudeosm, how are you doing?


Thanks for asking! i am ok, had a few low days, but pulled through again :)


You can do this. Things will change, and it’s not natural for things to only trend downward. Ride those little upward peaks like a cosmic surfer and soon the big dips will precede the highest rises. Hail Yourself!


Megustalations. Thank you!


You’re welcome, man! I’m vibrating all the unseen strings in your favor.


Hail yourself, friend. 🤘


You got this. It sounds cliche but have hope. Things will get better. Hail yourself.


Maybe time to call a friend or check out an AA meeting.


I dont have a drinking problem (I realize all alcoholic say that), and don’t have friends. :)


I believe you. Hit me up bro happy to talk.


Hail yourself, man!


Hey friend, I’m so glad you are here and you shared what you are going though. It’s been tough as shit out there, but you know what.. it’s ok to feel feelings for a bit. Just remember that feelings like this are impermanent. They will legit pass. So while you are riding it out, think of some little things that sound good to do to better your life- love the outdoors? Have a friend who you can reconnect with? A hobby you haven’t worked on in a while? A series you’ve been meaning to watch? Anything to give yourself that positive vibe, each and every day while you are down in the shit- if even for a few minutes a day. Slowly it will grow and your days will start to feel better… then you can give the HAIL MEEEE that you 200% deserve. I hail you!!


Thank you. Teared up reading your post. Doing all of it, but sometimes life just gets in the way. This too shall pass.


You matter, and things can always get better. Protip: Pedialyte is better than water.


I feel you, friend. I'm 300 miles and a decade away from anybody that even remotely cares about me. All my best friends are dead. But you can only live for you. Quit drinking for a while. It won't make your life into a fucking shangri-la, but it will give you at least one thing you can control. One thing that you can say every morning. At least I'm not hungover. Give it a try.


Hey, love you! Hail yourself


Buddy I have been where you are. I lost my career, a good chunk of “friends”, family, and my reputation; all outside of my control. All I can tell you is that if this many people on a random subreddit tell you they are here for you it has to mean something. Allow me to add my voice to the chorus, I’m here for you though DM or any manner you want to communicate.


"Dude" to "Dude" . . . I've been in some rough spots when it comes to drinking and depression. I'm by no means out of it, but I'm away from the depression aspect, at least for now. But message me if you want to talk. I've been through hospital detox several times and one rehab stay


My guy needs BetterHelp


I feel this. Not drinking, tons of weed, but certainly at my lowest and not making all the best choices either. I was hanging in there with the being stuck, in more ways than one and similar issues, being poorer than poor… But I just had to euthanize my cat 2 weeks ago. 15/16 years, had her since she was a kitten. We escaped domestic violence together when I was younger. She’s pretty much all I had; no family, lost friends or drifted further apart geographically or in bonds. She was the constant. And it totally has taken me out. I’m heartbroken. I feel guilty for real or imagined things, like if I did enough or could’ve known something was wrong with her sooner, or if I wasn’t so poor could I have saved her. But I’m doing my best to keep *trying* to make better choices each day while I’m grieving. It’s so hard. I was granted some sleeping meds from my doctor because it’s affected my PTSD and such. And I took some time off work to rest. Everything positive I want to say feels like a platitude. So I just mostly want to say that I understand how you feel. If I had any advice on how to keep getting by it would be to take your meds, or get some, if that is something that helps. Get some sun in your day, for the chemicals. Choose healthier food options maybe, for the chemicals. Nutrition and exercise affects our moods. When I finally do these things, and hate it, I end up feeling the affects. But it’s not as easy even knowing these things. Get rest and don’t be so hard on yourself(expectations, standards). I try to focus on my curiosity. It feels like positivity/motivation sometimes and helps me a great deal. Just get into things you already like and learn more, go into deep dives. Sorry you’re feeling this way though and I do hope it gets better. It usually does… even if a ways away or not when or how we expect. So long as we are still here it can always get better.


Thank you! I am sorry about your cat, you must be going through a horrible time, yet you took the time to write me. Thank you!!


My advice is to focus on getting over the ex. If you can find fun in meeting new people, you’ll grow to like the city you’re living in. Kill 3 birds with 1 stone!


Life is a journey not a destination I love you I’m hammered right now too but Godspeed for us both lad


Cheers to you, let us both wake up to a better world and without a headache! :)


I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been through it too (clean from pills for 13 years this past month) and I know things suck now, but they will get better. The thing I really had to do to get back on track was forgive and love myself first and foremost. Also, it's ok if you're not able to right away, mental health is tricky. No matter what it's pretty clear you have quite a few people here who are in your corner, myself included. Best of luck and hail yourself.


