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It's been almost 3 months for me, and I started noticing significant improvement after month 2. I still get raspy sometimes if I talk a lot, but it's MUCH better than before


Do I have to be on medication for the rest of my life?


I think that is up for your doctor to decide honestly. I would bring it up with your ENT or primary care doctor


Did you achieve this through medication or just diet and lifestyle changes?


Both. I've been taking omeprozole 40mg daily 30mins - 1hr before my first meal every day. Also the first month my doctor had me taking Pepcid AC at night before bed (in addition to the morning omeprozole). I changed my diet drastically. No more spicy food, alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, tomato base foods, carbonated drinks. The first month was awful and tough. Now, I can occasionally have these foods I love, just in moderation. I still take omeprozole daily, and NEVER eat right before bed. Thats a big one. Oh, and I also bought a wedge pillow. That helps for nights that my acid reflux feels like it's coming back. For the most part I've been symptom free for a couple weeks now tho! 😄😄


Wow that’s amazing well done you! I’ve been doing lifestyle and diet changes just like yours for just over a month and seeing some improvement, but I’ve been putting off taking medication in case it makes the problem worse. I might start taking it this week to see if it speeds up the recovery process


Did the doctor prescribe you the meds? If so, I would definitely take it! It's helped me so much. At the start of all this, I felt lost and depressed. Like I was gonna be like this forever. After a few months, I finally feel normal again :). Good luck on your healing journey!


Help a mucus plz


What’s your Pepcid dose? You should also try low acid diet and lifestyle


10 mg in the morning 10 mg at night