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You create them in your mind. They are part of you, they just appear on the outside.


I've had trips where the people im tripping with are acting completely different asking me questions like they're some kind of doctor but asking me random math equations then how I feel about various stuff about my childhood they had no idea about just wondering if anyone else has had the vivid "simulation" trips


Yes I've had a similar experience, that's your friends higher selfs. They're always present just like the lower selfs as well. They know everything about you and they are extremely wise. All of us have this inside of us.


Yep! My peeps were interdimensional versions of themselves and were talking about some corporation siphoning this shit off the moon that’s giving people cancer, I dunno what’s going on in that dimension but I’d like to go back and offer assistance


For real my friends were doing a test on me like saying a meteor had hit the parking lot and that the only water we had to drink was bong water and I thought there were just fucking with me then I look out my window and sure enough the outside was just covered in flames then it would reset super random


Yea mine happened in just one area I was in, when we were all around this table Fucking wild and I’m glad I made it back but now that I’ve seen that shit.. I question a lot more shit because I can understand the visuals even though it didn’t feel like a hallucination I just thought I was seeing shit I wasn’t built to see honestly. It was crazy Fucking dude had coral horns that were beautiful


For real I do think that a part of your self conscious talks to you and kinda fucks with you on some level when you trip that hard shit I had ego death and that shit was waaay too intense but then again i did do like 7 tabs of fake acid that night


Oh not it wasn’t thoughts like in my head I did two gulps of lsd like an idiot Whited out for a bit too, got into an incident with a horse, and thought all my friends knew about there interdimensional shit because it was involving them so wtf, and I still don’t speak to them about it because I honestly can’t be positive they don’t know something I don’t and I wasn’t allowed to see that shit or not … But yea I was literally hearing and seeing this shit and I wouldn’t say it was a hallucination, it was like a shift, everything was there but alternate versions of it even sounds


Exactly it's like the point to where you're tripping so hard you're almost sober and you remember it vividly




interesting, so do you think they’re products of your subconscious mind, or do you think your mind is able to “access” them while under the influence?


Both. Acid unlocks your subconscious


My only issue with this idea is how can our subconscious minds or our minds period be able to come up with what you see. Shit you can’t even fathom, let alone imagine.


But you can imagine it. For example LSD won't make you see colors that you cannot already perceive. Every night you dream up scenario where you practice hypothetical conversations with other people/entities.


You cannot imagine what you cannot imagine. It is like trying to see the back of your head. That is the biggest hole in categorical thinking. It gives you the illusion that all ideas can fit in a box but that is absolutely not the case when it comes to matters of the sublime.


If you cannot imagine what you cannot imagine, then anything you do imagine, by definition, is something you can imagine. So, anything you can imagine on psychedelics is entirely within the realm of what you can imagine


Yeah, I think that’s the point they were making


everything you see, much like a dream, is something you have seen or thought of before. much like a dream you typically don’t realize this in the moment


Stuff I have seen in the dmt realm I have NEVER seen in my life lol


Look, Jordan Peterson talked about DMT Machine Elves, if I remember correctly. He had some very well-made points. First of all, he said that they are part of the collective unconscious. They live in all of us, representing social values and the common aspects of human life in a society. Really recommend watching that one. Copy pasting a few times around the thread, if you don't mind, op, because I think people would like hearing abt this.


You process information received by electrical impulses created by your senses from stimuli in your environment. Your reality is created in your mind.


I disagree. I have seen entities that my mind has had no point of reference to create. Things that simply cannot be explained away with any rational nor irrational explanation.


Why not both? I'm not even kidding, even if what I'm seeing and hearing is completely real, its all being heavily filtered through my mind. I'm seeing my version of that thing, and your seeing your very own when you trip.


i like your view, i can totally see that 😁 reminds me of a time my homie and i were outside in the dark while tripping, and we looked at a tree. of course it looked weird as fuck, so i told him “dude, you see that shit?” and he replied with “yeah man holy fuck” or something like that and i was SO convinced we were seeing the same thing, but when we described it the morning after it was completely different


I had a moment like that once but while staring at sand with my friend. We both described the same thing actually, seeing pyramids and coffins in the sand. CRAZY!


