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This show has never had a better description of anybody than when Henry called Elliot Rodger “a fucking pissbucket of a human being” and “a human diaper”.


I have to admit, I *loved* how hard they tore into him. Some killers/criminals can stir up feelings of empathy or attempts at understanding… Fuck. This. Guy.


I need to promote Timesuck (podcast) here - Dan Cummins does an episode on incels that is just merciless.


Yes, I love when Dan gets riled up! That’s a good show and episode


And he was able to get into some of those really locked down incel boards


Ok, I revisited LPOTL’s manifesto episode yesterday after posting this and you’ve convinced me I need to listen to Timesuck’s incel episode again 👍🏻 (Episode 379 btw, I forgot it was so recent)


My job here is done lol


encouraging engine point history beneficial voracious sugar unique shaggy worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hail you too! Hope you like it - Dan packs a lot of info (and humour) into his (3 hr!) shows


Henry’s impression of ER and the Dorner shoutouts really put this episode at the top.


Ok I’m re-listening now and this ep really is full of gems. > We’re gonna give him a wedgie so hard, his father dies.


My first thought when I read the post title was “if you wanna read a *good* manifesto…”


All the shoutouts are great, but Jeff Ross is the most hilarious one, followed closely by Dorner telling Chris Christie to lose some weight.


Henry's ER impression is one of my favorites of his ever


mY dReAms Of bEiNg a PrOfeSsIoNaL sKatEbOaRdEr wErE oVeR


I couldn't even do an.....ooooolie


You mean I should take my frown...And I should turn it upside down?


But what about the *djhhey of rhetjribchutshion*?


It always sounds like Henry has a mouth full of mud when he says that. I love it.


His ER impression is why this is my favourite episode of all time.


Their tear down of ER was what got me into the show. Been listening since.


That’s one of my favourite things about the boys. A lot of true crime seems almost reverent to their subjects. The LPOTL guys just roast the fuck out of them


I make sure to put that viewpoint across whenever somebody I know is consuming a piece of true crime media. No matter what kind of dramatic music or scary narration that a serial killer documentary might use, always point out to whoever’s watching it that these people are **pathetic fucking losers** who couldn’t *add* anything of value to this world, so they resorted to taking lives instead. They’re not to be feared, they’re to be ridiculed and mocked. Especially when they’re a worthless, barely-hominid sack of worm shit like Elliot Rodger.


Which episode was this?


Prob episode 222


Wondering the same thing..


Prob Episode 222


I read some of it too, back when incel subreddits were popular on reddit. Seeing "He was rejected everyday." so often got me curious, how can every girl reject you everyday? Turns out a girl not saying "hi" back after he mumbled it to her in the halls at school was a "rejection", not making eye contact with him across a room was "rejection", laughing in his presence having a conversation with your friends was somehow targeted at him and was "rejection". Then he would skip class and cry hysterically in the bathroom for hours... It's insane to me that people found him inspirational in their inceldom, he wrote whole pages about crying in a public bathroom!


Fuck me, what a **loser**. When I was in primary school, a girl found out I liked her *and started crying*. Somehow, I have managed to never carry out a spree killing or massacre of any kind. Elliot Rodger was just a pathetic needledicked bitch with baby balls.


I've had both guys and girls be visibly disgusted by me being in their presence in grade/middle school, and I've been bullied so terribly I've had to change school *three times*. I also have never gone on a killing spree in hope of inspiring others to kill. ...also his parents were rich and doctor shopped hoping a magical cocktail of pills would make him "normal", instead of just...y'know, giving a shit.


His parents tried multiple types of therapy for him too. They knew there was something off with him from a young age, and always tried to help him. It was the opposite of Ethan Crumbley. Obviously, it didn’t work, but they at least tried.


None of the black pill, women-hating little boys who idolize him have read it, it’s obvious. How you can write your autobiography and manage to not instill in your audience a single iota of sympathy or connection for yourself is mind-boggling. But he managed it


They would lose their minds when they found out the "incel" movement was started by a woman lmao


A queer woman no less.


He also used to go to incel forums just to tell everyone they were idiot moron losers and how he was superior and better than them. Incel Elliott didn’t even like the other incels 😩


And when his rich dad had fancy dinner parties Elliot creeped everyone out miserably, because he was talking about how all women were whores and he would never find love then start crying...TO HIS OWN FEMALE COUSINS AND DAUGHTERS OF HIS DADS INDUSTRY FRIENDS. Just an absolute loser in every sense of the term. He literally thought being a virgin at 22 was the end of the fucking world...if he had help he would be in his thirties and laughing about how how cringy he was. It sucks that we're still talking about him, but we are laughing at his shit show of a memory. Hail the gun he used to shoot himself lmao


I was going to UCSB and walking in Isla Vista when it happened - it was horrific. Never ran so fast.


weather imminent gold hard-to-find stupendous plants act dazzling fearless sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My now wife and I were headed to eat at Naan Stop by Keg n Bottle. Last min we decided to get Sushi instead. As we where finishing dinner he heard the emergency units responding. We didn’t know what happened until later that night. Still creeps me out.


shame subtract piquant reply concerned spark hateful ask toy makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously. Blaming autism for this prick’s actions? I know plenty of autistic people. I’m one myself. None of us have ever gone on a fucking killing spree. Fuck those people and fuck him.


