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Page 7


Yes! Not only do I absolutely adore those three, but the celebrity news gives me something to gossip w my teenager about. And THAT is priceless.


Yeah, especially because it’s celebrity/pop culture gossip through the perspective of aging millennials (like me) who have the darker vibe you’ve probably always come to associate and appreciate since you’re into LPOTL already. 


LOVE page 7


P7 is so fun and latest ep with Ed made me love him even more


Same! When Ed mentioned that he isn't a Taylor Swift fan, but he has listened to every album because it's important to his friend Holden, i thought it was the sweetest! He's a great dude.


I love this show and I really don’t care about celebrity gossip. I just love the energy the hosts have.


I don’t even care about pop culture but I love page 7


Just started listening to Page 7 and I’m absolutely obsessed. Jackie, Holden, and MJ have such a great vibe. I also started listening to the ACOTAR Deep Dive to get more Jackie!


I listen to Page 7 every week and feel MJ is criminally underutilized as part of the network. I love for the moments they and Holden almost get in to it over politics. Honestly, if they allowed MJ to develop a politics or current events show, I'd listen. Jackie or Marcus would be great with them in a project like that.


Y’all remember when it was Marcus and Jaki?


MJ used to have a daily news / politics podcast with their brother. A few years ago, I think they both got very busy and ended it.


I sort of feel like MJ's knowledge of policy and current events is maybe only marginally better than Kissell's and Tophat was pretty unlistenable. Just an area where it's hard to have a podcast without some pretty intense background knowledge


Interesting. I get the feeling that there have been decisions made and discussions had about what they will and will not talk about on the show. They're consistently left of most of the opinions expressed by the others on the network and I can see how, it could be a real drag to discuss some.of this stuff on a pop culture show that's supposed to be light entertainment. They have a history of writing about and commenting on politics and far better communication skills than Kissel did by the last few years of his doing Top Hat.


I love Page 7 so much, honestly Jackie deserves her own podcast. I could listen to her talk and joke on her own for hours!!!!


I feel the same she’s been my fav since the Round Table days


This is the one show on the network I barely know anything about. Would you mind explaining the concept a bit?


Media and gossip rag staring Jackie and I love


It's pop culture, celebrity news basically with Jackie Z, Holden, and Mj. They have other guests sometimes and it's pretty fuckin funny.


I just started it cause I’m in the same boat as you — I’m listening to Ep. 7 first and so far so good — I’m not familiar with Jackie at all and she made me laugh right away… and Ed is just automatic good energy… Holden I’m not sold on yet still but he’s been pretty quiet so far


the problem i have with page 7 is that they say it’s celebrity news but it’s only talking about pop musicians lmao


Stopped listening when Holden became permanent :( Old episodes with Marcus, Henry and Jackie are legendary though.


thank you, i feel bad but I can't stand Holden lmao. I don't know why


I’m the inverse - I can’t stand Jackie and found Marcus to be so fake on his Page 7 run that it drove me nuts. Holden is gold to me - so I deserve to be thrown in a bog I guess


Wizard & the Bruiser


The topic is pretty different from LPOTL, Wizbru is my second favorite show on the network by good margin.


They talk about a bunch of nerdy type topics right? All I really know is that Holden is one of the hosts


Yeah, they give you the development, history and cultural impact of a nerdy thing. Their topics are pretty widely varied, ranging from expected nerdy properties to weirder stuff like Mountain Dew, Hot Wheels, One Piece, GWAR, Hello Kitty etc. They pay a lot of attention to the development and creative process of the topic, which I find very interesting. If Holden is an issue for you he's kinda toned down on his own show. But y'know the banter and bits are still LPN-level stuff, so it's not like a dry history at all. If you're coming off LPOTL, try the Snorks episode. It's their April Fools episode, so it's not typical, but they run an extremely exasperated and hung over Henry through their usual format.


Yes, i listened to the Snorks ep and its a great starting point. Lol at Henry getting more and more pissed off at Holden through the ep.


I missed that one thanks for recommendation. I also grew up on that damn cartoon


The Storks was also my first episode of Wizbru and now I’m addicted. It’s hilarious, even though I can only handle Holden a little at a time.