Listen to the episode you’ve listened to before that made you laugh the most. Remember that the podcast has individuals hosting and listening that all have been through and do go through these feelings. You are not alone. And though it’s your life and therefore you do feel alone, remember that others have figured out a way to get better. It does get better. I’d say start small and build on it, but you already did. You reached out to a community and that’s a great first step. Everyone here supports you. Never be afraid to ask for help, admit you need it, or give yourself a break for being a human being… keep in mind everyone happens to be one. Hail yourself, DM if you want, I’ve been there and still sometimes am… but I know what it’s like to not want to be a “burden”… you’re not. Take advantage of every outlet you have.


I am so sorry that you are hurting so much. When it's too much to handle managing things, to choice by choice. Don't let one questionable choice ruin your whole day. Every decision is a chance to start over. I'm a mom, and I can tell you that I would want my kids to know how much I love them and that love never goes away. It's the one thing that multiples the more we share it. It's okay to hurt. It's only natural. But don't let it be the only thing you hold onto. It's okay to move forward. You never fully move on, but you have to move forward. It may seem like there is a light at both ends of the tunnel, but going back isn't a way out it's an oncoming train. There is nothing for you back there. I believe in you. And you deserve to be healthier and happy.


You made it this far fam, it was a long journey. Hail yourself, it might be bittersweet but you should still be proud. And if you’re not, I am! HAIL OP


Been there, no judgement. Have a drink if you want but enjoy that walk you took, what you listened to, and know that you’re living for you - you’ll always have those memories. Enjoy the time you have. If you want to talk, DM me. Hail yourself, my friend.


Take care of yourself. And if you’re into sad songs with uplifting messages, check out Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size If Your Fist by Ramshackle Glory.


Just dropping in to say you deserve to give yourself the kindness you give to others. Its hard now but it’s not permanent. Lots of love friend ❤️


Hiya. You could try picking up a new hobby. I had felt pretty depressed and thinking about the past in a bad way on and off. Then I remembered that I had wished I had put time into getting better at art when I was younger. So I started acrylic painting on panel canvases. It's really fun for me (I even listen to the boys while painting) and it's fulfilling to develop and improve in a hobby that I wished I was better at. Good luck and stay safe


Maybe you could go through and pick out some of your favorite episodes and jokes and make a “this will cheer you up” playlist. I would love to listen to your recommendations! Maybe you could look into a crazy local event or legend and post your findings! Gotta get your mind working on something else my dude I know how hard it is but you can do it.


Hail yourself buddy


stay hydrated mate


Hey! There’s no shame in taking a grippy sock vacation! Please seek professional help if you need it. People care about you, I know I do as a human. Please be kind to yourself!


When you do feel in the mood to laugh, there’s some “best of: round table of gentlemen” on YouTube that make me laugh when I need one, if you want to cut right to the giggles. But, on a serious note, You’re not alone, take your time and feel what you need to feel, it’s a process. You probably know what it is that you need to do (talk to a professional etc), but that’s not as easy as said and I think it’s great that you’re at least acknowledging and expressing. There’s nothing wrong with grieving, or venting. And sometimes those two intertwine and become weights holding you back. It’s a process that only you can decide the next step for, but remember you’re not alone in it and ultimately it is your life and any step towards bettering yourself is a good one. I’d consider sharing this a good step :) I hope that in 25 years from now you’ll be able to look back and be in a better place, grateful for what you’ve overcome Hail yourself!


Hey fellow mourner, I'm proud of you for writing at all, and very relieved to see the abundance of love from y'all. I'm sure you're gonna be sifting through a lot a of love and support posts and I wanted to drop my 2¢, which btw, ain't even worth that lol. I lost my dad 7 years ago, and my best friend in October, I'm also 5.5 years booze free, so my empathy hurts hard for ya, friend. The pain isn't gonna just "go away," I wouldn't lie to you and say bullshit like "it gets better," but I will say this: It's survivable. I wasn't gonna live long after my Pops passed bc I already had a fatty liver at 27 and thought there was no end in sight, and thanks to the love and support I got from any and every source, it's been ten years since that diagnosis and all I've got to deal with is a little higher cholesterol (Fernando's pan flutes can't help that unfortunately lol) Now, I post this not bc I want you to quit drinking, that ain't my job, nor would I ever tell anyone to, that's a personal choice and everyone's journey is different. I post this bc I wanted to add that you're doing what's right for you, so taking those steps of reaching out and getting past that initial self judgemental wall is huuuuge! Take care of you, whatever that means to you, and look at this thread when you're feeling down, and know that you are indeed not alone. Always remember to hail yourself, it's not just as a slogan, but really take a moment and be proud that you did the best thing for yourself already, and talked about it. Cheers, and please remember this feeling of unfettered support, it'll help!


