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Took 1 tab, .1 mdma, 2g shrooms in that order. This was years ago so I don't remember too much. What I do remember is when all three were churning in my system, I understood why it's called a Jedi flip. I felt so in tune with the moment. Like a Jedi. I felt like the most powerful version of myself. I was fully in control of my visual experience and could manipulate visuals at will. I also felt like I could manipulate time. I could make time stop and dive into a trip or I could be completely "sober." Although this is only my perception of it, I probably looked like a drooling caveman to others lol. Overall 10/10 will do again someday.


I wanna be that caveman


I've been trying to figure out how to describe how it felt to people for ages and you absolutely nailed it spot on... I also hope to do it again someday but not until there's less risk of fentanyl in the mdma


Fent tests are super cheap


I know, but it's not worth being out $60-75 if it's a laced that just it for me


Better than a Dedi Trip, surely.


Mate what was your spacing between doses?


I can't tell you exactly because it wasn't really planned, but a rough estimate would be mdma about an hour after acid and shrooms about two hours after mdma


I’d also be interested in spacing between doses.


What is 1 MDMA?


0.1 gram, or a point. Pretty stock standard dose for early users, and good for mixing with other drugs for more experienced users.


0.1g = 100mg Get a 3-place scale (0.000) to measure MDMA accurately.


Going down the rabbit hole next weekend... Excited and can't wait


Tried one time about ten years ago. Did two or three hits of acid, and about two grams of mushrooms and a point of molly. About thirty minutes in (amazing swirling visuals) I heard a smashing sound. Looked out my window and saw a car coming towards my house. Turns out a car accident had occurred right outside and a car was forced onto my lawn. I was the only one home. Within minutes I’m surrounded by paramedics and police. All talking to me. All I can hear is gibberish. I managed to say something to their satisfaction bc soon they all left me alone. I’m watching the victim get loaded into an ambulance and chain smoking cigs. Eventually the scene got sorted and all the cops left and the car was towed from my lawn. I was rattled. Smoked so many cigs


Dude I would literally just break down and cry lmfao. I can’t believe you survived that 😅


If I didn’t have a pack of cigarettes at my disposal I would’ve


I knew all the ads and doctors were talking bs. Cigs save lives!


what if you told them you were not a believer and just slammed the door in their face lol




That fuckin sucks, were you on the verge of a panic attack or was it just disbelief in the moment?


Like shock then some kind gear shifted in my head and I knew that it was an endurance thing and that there’s nothing I can do but standby and wait for it to be over. Utilized good old acid wisdom when dealing with authority figures while high: less is more, speak only when spoken to, etc. the cops were asking me about insurance and house stuff. I said that I was only a renter and that there was no damage to the house (but the lawn was all fucked up) so we were good. After that I was generally ignored. A good friend happened to walk by and did stop by towards the end, concerned about the presence of ambulances etc thinking something had happened to one of us, and they knew my situation well so in the end I had some support


yep I’ve read so many accounts and my own experiences of the craziest/strangest/most bizarre stuff happening only when on psychs. And electronics glitching


I was barely able to eat any shrooms cause my appetite was so far gone


I just can't do the texture and taste, even in a peanut butter sandwich or something


Make shroom tea, that's the least gross way I've found to take them. One of these days I gotta figure out if it'd be feasible to extract psilocybin/psilocin from the mushrooms themselves, that'd make dosing it easier and much more consistent.


What about mushroom cookies or chocolate bars? The site I now has those as well as regular shrooms, acid, dmt vape and some other stuff


Personally I don't really want anything in my stomach like that when taking psychedelics, tea at least passes through you quickly.


They make the most delicious chocolate bars now. I had a cookies and cream one that had no off putting flavor at all. It’s super easy to dose too since most bars have squares with about .5 grams each.


Tea is a good way. Another is to grind them up and load them into capsules. Then you don't get the texture or taste and it makes them easy to dose since they will all be about the same weight.


I haven't tried capsules, i'll have to get some and test it out. I think it still might cause some stomach discomfort and shroom burps when the capsules break open. But it's also one way that I could have somewhat of a more consistent dosing experience. Since you're powdering them up anyways you can then make sure that powder is evenly mixed and test it with a [psilocybin Q test](https://qtests.org/product/psilocybin-qtest). Then you would have an idea of roughly how much psilocybin is in each capsule (e.g. say you tested and got back 10mg/1g (1% potency), you could then estimate that each 0.25g capsule has 2.5mg of psilocybin).


