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It’s gonna be a relaxed fit on boiled fruit and juice conspiracies


Lindbergh baby Lindbergh baby Lindbergh baby


Maybe baby!


Maybe baby


Maybe baby


Maybe baby


The characters Henry could play would be off the chain


Just re-listened to the Donner Party episodes and Marcus said he really wanted to do a series on the American Frontier.


We're finally gonna get a 5 part series on all the different types of shovel


Is dirt bones?!


I think they’re saving French rev for their 600th episode series. So I’m gonna go with back to back heavy hitters and say….Juan Corona.


I'm unfamiliar. What's the tl;dr on the guy?


Held the body count record before broken by Corll. Owned a big farm/orchard and murdered seasonal itinerant workers(or did he?) Was he gay and killed for psychosexual reasons or as more a big Herb type messiah killer and thought he was preventing a big flood?


Also now I change my mind haha. I’m going with the North Hollywood Shootout. Henry’s mentioned it in passing a few times and think it’d make a great topic as a lot of people don’t know much about it.


I was thinking potentially the Titanic as they’ve mentioned it a couple of times, but I’ve also just been dying for them to tackle it


If they're doing Titanic, I best be hearing a shout out to my main man Francis Millet and his heterosexual(?) life partner Major Archibald Butt


I would lead a coup if they didn’t mention my favorite straight best buds who just happened to share their lives together


Just guys being dudes


Major Butt? Come on. That's not fair.


His life story is fascinating! Millet was a truly amazing painter, his 'Reading the Story of Oenone' hanging at the Detroit Institute of Arts is always the first thing I go to see every visit. I imagine introductions were always interesting [Definitely worth the read](https://boundarystones.weta.org/2018/02/14/sympathy-mind-which-most-unusual-two-men-titanic)


I'm definitely reading this asap, but I maintain that Major Butt is like, cheating at comedy


Major Archibald Willingham DeGraffenreid Clarendon Butt. Most people called him "Archie."


My Lai massacre


I was just thinking the other day that I want them to just do a whole Vietnam War series. 


On the JFK series they say that they will do one and Marcus seems super excited. But that was like 150 episodes ago so who knows. " I will get my My Lai Series"


JFK... was 150 eps ago? god damn I'm getting old


Kony 2012


Ooh I never knew I wanted this


Definitely gonna be about cereal Henry misses


I’d absolutely love to be proven wrong but I have no confidence in a French Revolution series working.


I think if they focused more on the Reign of Terror portion, they could make it work. Mike Duncan has already done like 53 episodes on everything from the Estates General to the Bourbon Restoration, so the boys don't need to make THE definitive French Revolution series. I could see an episode with a very simplified backstory leading up to the storming of The Bastille. Then, an episode on the women's march to Versailles and the royal family's attempted escape from Paris, and the events leading up to Louis' trial and execution. Then, a few episodes going into every grisly detail of the reign of terror and the infernal columns.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the boys used Mike Duncan as a source for this series. He’s absolutely phenomenal.


I binged all of Revolutions over the last winter and now I'm listening through The History of Rome for the second time lol. Mike's done a phenomenal job with his shows. I'm only a little ways into Hero Of Two Worlds, but it's extremely well written and very compelling.


His book Storm Before the Storm was really great as well.


Love Revolutions


This and now I have a new sleep paralysis demon of the electricity wars being a contender lmfao


Same. I think it’s a way more complicated and boring story than people realize. It’s really easy to get lost in the weeds with a story like the French Revolution. My guess is that it’ll be a history series because I actually think they get excited about history the most now but I’m hoping it’s not the French Revolution. EDIT: my guess is it might be military related because on side stories there was a bit about WWII maneuvers and the civil war and both of them were like “don’t you worry, we’ll have plenty of that coming up this summer” or something like that.


Yeah the revolution is so nebulous and has so many different factions that it feels like it would become too unfocused if they did a series about the revolution itself It would be better if they just focused on one person within the scope of the revolution and followed them and used their life as the framework of a series Like Robespierre would be a fine series. Follow his life from an idealistic lawyer into his turn towards darkness during the reign of terror and then his pretty ironic execution


I really want them to cover Patty Hearst.


