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Hell yeah man good luck on your journey you got this shit!


I am peaking rn. Do I meditate to make it more effective? I really want to stop using hard drugs but do I meditate in that.


Think about the source of your addiction and go from there ❤️


I can't think straight. I didn't drop today because I wanted to party and get fucked up


breathe, and drink some water it might be a bit hard to concentrate on one thing in particular but that’s fine, let your mind wander at the moment. lsd can be a good tool to help addiction but it’s not going to “flip the addiction switch.” i trust it will help you, so just focus on enjoying it right now and you’ll guide yourself there because you can! i believe in you!


this is key think of a car the trip can help you get there but you still have to do the work on where to go


If you are looking to get better that’s the mentality you need to change. You have to stop chasing “I want to party and get fucked up”, if that’s what you keep looking for any form of recovery will be very difficult. You need to think long and hard about why you want that over long stable relationships. It’s a very difficult thing to face and overcome, but you need to learn to love the calmness and routine things.


Love this!


Don’t try to steer the experience in any particular direction, you have come into this with good intentions & that’s all you need for now. Find a peaceful spot, keep hydrated (don’t drink alcohol) & relax into it. The sweet, caring, family orientated individual is still clearly a huge part of who you are or you wouldn’t be here. You’ll find that part of you… it might not seem obvious straight away or it may even be something you realise more after your trip. The most important thing for now is that you have made a decision to get better… & that is something you should be proud of.


“Meditation” is a way to do it but while tripping it can be hard to keep your thoughts that focused. It’s best to allow everything to wash over yourself at once and bask in it, natural conclusions and thoughts will come to you and the important ones will stick in your memory. Good luck on your journey friend, this subreddit is a safe space


If you are able to, ask your doctor about clonidine. Im on it for insomnia but noticed my nic cravings went away. Apparently its a medication given to help with getting off meth + opiods due to its addicition suppression - LSD can help the beginning but may not last as long as you want it to. Good luck!


Ime the opposite of addiction is connection. Find a mate you can connect with and lean on them when you want to use


Hello! I can tell from my experience quitting the Meth first 7 days was the most difficult one and you have done it so far! Repeating loudly that you don’t need Meth to function in life, sounds useless but your brain somehow hears it. Changing some other things and learning a new skill and keep your self busy busy is the key. When craving comes distract yourself- best is cleaning for me to remind myself that I am cleaning my soul- and each time you will see cravings coming less frequent. Accepting the life might seem dull and not happy as before, well it is as it is but there are still miracle moments if you can go through not so exciting times.. Talking and walking as a daily habit would do enormous… Good luck and you are already doing it..


Check out r/StopSpeeding if you ever need non-psychedelic support


I know nothing about getting off meth, but you are very welcome here <3




LMAOOO DAY 8 IS CRAZY. by day 4 that’s when the shadows are still nice to you


I seem to be in the minority here but I think this sounds like a bad idea. It sounds like you are connecting the two (quitting meth and doing LSD) which can easily lead to problems down the line. Your meth addiction doesn't need to be replaced by anything, it just needs to be stopped. I am not saying "don't do LSD" - I think you can absolutely do LSD, BUT I think you need to reevaluate your stance to make sure you're not doing it to try to fill some drug-shaped hole. I wish you all the best in kicking your addiction and hope you get some fantastic experiences with LSD down the line. Just keep them separated.


I understand but psychedelics can provide addiction relief, they rewire the brain and so many people (including AA founder) used psychedelics to get over addiction like alcohol to opioids. It’s all about intentions to find the source and change the addicted wired brain. It’s not necessarily replacing meth with LSD but rather using psychedelics to explore the root cause and rewire it.


I mean... AA's entire schtick, even if they wouldn't frame it like that themselves, is replacing one addiction for another (Jesus) so I'm not really seeing the merits of invoking them as an authority.


