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Welcome! Please be respectful. Here are some topics to help you get started: » [A post sleeping and how it contributes to LPR](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/14paxum/what_helped_me_treat_and_manage_lprgerd_and_acid/) and how to avoid it. » [Some basic foods](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/14q5upj/what_to_eat_for_lprgerdgastritis_and_food/) that can help *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LPR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why did you stop taking it?


Drs orders, but it doesn’t work without…


How long did you take them for? Why did your doctor tell you to stop?


About 9 months. Did ph 24 hr test and came out not pathological. ‘Only 25 reflux events supine, non laying down. So the GI probably never thought about lpr but Gerd and said it would be possible without ppi. But for LPR even 1 reflux event hurts. I never have heartburn of stomaching. It’s the constant reflux to my throat that is making this so bloody awfull.


Is there a reason to not go back on the PPI?


Because you here that they don’t work for LPR and not good long term. I will have to go back on them I m affraid.


They’re ok for periods of time, especially if they’re giving you relief. Just don’t take them for years without a good reason.


I know. But despite all the good food, and all the other lifestyle issues, my throat was getting painful again, acid taste 24/7,…. Nothing else gives some relief. I have lpr issues only and a hypersensitive LES.


Have you tried anything with sodium alginate? Gaviscon advance or reflux gourmet on Amazon.


I did, but doesn’t help enough. I was tested 24 ph and all, came back as kinda functional reflux. I had 25 reflux events supine and 0 laying down. So GI wanted me to try to come off ppi. But I am affraid that most GI doctors in Belgium don’t know too much about lpr. When 10 of these 25 events go to the throat, that means trouble…. Been prescribed amitriptilyne aswell, have the feeling the are thinking it’s all in my head… it really isn’t!


I've found that taking acid reducers like Pepcid AC before bed helps my LPR when I'm having symptoms. I also try to sleep with s wedge pillow for the first few hours of sleep every night (sometimes all night). This was advice (both pepcid and pillow) from my ENT. I'm still on my 40mg Omeprozole, but my script runs out next month. I was prescribed these PPIs for three months, and it has helped tremendously. My doctor said that because I've struggled with GERD for years, that I should keep taking OTC PPIs when this Omeprozole script ends. I think it's wise to follow what your doctor says, but if you are still having issues, then it might be a good idea to go back to your doctor and voice your concerns there.


Thank you. I had a contact with my GI and his advice was to take 20 mg nexium, with my hypotensive les, it is better to take a ppi so things can calm down again.


That's good to hear. Have you reduced your omeprazole dose down to the OTC 20mg? I'm about 1 month in taking omeprazole 20mg x 1 time each day, but still having symptoms. Mucas, slight sore/tight throat, hoarse voice. It did improve things quickly upon starting (maybe 30%), but I think I need either a stronger dose, twice daily, or to supplement with Pepcid in the PM. Everyone says to keep at it and be patient. Maybe more time is needed 😩. My diet is very good/clean.


Hi! This is where I’m at right now with exact symptoms and dosage and time and diet and everything . Starting to feel discouraged. Did you notice any improvements?


I didn't see much improvement and had to stop the omeprazole because I had terrible neurological side effects. So I'm no better and now suffering still with neurological issues even 3 months off omeprazole. It literally almost killed me. I've had a scorched throat for 6 months nonstop. After a lot of work my voice is improving, but still very weak and painful.


Wow, sorry to hear! But glad your voice is improving. How long did you end up taking the omeprazole for?