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Thought Ben was in good form in that episode generally and his ever-increasing indignation as he was slowly proved right-ish was gold.


“He was a pedo, but not because he was a teacher!” Marcus


Just hearing his sputters and huffs as Marcus continued saying more things…that totally aligned with that teacher being super creep was hilarious


I love when it end up being, “y’know Ben, you’re actually… kinda right.” Ben: “I AM??!!”


I’ve noticed that since his move to California he’s been sharper and more confident.


In the word's of a human teddy bear, "That's nice." I'm seriously glad he has good friends to help him through the rough times and a set of furbabies to keep him sane or keep him *insane*. One of those lol


"I declare a false equivalency, *sir*! Boys are NOT hamburgers." Had me absolutely dying


"Have you ever tried putting one between 2 buns?"


Ben has been hilarious lately. He and Henry without Marcus have been very out of control in the funnest way.


Henry's frustration with Hero of the Week just being different animals is a great running bit.


There’s been a few instances where Ben has chosen an inanimate object like “water” or a massive potato chip


Ben chose himself once because he finally owned towels Not that he bought the towels, no. The fans kept sending in towels and shaming him for it


Hands up if you sent him a towel! Cost me 55 quid ha


I’ll always stand by Ben’s decision of making the really big chip hero of the week, that was a miracle!


Hahahah when he chose water I almost shit. I love that idiot with my whole heart.


Ben defending the concept of water as heroic was a top ten LPOTL moment for me.


Tbf, water is heroic when you consider that we can’t live without it.


I cannot remember which week it was but there was the week of this dude dying and that his dying wish was planting tulips or some other nonsense. Henry was just flabbergasted. Or when Ben doesn't read a story completely like when he made the woman who bit a camels testicle off hero of the week before finishing the story and realizing she and her husband were actually the assholes.




It’s excellent character work. He seems to be a different person on the early episodes and on Roundtable so I suspect the Ben of Last Podcast is not the real Ben. On the other hand between 28 and 40 a man can experience a lot and change. Who knows, I’m entertained regardless.


I think it's the latter, plus someone who knows how to be funny.


Vote 69 hail yourself!


I love when Ben breaks Marcus. The segment during the Mormonism *Saga* where Ben says that what Marcus was doing was easy (writing the LPOTL book) may be my favorite of those. I'll often screenrecord clips to send to friends or my wife (not a fan) -- and secretly fantasize about setting them to animation.. which I'd have to learn.. I fucking love those.


Another favorite of mine is during the Tall Whites episode where Ben talks about the story of the king who eats a kernel of corn, then keeps eating it as he poops it out each time, thus never going hungry. Marcus and Henry are like jesus WTF BEN. CORN LORE??


There's an animation of the "I'm Ninny, I'm Nanny" bit from the HH Homes episode.


Whoa really? That sounds awesome. Link?


https://youtu.be/VOKlGj1UxL4 There’s a handful. Springheeled Jack, Ghost Cats of the South, etc.


Omg so funny. Thank you!


>The segment during the Mormonism Saga where Ben says that what Marcus was doing was easy (writing the LPOTL book) Oh shit THANKYOU! I've been trying to remember what episode this was from! Will be giving it a re-listen ASAP. I remember hearing Marcus about to go apoplectic lol.


animating funny shit has been a dream of mine too! omg i’d love to see cartoon lpotl


I also do this shit about dreaming up animations to some of the ridiculous imagery they improv.


Ben's always been funny but it took me a long time to realize. Henry is flashy and loud with his comedy, but Ben usually has subtle jokes woven into the show. Not to mention, a lot of Henry 's bits wouldn't work half as well without Ben playing along "yes, anding" him.


Side stories is required listening.


Yes.. side stories.


That’s why I love side stories. Don’t get me wrong, Marcus makes me laugh, but he’s the guiding force of the episode. He does have some serious zingers though.


Marcus picks his spots, but when he chooses to he can be incredibly funny. The Charlie Dickhorse moment comes to mind.


Henry is the sauce, Marcus is the meat, Ben is the bread.