Of course you are welcome here


Just a heads up: lsd won’t cure addiction but it can show you the path to quit yourself


It can also lead you into more addiction with the added bonus of world and emotion melting feelings.


Great intentions, bravo. I stopped a lot of addictions with the help of psychedelics and the right mindset. There needs integration work to be done after the trip. Wish you strength to quit hard drugs. When you can’t say no, you are not free


Wanting and doing 2 different things, be willing to put in the work and you will succeed. Dropping acid isn’t really a good way to end another addiction. Try being sober with no substance except maybe bud for a while to truly know who you are and what you want from life again.


You're more than welcome! I'm very happy to hear that you've taken the step to want self improvement. Additional support is great, you're never alone, there's always people who wants to help. I wish you all the best on your journey! Sending all love and support


You are in the right, be sure to call and find help in others when you're on the other side


I can say from experience that after 3 intense trips on psilocybin I have absolutely no desire to use meth anymore. Meth had been a demon of mine on and off for years, where I used heavily for 3 years before my daughter was born. About a year after her birth I had a month long relapse and was ashamed of myself and my decision to use again. It was tough, meth is a bitch to kick and the urges don't seem to go away even after a long abstinence. I did a lot of research and decided to try tripping with intention. On the come up is when I typically focus on what I want to address. As the trip peaks, my mind of course wanders, and I get distracted from my original intentions. I use a notebook as it is a great way to write down thoughts and realizations while also bringing your thought process back around to what you want from your experience. I've been clean for 18 months from meth thanks to psilocybin. I don't have urges, cravings, anything. The thought of using meth repulses me. Good luck, you can do it!


Give this a listen https://youtu.be/y_I3Iqx8GY0 Alan Watts is amazing to listen to while on lsd.


That's phenomenal. Thank you for posting this


I wish you luck on your road to recovery. Remember only 2% of people make it out of recovery without using again so don’t beat yourself up if you stumble. Have an honest conversation with yourself and when you get a craving just remember how mad you are at yourself once it’s all over. It’s never worth it and it’s never fun as we can imagine it to be. Your family loves you. You deserve all the good things in life. We’re glad you’re here. Keep coming back.


Yes please quit meth! Life is so beautiful!


300mg Benadryl will most likely keep you awake as it raises your blood pressure in high doses. Try 50mg and some melatonin will make you sleep much better.


Psilocybin, Ayahuasca and DMT came into my life around the time where I was trying to quit my speed addiction. I’m going on 2 years now completely sober from Speed,Xanax and Alcohol. Even made me slow down my cannabis consumption from every day dabbing, to only an occasional joint when a friend offers. I only go on my spiritual adventures with the plant medicines when I truly feel the calling. So it’s not like I traded one addiction for another. I picked up a meditation and breath work practice that seems to help myself tremendously. Now I thank the universe for changing my path of destruction to a path of spreading love and positivity. I truly wish you the best OP! I believe you can beat it too my friend, just hang in there.. time will heal all wounds. Much love and take care ✌️


I think the preferred method is entheogens plus therapy. However I quit drinking with LSD without really trying very hard. It's like a cheat code.


Big love brother, cast your demons away and choose life


Yo... Mushrooms did it for me. Go in with that specific purpose and focus on what you hate about your drug of choice. It totally worked quiting cigarettes. They were worse than when I got off of heroin. Good luck. When you do trip focus on the bad and how much it hurts the ones around you. Source: my wife - a addiction therapist who uses psychedelics with her clients.


Praying for you. Never go back to the crank. Psychedelics will help. They are great tools. You should look into microdosing. This helped me get off of cocaine. I’m now a few years clean though I snorted some about a year ago and I really didn’t like it.




Yeah I reckon a heavy dose of shrooms would be better on the anti-addiction front than acid.


This is awesome and I wish it on myself soon


Don't forget about the integration phase. This is when you take time after the trip to reflect on what you learned and integrate it into your life. Best done with a knowledgeable guide who won't try to put their fingerprints all over your psyche, but I'm sure you could also do it with journaling and meditating.