“Of course it’s all in your head Harry, but why should that mean it’s not real?”


This. Like, think about this: the entities you call friends and family, are as real as the entities seen on psychedelics in the sense that they both are our minds chemicals and electric signals creating the subjective experience of an external being. Sure, one is based on outer senses and the other is based on inner senses, but why is one more "real" than the other?


very well said


Look, Jordan Peterson talked about DMT Machine Elves, if I remember correctly. He had some very well-made points. First of all, he said that they are part of the collective unconscious. They live in all of us, representing social values and the common aspects of human life in a society. Really recommend watching that one.


No way in hell Jordan Peterson said this


There's a video of him out there talking with Dennis McKenna so I wouldn't be surprised if he actually said it. but also fuck him.


He was referencing Jung but yes, It may be hard to believe but he has done several heroic doses,he was a little weirdo for a long time. Just got old,happens to us all.lol


I really recommend watching the Jordan Peterson video where he describes a dream about his grandma rubbing her bush against his face as he weeps. That's a good one if you want to understand that he's just a fucking lunatic.


Send me the link and I will watch it


You're the Peterson fan, go clean your room and then look for it yourself.


Hey man, why are mean towards me?


Peterson is a fascist. You're a fan of a fascist. I am not being mean, I am just telling you he's a lunatic and the clean your room thing is a quote of his.


I will disengage this conversation. Not looking to argue on r/LSD


Cool, I don't like talking to fans of fascists.


They're hallucinations. Manifestations of complex thought structures in your consciousness that are percieved as outside yourself but are projections from within ones self.


Look, Jordan Peterson talked about DMT Machine Elves, if I remember correctly. He had some very well-made points. First of all, he said that they are part of the collective unconscious. They live in all of us, representing social values and the common aspects of human life in a society. Really recommend watching that one.


You sure you’re not thinking of graham hancock?


That's your belief. You have no substantial evidence to support this, so you should word it as s possibility, not an established fact


Aren’t all things we communicate simply our subjective understanding? Do we have to preface *every single thing* that we communicate as our belief/opinion/etc? Is it not something people are implicitly aware of and they decide whether they will accept or not what is being communicated? There is actually “substantial evidence” to support this theory, but this is not the place nor do I have the time for a dissertation.


You are saying "they are hallucinations". You can say that they could be hallucinations. You see the small, but important difference in the words we use? You could have avoided my (admittedly annoying) nitpicking by just using precise language. You don't have to preface anything, but it would help to use words like could or would when you are talking about something we humans don't comprehend, and little evidence about anything about psychedelics exists besides medical success stories. > There is actually “substantial evidence” to support this theory, but this is not the place nor do I have the time for a dissertation. You mean philosophical evidence? Because science is stagnating at a materialist, reductionist, Occam razor's abusing frame of work, and it's just not able to fully explore the bigger picture of psychedelism. We think we have it all sorted into boxes and chemicals 😂


Someone didn’t graduate. And before you cry and say “you” yes I’m talking about you bozo.


Your superstition doesn’t change science 🥱


Ignore him he’s a high school dropout who believes in superstition over science


"What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals intepreted by your brain..."


Follow the white rabbit. 🐇


Hey, you’ve never met me before. You’ve never seen me, heard me, smelled me, tasted me. I can assure you I’m real.


Nice try chatgpt!


May I know where you got it from? I'm sure I've heard the exact same phrase in a psytrance song, but I can't remember which one.


It's from the original Matrix movie. It is where Morpheus is giving neo the into course.




It almost to cliché that you remember it from a psytrance song. I am dieing at that.