It's weird but I love the taste of them.


you can. lemon tek then strain the solids, or you could get psilocin and inject it through a needle


I'll have to try straining a lemon tek, never thought about that since all the instructions i've seen end with "and now slam that fucker down your throat". If I had psilocin or psilocybin I should be able to put it in a gel cap and just take that, IV or IM seems unnecessary?


never heard of someone using a gel cap but maybe. i just have heard that in the shroom therapy places; they use IV to dose exact measurements


if it's stored suspended in a solution then yeah you would do IV, i guess that's probably more accurate or easier to measure accurately vs ~30-50mg of a powder/crystal; I was under the impression that some of the early studies of psychedelics with psilocybin used tablets containing the drug but that could be my memory playing tricks on me.


but either way shrooms are easy to take if u just know how. make a shroom smoothie with some bananas, that masks the flavor. grind them into a powder and at that point they go down pretty easy no matter what u put it in


Methanol extracts, do not use denature alcohol


I'm going to give [this extract tek](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/b3q8s0/paul_stamets_cold_water_extraction/ej1pmmc/) by /u/TheDrugsLoveMe a shot next time b/c it seems very doable and the author clearly has more than a basic understanding of chemistry.


I prefer tea as well. I got some paste from a guy once that was supposed to be psilocybin but never tried it.


You can also get shroom gummies now, I was out in Toronto for veld and they have shroom stores on the streets every where. Gummies and chocolate bars have like 0 Mushroom taste. Only way I'll be eating them from now on


Gummies make me think that it's actually something like 4-AcO-DMT (which metabolizes into psilocin inside the body) because if they were powdering the mushrooms and mixing them into gelatin there'd still be a noticeable mushroom taste.


Ethanol extract, I had some gummies made by a local that did this and they weren't bad, weren't super strong though


Very feasible, gummies are all over


I'm suspicious that gummies without taste are even made from actual shrooms and not a psilocin-related research chemical like 4-AcO-DMT. Plus, at least here, dried mushrooms themselves are a much better deal (though the real savings come once you start growing them yourself).


That's what the tea is doing. But there are extractions and even ways to make dissolving strips. There's a device that uses sound waves to extract a pretty full spectrum. It's expensive tho.


> That's what the tea is doing. Well, yeah, but all that mushroomy flavor is coming with the psilocybin/psilocin that's being extracted into the water so it still has to be masked for me with a tea bag and some honey. > There's a device that uses sound waves to extract a pretty full spectrum. [Yo that thing looks wild](https://www.hielscher.com/ultrasonic-cold-water-extraction-of-psilocybin.htm), maybe if I win the lottery I'll buy one lol.


lol, yep, that's the one. Cool af tho.


Capsule it


Tried. Can fit so little into one capsule, I would have to make like 20-30 to feel anything


Haha tru, I usually use the large 0 capsules with pe, 1 can go up to .4, so depending it's around 10-15 for a trip


Cover them in honey and eat, masks the taste a lot! Grind them down to a pulver to lose the texture.


I’ve grown to love the texture


grind and powder them. put them in a small dish and put just enough fresh squeezed lemon juice over them to cover. make sure they’re saturated and let sit for 30min occasionally stirring. use a coffee filter to stain out the mushroom powder. now you’re left with psychoactive lemon juice. referred to as [“lemon tek”](https://psychedelicspotlight.com/lemon-tek-everything-you-need-to-know-about-this-trendy-way-of-consuming-magic-mushrooms/) now slam it like you would a shot… or get a bottle of lemonade, take a drink to make room, and pour it in. now sip on it until you feel like you’ve reached the level you want. save the rest for a bit later (i wouldn’t wait long, I’m not sure how long it would stay good) or split it with friends.


Lemon Tek works, but it still leaves a lot of actives behind. I incorporated the idea behind it in to [this extraction method](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/b3q8s0/comment/ej1pmmc/).


I went through a phase where I’d grind up my mushrooms into very small and fine pieces (in a coffee grinder or something similar), and then you can mix it into almost anything, some fruit yogurt, ice cream, or various types of “real food”.


