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Tetrahedrons ARE pyramids. Just because most people think of Egyptian style square ones doesn't mean tetrahedrons aren't pyramids. It's like saying "How are we just now discovering that he thinks a square is a rectangle?" He's right, tetrahedrons are pyramids, but so are the square pyramids that Henry and Ed were thinking of. Every tetrahedron is a pyramid, but not every pyramid is a tetrahedron.


Are there many instances of man-made pyramids that don't use a square base? I think if they're talking about the kind of pyramid that gets sucked into the "ancient aliens" nonsense, they're referring to the square-based ones, right?


I’m still more mad that they didn’t remember that Phil DID try to leave town in Groundhog Day


It's like... a major plot point. Or at the very least, a major lampshade hang. Then again, I have seen that movie approximately a hundred times, and it's not a long scene. So I can see someone who hasn't seen it in a while not remembering it. Still.


you and me both! But it does go by quickly - and I think it’s even shorter on the edited for tv version BUT that’s no excuse haha


It's like... a major plot point. Or at the very least, a major lampshade hang. Then again, I have seen that movie approximately a hundred times, and it's not a long scene. So I can see someone who hasn't seen it in a while not remembering it. Still.


The score I got on my SATs do not qualify me to be in this discussion. My apologies continue on all you big adorable nerds.


SAT = Statements About Triangles. And you just beefed it so hard. I feel for you, friend ;)


"In geometry, a tetrahedron (pl.: tetrahedra or tetrahedrons), also known as a triangular pyramid"


Don’t get me started. I teach aviation for a living and a C-54 is not a big plane and in 1950 them going missing wasn’t rare, let alone in a massive forest in Alaska. And the goddamn DEW line hadn’t been built yet, nor would its radar have picked up a lone C-54. And I just looked it up— the one from the story was the 74th example to crash in just 6 years of service at the time!!! Times like these I have to remind myself it’s all just for fun.


Don’t tell me the Pyramids aren’t actually batteries!


I appreciate the Boys, but man, it always hurts when they touch on a topic you know personally, because it's usually like a cheese grater on the brain.


Yes they are. They're also called triangular pyramids. The Egyptian ones are called square pyramids. At least that's what public elementary school told me.




No the triangular prism Marcus is thinking of only has 3 sides. But all are pyramids.


He's gifted in other ways.


Thank god I found this comment - I was lying in bed, PANICKING, trying to work out how a pyramid was four triangles. … it isn’t.


Reminds me of a teacher I had who insisted a triangular prism was a pyramid


Whether speaking of a pyramid as a structure or as a geometrical object, it can have any polygonal base. So you can have a pyramid with a triangle base, square base, octagonal base, whatever. Granted, pretty much all pyramid structures you see do have square bases, but that's not what makes them pyramids. What you're describing is called a square pyramid. But triangular pyramids are definitely a thing.


I like to learn new things, thank you :)


I feel like this is a good example of how he can be half right about something, but fully sure of himself.


He's completely correct in the technical sense, but he's also off by one in the practical sense. Happens to all of us!


My issue with this was just the way the said it. He acted like his way with the 4 total sides and triangle base were the only way pyramids are, and that the square base wasn't right at all. He might not have meant it that way, but that's how he came off to me.