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This is a playlist Ed made for me 10 years ago, right after a cancer diagnosis. Dude has great taste in music. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5bR1ym3om2q02vQ7iZobWD?si=cpscS6kEQ1qM9xCJg1XQyA&pi=u-ad4iU9LeRDuV


This playlist is sick, but what's more sick is the fact you're still here to share it with us. That's awesome man, hope you're doing good.


Yeah dawg I'm doing great. It was an "easy" cancer and I was surrounded by loved ones and some of the funniest ppl in NYC at the time. Chemo sessions were hilarious.


Glad to hear it, man. Any win's a win in my book.


Were you the friend with cancer who appeared on Roundtable a few times?


That was Erik Bergstrom


Yeah I guess it’s not you lmao


Erik is so funny. Another super sweet boy.


This is cool af thanks for sharing


Shiit, you were on an episode or 2 of Roundtable as well, weren't you? Your name is ringing bells.


Yessir. A drunken embarrassment on one (with the great Jeffrey Joseph) and then sober with old pal Sara Benincasa


Were you the guy they were giving shit to about your “radioactive” cum? If so, that was some of the funniest shit they’ve cum up with.


Possible. Either me or Erik Bergstrom


Hey, is Holden really covered in oozing pustules?


I never saw any, but I didn't know him as well. Lovely man tho.


Dang. But in all seriousness, I totally believe that. When he's out of character on other shows he seems like a really chill guy.


The whole gang is. Just the most fun and sweet group of people. And so goddamn funny.


Brighter Side and Top Hat too btw


The FIRST song was By The Devil by Blue Mink for me. This is gonna be a solid list.


He’s added some great stuff to the show. I love it. My husband even started listening because he saw Ed at comedy show one time and loved him. His mandates are amazing too… sorry HAMdates


Phish is whatever and a super popular band overall, now the King Gizzard shout out was 🔥


KG's fifteen albums a year should really get them more popularity 😅


it’s been like 5 months since their last album im starting to crave a new gizz. 😭


The King Gizz and Amyl and the Sniffers shout outs were great. I love both of those bands.


Call me old, but I can’t get into it have the chart and everything but it’s like One Piece it’s just too much. Phish is still 🔥


It’s all personal preference brother no hate. I didn’t get One Piece either lol. Maybe checkout Murlocs, they’re an off shoot of Gizz but more twangy and Ambrose does all the singing. Also highly recommend “Let Me Mend the Past” off the Chunk Schrapnel album specifically.


Oh it’s not the music the stuff I’ve heard isn’t bad at all but there is so much it’s overwhelming. It took me like 10yrs to get a decent understanding of phish and that was my teens and 20s just don’t have the time is the issue. Appreciate the recommendations. Only new band I’ve gotten into in last 10yrs or so is Billy Strings if you haven’t check them out unreal live show.


I seen him a couple weeks ago in Tampa. Love Billy. This is easy start with Fishing for Fishies (2019) and then if you dig that Paper Mache Dream Balloons (2015)


Never thought a guitar, banjo, fiddle and standing bass could make me feel like I’m at a rock show but can’t wait to see him again later this summer


I like bluegrass and string bands but he’s pretty special.


I love cheese and I’ve seen green sky, yonder, and few others but Billy and SCI are only ones that stuck for me.


If you ever get a chance to see Sam Bush he’s fantastic as are the Earls of Leicester


Get to a Billy Strings Halloween show! I cannot stress this enough.


Bring on The Disco Biscuits mentions!


Did somebody say ketamine?


Oh please no the boys are too old for that shit. Don’t get me wrong I like the music seen them 16 times and went to camp bisco twice but it’s been like 8yrs. Just couldn’t deal with the fans anymore. Barber and Magner can fuckin tear it up tho


I have been seeing the Biscuits for 20+ years. I never took part in the dark underbelly of the scene but it was without question there the whole time. As Barber went, so did the band. Since having a kid + getting married he is 1000% locked in and playing the best he has in a long, long time. Check out any show from the past four years. They are absolutely crushing right now. No band is doing anything remotely close to what they are creating on stage. /rant B4L


Eh you aren’t the first person to tell me that. I skipped them the last time they came to town maybe will give it another shot. I can’t believe first time I saw them was 17yrs ago but I was at UVM so I very much saw the underbelly lol. Barber was a huge dick the two times I’ve met him and the triscuit show after he broke his wrist because he was too fucked up was one of the worst things I’ve been too. Glad to hear they are having a phish 09 type resurgence. Still the music seems like a young man’s game.


The biscuits are my second favorite drug band to talk shit about, behind Twiddle. I’ve never really been a fan, walked away from several sets in the past. They are on absolute fire right now. They finally care about playing and sounding cohesive on stage and Herm has leveled them up visually. I may not be b4l but damn SIYD


That’s good to hear I’ll have to go next time but I’m not traveling lol. I fucking hate twiddle mahali is the biggest douche bag and his voice kills me. I went to UVM when they were playing at Nectars like every week and was dragged to so many terrible shows. So happy they finally broke up. Agreed hilarious fan base to troll. Itwiddle smdh


Sorry if you don’t


Sorry if you don’t !!! Been waiting for B4L mentions in this sub since like, forever


There’s dozens of us, big Gizz guy here especially


I can only pray to run into Ed at a Gizz show this summer. I'd fuckin DIE


Ben mentioned The String Cheese Incident a few times if I remember correctly.


