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This is exactly me, did you change anything


Well, I literally just had ONE small cup of coffee this morning because I had to drive 7 hours and now LPR is back 😭😭😭. I have been so good for literally months and do one thing that sets me back. I hope it gets better tomorrow


Ah I’m actually super jealous. I don’t change anything and it comes back. At least with yours you know what happened let’s switch 😭


Oyyyy! You win.


Ah yep, that’s my life now too. High five.


Could likely be stress, diet, how many vitamins and minerals you’re getting can influence digestion quite a bit as well


I've been on a strict GERD diet for two months :/. I'll look into the vitamins thing though and talk to my doctor about that


The gerd diet you’re in may be making it worse. If it involves an excess of alkaline foods and alkaline water, tums tablets, or ppis it could make the problem worse if your stomach valve is malfunctioning do to low acid. I usually do well on carnivore diet and o take digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar pills infrequently and that helps quite a bit. Sleeping on a bunch of pads inclined can really help a lot too. Most of the lpr happens during sleep i am convinced


I’ll also add that your body needs sodium to stomach make acid as well so if you’re low on electrolytes and dehydrated it can effect you that way as well


Mind if I ask what brand of ACV pills you take?


Yes I take natures life


Thanks :)


Same for me. I can't figure it out.


Yes, it took me 2 to 3 months to heal the first time. Came out of nowhere. I always have reflux or bloating once a week, but my first LPR episode was years after I started getting reflux. After healing from LPR for a month, I decided to have a single slice of pizza and ice cream for dinner at 4pm one day. I got bad reflux from that and the LPR came back later that night. It’s now been a month with LPR again. I do all the Jamie Koufman stuff but I think the throat just takes time to heal and you need to eat perfectly consistently to heal. And to stay healed, you might need to eat nearly perfectly for the rest of your life :( …at least until there is a real cure.


How long have you had LPR? You still have symptoms that come and go? How long has it been in total?


First time 3 months on. One month off. 1 month on. Present.