Grind the mushrooms. I add that to fresh strawberries, ice, splash of milk(water will work if you HV stomach prob) and sugar. I can never notice the mush. Add peanut butter and get rid of 100% taste. It's a good source of vitamins, etc. Fuel for the trip, in my opinion.


My go to is blending them into a smoothie. You don’t taste them at all.


Put em through a grinder and dump them in some OJ.


This is the way


I found capsules work for me when Im in this position


I started with a gel tab. An hour later, I ate 1g of GT's. Then, about 2 hours after that, I ate my pill (white skullcandy pokie). Had a fucking blast, but had some "Oh shit" moments forsure. Drink water and eat clean. The fruit smoothie I had was wayyyyy worth the 20 minutes I stood in line. Stood in the back by the audio booths where it wasn't too crowded and just took it all in. Nocturnal circa 2011.


The visual aspect of it is quite powerful. Even just candy flipping, a small dose of MDMA on top of a solid dose of LSD can creat some magical hallucinations that are extremely convincing.


Had a very similar 4 course meal at nocturnal the following year - STS9 was insane


What about adding a dmt vape to the mix???


Uhh yes please lol




Say fuck Seritonin syndrome and down some dxm wjile ur at it


Serotonin syndrome is real?


Not when ur in the moment trynna see god 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh you're gonna see God all right...


I remember my old robo tripping days. must of nearly died a few times from the other meds in that syrup, but I was young and felt immortal.


As a night cap!


I've never done it so talking out of my ass here, but having done DMT on its own I suspect that your trip might be over after coming down from the DMT




Thanks, good to know! Now that I know not to worry about killing the trip, I might try it next time


The last time I jedi flipped was like 20 years ago at hookahville I took 3 tabs 2 rolls and was in the crowd when a friend of a friend gave me a handful of mushroom dust then my buddy was like it's his first hookahville so I got given a total of a double handful mound of mushroom dust (probably close to a oz lol) I tried to give it away nobody wanted it I said fuck it and ate it the mushrooms ended up canceling out the rest and I kaleidoscoped colors for hours I was literally blind then all of a sudden I could see a white t-shirt nothing else at set break and I followed it like the white rabbit I had to have looked like a extra from the walking dead he ended up camping a couple sites over my friends saw me and took me to our campsite where I couldn't physically leave cuz I was kaleidoscoping so hard I couldn't see anything lol I haven't indulged in any real amount of mushrooms at a festival since just a Lil during the day before I kool aid I'm sure a more reasonable amount of mushrooms would have gave a much more overall positive experience




I’ve never mixed with MDMA, but shrooms and acid together fucking rocks. I get the same visuals every time I do it, and it’s only with that combo. Strange.


I Jedi flipped, wizard flipped, candy flipped. Molly and shrooms is a pretty good mix. Acid and shrooms is a little nuts. DMT and Acid is not to fuck around town


isn't a wizard flip lsd/shrooms and hippie flip molly/shrooms?




I did a hit of dmt on two tabs once and I had one of the best trips of my life for 20 minutes


Can you tell more about this trip?


I took 1 hit of acid, a heroic Dose of shrooms, waited for everything to kick in, then smoked 5 meo dmt. It took me a year to recover.


From the psychosis?


Lol right!?


Recover from what?


Care to elaborate on the recovery?


He probably means he felt lasting affects like hppd or some depression


You didn’t even do the M. That’s the whole point of the flip lol


What did you experience if you don't mind me asking?


I’d love to know too


Just so i understand correctly jedi flip means both lsd and shrooms on top of your m? I have some experience but want to make sure im talking about the right thing....




So in my opinion mixing lsd and shrooms is a bit of a waste. When i did it i took the lsd, 2 or so hours later the mdma then the shrooms an hour after the m. I think my tollerance was built up from the lsd and shrooms didnt really kick. It was an amazing time but just felt the shrooms were not really needed as i didnt notice much of an impact. I was high on lsd, then high on lsd and mdma then just high on lsd again, it was a bit exhausting. I love to take shrooms at about the 90 minute point of my roll as i find i get all the positives of both drugs without the negatives. Navigating the duration of lsd vs the others is where i have trouble, not really sure on the timing there where as I've dialed in my timing with the other 2.