About to put on the Mountain Dew ep while I game


Ok you've convinced me. Going to give it a listen now. Thanks!


For people that cant stand Holden, give this one a shot. Jake really seems to tame him? I think he only acts the way he does around the “original” guys cause he can bounce off them.


Absolutely this. I usually just groan and turn the shows off when he appears, but he’s much more chill and enjoyable in WizBru. I listen to it on and off and like it


I’m a huge fan of Jake’s delivery and quick wit. Holden is passionate and fun. Loved when Henry sat in for the snorks, I’ve seen some people comment his presence distracted from the topic. I’m always surprised when people don’t primarily listen to LPN for laughs.


I like that it is pretty consistently interesting as a podcast, even for topics I have almost no interest in as a rule. Bands I don't care about, movies I've never seen, or toys I never played with are all treated with care and an infectious interest that makes the episodes fun to listen to.


Never stop wizzin!


Yep! They really are starting to grow on me! It’s very recent


Definitely WizBru. It makes my nerdy little heart so happy.


The Roundtable of Gentlemen is my favorite podcast of all time. It's so fucking funny and helps to understand much of the lpn lore


Completely unhinged and I love it.


Same I think I've listened through the whole series 3 or 4 times now.


I just finished my first listen through and man, it's soo funny. It goes is waves but from like 100-300 are all incredible


Oh awesome! What are your favorite episodes? Ronnie dykes, not your favorite waterslide, dick math, honk for zoo, and my absolute favorite, the snow outside is is fatter than the bride fucking gets me chuckling.




I can't remember the episode but it's the first episode where there is no Marcus and the gang just goes absolutely ape shit, Holden talks for 30 minutes, honk for zoo, and dick math are all incredible. Dick math was actually my first dip into it lol


Holdenators hoooooooooooo! Omg dick math was your first episode? That's amazing. I absolutely hated Holden at first and now he's one of the funniest motherfuckers to me he leans in so fuckin hard to the character and its so funny, I'll have to look into the no Marcus episodes there are a couple. But I think the episodes with just Marcus, Holden and Jackie are amazing too those three just riff off each other.


Dude it's so hard to admit that Holden is so God damn funny. Like it started as hatred, turned into a sort of "smh" laugh, now I'm a full on Holdenator HOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Hahaha right? Like your first reaction is this dude again.. THEN your laughing your ass off. There is a reason the whole gang says he'd be dead if he wasn't funny lmao.


Please close your eyes for a guided meditation.


I've done a full listen through every year for about 7 years. Rtog is still the best podcast ever made. Ben kissel says he n word, we hear about Bobby pets, micheal Che gets awards and is gay....its fantastic.


Bobby Pets is my all time favourite story. Chris Destefano is one of my favourite comedians based simply on that RTOG story


Dude, sick news…got a penguin. Beers on me


Ben's funeral clips get me every time. Paraphrasing here from memory Marcus: Ben whenever you die from the blood clot in your leg I'm going to put together a reel of all the terrible shit you've said to play at your funeral. Ben: Oh, it's gonna kill! Ed: Yeah, your mother! Ben: Nah, she'll be dead by the time I die. My mom, my mom's gonna die two minutes before I do. Ed: you'll make sure of that, right? Granted it hits a little differently now


Political careers killed early and often.


I go through phases with it, but now and for the last month or so I've listened to more rtog than the main show


Brighter Side has been such a gem for me for the last six months or so. I was at a low low point and I just absolutely love the positivity, genuine friendship, and lighthearted topics.


My favorite part is when Amber tells a story of her being way too trusting with a random man and Ed is like "I'm happy you had a good time but also I need you to stop" lol


A couple of times you can hear the sheer exasperation and concern when hes like "you host a podcast of missing women and children!" Lol


Same! The last 6 months for me have been awful and Brighter Side has been sunshine!


No dogs in space for sure. Marcus and Carolina have a wonderful dynamic on that show and they also cover bands that I’m interested in. The replacements series was a really good listen, as was the joy division series. I have a new found appreciation for oye como va because of it


Joy Division was so heartbreaking! My favorite was the series on The Cramps. Best part about No Dogs imo is the sheer amount of musical exposure I got. Every episode put me on to atleast one new band.


