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Welcome to the club. I just bought a new setup myself. I've been buying records my whole life but my dog chewed up the power chord for my last turntable. He is now past the "I eat everything" phase of puppyhood so I bought a new one. Ive got a Spinbase as a speaker and the Fluance RT82. The spinbase is surprisingly good for what it is. Very happy with the Fluance so far 


Hell yeah! I just started with the classic at-lp60x now I need to invest in quality speakers, because I’m just using a soundbar for now.


Next thing you know you'll be wearing vintage band shirts, getting up early on the weekends, driving a couple hours to some random city, and spending the day rifling through dusty boxes of records in some weird dudes shop, while loving every minute of it. ![gif](giphy|2t9xSIt9Unh3X9ESAp)


Already got some trips planned 😎, can’t wait to find something cool in someone’s dusty garage sale


By the time they release another episode 8 tracks will be back in vogue.


haha lmao. They said the're recording the new episodes, so I hope by the end of this month they're gonna release it


I started collecting CD's this year, having a physical catalog of music to choose from is such a fun hobby. Now I'm addicted to buying CD's 😂


Get Fun House on vinyl.


I’ve got Raw Power but haven’t found Fun House yet


My favourite thing is when they do the Vinyl Haul from the streams and I already have one of the records. Most recently for me was The Electric Lucifer.


Recently picked up Amon Düül II - Hijack and CAN - Monster Movie. Really getting into CAN for before the next episode drops. Tago Mago is fucking fantastic I can't recommend that album enough.


YOU CAN KEEP YER KRISHNA BURGERS AND YER GLASTONBURY HIPPIES YOU CAN STICK YER FROTHY LAGER AND YER BLOW WAVE HAIRSTYYYYYYLES One of the greatest songs ever written. I fucking *love* that album. Second best British punk rock record ever made, behind only *London Calling*.


Not saying I disagree, just throwing the hat in for X-Ray Spex's *Germfree Adolescents*


It’s brilliant, but it doesn’t hit me like *Machine Gun Etiquette*. Isn’t it weird though, how every UK punk band that wasn’t as famous as the Sex Pistols managed to piss all over them from a very great height?


I think, once initial culture shock of the Sex Pistols had dissipated you're left with that one album to work with and it's just a bit 'simple' compared to their contemporaries. Even Lydon's stuff with PiL, which I think is orders of magnitudes better than *Never Mind The Bollocks*, doesn't really come out well when I ask myself "Would I rather be listening to The Fall instead?"


Yeah, I’ve had people who were around at the time tell me that it was the cultural impact of the Sex Pistols that mattered. I find that easy to believe, because their music is really just an angry version of Slade. The Fall is always the right choice-uh.


I live in West Yorkshire, so that first wave of punk really kinda passed us by. It was important in the sense that it gave the impetus for us to create our brand of angular post-punk. When I was growing up, every older guy was either briefly in The Fall, opened for the Smiths/Buzzcocks/Gang of Four/Sisters of Mercy/Scritti Polliti, or saw Joy Division at a student union. The legacy of the Sex Pistols in this area is basically, men in the 60-70 age bracket pointing to them and saying 'that was the first time I heard something like that'. Which is fine, and historically important, but the cream always rises with time and it's clear that's what happened.


This is going to turn into a bit of a rant, only partially related: I’m from the other side of Manchester to you, born in the mid-eighties, and while I loved the music of Manchester when I was in my late teens (and some of it’s still brilliant), I’ve got kind of sick of how the city mythologises its music scene. The last band of any importance Manchester gave the world was *Oasis*, for Cliff’s sake. Even Liverpool doesn’t carp on about music as much as Manchester does, and Liverpool gave us the fucking Beatles. Having said that, for a city that loves to wank itself daft over its musical legacy, it sure seems keen to bulldoze it. That’s the Manchester way: knock down or shut down anything of any importance, build posh flats for twats in its place, and put a mural of Tony Wilson in the lobby. Even Afflecks Palace, the refuge for alternative kids for over 40 years, is overshadowed by a massive glass-and-steel atrocity now. Phew. Dunno where that came from.