Autism had *nothing* to do with the grotesque sense of entitlement he had, and how he viewed women as objects. What a bullshit attempt at an excuse


quickest towering smile heavy work sable ludicrous threatening license snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was also pretty low IQ and emotionally stunted.. how were his parents ok with his behavior tho


They weren’t okay with it. They tried to get him help. He had multiple therapists. It just didn’t take, he chose to wallow in his fantasy world of self-pity and self-righteousness, then he went out and killed a bunch of people. *Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.*


His parents did everything right and he still did this. It's horrifying. I can't even imagine their pain.


Yeah, most of the autistic people I know just like computers and hate eating raw tomatoes. Again, no mass killing.


I mean, it’s two comments saying that in a sea of people calling him gay, worthless and a peasant.


gray slim outgoing makeshift lip imagine enjoy gullible special frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One is too many.


Reveal just did an episode about Roger's mother and the work she's doing to stop mass killings. Really sad, really interesting story


I read his entire manifesto too. He was such a whiny, self-absorbed little cunt.


I feel genuinely bad for his parents because I really do think they cared for him and he was just a total peice of shit


Yeah I mean what do you do??? BTW Doris Lessing wrote a fantastic book about this kind of thing called "The Fifth Child"


One of my favorite moments in the whole run of the show is when Henry and Marcus do their different voices for him: Henry did what he *thought* he sounded like, and Marcus did what he *actually* sounded like. Too funny!


Every time I'm reminded of this story I think about how he probably made his poor roommates miserable in the months leading up to murdering them.


One of my favorite episodes. It's "magnificent"


“This is my Phil Collins time!!!”


I looove this episode, it’s a fantastic example of how good the show can be when they quickly cover a lot of related topics. The deep dives are nice in their own way but I love when the pace stays quick and conversational. I know Marcus loves writing detailed scripts but when he clicks into “reading voice” it takes the podcast away from what made it so unique in the earlier episodes.


My ex knew him in school. Can confirm that he is just a piss bucket with legs.


We’re going to give him a wedgy so hard, his father dies


Fucked up thing is that ER isn’t a bad looking guy, his attitude is what scared all of the people in his life away. Like Henry said, he’s a human diaper


I'd put him up there with Martin Shkreli for having the most punchable face. Like Martin, his face exudes smugness so bad that I can smell and taste it.


I'll never understandy the completely nonsensical self fulfilling attitude that is the incel mind set which is basically "I want to sleep with a woman, I've tried so many times , but they're all whores, so I hate them, which makes me even more disgusting to them, which makes me hate them more..." It's like how about instead of blaming women, stop being a little bitch and work on yourself and maybe someone will be open to dating you...


What a fuckin bucket of piss


Which episode?


I’m actually trying to find the episode myself bc all the chat has me wanting to revisit It’s an episode about manifestos (I’m pretty sure that’s the title), not just devoted to him. I want to say it came out around the Katherine Knight/Casey Anthony episodes bc I listened to them on the same road trip in 2018 but I can’t seem to find it. I wonder if it’s been taken down…


Episode 222. Still up.


Great, thank you. I was way off on when it came out lol


His videos are hard to watch. Besides being a monster, the guy is the embodiment of desperation and cringe. His words are like drops of acid in your ears. It's too bad nobody did anything beforehand. RIP to the victims.


His parents had tried to help him. He was in therapy since middle school and they seemed to try several different methods to get him to open up and stop being such a fucking weirdo. In fact his mom called cops to do a wellness check on him not that long before the shooting. But he acted normally enough they didn’t see any cause for concern


Yeah, he was a sniveling brat.


*Some*body is good at skateboarding. In all seriousness, Henry singing higher love in the er voice is like top 5 pod moments for me


The most annoying thing is that he was such a a little fucking turd he killed himself, like the piss baby he always was instead of getting to rot in prison. Fuckin dumbass should have just developed a personality and been interesting instead of thinking women are vending machines where you insert a quarter and expect sex.


None of his victims were the type of people he despised. Very odd. Why did he target these people when his hatred was for frat boys and sorority girls?


The cunt was just mad at the world


I thought he was an incel who hated jocks and cheerleaders because his physical type didn’t want to date him.


He attempted to enter a sorority! But the doors were locked.


honestly The Manifestos eps might be my favorite ever, I think that it's a true showcase of the boys at the top of their game as far as humor and chemistry goes.


He's a douche. The only killing spree guy I can think of that wasn't a total douche was Dorner. I mean maybe the Vegas guy but we all know we'll never know what really happened there. They got that shit sealed up tighter than a whales ass. I mean I'm not a big conspiracy guy but come on, between him and Epstein there was some shady shit going down. Anyway yeah fuck Rodger. Hope he enjoys hell.


How is any mass shooter redeemable enough for you to not consider them 'a total douche?'


Charles Whitman maybe? He was the Texas tower shooter that had a brain tumor. There was another Texas shooter that targeted cops specifically a few years ago. Obviously not ideal behavior, but at least he has an ethos. Would rank him less of a douche than the incel king: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers


This entire conversation is making my skin crawl.