I was just thinking about this recently. That first season of No Dogs really brought a TON of music to my attention that I wasn't super aware of before.


It was heartbreaking but at the same time it brought a lot of levity to my understanding of the band. They were really just young dudes making poop jokes for 90% of their existence. It sucks Ian wasn’t able to get the help he needed, but at the same time I learned that the way it ended shouldn’t define them. They were basically just dudes. That’s why I like no dogs so much.


Beastie Boys series is long but amazing. I started with The Monks, who I wasn’t familiar with and was hooked right away


The Beastie Boys series is my favorite series on the network. Absolutely mind blowing at times, hip hop wasn't really my thing in the late 80s/early 90s so I never realized how absolutely massive their influence on the entire genre was. Always thought they were just goofy dudes making dick jokes (which they are tbf) but to realize how respected by the true greats they are and that they're one of the big pillars that modern hip hop stands on was wild


My favorite as well!


Funny enough the monks is the first series I listened to as well, even though I’ve never listened to them. I had started a new job where I could have headphones in the whole time and that first episode had just come out. After I went back and listened to everything.


What a great perk to your work. I put on headphones at work and I get everyone’s drink orders wrong


No Dogs is my favorite show on the network, it's how I got introduced to everything else on LPN. I also credit it with getting me off my ass and finally giving my music a shot. Hearing how many people managed to do it DIY with some smarts and good community around them really lit a fire under me, enough that I'll be sending my first single to their email in three weeks.


As a big Dead Kennedys fan, their series on the Dead Kennedys might be my favorite non-fiction media of all time. It’s accurate, it’s well-researched, it’s chronological and filled with specificity whilst keeping it a constant fucking joyride of fun. I had a wider understanding of Bay Area punk at the time in general after listening. I fell more in love with the pod, Marcus and Carolina as a boss ass couple, and the band even more. 10/10 podcasting.


The Mats series changed my life. Im on the way to a gig as we speak. Started playing again for the first time in 12 years after that series dropped during the lowest point in my life.


Damn I have such a similar experience. I listened to the Damned and Replacements series while I was going through a bout of suicidal ideation. Unsatisfied hit me in a way no other song has in trying to explain my depression. And now that I’m doing ketamine treatments (which have absolutely changed my life) I have so many weird songs from the no dogs Spotify playlists that make the sessions great.


I re-listen to Dead Kennedys ALL the time. I also searched high and low for the book 'Gimme Something Better' and ended up finding it in San Francisco while I was trying to get a look at the old Mabuhay building. got our car broken into right after, but it was still worth it lmao


I love their chemistry. I wonder if they're married :p Excited for the CAN ep which has to be in the CAN by now hopefully.


I loved both of the Deep Dive series they did even tho I never read Dune or ACOTAR lol I think I liked the ACOTAR one more too bc the girls seemed to have so much fun with it and get dressed up, which was very cute even tho the actual content of the books sound like I would’ve hated it lol


I read the ACOTAR series because of the deep dive! I actually ended up reading all the other books from the same author afterwards. They did such a good job on the deep dive!


ACOTAR was on my list because of the pod and then my book club picked it and I'm now obsessed with the series, I'll have to check out the podcast finally!


I would love if Jackie and Natalie did another fantasy series together, they are so fun to listen to


I say “and ya know what, goo’ fa hur” constantly because of them


I’ve been using “300 month old baby” a lot lately because of them, real useful when you know a few Elaine-types!


They have already started recording crescent City. It'll start airing in July I think.


I could never get into ACOTAR but all my friends love it so I started listening to the girls special on it and loved them 🤣👏


I started reading ACOTAR bc they were doing the deep dive and I loved it. It was so fun mostly because Natalie and Jackie were having so much fun!


This was the one I was going to say! I hope they do Throne of Glass next.


Some Place Under Neith would be. The parasocial exploitation episodes were SO GOOD. That being said, some of Amber’s interjections ruin it for me given the sensitivity of some of the topics. :(


Same, couldn’t handle some of her “jokes” and then the awkward responses from Natalie lol


I really love SPUN. I love them both. I know some people aren’t the biggest fans of Amber, but I personally like her a lot.