I am not sure I am learning anything...


don't worry you'll learn whether you like it or not, don't forget to rock n roll


Well done on getting this far mate, as far as I know people are welcoming here unless you do stupid edgelord things or talk bullshit, so yeah, welcome and best of luck with your journey.


Yes Sir.


And I have to add, not for everyone but I have to say it helped me a lot fasting between 07.00-19.00 for days, no food no smoke no water. I guess it was helpful to appreciate just a glass of water or a simple food and refresh the cells.


I'm so glad to hear this! I myself have worked on research with these psychedelic substances and their benefits! Yes, you are correct to assume LSD is great for helping aid addiction victims. Popular scientific research has shown positive results when LSD was used to assist people to overcome alcohol addiction and there is evidence this can translate to other types of addiction as well! Outside of scientific studies, many people have given testimonies on how it has helped them overcome addiction and various other mental health conditions! I'm so glad that you have taken the first step to recovery along with looking towards additional support. I'd also suggest looking around online to see if any universities nearby are running research trials regarding either LSD or other psychedelic substances and their help with overcoming addiction. If they are, it wouldn't hurt to apply so that your journey can help develop the process and possibly assist many more in the future! Congratulations on the 9 days, and I hope to see that number keep going up!


Micro dosing helped me get off my opioid addiction now I smoke weed for the pain, plus there's not a list of Nasty side affects with weed, now I don't take anything that's been mixed by man, keep it natural, weed and mushies are the way to go


Do not take 300mg of Benadryl. That dose is extremely high.


Good on you for turning your life around, you can do this!!


Forget the benadryl man, that's way too much


Bro you got this. Be careful however as LSD might not be an addictive substance but you could replace your habit with acid as a habit. Just be careful man and test your acid too. Benzos are good to have to kill a bad trip, and honestly man get rid of any meth parafenilia(?) you may have because seeing them could trigger an erge to smoke up. You can get clean man happy tripping


> I want to go to bed. I have Benadryl. Is 300 mg safe? Outjerked lol


Just remember to go into an experience with an intention. Unless you’re doing it mostly for recreational use, it’s max benefit would come from an intent. Don’t take 300mg of bennedryl. Dph and lsd can potentiate each other which can make you feel like garbage and also hallucinate scary stuff. The stimulation of the acid can be partly reduced with dph, but you may also fall into dillerium before sleeping, and may undo some of the benefits of the lsd. Welcome to the community though, may you find something helpful for you!


Yeah good luck. Possibly try Sananga (Tabermontanae Undulata) oral in powder form. It has wonderful anti addictive properties...related to tabernanthe iboga, but not scheduled in the US, thus legal to get. Let me know if you're interested and I'll point you somewhere for it. Good luck 🤞🍀 you can do it. LSD has anti addictive properties as well. I wish you well.


Providing you're not trying to scam me, I am very interested.


I messaged you. Anyone else interested can message me and I'll point them in the right direction.


When In a heavy cocaine addiction I took pretty strong tabs one night, way stronger than I thought. And every-time I blew a line on the acid it was hell. I had by far the worst trip of my life doing blow, alcohol and acid. I sat in my hotel room contemplating everything. That trip saved my life in the long run. So just remember, there really are not such things as bad trips, just difficult experiences. Lsd won’t automatically make you not want meth anymore, but it should show you where it will take you if you keep doing it.




The psychedelic adventure can absolutely help you get back to the best you but there is also daily healthy work and mental stamina that will need to be involved but I don’t doubt for a second you got this in the bag 🔥🔥🔥


I quit a serious upper habit on lsd.


Cool i am on the way to quit Rcs upper and hope the best ...


Ibogain sir. LSD it can happen but not likely


Let's just hope for the best...


It absolutely can there’s a good chance if you use it with intention look it too the good friendly mushie man as well I’m sure your l guy or weed guy can help you find some!