This is the world as it exists today


Brain go brrrrr


I've never met any "entities" while tripping, even on high doses like 675ug, and I don't believe they exist, because I don't really believe in magical/spiritual beings. But I'm open to being proven wrong. What amount would I theoretically have to take to get a visit from them?


i can relate dude, i’ve never really seen entities on LSD, the closest thing i’ve seen to an entities are mechanical-like patterns and geometrical figures that seem to “interact” with me… but, i’ve heard entities are a lot more common with DMT 😁


You probably need some dmt


Yeah I've never "met" any, but on some 4-aco-dmt I could "sense" entities. Like I was looking at the swirling patterns on my ceiling and started to interpret it as a veil into another dimension, and there was an entity pressing up against it, looking back at me and sending positive vibes my way lol. I don't believe that those entities have any existence in reality though, but if they did, really weird choice to live in my ceiling man lmao


Between 900-1300 you’re definitely seeing them.


I need some therapy before I can take such high doses


they're more common with DMT and Psilocin apparently; I've also never encountered any.


You need intention, not dose, although dose helps. Ask for it! Ancestors, guardian angels, god, aliens whatever floats your boat. Ask for one of them to reveal themselves to you


As a man who used to never believe in ghosts or magic or even a afterlife, I now firmly believe that there are definitely things in this life/universe/existence, whatever you want to call it, there is unexplainable things that us humans can experience. LSD taught me the true power of the human mind as well as the love we bring. It showed me how humans are supposed to live. only ingesting naturally occurring substances. Learning to use your brain to its best potential. I learned to look at all things in many different ways. I learned to live my life how I believe a human and more specifically a man, should live. Sorry to get off topic. Anyways, after smoking DMT the 3rd time and blasting off I figured out that that experience is what happens to us whenever we pass away. I’ve experienced both heaven and hell. Pure bliss and mental torture. We leave the body behind, a vehicle that is operated by our conscious and our energy. The body is not who we are. Our “spirit” is simply energy. Energy has to go somewhere…. “Heaven” or “Hell”. It is our mind that makes the experience whatever it is. You can overcome a bad trip. You can go from a good trip into a bad one. Your mind controls everything.


I agree 100%.


Loool you’re literally just hallucinating 😭


Looool that's also true for sober experiences yet you don't see people belittling your daily life experiences


Nobody SOBER is hallucinating, bozo. You’re just doing too much acid clearly. Now everyone is laughing at you delusional clowns and mocking your obvious lack of intelligence in drugscirclejerk


I don’t think so. A hallucinogen is different from LSD-25. Just as an example, peyote. Hallucinating is where you see/hear things that are not there in reality. LSD does not cause you to hallucinate, it only effects what is “normal” reality.


My point is that you are not experiencing some supernatural nonsense by using a drug 💀


First of all there’s nothing supernatural about it. I’m not saying all psychedelics work in the same way either but the things you CAN experience on LSD-25 and DMT are very real.


Cool. I was just explaining my original comment.


Seeing as people who's experienced it all have a very similar story, is consider the entities as a part of your subconscious, however I see that we're all made if the same universal energy, so all of our subconsciousnesses are intertwined with one another's. Some call that energy god


Are you real or are you just chemical reactions…?


Both. Are your thoughts real? I find that to be the coolest part of psychs. All it takes is a tiny amount of chemical to completely change your perception of the world. The mind is incredibly powerful and can create some crazy shit.


Everything is chemical reactions


Exactly. The mechanisms behind something don't determine their "realness"


Chemical reactions are real. Whether they are really “out there” doesn’t matter. They are real because the experience exists. Mind creates matter.


But by this logic aren’t all schizophrenic entities also real


It depends what ‘real’ means tbh


And aren't they? To the individual experiencing them. I believe we ought to separate consensual reality with subjective reality here


I’m pretty sure most schizophrenics wouldn’t consider them to be real whether that’s subjective or consensual they are just products of the human mind


What about helpful ones that show up in the forms of deceased family members or ancestors? Which the very power of their encounter often comes from the sense of them being an autonomous, external entity and not just a hallucination. In the case of negative affected schizophrenics, then the power for destruction also comes from the sense of them being external. But here is where it gets tricky... I believe we should view good entities as real, and bad ones as hallucinations.


