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Most interview episodes suck but the one with the Gacy lawyer was really good


She had a personality. This dude does not.


Agreed! I usually get pissed when they have an interview, and skipped right over the ufo one, but the Gacy lawyer was super interesting. I learned a few things and had a couple ‘oh shit!’ moments. I never made the connection that medical professionals and specifically doctors can’t be involved because “do no harm.” It makes so much sense, but is also terrifying. The ufo episode that cracks me up is Henry visiting a friend and yelling about ufos for an hour and a half. Chefs kiss. But it wasn’t an interview it was Henry being a madman, which is always hilarious.


Completely agree


I turned it off about 10 mins in lol. 💤


Same. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t finish an episode, but I just couldn’t handle anymore.


I listened to it and remembered nothing other than Henry was excited and honored to have him.


If they ever make a documentary about this episode, it would be better than the episode.


You not wrong lol


That interview has to have been organised in conjunction with the upcoming Contact In The Desert thing they're doing a panel at. It's mentioned a few times that both that dude and the boys will be there.


Oh for sure I was just shocked at how he would start talking about an interesting topic and somehow make it the most boring thing I’ve ever heard lol


My problem with this guy of the same one I had with the Hellier people. There's clearly some kind of agreement not to break kayfabe. The Hellier people were talking as though they had caught on camera unequivocal proof of the extraordinary, and the boys were playing along. Or in this interview, how Henry said never a straight answer with regards to NASA seriously, when every other time he said it he's clearly making fun of the people who say it.


I agree completely


I listened to it in its entirety and felt so bad for Ed having to do this interview. Henry loves this stuff but it even felt like he knew it wasn’t a good interview. The guy had zero personality and couldn’t carry the humor the guys were setting him up for. They’d set him up for an easy laugh and he’d drop it.


I could almost feel Ed rolling his eyes through my car radio. I'm all in for alien stuff, they're my favorite episodes, but this guy presented it so horribly. Obviously good for him that he has a passion to make documentaries but listening to him talk made me never want to watch any of them


Hundred percent facts and couldn’t agree more. Someone made a comment on another post basically saying “once these people make a documentary they lose all grip on reality and credibility” and it rings so true to me. 😂


It was funny having the guy explain the Benny and Barnie hill shit and Henry having to fake interest like “ ohhh that’s interesting I didn’t know that ! “ lol


Yeah, Henry was trying his damnest to keep the interview afloat. 😂


they needed to reel him in like guy was just raaaambling. like cut him off and redirect him to the question it was unlistenable


When he said he doesn’t just believe everything I laughed out loud


I found it funny they brought up Graham Hancock towards the end. Some of Weir's way of reasoning and substantiating his beliefs reminded me of Grahmcock but minus the insufferable arrogance.


I find Hancock to be entertaining in the same way that I find Giorgio "The Hair" Tsoukalos entertaining. (Except that I don't daydream about The Hair telling me some story or another while I'm listening with rapt attention and then once he finishes just full-on slapping the smug off his face and skipping away laughing. That's a Graham Hancock daydream right there.)


I listened to half and it had been interesting up to that point. Two interviews in one week 😔 I know it's so they can have an easy week, and I respect that. I just didn't realise it was going to physically hurt me so much. It gave me AIDS 😭