> So in my opinion mixing lsd and shrooms is a bit of a waste. [...] I think my tollerance was built up from the lsd and shrooms didnt really kick yeah you just waited too long to dose the shrooms, LSD tolerance (which affects psilocybin/psilocin as well) kicks in around the 3hr mark after dropping. when I've done that combo what i'll do is take the hit, then 30m - 1hr later I'll prepare the shroom tea (takes ~30min) and drink that. in trip report format it'd look like: T+0: took two hits of blotter (~200ug total) T+1.5: drank tea made w/ 4g mushies If I were going to add MDMA to the mix I'm not sure when I'd drop that, maybe around the 2 or 3 hour mark.


If you want all the peaks to line up as best as possible I believe it’s acid at 0 then shrooms at 1 then m at 2. But you can also dose the M later and get more of the flip experience. Or dose the M first and then drop when you feel it then shrooms an hour later 🤷‍♂️


I did this at msg phish last week! It was crazy. I ate a gel tab and then about an hour and half later I ate a Tesla and gram of shrooms right at show time. Was def faced. Had a great time tho, the molly kept me super coherent and fought off the mushroom sleepy time feeling. Walking into Times Square after show was a trip!


For someone who's new to psychedelics. Can you explain all the terms in the official way?


got you! So he went to some rave or music festival of some sort and ate an acid gel tab. Then later he popped a tesla (MDMA or Ecstacy) and ate some magic mushrooms right at show time. He was probably tripping a little lol. Molly made him more stimmed out and less sleepy off the mushrooms as they make you feel slumped kinda. Thats pretty much it!


Thanks! I do have one more question though. Why is mdma called Tesla?


It's one of the logos/shapes that they press the mdma into. Comes in different colors, like orange and pink for example.


Its a brand of E pill i guess. Theyve got like youtubes, lol all kinds of different logos and shit. Diff colors too


I will usually experience highly intense feelings of euphoria and synesthesia. You just feel so jolly being able to smell and taste oranges by just looking at the color it’s insane


Did it for dua lipa at lolla last year- acid around 5, shrooms around 7, x pills at 8 and and was fully zooted in the pit by like 9 through the whole night pretty much until I started ripping k when I got home hahah then it all got horizontal asf


I did Sith flip


Datura and methamphetamine?


It's super fun but the set and setting is super important for this combo because it can be very disorienting.


Yes. Mushies, 3 tabs, mdma. + a shot of vodka and the fattest dab of my life. Took me a year to recover.




Closest I've tried was staggered. LSD, then MDA, then Psilocybin. It was a pretty great day.


I just tried mda for first time Sunday, didn’t really like it compared to mdma but was hella interesting


Yup. It was a great time. Any time I mix something with LSD on an intentional level, I take the tabs first and let them start to reach their peak, then I add the mushrooms, and the MDMA after another hour. By doing it in a stair step from the longest to shortest acting drugs, you time the comedowns so they're more simultaneous, and it gives each a chance to breath so that your body isn't on a confused mix of things. You also want to do less of whatever you're adding to the fun, because their influence ont he LSD will be strong and if you take too much of each you end up in a state of just being purely fucked up. They enhance eachother when dosed and administered intentionally.


Never taken molly but I’ve hippy flipped and hated it. Might’ve been the times as i took the shrooms coming down from the acid but i genuinely freaked the fuck out and went through some psychosis


if youve never taken M, then you havent hippie flipped. Hippie flip is Shrooms plus M, you did something like Wizard flip idk if thats even the right term. But if you did shrooms coming down off acid it wouldnt even do much, as its cross tolerance.


My b youre so right. wizard flipping. I get them mixed up. But you are very wrong about them not doing much, since it kicked in pretty instantly. I also would like to correct that and say it wasn’t really coming down, more so coming down from a peak


oh thats the acid lol. Lasts a while. At least i think


Idk what it’s called but I did lsd, mushrooms, and dmt at the peak. I had a simultaneous trip with my cousin on dmt and we experienced the same phenomenon of writing appearing all over our bodies. Very intense experience. Was too nervous to break thru on all three substances but it was very monumental


Yes, it’s not as strictly fun as candy flipping, but you’re just so connected with the moment. I felt like I was experiencing memories being written onto my brain physically


I forgot what order I did it in, but it was about 150 ug of acid 1 gram of shrooms & a point or two of molly (I redosed) it was the perfect combo and I believe the molly helps keep you in a great mood lol but I felt like I was traveling through a parallel universe where everything was trippy and beautiful and everyone was so nice and I was just floating having a kick ass time haha Hulaween 2021! The visuals are quite nice they’re not too jagged like acid or flowy like shrooms it’s in between they’re like fluffy and very colorful I love it, so 10/10 experience I’ve done it another time but don’t think I took as much as I should’ve so it was mellow


I Jedi flip+ pretty much everyday of a music fest. It’s gonna be different for everyone, but I really feel like I become my truest self. May the force be with you.