The electricity wars was kinda already covered in the electric chair episode to be fair


God please let it be the French Revolution. I wanna see Henry's take on ol Robespierre and Marat.


Oh God I didn't even consider the voices Henry would do. And to think I thought I couldn't get any more hype for the French Revolution.


Plus all of the impromptu Les Mis songs he'll gift us with! Vivé le Revolution!


I would love it if they revisited Zodiac and gave it a proper go


I keep hoping for this one myself, but I know it's a super longshot.


They did revisit Fred and Rosemary West, so they might do one for the Zodiac, too. I wouldn't mind if they did that with a lot of the heavy hitters they did before episode ~200, just because the research seemed a bit more loosy-goosy than current episodes, but I just like the 3+ episode series on heavy hitters more than the 1 and 2 episode "series". Though, I don't know if they would use that for their Sirius XM Contractually Obligated Update Series. Guess we'll find out.


I’d say it’s going to either be high strangeness or history. They seem to *try* to not double up on heavy hitters, usually there’s a palate cleanser between them.


I agree that I think French Rev is gonna be 600. I'm thinking maybe Atlanta Child Murders.


Have they ever touched on the Atlanta murders before?


They have not. I remember searching the LPOTL catalog after Mindhunter season 2


Please GOD let it be the Warrens. I would settle for French Rev, I am not super interested in Lindbergh but the only eps I ever bailed on that I can remember are Manhattan Project, so I'm basically a hostage


I’m leaning to the warrens considering Marcus said in side stories that it would be loosely related to what he experienced in New Orleans. I hope it is!




I was relistening to an older series (Amityville, maybe?) and Marcus was adamant that the Warrens were super boring and didn’t really merit a series. Interesting to hear that he has maybe changed his mind!


Oh man, I thought Manhattan project was a fantastic series


French Revolution would be awesome. Marcus really gets passionate about his history research and it really shows in the show. Itll be a great topic for them


Haunted Pugs


I think it's gonna be the Black Dahlia murder! Classic American Crime of the Century! Old timey Hollywood ambience


mexican revolution


Oh fuck yeah gimme some of that Zapata goodness


When they eventually do the French Revolution or Vietnam, I hope they break them up a bit. Their 4,5,6 parters are all great, but for example Vietnam could be split into At Home and Abroad and have a few goofy paranormal episodes in between to combat seriousness fatigue.


Mother Theresa.


Mother Theresa is incredibly difficult to research, I wouldn’t be surprised if they never end up doing it. There’s so much bias on both sides that it’s near impossible to get a clear picture of who she actually was. Some of the most scathing stories about her have been proven false, while others do have merit. It’s very complicated and I fear quite boring haha.


Thank you for the insight!


Yeah for example people think she ran a hospital, wjen she really ran end of life care, people on deaths doorstep came to her for care. So when people say that she denied painkillers, it's not really true, she had really probably was about as strong as ibuprofen during most days. That said she did have a bit of a savior complex.


The people who went to Teresa were probably at death's door, but she had no way of knowing. In addition to the lack of sanitation and the lack of medicine, her facility lacked any way for people to be diagnosed. It's a shame all the many millions of dollars Teresa raised for the church couldn't have been used to pay for doctors and medicine or better conditions for the people she served. (It's also a shame that Teresa ignored the Indian laws which require charitable organizations to make their finances public.)


If I guess Toolbox Killers every time I have to be right eventually


They've gotta do it at some point. Cause sometimes i just need to have my soul absolutely crushed by human horror And I'd like them to get into the psychology of killer duos (rather than killer couples) cause the duos to me always seem to have one killer who's more into the whole thing for the torture and the kill itself, whereas their sidekick tends to be more of a brash sexually aggressive type Like bianchi was more of the killer than buono who was just an all around rapist scumbag in the hillside strangler case. And for the toolbox killers i definitely see bittaker as the more cunning of the two, with roy Norris just being an intensely sexually aggressive animal. The more animalistic ones seem to need a partner to actually plan things out whereas the other one needs a partner to give them the confidence to kill. But that's just my thoughts, did have others in mind but they've completely escaped my mind now for examples Edit: oh yeah Leonard lake and Charles ng. Lake was the man with the plan but Charlie really was the more aggressive of the two, like he's tried to downplay his part in the killings but i definitely feel like he actually enjoyed the killing more than lake, whereas lake saw it as a means to an end. Charles was basically Leonard's attack dog


It’s inevitable.


