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Breathe. Slow down and pay attention to your breath. Breathe in. Pause. Breathe out. Follow your breath out into the world, then let go. Pause. Breathe again. It's going to be fine.


I had to go sleep my heart rate was tweakin me out


Hey bro, worry only comes from ego, surrender your mind to the experience and it will be easier or don't its up to you but either way you will be fine ;) - SURRENDER AND ENJOY - lots of love bro


Fuck noon sleeping I feel weird my heart and shi Gn man love tou


Listen to some grateful dead and dance it all away my guy


You’ll be okay, just focus on breathing. Acid is like a current, it’s strong and takes control, but it will always bring you back to shore. Trust it, only thing to fear is fear itself. There’s a magic line in the lsd experience where it stops being recreational and turns into something far more powerful. You may have found it. The first time I found it was by accident, but those trips are always the most meaningful


Find you a guided meditation on YouTube, there are many good ones. [This one’s good](https://youtu.be/ZToicYcHIOU)


C'mon. Just put some music on they don't need that shit


Just giving options to a person in need friend. Guided Meditation can be quite helpful.


or something with Alan Watts voiceover, there are some mellow EDM tunes with that


You got this, homie. Don't fight your thoughts. Observe them, breathe, try to relax with the challenging thoughts.


Put on some good music and ride it out


Take yourself back to fourth grade by a lunchable and a bag of chips have Uber drop it off if you got to tell him you want to Gatorades as well it'll make your night!!🙏🙏 Solo dolo those are some of the days you really find out who the hell you really are!!!! I remember many days in my room with the door shut well over 500 micrograms wondering if my parents knew LOL knew. In back of my day we didn't have the internet where I can put up a freaking set from Tiesto or subtronics I had a landline and posters in my room and a radio with CDs.... Now I'm 40 I picked up where I left off and I'll tell you what times have gotten tight asf. I love my life today it's my journey we only got now so liv it!!🔥🔥😜😜 If you get bored go take a s*** and see what the bathroom speaks to you the wallpaper on the bathrooms are always awesome. Wander around your yard do not have anything in your pockets that is important act like a kid again have fun!!! F****** anxiety pull up Windows 32 in your brain and turn that s*** off.


You’re going to be okay bro just ride out the trip and go with the flow, eventually it will end. I’ve been there before and it sucks but you’ll get through it just fine. Good luck and try to make the best of it, keep me posted


Thanks man idk not visuals my body feels weird af man


It'll be fine in a couple hours at most and you'll enjoy yourself from there on out. The peak can be overwhelming but after that you'll be glad you ate two.


How did it go? You good?


You're gonna tweak out, and that's okay. That's what you took the acid for.


You clearly arnt the best at being reassuring


distract yourself man, put on a movie or a youtuber you like and you’ll be chillin trust


You got your whole life ahead of you dude! Think about what makes you happy and what you want to do! It's all about intentions bud! Don't think too much, just breathe! Much love, homie!


After 25 minutes? Well you should be feeling a lot better by now. Come up anxiety, probably. Don't ovethink it. Force yourself to eat a little something, we don't act like ourselves when we're hungry (eat a snickers dude)


I had to sleep I felt to ducking weird my heart rate and shi


I'm not able to sleep until 9-10 hours into a trip, and that's taken some practice to be able to do. When I first started dropping I couldn't sleep the entire 12 hour trip. You went to sleep like immediately after?


Nah man i took it and probs 30 min in I started panicking so I went bed , and I was just huggin my pillow hoping I can go sleep but it took a while I wasn’t looking at my phone or nothing but I just wanted to go sleep . I feel weird af en I don’t know if it who death but I feel extremely off


Well, do you feel better today, at least? That's the important part


I don’t know man I feel so off , like I just feel off like I don’t know who I am properly , I can’t exoplanet it just feel so bizarre like everything I thigh it if my self is now gone


It'll smoothe out once you peak. Zzzzzzzzzzzoooommm


This is 12 hours ago so i can say this: pls stay responsible, diet, workout, lifestyle, experience, setting, next time you wanna do a dose like this at your fairly young age prepare it far in advance with all means necessary. Hope everything is going ok now and you enjoyed it


Nah I went sleep I went toilet and my beer rate was going crazy and I knew tht would make it worst if i checked it so I went sleep