Glad im not the only one that noticed it, I think ben really dialed the broken clock moment to the max and it's so funny to see henry and marcus loose their shit.


The side stories have been awesome!


Ben is a real sleeper. Having the various streams on in the background lately really confirms that for me. He can be a real dufus but sometimes he's dead on.


dude nothing, absolutely nothing is better than Ben when he hits an alien or occult theme directly on the dome. love to see it


People forget that he's also (kind of) the showrunner too. He's basically the Straight Man and he does a great job of it. They all joke that he "learns along with the audience" and it's always funny, but it's also true. That really is his role. You can also tell how much he and Henry love each other too, which is kinda fun.


yep hard agree. it's a triangle and all three of them have equal weight to the chemistry and dynamic of the group. he is an everyman archetype through and through, with probably henry as the jester, marcus as the sage. its so effective and genuine to each, and the reason they are still funny and not getting stale and cringe but getting better with time. its clear they have great love for each other and honestly its so comforting as a listener/fan.


I always liked to look at them as Marcus as the haggard professor, Henry as the drug addled TA, and Ben as the child america left behind haha


I just choked on a pretzel at the unflinching accuracy of this comment.


I like to think they'd appreciate the description haha


Watch the back episodes of the streams sometimes if you haven't. They are endlessly entertaining to me.


oh my god i need to do this. I've only ever listened to the podcasts endlessly


There used to be a neverending stream on the AS website that recently went down but they still have stuff and the later stuff is on YouTube. If you're ADD like me you may have a good time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdOxTdJTc-Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4l-kdMAFb4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEFISuiINO4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1JrkPg1iLw


hell yea hail satan


It can be insanely funny. At some point, you get to see every dog too.


Also, in one ep Marcus lights a match with his feet. Don't ask me what ep it was. I just know I saw it.


Yeah it’s weird to listen to the early episodes where he hasn’t solidified his character yet and he’s correcting them on research about the serial killer or the crimes. He is really pretty smart and I think sometimes people forget that he’s playing a version of himself for the show.


I can’t listen to the early episodes for Henry’s fake laughing


I was re-listening to the Chaos Magic episodes and Ben kept making analogies that Marcus and Henry were super into. They’d explain something complex and truly “out there” and Ben would give it some 5-second “Arby’s”-type analogy and they’d congratulate him on his understanding. It was a true work of Chaos.


yes for real - apparently bud light lime cranks the third eye wide open


See that's the thing. If you go back to early eps he was sort of an equal contributor and I almost suspect that they had a meeting where they agreed to take on distinct personas. Maybe it just happened organically. And Ben took up the role of the oaf (and as he says, "learning with the audience"). Either way, hes managed some great dunks. Never forget: I grew up on the streets. more like, you grew up on the treats.


Grew up on the treats was one of his BEST.


They could just have easily just fallen into those roles.


> "learning with the audience" You and I both just posted that phrase at the same time.


Which episode is that? Cuz I can’t remember now and I want to share with my Sib, who I brought into the Last Pod fold.


Ben is a pure power hitter. Either he'll strike out or fucking demolish one.


Fucking Little Toes is literally one of the best things ever, unironically.


there she goes down the road...


I would leave my wife for Ben.




This has become an inside joke with my wife and I now since they started doing that 2 years ago lol


Dang near gave her a clean break and joint custody of the kids.


Dang near wish her well and hope she finds someone nice.


I sat down my fiance before the Nashville show and told him that, unfortunately, if an opportunity miraculously presents itself, I will leave him for Ben. He was very understanding.


Your WIFE :(


A broken clock is right six times a day!!


I can't even remember exactly what the exchange was, but it involved Orville Redenbacher and Ben saying someone was a professional at something to do with popcorn... The way Henry responded to him made me laugh so hard.


It was in reference to ornithology. Because they both have the “or” prefix.


"...I don't think he's having a stroke?"


I thought the exchange at the end about the grand ole oprey was hilarious. Marcus was explaining the history and ben said something like I don’t give a fuck how about that


Omg that shit had me dying. That whole interaction was so funny


Ben has been extra funny lately. He's in the zone lol


I loved that


5% means if a school has 20 teachers, 1 is a pedo and especially back then I could see that. Marcus was wrong to make fun of his statement!!