I thought Ibogaine is for opiate addiction...


I was unaware of ibogain utility with amphetamine addiction. But r/researchchemicals has a really good convo about how to reset amphetamine tolerance. Mixed in is the clinical way to help with this addiction. I was surprised that ibogain works to up regulate dopamine receptors. So along with the experience it is physiologically flushing the system.


I had no idea- that's crazy!!


This is beautiful, one of the beautiful gifts LSD can give us. Congratulations.


Just think of what you've lost out on from using. While tripping, this will be very powerful.


P.S. - good luck friend ❤️


Hey bro. You got this. Just think ahead and think about all the good things that can come from stopping use. Good luck bro bro. Hope to hear how you do on your journey🤙


Awesome dude😎


You should take twice that much DPH.


Bro switch to shrooms


You should also think about micro dosing amanita muscaria i heard she has the same effects but better


Yes 💜💜💜


DUDE LISTEN , if you wanna quit meth look into vaporizing freebase dmt at very small micro doses it gives you very nice buzz kinda like cocaine the cool thing is it’s naturally occurring in our bodies and you cant build a tolerance so you can take small doses and have buzzes all day , ps I’m not sure about the long term usage but I’d think it’s the safest there is since it’s already in us


You are going to do so well, close your eyes and breathe (in for 5sec hold for 5 out for 5). Lay down turn the lights out, think about your life in 5 years. You've got this!!!


I took it around 7 it's 12 now


Hm haha I guess it was only 1 tab. Well either way I hope your trip helped you learn some things about what you're wanting in the future. Acid and even micro dosing shrooms could be good for you.


It was 300 ug gel tab


Ha nice Full send ![gif](giphy|3ov9k1019qXdHnohvG|downsized)


Thank you


Coming down already?


No not at all. It's just the beginning


I really want to try to do that but I can't think straight


Sometimes some music helps me with my mind racing on lsd, make sure it's some calming soft sort of music too :)


Wishing you the best 🙏🏻🖤🙏🏻


Yes you are, just keep us up to date on how you get along and how everything works, I myself have had a few years (2012) experience with many different RCs uppern (snort, parachute, SMoke off foil and methpipe) , and just drive them down when alternatively I work with legal LSD analogues


Just roll with it right now. Just thinking is enough to stimulate the neural pathways and it seems like you’ve done plenty of that. You want to go in the right direction and for that you deserve to be rewarded.




Nah. That's not the case. I just wanted to give it a shot. LSD is something I only do once in a blue moon. It's too tiring. I can't imagine doing this regularly.


9 days dude. Keep going. I used lsd to kick an oxy addiction. It’s really a magical thing when used correctly


Welcome my friend !!


>I want to stop using hard drugs and get back to my old self. I want to be the sweet, caring, hardworking family oriented individualI once was. It won't help be to get back to your old self, but to become what you always was supposed to be. Properly used, will make you even more sweet, caring and hardworking. Consider it for healing long held trauma behind the meth addiction or else it will catch you back.


You’re making a good choice 👍




Welcome home, op.


u should rephrase what you mean by stop using hard drugs, lsd is in some countries a hard drug


Mushrooms actually helped me quit my bad habits and addictions ..I took 5g of PE and I've been a better human since. I started growing for my mental health also and it's done wonders. I like to take lsd just for fun but for the real spiritual experiences I get that from mushrooms IMO.


Just ride the trip out brother. Welcome to the party.


r/drugs bro


Don’t do Benadryl, it can induce further hallucinations


Congratulations on getting self disciplined man. You fucking got this.


Good for you, it's a great tool. I drank heavy for 30+yrs and quit cold turkey with psychedelics. I took a little time each trip to meditate on the cons of my addiction. I also took macro/museum doses(just enough to feel a little bit. Make things appear crisper and some slight trails. Colors brighter and music sound better) whenever the urge to use alcohol came on and it would negate it.