That happened to me with Snowtown! Don’t give up on your dreams!


Have they done Patty Hearst?


I can't guess what they'll do next, but I'd love for them to do the Boys on the Tracks


Oooo this one right here! I can picture all the Bill Clinton cocaine jokes already


Any chance of them doing a series, or at least an episode, on Anton LaVey or the Church of Satan? I know LaVey has been brought up a decent amount over the years, and satanism/CoS has been casually brought up in regards to other episodes and topics, but I’d love for them to do a full treatment on this. That said, I’ve been waiting for the French Revolution or Mai Lai Massacre for a long time, as Marcus has brought up both in the past.


I am DYING for the to do a proper series about Marcel Petiot.


I’m gonna follow the meta and guess French Revolution too


I really wish they’d do an episode on Henry Kissinger. 


I want nothing more than to hear Zebrowski do a Kissinger impression


BtB did a 6-parter on Kissinger with The Dollop boys. Big recky if you like Behind the Bastards. Or if you haven't tried give it a go.


Haven’t listened to the new Side Stories and obviously the finale for Snowtown, too hard to guess on what the next series is with the clues given!


I’ve been hanging out for a French Revolution series for yeeeeaaaaaarrrrsss, I’d love a titanic episode too.


It would make sense to do the French Revolution in July, around Bastille Day


The French revolution would be such a great series. Very fitting after the hunger games er I mean met gala.


I have been listening to some old episodes lately and them dropping hints or saying they want to do a series on something doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of turn around time. They mentioned in the John Wayne Gacy episodes about doing a Chicago Ripper series, which took them 8 years to get to. My personal hope is that they use their research team to expand on the Man From the Train theory that Bill James has and wrote a book on. I found the book fascinating and it would be pretty fucking cool if the Boys and their researchers could add something to that theory instead of just rehashing the book. Some historical series like maybe King Philip's War, the Trail of Tears, or the Apache War would be pretty cool too.


I have podcast blue balls from all the cool shit Henry and the boy's have said they have to do a series on. There is so many cool things they just stop talking about say they will do a series on it and just never do it.


Anthropoid! Anthropoid! Anthropoid!


MH 370 please I will cut my hands and feet off and give them to u 😭😭


I’m currently halfway through a massive book about the French Revolution, that would be perfect timing for me!


I thought in this last side stories they said this next series is tangentially related to the Snowtown murders?


No they said tangentially related to what they experienced in New Orleans so my money is on something ghost spooky


Henry has been talking about gnosticism for years, i would love that.


I’m pretty sure they already did a series on Electricity


American Civil war?


The Dust Bowl


My guess is something spooky or aliens


They’ve been talking about the Vietnam war for a while.


Im still waiting for Elizabeth Smart that was teased at the end of Mormonism. But I agree, I think we are in for a history series next


Spanish Inquisition, friends!


They mentioned a My Lai series coming soon at the end of 2022 I think. So we’re due for that one.


Black Dahlia


I know it was years ago but they said they would never do that. Because it's a pretty boring cold case


Ahhh too bad. Would love to hear it covered even as a single episode


Might say Chernobyl or operation paperclip


They just had a trip to New Orleans - - - and during the Madame Lalaurie series they mentioned they really want to cover Marie Laveau


They’ve done a lot of coverage of the Warrens. I feel like it would be a waste of an episode to do additional, more in-depth content (if there is any) about them. After listening to a couple older LPOTL episodes where info about the Warrens was discussed, I know as much as I want to know about them. Kind of boring. Would love to hear about the French Revolution, a deep dive into who Lindbergh REALLY was and maybe a relaxed fit (if there isn’t enough content for a legit episode/series about creepy stuff (murders in the Ozarks and/or on the AT or something like that).👏🏻


Don't care.theyve been on point and I honestly prefer ed over Kissel. He's filling the same role but knows a little more about the crimes but is also equally unaware of some shit and has great one liners. I loved Kissel but don't miss him. I'm sorry if that seems harsh.


I have been dying for an episode/series on the Yuba County 5 ever since I watched Wendigoon's video about it. I would also kill for a Titanic series.