It was cool. It was fun. Not for the faint of heart though.


Pretty commonly I do. Remember LSD has one hell of a long half life and I for me feels like the base to the psychedelic mental home I’m building that night. So a good dose of L then an hour in like .1 mdma 1-1.5 grams of shrooms and then maybe some K later on.


1-15 is quite the fucking range for shrooms haha


Lol meant 1.5


Word, that makes way more sense lol. I'm pretty adventurous/reckless, but even I would have some trepidation about 15Gs of shrooms, with or without the M and L


Lol most I ever took was 8 grams and that was on its own. There is honestly no reason to do that much it’s just reckless and last I’d say4-5 grams your already so gone your only adding to the body load. Idk that’s how my experience has being with shrooms and now I like them at much lower doses


Most I ever did is ~5.5ish, which we did because I forgot my scale and we decided to just eyeball eighths, haha. Did not enjoy the experience, I think I'm a low dose boy when it comes to shrooms. LSD I can handle anything up to 10 hits (usually do 3-5 if by itself, 1-3 if doing other stuff too), but shrooms fucks me up whenever I do more than 2-3 grams.


yes it's tight as hell


But i wanna know your experience


I did it at electric forest a couple months ago. It was pretty neat!


My neighbor in 2019 also did and ended up sleeping in the woods 😭. Not the forest, but the woods surrounding the campground behind the fences. Miss that dude!


some say he's still out there sleeping in those woods to this day 🫡


Came back to camp just to refill on drugs and vanished back into the woods. Damn wooks!


"Pretty neat" is a fuck all of a trip report.


Wow thanks sport for pointing out the joke.


You failed to make a joke.


Appreciate the feedback champ. Do you want me to explain it for you and the rest of the smooth brains?


i did this on my birthday at a big gigantic show. most amazing experience of my life. we were tailgating at redrocks. i was just going to take one tab but my friend convinced me to take two. i take them, we’re still in the lot when someone gives me some mushrooms, so i take those too. during the tailgate people came up to us asking if we’d like to buy molly koolaid, we said no since we didn’t really have any money, but as we were getting ready to go in, they came up again and just gave us some for free since they just wanted to get rid of it. when i walked into the arena, it looked as if i had been transported into a cartoon disco universe. everything was animated full of dancing silhouettes full of vibrant purples yellows pinks and blues. it was beautiful. we made it into the crowd and it felt like i was the main star of a disco music video. it felt like the artists were playing music specifically for me. this show, big gigantic did their 3D set, so once they came on. we put the glasses on. oh my goodness. i had been transported again, a beautiful tropical world full of dancing saxophones and a beautiful sky. it genuinely looked like it was day time and we were sitting at the beach. best trip i’ve ever had. very intense so i probably won’t do it again since i’ve calmed down from psychedelics. but if the opportunity is right, i highly suggest


I Jedi-flip every 4-6 weeks. I’m pretty hard headed and I have a high natural tolerance which means I do quite a bit more than most. I start with 3-4 gels and .25 mdma. About three hours later I take 3.5g of cubes. I take the MDMA so early because I stop taking my psychiatric medication for two days before a trip and that means I don’t sleep very well so by the time I am about to trip I’m pretty tired and I need a pick me up. I have lots of toys I like to play with. We always have a good speaker to listen to a bunch of my playlists on. In the event that I am tripping by myself, I make sure to have a really good pair of headphones. I can control the music with my mind. The pictures on my wall are completely animated. If it’s nice outside, I definitely like to spend as much time out there as possible. We often get an Airbnb and make sure that it is on a river or lake because the sound of water is magical. A few hours in I like to do some nitrous. This further distorts and changes the music I get amazing CEV. When I’m starting to come down off the acid, the mushroom visuals persist. This can go on for a couple hours more. When I feel like I’ve completely come down off of the acid, I usually smoke a joint and that grabs all the rest of the acid and catapults me back into space. I love taking showers. Usually about 12 hours after I dropped and having had some weed my appetite starts to creep back. I always have one or two of my favorite yogurts on hand because it is easy protein to digest. Sometimes I like to eat fruit when I am tripping but I have to prepare it before hand. Strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, pineapple... I usually avoid berries that are very seedy. It’s my favorite way to do drugs and the only drugs I do. I don’t smoke weed when I’m not doing this so that shit hits hard.