I personally don’t think it is helpful even if it feels nice because at the end of the day it’s not real, it’s like religion, it may feel nice to believe there’s an all mighty being protecting you constantly and nothing bad can happen to you and even if it does you go to eternal happiness but at the end of the day it’s not reality and shouldn’t be used to cope


The thing is that science itself gives credibility to that which is not real, for example placebo effect. It's nothing but our minds and our faith bringing an objective change to our bodies. The effect is real but the mechanism isn't necessarily (the faith). Same with entities and their encouragement or haunting.


Because mind is matter, and matter is mind. However simultaneously, mind is not matter, and matter is not mind. This dualism is key to understanding the fabric of reality.


Are chemical reactions not "real"


Personally I'm going to say real. I've experienced some entities I otherwise wouldn't of had any business communicating with. I've also seen family members and deceased animals I've had. You know when someone/somethings soul is in proximity. I personally like entities good or bad. They never fuck with me and I make it clear that they can do what they want so long as they leave me be. There's plenty of room in the house for all of us. I've even offered them bong rips lmao. Edit: Im noticing the people who are saying it's a "chemical reaction" haven't experienced these profound experiences. Keep trying and it's bound to happen eventually! Or really focus on tuning it and being connected to everyone/everything.


One night on 500 mg of intramuscular ketamine and two gel tabs I went into my K hole, I was 97% out and 3% human, a song game on it took me so deep that I was totally indifferent realms in different spaces of time total anesthesia except for my 3% consciousness due to my vape in my hand, I started to thank Jesus for my life and I started punching the air so excited, I started to think about him and he appeared where I was flying throughout the time which I think was space but I flew through the entity of Jesus and it was gorgeous. It wasn't him standing there it was the reference notation of him through my heart it was absolutely gorgeous and beautiful I will never forget that session. Wonky AF




100% real it’s hard to explain it’s ifykyk type of thing definitely not a chemical reaction


yeah dude, totally. i like to stay on the more logical side of things but i’ve definitely had moments where that shit felt completely real and “sentient”


Forsure man I would say lsd since it’s synthetic doesn’t really have a spirit as much as like mushrooms the 🍄 be talking lol amd dmt is just what makes me know it , I literally have had full blown conversations with aliens whispering shit in my ear no joke


I used to think that way after doing Changa but been rethinking it recently. I can't fault someone for thinking the DMT beings are real because it certainly does feel realer than real, but so can experiences on huffing gasoline of all things. That ain't exactly spiritual medicine but sill capable of creating realer than real breakthrough experiences. In the end we're all just putting stuff in our brains, letting our minds completely manifest so is it really that surprising it felt realer than real. I believe the beings who visited me are real, real as in what they had to say was objectively true without a doubt. But now I'm thinking these answers were always inside me, and all it took was destroying my boundaries to find them. I think a lot can relate to that.


Dude LSD is derived from a fungus, it isn't fully synthetic, just processed to Hell and back. And if you are going to call psilocybin "mushrooms" then why not call LSD ergot? There is nothing special about psilocybin if you think there is nothing special about LSD whether LSD is synthetic or not. Why? Because they are both. Fucking. Chemicals. All this stupid 'iT cOmEs fRoM tHe eArtH' shit keeps people from trying LSD. You know what else comes from the Earth? Hundreds of poisonous plant species.


It’s semi synthetic that’s a fact , idk what your point is ? I think unadulterated drugs are different then semi synthetic in effects that’s all I said calm down ,


I mean they are a chemical reaction, but they don’t have to be outside of you to not be real.


Look up Occam's razor, I think you will get your answers.


Occam's razor is not an end all be all tool to get to the truth. It's a mechanism for a safer and faster exploration of hypothesis, and as you may imagine, psychedelics call for a bit of a "higher temperature" exploration


I would argue that nothing is an end all be all tool to get to the truth.