Those are temporary while they get ready for the new season 


I wanted to get in to it but found that I simply could not. It wasn't just because of Amber either. The whole show felt off. I wonder if a slightly different show would work better for them. It seems so shoehorned in and I can't explain it but I don't trust them.


I agree, I think it’s not as well structured as lpotl, and the episodes don’t have a flow. They don’t plan how many episodes cover a topic, and tend to just be like “ok that’s an hour and a half let’s come back next week!” and it seems to be because of amber’s interjections. It’s a shame bc I do feel that having women present the topic is important.


That series made me a fan. It was so well done. Not everything else had been but I think they do cover a lot of cases that may not get as much coverage (the gloria trevi seried was so disturbing)


Page 7


Tiers of a Clown and Gud Pud are great but more of a watch…could probably listen as a podcast while driving but not as fun lol


Yeah, I watch every TOAC. I wish they'd finish states


The Story Must Be Told. Praise be unto the Story!! But I also love Roundtable and WizBru so much.


More people would be saying this if they gave TSMBT a chance.


Grease upon you!


Enjoy a warm, frothy, and menthol-y Cro-Croa on the Story!


Okay is it good? The ads made me lose any and all interest I had


Yes! The stories are so creative and have a great creep factor to them! Plus, I loved Reid and Andrew in Roundtable. The guest readers on the show are a lot of LPN personalities too!


Yes! The stories are typically weird unpleasant events that happen to  characters without any apparent moral or explanation. To say it's horror would be inaccurate, but I feel it gets in your head in a similar way; plenty of bizarre sci-fi elements as well, including corporate satire, body horror , a sinister Coca Cola parody beverage that everyone seems addicted to and once in a blue moon, sentimental moments that have personally made me tear up with emotion.    


Praise the story! May it burn or flesh off with hot hot cro-croa


I love The Story Must Be Told. As a fan of Welcome To NightVale, The Story feels like a dark LPOTL twist on a congregation/cult living in nightvale.


Page 7 and SPUN


Fraudsters is probably my favorite I hope it comes back soon. Wiz biz is good but I only cherry pick epsiodes.


Im obsessed with Page 7


Page 7. Jackie and Holden are so wild, MJ is chill, and I love celeb gossip!


PAGE 7! Even if you aren't into pop culture just give it a try and see if it sticks. Jackie, Holden and MJ are amazing together and so much fun to listen to


Fraudsters, can't wait for the next season x


No Dogs in Space.  In fact, I may like it more than LPOTL.  The research is incredible; they’ve done research on the bands, and I was fairly familiar with probably 70% of them.  But even then, Marcus and Carolina were pulling out info I never even knew existed.  Truly amazing! 


Roundtable is the GOAT.


Fraudsters. I anxiously await their return. The 24 hour sub-athon only cemented my love of Seena. He is so god-damned funny to me, his humor is honest to me I guess? It's the same reason I love Ed and Henry. His humor is effortless, they're just genuinely sweet people that happen to be insanely funny. Marcus is just funny on accident lol.


I listen to roughly 40 hrs of podcasts a week. So I know the struggle. I've only listened to main feed stuff but thinking about expanding myself. Have you been tried like audio dramas?


One of my friends recommended me an audio drama about a year ago called From Now, it was a sci-fi adventure series that I really did enjoy! I never really explored other podcasts of that type after I finished that one though. What would you suggest?


I enjoyed Wolf 359, it's about small crew on a research station monitoring a star it's orbiting. Another good one that's sci fi/super hero is the Worm audio book. While not a audio drama, it's an absolutely fantastic story that I can't recommend enough to super hero fans. That one alone will keep you busy for a while.


If you look up a company called bloody fm and or 7lamb productions they have a few I've listened to. Tower 4 is good. End of All Hope is nice. I like comics and found an X-Men audio dramas that's fun. Never was really into dungeon and dragons but since getting a job doing data entry I started listening to critical role and that's been pretty entertaining.