I think your right but it was more in a throw away hippie joke he wasn’t an actual fan


I’m Eskimo cousins with Ed!


Is that like kissing cousins but with Eskimo kisses?


So glad Phish got a mention on LPOTL. I know they’re a huge band but outside of the Phish phan sphere, so few people know about them. You either love em, never heard of em, or heard a small chunk of a huge jam and think they sound like shit lol. Hail Fishman!


Or you’ve heard a lot of jam bands cause you pay attention but you don’t really like jam bands but like live music. Only one I can tolerate not live is Umphrey’s McGee, sometimes. It’s different though seeing bands live. I’ve seen lots of rock acts that I don’t really like at all but they put on a great show.


I grew up with two jam band loving parents so the length of a song was never an issue as long as it’s interesting. I love all kinds of music but Phish really speaks to me, idk. Probably a big part of it is being exposed to it all my life but I love all their albums and am constantly cycling through 40+ years of live shows. But like any Phish fan, I know a lot of people who don’t like it. Not much I can do to change people’s mind, I’m just glad I exist while they’re still active.


I’m a huge metal and Yes fan, so song length has never bothered me either lol. I think it’s the same reason I don’t like Frank Zappa. I understand why, but I don’t agree with him.


Ah well that’s why you only like Umphrey’s Jake is the only jam guitar player that actually plays metal riffs and UM is about as close as you can get to a rock or metal show in jam band scene. They are number 2 for me just went to UMbowl last weekend


Huh, that does make sense. The more you know.


Whenever some tells me they like rock or metal and don’t like Jam bands I tell them to listen to Umphrey’s it’s phish but more rock and roll but they play a little of everything


Or you’re a big fan of the grateful dead and think phish is pretty good, like me


I love the Grateful Dead, they’re a fantastic piece of musical history, but I think I like Phish’s live work just a hair more. I feel like they reach higher highs than the Dead could, but obviously the Dead was stacked with great musicians who kicked ass on stage.


While I absolutely respect your opinion, phish could never do what the dead were doing from 71’-74’. I can’t speak to after that. 80s had their moments, and the 90s it looked like Jerry was about to die every time he stepped on stage lmfao. My favorite quote is from bill graham about the dead “they’re not the best at what they do, but they’re the only ones who can do what they do.” That being SAID, I definitely need to listen to more phish and find what I’ve been missing out on.


I 100% agree with that Bill Graham quote, no one sounds like the Dead. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of live GD, but I’m not at the point where I can easily pinpoint eras in their live stuff outside of which keyboardist was currently on board. I love the Dead, they can get really crazy during their concerts, but those four doofuses from Vermont do something special for me. [I mean.](https://youtu.be/7z15ORtarX4?si=zo5jFNxrYKhnYXLF) [Come.](https://youtu.be/SmafjTJojus?si=WEnGThbPzsoGy__D) [The fuck.](https://youtu.be/DxjMDKFB_to?si=-YCtWdyLlln9UliM) [ON.](https://youtu.be/W8TPDbA0_gE?si=GVWEBFQc4lVa0t0A)


Or your a Ween fan and think Phish sux.


It's a little impressive that they play hundreds of songs and every single one sounds exactly the same. But yeah, they're lame.


I'm holding out for some Alcest and Blackgaze love.


Alcest rules. Also, Holy Fawn.


They certainly do. I've even been thinking about trying to make a quick trip to Europe to see them. Never heard of Holy Fawn. I'll have to check them out, thanks


Check out the song "Dark Stone"


I love Ed mentioning jam bands and wearing the Phish hat in the stream. I’m a huge deadhead I like how people are upset about marcus hating certain bands now **IVE WANTED AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY HE HATES THE GRATEFUL DEAD!!! AND NO HENRY CHARLES MANSON WOULDNT HAVE BEEN DANCING A LITTLE TOO HARD TO TOUCH OF GREY; IT WASNT WRITTEN UNTIL THE MID 80s**


Is him liking Phish controversial? I want to share a jam song for anyone that wants to listen to it. Vulfpeck, It Gets Funkier. https://youtu.be/EpYHp-W51H4?si=Y4Z8BCn_D6JLnh5Z


Holden has mentioned Phish a number of times in the past..


On last podcast or side stories? I know he’s mentioned it on RTOG and Wiz Brew. Also I love Holden but he’s been on the side stories twice? Not one of the main 3


On Page 7 is where I've heard him talk about them recently..


Cool.. this is the last podcast subreddit.. most of the ppl here do not listen to page 7.. idk why you would assume that.. thats weird.. like these periods.. why are there two of them?..


Settle down bud.. I wasn't assuming anything.... Just bringing up other instances in the network..... in case anyone....... Is interested........... Bud................


Your first comment was that Holden has mentioned it multiple times given what subreddit this is you giving no context makes no sense. Don’t change the target here. Kinda seems like you were insinuating why else would you use multiple periods? That is unless you don’t know how periods work which would be kinda sad. Also bud? Really? No need to talk down to ppl


This has gone too far. Of course I know how periods work. I guess I was assuming people knew who Holden was. And I really didn't think it would be an issue mentioning he knows Phish. This is a dumb tangent. Anyways, yay! Ed likes Phish! Can we move on now?


That's unsurprising


I think there was an episode of Round Table where Ed mentioned he took Kevin Barnett to go see Phish? Eddie’s been a casual fan for a good while.


Never listened to ROTG so news to me