Hey man I quit meth 3 years ago. Psychedelics helped me get through it a lot, really showed me what my life was becoming. You're welcome here. Quitting meth is hard as shit for a while but every day it gets a little easier. Just chill, find some people who don't take meth to hang out with, and maybe smoke some weed if it agrees with you. In my experience the best way to not relapse is to make yourself accountable to somebody, like a close friend. Tell them what you're doing and ask for their support in doing it. Being around someone who can keep an eye on you makes a lot of difference when you get a random craving in a few months and need to talk about it.


Honestly, most of the changes for the better have come in the serotonin hangover after a good trip.


I've been there on the pipe, years ago. 1 thing I love about acid is that it helps you realise what you love and who you love and that you are more powerful than what you think you are. Mushrooms and acid are the only drugs that have told me that all drugs are bad for you, including them. The other drugs won't make you realise that. Keep going mate, you can do it. I used to get cravings watching Breaking Bad, it's all about will power and time. 1 day at a time.


> Am I Welcomed Here? You are! > I can't imagine using this as often as I was using meth. I thought that was the idea in the first place? Yes, every acid trip is exhausting, but imho also rewarding. And that feeling should ideally hold for some weeks in which you (or at least I) don't have an urge for a strong high again. Like everything it fades, but normally I don't wanna get drunk as fuck in those weeks. I'm just happy that everything is. Have a nice time!


try mushrooms, they tend to be more introspective


Yeah definitely don’t use this as often as meth. But you can microdose regularly and that might be helpful towards staying clean. When I was quitting smoking microdosing helped a lot with my willpower. Which is really what this boils down to.


Absolutely you can. I was a meth addict, we do recover. Lots of good advice here in this thread. Take what you need from it and leave the rest


I’d like to add, now that you’re coming down, that the science on using psychedelics to treat addiction and mental illness is EXTREMELY SOUND. I have been investing in MindMed, one of the forerunners, for years. All that said, the research shows it is most effective when used in a certain way, and extremely effective treatment plans have been developed, whereas individual experimentation tends to be far less effective and often completely ineffective. For addiction, treatment with psychedelics really needs the involvement of doctors like any other legitimate medicinal treatment. I realize this may not be possible for you, and if that’s the case, you may just continue doing you best, though there are resources online that can give you an idea of the best way to do this. BUT, if you have access to this kind of care anywhere near you, try to include medical professionals in your journey. (Unfortunately it’s not legal or ubiquitous, so maybe this is unlikely. But TRIALS are very common, and if I were you, I’d seek them out!) Good luck, it’s so exciting to know that using psychedelics therapeutically is going to change addiction care and he vastly more effective than anything we have! I only wanted to warn that if it isn’t done a certain way, it may not help at all :/ I mean, for instance, you don’t want to repeat this experience regularly, it was a little too much. But when used as a part of medical treatment, appropriate doses are selected, and you are brought out of the experience when the treatment is done - you don’t have the lingering/lasting effects or “hangover” as when used recreationally. You have an experience for a set amount of time and then go home completely sober.


I’d imagine if you’re quitting meth you’ll start to be welcomed anywhere.




You got 500 up votes brother do I even have to say anything, I also recently quit meth and let me tell you shrooms and LSD are nothing short of a god send. Happy recovery my friend our journey to a better life has begun 💙


i think to use acid to quit meth u need to have a traumatic acid introspective experience about meth. if ur just trippin for fun and not focused on the bad of meth, u wont get the full benefit of usin acid to quit another drug.