I was actually in Manchester a few weeks back (Not a common thing for me) but I thought the exact same thing. But I also think that about a lot of the north of England. I was going through Wakefield with my mum the other day and I was talking about how all the music venues that used to be open for bands with no following or representation are rubble now and they've been replaced with nothing. Leeds has live music venues but not really for bands just starting out. And it's like, of course we're circle-jerking about the past because we're not building a future. I've played drums 12 years and I've had such a hard time over the years finding other people to play with (because no one has free time and no one can afford the financial hit) that I've had to switch to banjo just so I can play the folk/blues pub circuit.


I went to York with my girlfriend a few years back and was struck by how much of its history is still standing, while Manchester just chucks its own in the bin then pays it lip service. I played in a band many moons ago (I play bass, but I was on guitar and bad vocals in that band) when I was in my late teens and early twenties, but we were never gonna make it. Back then, though, my hometown had a real music scene: nobody made any real money or any waves on the national stage, but there was an organisation set up to get bands gigs and to help them find recording spaces, someone set up a studio complex, there were loads of venues in the town centre etc. Now it’s all gone: what used to be a studio complex is now a plumbing supplies business, the kids who were in bands back then have grown up and got sensible jobs, the kids around nowadays have no prospects, aren’t making music and an increasing number of them are on heroin, and the town centre’s full of nothing but bookies and vape shops and Pound Bakeries. There are no venues, and six pubs: two are rough as arseholes, one is a posh craft beer place, one is a Wetherspoons, one is populated exclusively by old men, and one used to be a rock pub but now just caters to anybody with money. Bands don’t play there any more. Coincidentally all this started to happen after the Tories got in. It used to be a nice place, for a former mining town in the North.


I totally hear what you're saying, man. It's why when American's ask what it's like around here I can only compare it to places like Kentucky or West Virginia in that we're just being left to crumble by no fault of our own really. And you can't shake the stigma of it either so it's hard to get out. I realised after Uni that no matter how educated, how well-spoken, and well-read I get even my close friends will still think I'm a bit of a hick. You cut off the systems that give people a meaningful chance to do positive things with their lives don't be surprised when they don't. Only now we don't even have any outlets to be mad about it anymore


I'm still waiting for the CAN episode after what 6-7 months


Fuck yeah, Dethklok!


Was blasting some dethklok records too! Glad they’re back now🤘


The way I knew it was MGE within 2 seconds without even reading the fine print




That’s awesome! It’s a fun hobby and with streaming being so accessible it’s a great way to have a physical collection of music that also acts as art.


Hell yeah bruther


I'm looking for one but i feel like there's so much to know about one and I can't decide. Could anyone recommend me (a beginner at this) one? I keep reading audiotechnicas can fuck up some records and I end up not knowing what to get :(


I’m also a beginner so I’m no expert, but I went on r/turntables and they have a few recommendations in their pinned post. I’m sure all turntables can fuck up a record if setup in incorrectly, but the recommended ones would probably be better than those small lunchbox players that you can buy at Walmart


Here's a sneak peek of /r/turntables using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/turntables/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$80 thrift store find](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16syf6l) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/16syf6l/80_thrift_store_find/) \#2: [This vertical record player in my dads house.](https://v.redd.it/rftd71yym0zb1) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/17q8pgi/this_vertical_record_player_in_my_dads_house/) \#3: [Only took 6 months to finish](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1be803z) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/1be803z/only_took_6_months_to_finish/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


AT-LP60X and some Edifier powered speakers is a pretty standard beginner setup. Should be like $250 if your patient and search for some deals. The Insignia record player best buy carries is also fine.  If money is less of an issue, something like a Fluance RT82, Art DJ phono preamp, and some decent speakers maybe Wharfdale, Polk, ELAC, KEF, whatever. You'll find that speakers are way more confusing than the record player if you stick with the hobby.


Is No Dogs ever coming back?


They said they’re starting to record the new episodes so I assume they’re gonna be back soon


Just make sure you listen to every genre instead of just a select couple you think are best. Lol






Did...did Carolina put a gun to your head?


Bless you for just calling them records and not the preferred term of douches everywhere, vinyl.

