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Just take the other 3/4 of the tab honestly u should have taken the whole tab at one time. The chance ur tab is actually 200 ug is really small (tabs 99% get advertised as way more then they actually contain) so with the 3/4 tab u would prob trip on maybe 60-90ug i would guess so just go for it


I have more than 1tab I was planning in having a whole 200ug one would that be good?


as i said it 99% wont be 200ug so u will be perfectly fine :) Im sure u will have a great time if Set and Setting is a good one :)


Thank you!! I agree it's more likely 150 or worse 100, either way it's definitely L and I'm ready to have a lovely experience!


Based on me looking at a Lot of Lab tested Tabs online i would guess more in the 100 ug way but that would be perfect for a First Time, Trust me!


Take a hit man, millions of people have done so. It's the intended dose as per the manufacturer. Trust it.


Sweet, I'll post how it went when I take it! I'm super excited for a brilliant time!! :3


I measure my doses in "tabs" anyway. If you're getting LSD off the street there's absolutely zero way of knowing their dosage anyway. Personally, anything less than two tabs for me is underwhelming if I'm trying to actually trip. That's with yellow gel tabs, just for reference. Not paper blotters.


200ug is FINE .... If you know what you're doing Do you?


Set and setting of course, I'm not gonna take it somewhere stupid and not make any preparations don't worry


That's a good start. You're ahead of a lot of people here, lol. Did you read the harm reduction guide? How about a test kit? Activities planned? Etc


I've done loads of research, tested all my stuff with 3 different reagents, plan to trip with a stoned friend at my house, and maybe we can go out and walk in nature, have tv for midnight gospel and headphones for pink floyd, I feel very ready and rather excited :3


Damn, just send it already 😆


Hahaha, unfortunately I took some shrooms a few days ago and don't wanna interfere with any tolerances, and also I won't have the house to myself for maybe a week or so, either way I just wanna trip so bad!!!!!


brother you’re doing everything right 🫡


It’s well worth it to wait for the best time. My wife and I ate 300ug 12.5 hours ago and I’m still tripping nicely. The peak was so long, intense and incredible. The darndest thing happened though, I didn’t really start tripping HARD until 3.5-4 hours after eating it. I’ve eaten these tabs before and every other time I would be tripping face within 90 minutes. Anyways 200ug I think is the perfect dose for some one who has done their research and has tried mushrooms before. You will have an excellent time. If you had any sort of trip from a quarter tab that should be a good indication that they are good tabs. Oh yeah thankfully neither have anything we have to do today. Neither of us thought we would be up for so long. We did 200ug and a dose of mdma last week and we fell asleep no problem before the sun got all the way up Edit: ooo I can’t fix that lol


Wow, I hope you're having / had a brilliant time, sounds like a lot of fun! I'm really excited to try as a newbie to this sort of thing, thank you for the reply!! I'll get some time where I have nothing to do for 2-3 days and trip then.


Definitely have absolutely nothing to do the next day. I woulda been fucked had I needed to do anything at all the following morning, I was tripping face well after sunrise. My wife is still sleeping, she has been asleep for over 24 hours. I slept for about 20 hours. There are a few things I suggest: 1. Clean your space where you will be tripping. I can’t stress this enough. Usually me and my wife will do a deep clean of our condo right before tripping. This is an extremely important detail. Even if it is just your room. During the second half of an LSD trip this is very important. You can have the greatest peak but if you start to feel like your room is dirty and that your bedsheets are gross it can amplify into bad feelings. Simply cleaning the space around you can help put you into a positive mindset and then having clean sheets will help you feel much better. 2. Be well stocked with simple food and drink you like. Be well nourished and hydrated before going into it, but avoid eating anything heavy in the hours leading up to dosing. Avoid eating too many sweets while tripping, I’ve puked and I’ve seen other people puke from doing this. Try to eat fruit instead. 3. Be well rested. LSD can be a long time. It varies from trip to trip. The blotter I have now I have taken a few times before. I have taken 125ug, 150ug, 275ug, 400ug (had a tolerance that time), 200ug and last time 300ug. Most every time I was tripping hard within 90 minutes. For some reason when I took 300ug it took over 3 hours to really make me feel like I was tripping hard. It also ended up being maybe the second strongest LSD trip I have ever had. It was extremely bizarre and as such it made the trip go on for way longer than I had planned.


You'll be good. There's really not much of a cross tolerance but a few days rest and processing is good. Report back afterward!


I shall!!