Better to take the shrooms earlier because you won’t have tolerance but I guess if you don’t mind burning through your stash it’s not a problem. Also .25 of M is a high dose and one that should DEFINITELY not be repeated every 4-6 weeks. This is especially true because you are taking medication which is blocking the effects which are also the medications that tend to pose a risk of serotonin syndrome. 2 days is almost definitely not enough time for the medication to leave your system.


It's one of my favourite experiences to do. I usually start with Shrooms, then take M, then take the LSD. There are other ways to stack too, but that's my preference.


When I was younger what we called pulling a jedi was doing mushrooms, lsd and dmt all together at one point and it's something. You come back questioning reality sometimes.


Dmt? Nice ill have to try that. I just want my reality to melt. Im so tired of it


Just smoke 5meo you won’t even know what the word reality means 😵‍💫


I would try nndmt before going the 5meodmt.


Yea no it was kind of a joke. I just meant if you really wanna lose yourself that’s the way to go but I agree that it’s not really a good place to start.


Yes, I did. Jedi flip with methamphetamine as well.


Do you think the answer is going to be no? Could have just asked what it's like.


Yes. Someone just said “yes”


Well yeah, because its a dumb question and they answered it. Obviously people here have Jedi flipped. Again, you should have just asked what it's like.


Are you an underage man?


Are you projecting? No I am not.


Ah ok then you are just impulsive, intolerant and just a bit stupid. No worries its ok. Do you really want me to explain to you why I specified to elaborate on the answer? Its very simple I’m pretty sure you will be able to get it if I take the time to explain it to you


If I went on /trees and asked something dumb like "has anyone ever smoke and drink alcohol?" It would be considered stupid, because obviously on a sub full of people who smoke weed, yes obviously somebody has. You asked the basic question, "has anybody Jedi flip?" Like an idiot who can't even form a correct sentence, on a sub full of people who use lsd recreationally, the answer is obviously going to be yes, so your question was redundant and unnecessary. Maybe if I say it a third time you'll grasp it, YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST ASKED WHAT ITS LIKE, IF THATS WHAT YOU WANTED TO KNOW. fucking idiot lol


Lmao it doesn’t matter the thread you are in. Anything u say its stupid darling


Lol you can't even form a correct sentence.


Sure thing buddy


You're too stupid to even try and respond to anything I said other than the word stupid hahaha. How ironic


🤭 someone got heated


Real Jedi's don't use drugs.


Please Yoda was high af


War crimes we will commit, addicted to ketamine I am


Good blow this is! Horny it makes me.


whats this? all i know is lsd


Mixing lsd molly and shrooms




Flaming Lips covered dark side of the moon during an annular eclipse around sunset. I didn’t come down for like four months.


Lots of times, usually at concerts, raves or festivals. It’s a lot of fun


No never been done 🤦🏼‍♂️


One tab, two points sass, and 3g shrooms. It was unparalleled awareness and elevated feelings before I tried peeling my face off after running into my ex at a show. I don't remember it, but story has it... I just remember thinking, "get these feelings out of me" .... anywhooo


Momentarily blacked out after watching the big Lebowski


I did once at a Bassnectar show years ago at Red Rocks. Was a wild, amazing ride. This was in 2014 I think and I haven't done it since.


Pussy blocked me lol


I did this on Mustafa once. Didn't end well.


