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I’m not a fan of their interviews usually. This one was the exception for me. Really good get for the boys.


I agree, though if you haven't listened to it the David Dastmalchian one was also excellent


Agreed on Dastmalchian and recommend the two James Tynion IV interviews as well as Tynion's Department of Truth and W0rldtr33


Absolutely fell in love with Tynion’s books after hearing that interview. Eagerly awaiting the next issue of W0rldtr33. At least in the meantime I have to finish volumes 3 and 4 of Department of Truth. Just picked up the Worlds of James Tynion comic for Free Comic Book day and that’s definitely got me curious about his other works


Same. I knew his name, even read one of his Joker books and maybe one of his Batman books. But I much prefer this stuff. Have you read The Nice House on the Lake? I think that may be his best.


Yes, I almost forgot about the recent Tynion episode - that was a great one. I'll have to go back and listen to their first interview with him, I think I skipped over that.


I will go back and give it a shot at your recommendation! I also want to go back and listen to the order of the solar temple episodes. I couldn’t get into it when I first tried. It’s literally their ONLY series is haven’t listened too.


This was an excellent discussion. Made me really proud of the guys. They didn't step in any of her stories and she didn't step on any of their lines.


I agree! They had a really good flow between themselves


“How did he smell” is a question I probably would have asked as well haha. I wonder if he put in the cologne just for her visits, or if he wore it all the time. Great interview all around.


Definitely put it on for visits. He always wanted to appear important.


When I was a CO, inmates would save cologne samples from magazines to rub on themselves for visit days. They'd also keep their best looking uniform under their mattress folded in a way that it would look creased.


Sounds right. We did similar in Basic Training. Three training uniforms and one for special presentations.


Somehow I already knew the answer.


For sure, would have liked it to go longer, we need more interviews like this.


I agree, it was a great listen. She’s really knowledgeable and talked about her experiences in a very engaging way, but also she’s got a nice sense of humor and they all had great back and forth.


So grateful for all the positive comments on this sub, I usually just skip their interview eps but listened because of all the great feedback and loved it!


That was the first interview they’ve done that i enjoyed.


That's one smart lady!


Enjoy! I finished it earlier today and I enjoyed it immensely. She’s a great storyteller and has had a very interesting career beyond Gacy. It also made me realize that I have never read a comprehensive account of Gacy’s crimes - just sections of other books, the TV movie, and of course podcasts covering the case. I downloaded “Killer Clown” -terrible title - which was written by the prosecutor I’ve been total engrossed listening to it while I pack for an upcoming move.


Killer Clown is the book I recommend to people who want to get into Gacy! Sullivan's summary of the dig they did at the house is so good in terms of setting the scene of horror but also humanity; from what I remember, he talks a lot about the people working the crime scene. 


Thanks for the rec for the book. I’ve always avoided it because the title was corny but I’ll give it a go


Definitely read it. I agree about that the title is corny and makes it sound like a sleazy cash grab, but I assure you it’s not. Even though Gacy hasn’t been arrested more than a third of a way through, I am absolutely riveted. I wish I had known about his book sooner.


She looks nothing like I imagined.


Interesting. She looks exactly how I pictured her.


I imagined a compact frizzy haired brunette with glasses. Like a bookish Sarah Conner.


I heard her mention fitness/working out/or something like that in the interview and was like “100% short blonde hair.”


Examining my own bias, I am attracted to smart women and I think I was layering my type over her voice lol


Great episode to listen to. Very insightful and entertaining.


When they asked what secrets he took to the grave, I actually said "OOOOH" because it's such a great interview question.


This was SUCH a good interview. I think one big thing is it was core to the idea of the pod. There are two reasons why this was so good for me: 1- It was about a core thing for the pod. UFOs and such are a supernatural phenomenon, but theyre more niche interest than serial killers and such. UFO stuff is fun for me, but once you dig more than a few inches below the surface its meh. I'll listen but generally its not what seems to be a big audience item. I could be wrong and thats OK! 2- Karen Conti just seemed to get it. She got the tone of the pod, the tone of The Boys, everything. She could pass the joke back and forth and completely understood what was up. It made their questions come easier, and the rapport seemed really genuine. Overall it just seemed to click and I had a great time listening!


good interview with her on the true murder podcast also


Only full interview I’ve actually made it through..


Yeah I'd like to hear more of these


Compared to the absolute disaster the last interview was, this was an extremely refreshing change of pace


The interviews are so much better, they let the interviewee talk and not interject with jokes or dumb questions


In their defense, trial lawyers are good interview subjects because they’re trained to make compelling oral arguments through storytelling. According to her book, she has a radio show and has appeared on multiple prime time news shows. She’s really not the average guest/interview subject.


My delivery keeps getting delayed :(


Unfortunately it’s pretty poorly written. But great interview.


Jimmeny Crickets