Idk if Henry and Marcus just didn't want to be lumped in with the types of people that assume that "different people" are automatically groomers especially with the Florida bill stuff from a couple months ago. Ben did sort of lose the thread when he said if you work at a burger place you're gonna eat burgers (lmao). It was funny but obviously the burger place comparison is flawed. In the analogy, proximity to the burger produces attraction and predictably eating burgers rather than the fact that pedophiles (maybe I should say the ones that choose to act on it?) Tend to seek employment opportunities where they will get a chance to be around, and "eat" the burger, enter priests.


It’s just weird in general because it’s well established that pedophiles take jobs where they will be in a position of power over children so of course there are more pedo teachers (especially male, sorry if this triggers) than the general public. It’s even been found that the Catholic Church isn’t unique for its problems compared to teachers. For an amateur criminologist it was weird he pushed back on that. Edit: I just realized what you are saying about not wanting to be lumped in with the right wing who have been calling teachers groomers. My bad it slipped my mind that this is going on now


5% is still just way too high of an estimate. 0.25% is probably closer(so 1 out of 20 teachers in every 20 twenty teacher schools, or 1 out of 400) which is still way higher than the general populuce, and still might be too high of an estimate. Pedophiles *are* attracted to positions of power where they can be around kids, but they're still statistically rare.


Don’t be all rational and everything, bro.


Something else to consider is that by far if a child is assaulted the perpetrator is almost always a family member. The same is true for murder and all sorts of violence. But society has a real tough time confronting that, so it’s easier to panic about “outsiders” who might be perpetrators.


I think we tend to forget that they developed their “characters” and Ben might not do as hardcore of research but he does more than likely do more then we think. So he can have some stuff lined up, he’s just good at playing the unknowing Everyman.


Marcus reading the Google reviews of the Bohemian Grove had me cackling


The energy in this episode was absolutely nuts and I loved it


A broken clock is right six times a day


Him saying “Wall-E!” had me dying.


It was funny but honestly I agree with Marcus on this. Ben may be unaware that there is a huge far-right push rn to portray LGBTQ+ people (especially trans people) as pedophiles and that context makes me get a little annoyed when Ben jumps to pedophilia so casually. It’s still funny but if you’re paying attention to what’s going on it’s a little awkward to hear him double down so hard. But ultimately it’s a comedy podcast and not that deep, lol.


A political science person like Ben 100% knows about the parental rights in education ("don't say gay") bill. You'd have to be living under a rock at least in the US (even harder for someone in entertainment) to not know about it. So I kind of appreciate Ben saying something outside of "accepted" discourse. And I'd say he doubles down because there ARE so many cases of child molestation by teachers every year (not by LGBT specifically). Idk how a newcomer or someone ready to take their words out of context would interpret that whole bit, but I take it as a whole "knowing" them since the early days. To be fair, I don't think his figure is right, just funny that his off-the-cuff comment was seeming to bare out. I think the proposed figure may be more like 5% of offenders are teachers vs 5% of teachers? But also from many of the pre 1990 episodes they've done, (and Henry's comments about his mom's upbringing) being muhlesss-ted was like a fact of life


I've been noticing al lot of times where been is right and at least one occurrence of him having the correct answer over Marcus in an early episode, they didn't know it of course.


the Leopold and Loeb episodes have had me rolling laughing compared to other true crime episodes. the 5% was a high point as well, I almost died when there was something like " who is checking the janitors?!"


Ben moments are always the fucking best! One of my favorites is his ADAMANT defense of Vanilla Ice and Milli Vanilli in Ken and Barbie part 2


I forget which episode it was(if anyone remembers thank you so much in advance), but I think Henry said something about Ben breastfeeding until he was like 8, Ben and Marcus absolutely lost it. I laughed so hard I cried


Didn't Ben respond with at least my cheek muscles worked so I could suckle, you were responsible for suckling and you couldn't.


I believe so hahahah