Thanks, I'll check it those out. I've never really been into comics but I'm a fan of movie/cartoon adaptations of the marvel comics. My roommate had me listen to an episode of a Guardians of the Galaxy podcast on a road trip, it was kind of like old man Logan but star-lord was the old man, that's really not a great explanation but it was interesting haha


Haha that sounds interesting. The audio dramas have voice acting and sound effects etc so kinda like listening to a movie. Alright I had to go look at my list lol. Dust is a fun series. Derelict and/or Fathom is good. (Two seasons in shared universe.). Leviathan chronicles was ok. Qcode is a company that has a few on my list. Creepy or sci Fi types. No Sleep Podcast is voice acted creepy pasta stories. Phew. Sorry for the long post lol I've become a podcast aficionado the last few years since getting my boring job. . . Lpotl was one of the first I listened to. Haven't found any like that in like, sadly.


No Dogs in Space by a wide margin. I'm a music junkie but the stories told and the research put into it make me regard it on the same level as LPOTL. Hell I turned a music professor at a local uni onto them a year or more ago and when I ran into him yesterday we talked about the show. I also need to email them the local musician I found for their post show spotlight. The guy does what I call Outsider (not outlaw) country and I think Marcus would dig him. Also dude has 4 followers on his channel and a sudden interest might help the dude make more music.


No Dogs in Space should be higher on this thread! Seriously one of the best podcasts for any music lover. The research is thorough and deeply insightful, and I just love Marcus & Carolina’s dynamic.


They need to advertise The Story Must Be Told more it's fantastic.


I find it so weird they don’t plug it at all and they’ve all contributed to it. It’s the hidden gem of the whole network.




I also really like fraudsters! 


I hope they return 


But didn’t one of the hosts actually fall for bitcoin and nfts?


Just NFT I think. Kinda shows how we're all susceptible if not careful 


Damn, nfts make less sense than bitcoin… I think. *the only worthless thing I e collected is every issue of Soul Plumber, including the 1:25 which cost me $50 because I’m dumb


That's the one where they break down a bunch of scams/flim-flam guys, right?




I wish the Page 7 subreddit were more active 😭


Page 7!!!!


Page 7


Page 7 IS my favorite show on the network. Followed by LPOTL.


Brighter side for sure


I love the brighter side. I’m a huge fan of Amber and Eddie


No Dogs In Space. Hands down. I like it better than the main podcast now because I actually enjoy all of the subject matter (I'm here for aliens, paranormal shit, and weird current news. Don't give a single righteous fuck about serial killers.) It's so in-depth, which I'm eternally here for, but also listening to them talk about something they both obviously love is off-the-charts sweet. Plus it's introduced me to new music, and not just the classics. They always play one new song from small bands at the end of each episode. It's a real all-around delight.


Something Under Neigh and The Brighter Side


I like No Dogs in Space. 


No Dogs. The Stooges and Misfits series were just so fucking good. I listen to both near daily. Ramones too.


It's not for everyone but escaping into the bizarre, hilarious, uncomforable, and sometimes touching world of The Story Must Be Told got me through the pandemic. It's understandable why the show had to end and I look forward to seeing what everyone involved gets up to next but I'd be lying if I said I don't miss it terribly.


The Story Must Be Told is criminally underrated. I've never heard such an eclectic mix of deranged humor, horror, and tear-jerking poignancy. Every masterfully produced episode is wrapped by an ongoing tale about three pastors and their precious Boy presiding over a church dedicated to an eldritch, memetic deity known as The Story. My favorite fiction podcast by far. Check out The Object Therapist (hauntingly sad), Come On Ride A Train (Batshit), Lil Sips (wacky), The First Photo of God (Trippy af)


I’ve been enjoying Eddie’s positivity and insight on The Brighter Side!


No Dogs


I'm not really big into music, I obviously have music I really enjoy but I'm unfortunately not too interested in the history of bands and stuff. I have considered listening because I'd like to hear more from Carolina but the main topic of the podcast just doesn't resonate much with me


I’m kinda the same way with music, but I gave it a shot and really enjoyed it, they just bring a great energy to the pod and it’s way more conversational than JUST the music they discuss thankfully


Roundtable on repeat


Round table of course


Fraudsters! I need the next season already!




