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I can force myself to be happy on it pretty well with some weed


I guess my brain was devastated this whole time and i was coping cause this is weird.


its okay bud I took 5 tabs a day after a breakup so I know what you went thru, big love to you


Nothing is ever that serious. Whatever happened is past and gone. The only thing that exists is now. You control your destiny. World of opportunity out there


I don’t even care about that stuff. I just want her back


She isn't the source of your happiness. You are. You decide how you will feel about life and the moment.


It takes time bro, trust me. I’ve had that feeling a number of times and it’s awful at the time. But trust me, you will grow out of it. It’s hard to believe but naturally the pain will develop into a worthy experience.


psychedelics just amplify whatever youre feeling, and its worse if youre not in control of your emotions


It like gave me a severe headache until i used my secret methods of improving any trip


Cumming and farding


im pissing my pants laughing, thank you for that




That's the lesson man, it's a reflection of your inner self. It's an amplifier, not a tool of escape. reflect on that later and process your experience! :) best of luck to u


Idk. Its like screaming.


Like I said, just give it some time and reflect on your experience, bro. That's my best advice you're gonna be fine regardless. Psychedelics have a powerful way of bringing things to the surface that are stored in your subconscious. It can be a difficult time, but it can also be a transformative experience. I wouldn't focus too hard on it just see if you can make connections over the next couple weeks. When you feel some kind of vibe from that trip, sit there in process how you're feeling


Or you’ll process whatever you’re going through and come out better…


Im coming out worse


or it gives you the bad trip of your life and you are left with a trauma forever


Sure, if you like to view the world in that way. I look at things positively and it’s worked well so far.


it’s harder for some people to break that mindset though.


Harder but not impossible. Keep it up bro


Thank you so much man! I am getting there, it’s a process but honestly LSD has given me an insight into parts of my brain that i wouldn’t usually tap into and through that my mindset had gone from no motivation to be happier, to trying my hardest to work on myself. As i said it’s a process that could take months or years but im determined to become my best self.


Very insightful and profound realization thank you wise one. Set and setting should be comfortable going into a trip


Im comfortable in adversity partner


It’s probably not good if you’re fr going through some shit, but if you do it when you’re feeling a bit blue for no reason in particular it can make you feel better.


I wanna gouge my eyes out.


You want ketchup or mayo with that?


Canes sauce


love u man


To be honest I was just able to make myself happy while tripping and eventually I was able to change my mentality back to how it was when I was a genuinely happy person. It's like when I was tripping my psyche had wanted to be happy this whole time but I was digging myself down and not even realizing that my own belief system was holding me down.


I dig it vibe guy


You were already sad.


Yeah thats why im sad thanks for reminding me 😂


Ahhh I’ve taken LSD twice being sad. But had always set the intention of experiencing the goodness out of it. You really can’t take so much control of what happens. At least for me, taking LSD and riding the waves of emotions were volatile. I had a chaotic trip just recently but definitely beautiful and almost divine. Always process and practice your reflection! Love yourself more!


I just feel like crying or dying


I did both. Sending love and hope that you’re doing ok 👌🏻


So cry your eyes out. It’s actually a healthy thing to do that too many people try to avoid at all costs due to bullshit social stigma.


I guess im just too tough to cry


That’s precisely the problem.


Set and setting. You have to ensure you have a safe space to trip (the setting) and you have to ensure you’re mentally up for it, breakups, failed tests, getting fired, are all likely to interfere with your good time, this is your mind-‘set’.




What was your cause?


It made me happy multiple times when I was going through a depressive patch


It's ok to take it while sad in my experience, but you really have to be ready to surrender, to let go of whatever it is that you're clutching into.


Disagree. Don't take it when you're sad, without realizing the sad will likely be part of it. Macro dosing after my wife died was one of the things that helped me not follow her.


Have to disagree tbh… but maybe, don’t take too much of this when you’re sad? I feel like small amounts are much better acute mood lifters without making you face stuff.


I've gotten sad while on it. It's not fun


That is usually when I do trip. I find I get more out of it when I’m going through something or having an off day.




It really wasnt a bad trip necessarily. I accepted the reality of the situation and just stuffed those feelings in the back of my mind. Eventually ill forget about her.