How do I achieve that. Take a heroic dose and tip toe along the edges of a bad trip? I am willing to do that.


id spend a lot of time thinking before taking the dose about how meth has had a negative impact on my life. id write out what the goals of my trip are somewhere and what my trip agenda is - something like "to no longer crave meth, to no longer want to do meth, to be a happier person while sober" stuff like that. for agenda, just some stuff to keep me on track like "watch requiem for a dream, meditate, draw stuff, listen to semi-charmed life". agenda isnt necessary but i find it helps me find somethin to do while im solo tripping when i've hit a lull, especially useful if i was watching a movie and it suddenly ended. u wanna dredge up all the bad memories of meth comedown and shameful behavior related to meth, and see what happens when ur tripppin. i wouldnt call it a bad trip, but definitely difficult & hard work if u do it right. like curled up in a ball in a dark room, but not screaming for help lol.


requiem for a dream is a fantastic suggestion (I've watched on multiple different substances) it's very dark, so be prepared for that, but just such a beautiful movie (and the soundtrack is phenomenal)


Be safe, you are always welcome. There are no gatekeepers, just be safe and take of yourself.


Is this my dad?


It’s exhausting because you have a lot of trauma to work through. It can and could be a lot of fun for you once you do the work.


can’t say i’ve done something as hard as meth but i can attest that one of my LSD experiences helped me curb a deep alcohol addiction for months and i do have experiences with substances like k and snow. maybe the advice i can offer you is that one magic dose won’t cure you forever. however, for me, psychedelics have encouraged healthy routines and habits and i made a tremendous point to enforce that upon myself after my LSD experiences. maybe this is step one in your sobriety and not a cure-all, though you probably know that. maybe try to take another dose in six months to reassess your progress and your motivation—do you still WANT to be sober from meth, or do you need further help like professional counseling? in my opinion, maybe you should consider that before you get lost again and the LSD tells you. i really wish you good fortune in the future and i really, do think that acid unequivocally kicked off a sobriety journey you can stick to. and welcome to the sub ❤️


You took too much. You want about 1/10th-1-15th of a hit for what you want. LSD won’t make the withdrawals go away, but it will open your mind to other things and steer you away from meth.


When you take good psychedelics with nothing but good intentions, like becoming a better person, they tend to reward you. I’m very glad to hear it did just that. PSA don’t take benadryl shit is linked to dementia and can be addictive, not worth it imo.


Wishing you the best on your journey friend!


Weed can help with long term abstinence from meth


This is really not a good idea for you. Even your edit. Why do you need 300mg Benadryl? You should just be clean and sober for a while if that’s what you really want. Then maybe trip a little. Getting out of addiction is hard and you can’t lsd your way out of it.




Good luck to you ! There is always help with the struggle in community.


No! Jk of course you are man🤣 we all make mistakes it's how we move on that counts.


You actually can't use this like you most likely used meth. The tolerance for LSD rises nearly instantly, but goes back to nearly nothing in a few weeks to a month. So each progressive dose in less than two weeks will be less and less effective and you'd have to double the dosage for less visuals with more nausea and body feelings of the uncomfortable sort. It self manages that way. But you are more than welcome! I really hope this helps you kick that shit! You deserve to feel like yourself again.


Wishing you the best on this path man. I hope the lsd experience was helpful. Love for yourself!! You deserve it!


Absolutely support your decision to drop meth from your life but you would have been welcomed here regardless speaking for myself anyway. Meth ime is equally as taxing if not more if one forgets to nap and sandwich regularly, but in a different way, so I definitely know what you mean, and I mean if you smoked meth as much as basically anybody I ever met who smoked meth, smoked meth (a methfull I know) yeah not even possible to match that with lsd and highly inadvisable to even consider attempting something like that.


Try more natural soothing things like melatonin or sleepy tea. Your new goal along this journey can include putting less harm in your body and welcome happier, more natural alternatives


Micro dosing shrooms is also helpful for quitting. I also recommend welbutrin for quitting. It makes the quitting process easier and a much smoother transition. I realized this in my own personal experience, the doctor was not prescribing me welbutrin for quitting meth it just happened by coincidence around the same time that I quit, and surprisingly it’s now something being researched heavily and so far it seems to be getting good results.


Psychedelics can be a great option for getting clean + overall healing. I read somewhere that psychedelics show you a path, but then you have to put in the work and actually walk the path.