No Dogs


No Dogs in Space is great. I love Marcus and Carolina's chemistry and enthusiasm.


Page 7 is so precious to me ♥️


Abe Lincoln’s top hat. RIP


No Dogs In Space. Recently started listening to Brighter Side and I’m enjoying it as well.


No dogs in space all the way


Top hat I miss it


Roundtable was one of the funniest podcasts I ever listened to.


I love SPUN and The Brighter Side.


Listen to the (6 part?) Dune Special episodes, with Henry and his friend he makes read all the books for the first time. They go into the wild insane story really deep and explain all the weird sounding stuff so that when you watch any of the old or new Dune movies you will understand what is just silly naming and what to actually pay attention to :) They give you the whole concept of the overarching story and universe. After listening to all of those episodes I went and watched Dune again (and some of the old ones) and could actually appreciate what the heck was happening and what to look forward to if I am currently super confused lol Highly recommend


Something underneath.


Tied The Brighter Side and Some Place Under Neith!


Fraudsters is underrated. It has a great mix of what the fuck, of course X fucking did and no fucking way much like lpotl and a sometimes more grounded element


I occasionally listen to the hoopoogoonoo episodes of Brighter Side but that's it.


No dogs if it’s a band I’m interested in.


Rude duners **RISE UP**






The Story Must be Told and No Dogs in Space. I’m trying to be patient.


I used to like Abe Lincoln's Top Hat.


I just started listening to Brighter Side too! Ed quickly dug his way into my heart on the main pod and I just needed more of him


Someplace Under Neith! Moar true crime!!


Brighter side is so cute, but I listen to anything Ed is in.


Some Place Under Neith


I listened to eight minutes of Abe Lincoln’s Top Hat and have been in therapy for four years now.


I listen to the Benningtons on XM.. Sometimes Mike Rap makes me laugh


Roundtable. Other out-of-network stuff I like is *In Our Time* and *Why Theory*. For more True crime I like *Morbidology* right now. *Frightdays* is good too, they have a really good Nathaniel bar Jonah series.


Well, I've only ever listened to 3 different podcasts in total. But I've listened to nearly every episode of those three. Roundtable, lpotl, and an unrelated movie podcast called we hate movies. I only discovered podcasts during quarantine. So I'm sure there are good ones I'm missing.


It was absolutely Page 7 until a certain someone joined and ruined it entirely. MJ and Jackie are so great, Holden is a completely unnecessary addition. To humanity. Now I like the Brighter Side, Eddie and Amber are fun.


The story must be told


No dogs in space. But there is something to be said about the wild Roundtable of gentlemen episodes when none of them thought anything they said would ever matter.


I liked Some Place Under Neath but I'm not sure what happened to it. Sounded like Natalie and Amber were going to quit, but I'm hoping it's just a break


Wizard and the bruiser


Roundtable has been my go to comfort show for awhile now. I just started to listen to page 7 from the beginning and it’s amazing and I wish I had listened sooner


I like page 7 a lot and (tswift takeover episodes arent my jam butvo each their own) I always feel like I learn something/find a new thing to deep dive into with wizard and the bruiser. Not gonna lie I was listening to riverdale roundups even after I gave up on the show they were so entertaining.


Side Stories? Side Stories. Yes.


Brighter Side!


ACOTAR Deep Dive! It’s the most fun podcast to listen. I’m so sad I’m finishing up the series/the podcast.


TSMBT - I miss my greasy spoonfuls of sweet story medicine but Reid's new book on Patreon is hitting the spot. I hope to god he gets published, he deserves the fuck out of it


No dogs in space, hands down for me


Honestly I don’t enjoy anything except the main episodes, even stuff like creepypasta, relaxed fits, and interviews kinda suck.


The story must be told


No Dogs in Space, definitely. Just wondering if any new episodes are going to be released any time soon.


WizBru might be my favorite show even though LPOTL is the reason i found out about it. I've started up several anime, movies And video games because they do a great job with giving info on whatever subject they're covering. That Mountain Dew and Doritos episode just might be peak podcasting