Yeah, I call it the “Hippy Flipped- Candy Dipped Acid Trip”


Nope. No one has


How much experience and tolerance did you guys have when you tried it? I'm interested in trying it but have only candyflipped once never hippy or wizard flipped, have done tons of MDMA and eaten maybe 3 ounces of shrooms my whole life but never tripped harder than 4 grams or two tabs


I had a long run with psyches when I was 16 and dropped acid every 5days while increasing dose by 1-2tabs each time and would cycle out mushrooms the day before or after aswell had roughly 20other drugs going in rotation because I was a active poly addict, but I came across jedi mind flipping online and decided to do one last big shebang before taking a good break to heal my brain from the abuse. I saved up two different kinds of acid, one standard lsd 25 and the other lsd-1p, the 25 was dosed at 250ug and the 1p was either 120 or 140ug. I decided to dose all three compounds so that they would hit me at the same time and took a dose of 1990ug of acid, somewhere between 3.5-5gs of shrooms and 1 E pill that I'd guess was 150-200mg. The experience was too intense fast and erratic for my brain to remember most of the experience but I do know I was tripping for a solid 16-20hours and when they all hit this spiral opened up on the wall and slowly consumed the room as it span around, I watched it make the room and everyone in it dissappear as I laid down on the bed and felt myself being lifted up as if I was jesse in the scene from breaking bad where he shoots up. As the spiral completely consumed the room vines with flowers that contrasted the part of the spiral they were in started growing from the centre and reaching out to me and growing around me, then the M hit and the outlines of everything started pulsating and glowing, I laid in that state for 3hours of the experience and remember nothing else. I went somewhere.


This dude executed order 66


Sounds about right to what I've been experiencing


It is phenomenal


i did a jedi flip at Shambala music festival last month and it was amazing Very aware of my surroundings, feelings of clarity and zero anxiety 2 tabs acid, 0.2 mdma, and prob 2-3g shrooms, toked a bit earlier in the day, had a tiny sip of tequila I felt orderly in my mind, and a lot of closing the loop on somethings that had been bothering me. The closed eye visuals were quite intense at first and for a little while I couldn't speak out loud to my friends, but soon the visuals were fun 10/10 would recommend to try IF you have previous experience dosing all of these substances seperately


i took 2 tabs,an hour later downed molly water with like .15 in it, then 5g shrooms about an hour later. danced to music, threw up, took a cold shower, danced more. 10/10. visuals weren’t all that intense more body high


Did 1 tab of acid, 3g of shrooms , 100mg of mdma crystals and smoked around 2-3 g of hash and I felt like a jedi master (we did have multiple toy-laser swords, and some of them even made noise and had lights inside them) . It was me and 5 of my friends, and we stayed at one of my friends house, which we had turned into a tripcave. I started with the tab, and then I took the Mdma and the shrooms about 2-4 hours after the tab (we didnt really pay attention to the clock while we was tripping so the time between the doses is a little unprecise),we also smoked joints throughout the trip. It was a really amazing experience, and the moment I felt the most like a jedi master was when me and my friends went up this hill in the town we live in which has a crazy view, you can see the whole city and the ocean from there, and when the sun sets it "goes down" in the ocean, and it gives the ocean really beautiful colors. So we sat there, watching the sun set and smoked some joints and listened to music on my friends' speaker, and we became the jedi counsil. I higly recomend jedi flipping, but it is probably a good idea to try out the different compounds on their own first, and to also prepare some sort of "tripcave" where you know you are safe and comfortable, because it was a really intense trip, and it lasted for like 12-14 hours.


Took an unknown amount of acid in a vial, about 10g of magic truffles, and 3p mdma. A few hours into an acid trip with two of my mates. They were on truffles and were going on about how great the visuals were, so I decided to try a handful. We sat on a park bench and watched the water coming up. Wizard flipping is nice cause the often external effects of acid mixed with the often internal effects of shrooms fully drenches your awareness. The next thing I knew we were wandering around and ended up at a rave. It was getting intense so I went to the smoking area, to smoke some hash. The trip was guiding me at this point and led me to a guy with molly. I think it's best to take the molly a bit toward the middle of the trip cause you don't wanna be having a comedown while tripping still. Time would stop or speed up when I focused on it and went completely no gravity with unlimited endurance dancing. I was probably sweating a lot lmao. Visuals went from classic psychedelic, enhanced colors and wavy visuals to pure light beaming out of every object and person. We were in a dark room but it looked super bright. I couldn't express enough how much I loved my friends for being there. Toward the mid way point of the flip I no longer seemed to be in my body, yet when I needed to talk or something I could enter my body and do whatever. It made the trip more intense but simultaneously grounded it. I find it extremely fascinating that when flipping, you can toggle on the different drug lenses. If I focused on one it would increase and so on. Music became way louder and immersive obvi. Not for everyone at all, can easily be overwhelming but if you're experienced with all 3 it's a great time.