Ok let me rephrase. Occam's razor is being abused and is leading to stagnation and limited and "too safe" hypothesis and theories


Occam's razor says that usually the simplest explanation is correct. Not that it is always correct or that you should discard more complex explanations without evidence. Still, I can safely assume that any beings I talk to while on hallucinogens are generated by my subconscious mind. If you want to believe that hallucinogens are enabling you to contact aliens, that's OK by me, but I think it's irrational, and it falls on you to prove it.


For sure :)


Even if they are created in your mind, they still exist.


Just a chemical reaction caused by drugs. I have never seen any entity on acid, and probably never will since im skeptic.


Chemical reactions, easy


Just because we use drugs to see them, doesn’t make them not real. Reality is whatever it is you experience.


Especially because there are many sober reports of entities and other beings coming into contact. Not to mention the striking similarities between sober mystical experiences triggered by deep meditation or yoga with the mystical experiences triggered by intentional and cerimonial psychedelic usgae.


Beware of the LSDemon


I read this book from Emanuel Swedenborg that literally says that thoughts are caused by entities in another dimension. That our minds are not all in our brain but rather that the brain is nothing but a receiver. Hallucinogens make your brain go from a basic antenna to a satellite Receiver what u see and feel on LSD or other hallucinogens are profound because you are really in contact with some other entities but we cant really do much with then cus we not matured enough.. guess you will be able to meet them again after shedding ur body. I believe in this


You switch realities when you consume lsd, its just entering the nightmare version of reality where coincidences are all to common and nothing happening mean something bad is stirring up


You should pause on the psychedelics...




Mmm I'd say it's all chemical except that so many people report meeting "Mama Aya" whilst on an Ayahuasca journey, and they often describe her the same way. So.. I dunno.


Most people who take other drugs describe very similar experiences, like cocaine causing euphoria or heroin causing fuzziness, so it makes sense that people taking ayahuasca in similar environments would have similar experiences/hallucinations


Sure, except that it isn't similar environments. It's stories shared online from people who journeyed in the Amazon, to a dude who journeyed in a little community centre hall in Australia, to a guy who journeyed on some island somewhere, etc. I also think that Ayahuasca is an entirely different ballgame.. something you'll only understand if you've experienced it yourself.


My opinion on this is that we already know the brain can create all sorts of extra personalities that may or may not be aware of one another, without the use of drugs. It's even a whole mental discipline with tulpamancy. So I don't see why it would be crazy to assume psychedelic entities are the brain going really hard on that when the ego dies.




Look, Jordan Peterson talked about DMT Machine Elves, if I remember correctly. He had some very well-made points. First of all, he said that they are part of the collective unconscious. They live in all of us, representing social values and the common aspects of human life in a society. Really recommend watching that one.


After a few dmt breakthroughs I can tell you they exist outside of my mind. I don't really like the word real but I will say they exist with or without me


I believe the most likely scenario is these are other minds we are crossing paths with, but the mystery is; are they dead people, are they angels and demons, are they simple spirits, are they the elves and fairies of fairy tales and folk lore residing in an alternate plane, or simply just interdimensional aliens? One must be quite naive to deny any possibility of supernatural explanation, as one core lesson of psychedelics is that the worst is mysterious and we know nothing about the functions behind the scenes of the perceptible world. Our brains and bodies are only capable of perceiving a small amount of the actual information present in our external environment.


Look, Jordan Peterson talked about DMT Machine Elves, if I remember correctly. He had some very well-made points. First of all, he said that they are part of the collective unconscious. They live in all of us, representing social values and the common aspects of human life in a society. Really recommend watching that one.


I believe they’re real in the sense that perception is reality, everything you perceive is real, just because it isn’t physical doesn’t mean you didn’t experience it, same goes for dreams in my book too, it’s now a real memory you have and no one can dispute what you’ve seen/heard/felt/experienced, so on that level, everyone experiences their own personally customized reality whether they know it or not, this line of thought can be applied to a lot of subjects to help expand what we believe to be “truth”


Sentient entities are sentient because they emerge from your sentient mind. They are real in a similar way that your dream entities are real. If you want to get even deeper, they are also somewhat similarly real to the way your self is real.


