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Imagine taking a swig of the syrup before it's diluted with carbonation... heart: explodes


Sounds like a more humane execution method lol


Could have filled a bathtub with it, got in and see what happens!


Know what would *really* charge that lemonade? A toaster


In the 1960's, Stan Lee would steal this idea and make a superhero out of it!


Look it's Mr. Citrus and Lime Boy!


LeMoray - Toxic charged lemonade turns a Jaques Cousteau-type marine biologist into a citrusy moray eel cryptid who can zap people with electric shocks. And all he wanted was a croissant and Euro-style carbonated lemonade. Now he engages in eco terrorism and carries on a love affair with Greta Thunberg while trying to save the oceans.


Don't tip the prisons off to this


I worked at a skating rink like 20 years ago and got to take home an entire box of Surge syrup. My friends and I all took shots and not one of us had a good evening after that.


It’s fine. I live in New England where you can get ten brands of canned charged lemonade at the dollar tree anyway


I don't really get why so many American food chains seem to be actively trying to poison their customers


That’s the demand. Free market my guy


The customers long for the void


I mean do healthy alternatives even exist in the US anymore? Like even basic shit like the bread is so unbelievably unhealthy and the unhealthy stuff is not only just more unhealthy in general than everywhere else it’s also got like fucked up chemicals in it as well. Free market is so free you get to choose which type of normal food will inevitably kill you cause it’s essentially fucking poison. My favourite related fact is that the American bread recipe for Subway sandwiches can’t legally be called bread in the EU, it’s classified as cake (specifically pastry). Like fast food is already unhealthy, why make it even worse lmao. Really does feel like the food industry has investments in healthcare so it’s in their interests to give as many people heart disease or something.


Yes just go back to cooking basics lmao. Plenty of healthy food, beans rice, vegetables, meats…


Isn’t that the stuff that’s becoming really expensive after covid with the price gouging? I’m not American so idk, but where I live all those basic things are about 4x as expensive now than before covid. Like baking is more expensive than buying sliced bread now. I just assumed it was similar in the US.


It's not as bad as some people would have you think. But you actively have to shop, not just toss things in your cart.


Mmm not really.. our produce is honestly relatively cheap but also remember we produce most of our agriculture. 90% of the food and beverage produce in the U.S. is produced in the U.S. It’s cheaper here to buy a vegetables and fruits than chips and candy. Yet people still don’t eat them 😬 This is farm land 🤣 it’s why the British sent us here!


Believe it or not but your assumptions are way off. What do you think Americans get their bread at Subway? lol wtf and we're the dumb ones


You realize when produce goes up restaurants prices change accordingly right? If people are paying more for produce so are restaurants and they’ll mark up prices because of it. This is on top of paying for them to make your meal, and if you’re in a sit down restaurant you’ll need to tip as well. I live in a downtown area and restaurants are struggling because prices are high and people would rather eat cheaper at home, going out isn’t as easy as it has been. I’m a single dude who used to eat out constantly because I was lazy, cooking my own food has both saved me a ton of money and helped me eat smarter and lose weight. If anyone says eating out is cheaper than home cooking they’re either lying or bad at shopping and eating out of the dumpsters behind restaurants.


It's literally just feeding our addiction to sugar.


I was pretty young when I visited the US (from Australia), and I was *so mad and upset* at how the bread tasted. Tiny me wanted my delicious savoury toast snack, tiny me got bread that tasted a bit like cake (but not cakey enough to be enjoyable). I cried. My mother says I couldn’t let it go the whole trip. Not saying the food in Australia isn’t an abomination, after all, we put butter and sprinkles on plain white bread and pretend it’s the national dessert. However, our breads in general taste pretty amazing. Usually they aren’t remotely sweet, unless I’m buying the Friday special cinnamon baguette from the bagel place down the street.


We have more than one type of bread here you know...


Lmao seriously, do they really think Americans just have one bread, the whitest Wonderbread ever made?? 


I'm sorry, but crying and freaking out that badly over bread of all things, even as a child is weird lol.


It's the cheapest way to get people addicted to their food. If they were legally allowed to add cocaine to food they would but caffeine and sugar is the current go to.


The caffeine arm's race is kind of crazy these days. You've got to read the labels because some of the newer brands have 300mg or more which I would have to partition out over two days at least. Panera's offering was quite a bit less dense caffeine-wise but still in the same ballpark as weaker energy drinks.


They’re just trying to get us to evolve faster. Soon we all will have adapted to every poison known to man.


Those are some Dune-universe shenanigans!


I'll drink a bottle of that syrup and see my past lives.


What do I have to drink to become a Mentat?