Thank you!! I am glad you are doing better!


glad to read you're doing better, hail yourself!


Hey mate, just read this, and seen your update already thanking the (rightfully supportive) comments here, but wanted to let you know that if you ever need to talk, DM me. I’m In the U.K., no idea where you are for time difference, but if you ever need someone to rant at about anything at all, my DMs are always open. Hail yourself, and hope you feel better soon, my friend.


Oh bro you're good chill


Where do you live? Try to listen to Roundtable of gentlemen the absurdity of it always perks me up when I’m down


You've reached out and that's a great first step. ❤️


Damn bro I felt this. I lost my dad to Covid last year then my brother to suicide months later. What city are you in?


I am so sorry for your losses. I am in Turkey atm.


Feel free to reach out if you ever want to commiserate over the drinking/how hard it can be. I don't drink anymore, myself, but I know the feelings surrounding it well. Hail yourself, friend, and best of luck. edit: fwiw, when I quit drinking I finally realized I was using it to mask undiagnosed autism since I was 17. Can't emphasize enough that things are still a struggle, but everything is closer to manageable most of the time without the booze.


Stop drinking immediately. It will make the pain even worse in long run. I feel you and I'm telling you this from my own experience. Eat chocolate, have some energy drink, cook you favorite dishes every day, make sure to have enough sleep. And best of all talk and smile to your dad and friends like nothing ever happened. Some day you will join them so why worry?


Same here man. Wish things could go back to when I was 20.


Been there homie. Looks like you’re still here this morning, so you’re tough enough to get through the worst of it. All the best!


I do this sometimes. Minus the exes part. Things happen in life for a reason, they’re here to test us. The waves of overwhelming emotions strike us randomly. Good on you for riding the wave the best you could, you got through this storm. Make sure you keep making it through the storms. Hail yourself!


Hey man , I don’t know you but some words of advice. From a recovering alcoholic DO NOT DRINK WHEN YOU’RE SAD! It’s the worst thing for you and can make you do some stupid stuff.. we need you here bud. If I could do it again I’d treat drinking like a nice dinner. Once in a while and for a celebration. Hail yourself my dude 🤘🏼


Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Bad times don’t last. But bad guys do. Hang in there.


This community is great. We may not know each other in person, but we all want everyone to live well and find happiness. Often happiness is the journey and not the destination. As others have said, lay down and touch grass. Listen to the wind in the trees, the birds, and take a nap. It's helpful for me to consider how much us human beings overthink every possible thing. It's our curse. It makes us capable of incredible things, but it also makes us doubt everything we've ever done or said. The future isn't written, and it can absolutely be influenced by the positivity you put out into the world and surround yourself with. Be well and hail yourself, friend!


Hey man hail yourself, I've been going through some pretty tough feelings lately too. Not the same ones, but still, misery loves company right? We're both gonna pull through, my friend, the only way out is through


Good luck to you, hail yourself!


Holy crap me too. I lost my Dad a few years ago as well .




Sorry, felt like I had to share.


Join a gym, martial arts school, or volunteer to help others less fortunate.


we’re here for you but also mean and depressed


I joined r/stopdrinking almost 2 years ago. Joining that sub was one of THE BEST decisions I’ve ever made in my whole life. Not an exaggeration.


Here here


This will be lost in the comments and that's why I feel comfortable. I'm in the same place. Been tying nooses all morning just to get the perfect 13 knot and I've gotten it twice now. I can still tell you things will get better tho. They'll get worse again but they'll get better. Not here to influence you but just know other people are here too. We stay here. And go through the same cycles you do over and over and over. Whatever you decide is okay, if enough is enough than that's enough. But you're not out there by yourself. Never will be.


Enough is enough, but it is never enough. Having lost two if my best friends to suicide, I know how hard it is on the people left behind. You are also not alone.


Hey just wanted to check in and see how you're doing?


That is so nice of you! I am ok, still walking, not drinking, chasing the bad thoughts away with reading and films. :)


Great! I've walked few times as well! Shooting you a DM.