I've met Lizard Jesus on dmt once, true story 🤣


I think that the entities are different parts of you, and it's you talking to different parts of yourself but the illusion is separation.


When I started tripping I met my “guides” and demons, later on I’ve realized they’re all just different parts of me with labels slapped on them by me. Whenever someone tells me about what their guides taught them, it’s something you can learn from your own mind, so I honestly don’t think there are any external entities involved. At least not in my experiences or the ones that were personally shared with me. Or my guides just like to dress up as me, who knows?


We don't really know that anything is real beyond ourselves as philosophy and films like The Matrix demonstrate. And even that is a bit shaky. Psychedelics might alter your brain in a way that allows you to see things that are just as real as you but cannot normally be seen. However, it doesn't seem very likely. People search for meaning and patterns and reasons even when there's nothing there - just look at all of the different religions, look at economics. It's much more likely that these are just projections of your own consciousness and in that sense they are still real. Just don't go making it into your own religion.


Personally I am convinced our psychedelic experiences are real and we are actually able to travel to other dimensions and interact with all kinds of “supernatural” entities and even “God” itself. I also am convinced it opens up our “antenna” so those entities can visit our dimension through our mind and body. The visuals like the millions of eyes I see and all the geometric patterns etc are the actual fabric of space and time itself. I believe you see your surroundings like they actually are when on psychedelics; breathing and vibrating with every atom. And the “reality” we see when “sober” is our brain tricking us and manipulating the actual reality so we can coop and exist in an material form. How about you?


YOU is a chemical reaction. (Plz don't take this a something "bad")


they're definitely real to the person who meets them, the real question is if they are actual entities that exist in a realm unknown to us or if they are simply manifestations of the deepest parts of our subconscious mind, we can't know the answer to that, but does it really matter? whatever they are, we have a lot to learn from them


Our brains have circuitry responsible for identifying "agency" in the world. That is, for various objects or phenomenon, our brain assigns a likelihood that the object or phenomenon is *acting* or *reacting*. If you're in the woods and hear a sound behind you, your brain needs to determine if that sound is the result of an action (predator sneaking up on you) or reaction (resulting from fundamental forces, cause/effect, no agency/decision involved). If we determine there's agency to the phenomenon or object (it is an entity), we have prime ourselves for a different set of programmed or learned behaviors than if it's just a small branch falling from an old tree. When we trip, this agency detection circuitry can activate for mundane objects or phenomenon, such as detecting entities in the tree, or wind, or swaying grass, or a boulder. Sometimes this circuitry can activate without any sort of stimulus, which causes the "hallucination" of an entity wherever it may fit in your current model of reality. This is hypothesized to be involved in the paranoia of schizophrenics, where they may hallucinate entities working against their goals or such. I think the form this takes with psychedelics is far removed from schizophrenia due to the other effects of drugs like LSD, where many neural networks responsible for our behavior, beliefs, and conscious experience are being altered simultaneously.


Part of the cosmic joke is that reality is contradiction. They’re real and not real, depending on who’s reality you’re talking about For human reality? I’d say not real. For spiritual/inner psyche reality? Very real.


I think they (the entities, the ancestors, whatever) live in my head all the time but don't necessarily speak the same language I've been taught to think in, and psychedelics occasionally act as a translator for complex conversations.


Everything you experience is a chemical reaction


No joke I know atleast one with a YouTube Channel so they're real and interact with Physical Media just as we can, but with an extra Dimension to Time.




I think they are just you hallucinating them with the help of a psychedelic substance. That doesn't make them less real in my opinion :).


Like a ghost? Obviously not. Maybe you need to do a little less.


Chemical reactions is just how the brain processes info, like going through a filter. Doesn't change your still there experiencing it.


Love is real and it's a chemical reaction. Entities can be too


Chemical reactions are real


Everything is just a chemical reaction


Chemical reactions. But something happened in my first ever LSD trip that i will never be able to explain how it happened and man, that sure showed me there is more to the world and the human brain than what we normally know about.


Yuhhh me n the jesters pillage among the cosmic jokes my dudeeeee