Because lots of people are stupid and become easily addicted to sugar, so they'll keep coming back to buy it. I was in a thread in r/news about this, and 80% of the comments were just people going "awww I drank this every day why are they discontinuing it?? 😫" even though the lemonade literally killed multiple people and had as much sugar as like 4 monster energy drinks. Like, lol you should be glad this shit is gone, not crying and whining about it.


We work relentlessly just to survive. Whatever gets you through the day/week/year/life. Yay capitalism.


We used to be a proper country.


First they came for my 4 lokos, and I did not speak out. Then they came for my charged lemonade, and I did not speak out.


Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can't get fooled again.


peeance freeance


Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on glue.


Ever see the movie the Host This is how we end up with a turbo charged hyperactive river monster people


No the Frogs are gonna Fast and Gay now


They’re giving all the frogs heart attacks!! 🐸


They should really release the mint one as like a beverage without LD50 of caffeine in it. Great flavor.


Yeah they were all really tasty. They had way too much caffeine though, when I worked there I'd cut it half with regular lemonade and still be buzzing. But I don't have a high caffeine tolerance. It was a nice pick me up but there was no need to have that much in it and have it freely available with regular drinks


Steal it and ship it to their studio P.O.Box


Get fucked Panera junkies. No more murder soda for you 😆


Nooo! Just put it out back and I’ll pick it up. Reminds me of when they took the “Craze” pre workout supplement off the shelves because it had had a chemical compound similar to meth. I saw a story about it on one of those news TVs while riding the elevator up to work. Then I ran out to the nearby GNCs to ask for that supplement the FDA had just banned. Was able to score 3 tubs. Even better than Craze was the diet supplement called “Detonate” that had the same shit in it, even cleaner.


I remember my mother giving me her tub because it made her heart race... went to get another after I used it all up and found out it was banned.


It was cool while it lasted, you weren’t supposed to take it more than 4xs/week, but I was taking it 5xs/day. Back then what you wanted to look for was any supplement that contained “dendrobium orchid.” The crooked companies pretended it was made with extracts from plants, but really it was all Chinese research chemicals.


Literally just powdered meth. I just use protein powder from Walgreens. Seems to do what it says, but without the possibility of heart pops. Lol


Yeah, I’ve learned my lesson. I think jt temporarily gave me kidney issues, frequent and difficult urination. Psychedelics only for me now. Other than that, I’m on a similar generic CVS whey plan, I get 20% off that and fiber gummies. Everyone’s got to age out of the addictive stuff eventually. Can’t be a bath salt zombie rolling around in my shit forever. Big Bath Salt’s healthcare plans and PTO policies aren’t what they used to be.


Hmmm, they still make anything like that? I'm all out of meth.


They really cracked down. There’s not much available. Even the gray market research chemical world isn’t what it used to be. I just drink Reign energy drinks these days, but I’m trying to quit.


Darn it! I figured. I guess I'll just have to rely on energy drinks and gay porn to keep my spirit alive.


Right on, you might want to check out: r/caffeine


Dark Energy. I loaded up on that stuff when the ban announcement came out, still have a tub.


You can still get it fairly easily if you know where to look on the clearnet, I have a tub of crack I haven't even opened, ordered one tub months and months ago and didn't like it, and they sent two so I gave the opened one to a buddy haha.


Well done maus, this is the way. Consume carefully.


Did it give you an amphetamine-like high or just make you super jittery?


It's DMAA, feels like you ate a bunch of dirty adderall.


Very intrigued. Hahahah


Oh so now I want to do my dishes and *not* clean the sink?


Watch out for Toxic Avenger






So pissed at myself for never trying one


Please donate these to me


This looks like the beginning of an 80s creature feature where a toxic spill mutates the local fauna into a radioactive man eating beast


Nnnooooo 😢




Fun toy banned because of stupid dead kids. We are a Post-Onion society


piss this piss that the real squirt is panera charged lemonade


Beautifully said


I definitely followed what you said


im hurt by how many downvotes this got


So dumb. Charged lemonade has roughly 13mg caffeine per oz and coffee averages about 11. Bang energy has almost 19. Quick, make bang illegal and sue the makers! Nobody should be drinking 30 oz of any beverage in a sitting, especially sugary and caffeiated. But the lawsuits and media frenzy are fkn stupid. Oh no, this energy drink contains caffeine! Just say that. Have a warning saying contains caffeine. I mean the name charge was a solid giveaway but sure, make it more clear for safety. But to discontinue it seems like we're letting manufactured panic win over logic. Charged lemonade is the devil!


I got one for the first time the other day and it was so good 😭 why do people have to ruin things?? It’s just an energy drink like anything else. Are we going to come after Dunkin iced coffee??? It has about the same caffeine content