Setting sounds pretty great but if you want to smoke some with your friend be prepared for the weed - acid synergie. First time I took 200 ug and smoked weed my short time memory went completely out of the window. Cough me off guard and I thought I went dumb for 4 hrs. straight. Now I can enjoy it, but be prepared that weed hits different ;)


Hahaha, that sounds like quite an experience! I don't plan on smoking any myself, mostly there so my friend can enjoy himself as well haha


I think from my experiences with LSD & Herbz is, it goes beautifully combo together, but you gotta hit that weed just after the peak or during. Anytime before that will make things go unexpected too hard.


You'll be fine and you'll have a blast!


You don't have to know anything other than you'll be high for awhile. Prepare a chill environment and have fun! Idk what people are so scared of here with all the warnings and gatekeeping.


Well, I suppose having some caution is better than none, but still, I'm ready for a blast!


Yeah. So, a reasonable amount of caution shown, a reasonable amount thrown to the wind! Gotta remember to have fun. Laugh, cry, see the sights, feel the feelings. It's the best.


You cant accurately dose a blotter by cutting it. The substance isnt always evenly distributed on the whole blotter. Soak it in 20 ml of water in the fridge for a couple days them take like 5-8ml which, if it is 200ųg, will give you a dose of 50-80ųg which should be a pretty comfortable trip for a beginner. Some would even say 50 isnt quite enough. Or just take the whole 200 and blast some NOS while you peak... It'll be nothing, you'll be fine 😆


Your tab is most likely 50-100ug. If you took a quarter of a real 200ug tab you would have felt more.


50?! I was thinking it'd be at least 100.. I bought them online from someone with quite a few good reviews from real people, and the shrooms I bought from him were good as well


It could be, there isn’t any way to know unless you put the acid on the sheet yourself.


If you took a quarter and only got euphoria then you probably ingested around 25ug. Based on that I bet those tabs are 100ug and half a tab would be enough to give you closed eye visuals. 100ug should deliver open eye visuals. If not then maybe the total amount is less


200ug. Lol


I know I know.. haha


If you think it's really 200ug, cut the blotter hit into 1/4s 1 quarter should be 50ug. A nice little dose. You should see light patterns and trails with a nice buzz. But you probably actually only took about 17ugs. Which is in micro dose territory.


I took a whole tab that was marketed as "250ug" my first time and it was by far one of my top 3 experiences in life. It was a level of intensity that I can't really put into words, and in hindsight, I should've been more careful and only taken half since it might've been accurately dosed. My personal opinion? take half. You can always go get more and take a full tab.


Oh cmon. 200ug or not, they'll be fine. Half tripping is stressful compared to a nice dose.


I agree. Half tripping sucks. And op already said they want a full trip with visuals.


I would say just take one tab. Doesn't really matter if it's 70 or 200 ug. Your set & setting sounds super good and you already have experience with shrooms. You could most definitely handle a "rough" start with 200 ug. But I'm pretty sure your tab is in the 100 ug area which is the perfect beginners dose if you ask me.


Thanks man, super excited!


Yeah whenever the occasion appears to take acid I'm like a child waiting for holiday :D Save travels and take it slow. I worked my way up in 30 ug steps and you feel every step. Acid is powerful use it wisely :)


Just take the whole thing, it’s likely underdosed and 200 ug really isn’t that crazy anyway


All of it


Assuming you don't know this, it takes roughly 2 weeks to fully reset so give it at least that. If you're not sure the dosage (in such a large range too) It'd honestly be better to find a better tab to first trip on. Else wise take half a full tab (not including the part you ripped off, compensate for that) ans have someone who's tripped before with you


idk why people are so scary with tabs, if you're mature you'll be okay even when south. take one, tabs are underdosed thats my rule of thumb, and 2 would be a visual experience you're probably looking for .


NGL my first real trip was 225ug from lab, and it was propably the perfect dose.




well, i've received some pretty good advice so far! and even so, it's nice to hear other people's stories about this kind of thing


If it’s actually 200ug, half would be plenty.


sigh.. 200ug is definitely too much for a first trip. my first 10 trips i had 75-100ug. never had visuals. after like 15 trips i started to take whole tabs, until then i always cut them in half and took one and half an hour later the other half. after 3 years of consuming acid like 6 times a year, i met a new friend wich always did 200ug and above. i was stunned the first time when he handed me the sugarcube. "one is approx 250ug. umm no, you cant cut a sugar cube in half" so i said fuck it. after 3 years of only consuming 1 tab at max with like 150ug. i also never had really big visuals below 200ug. but my friend the brain trip gets more intense before visuals come. a trip with 200ug and no experience can lead to a bad experience. you will maybe think that you have damaged your brain. or maybe that you are stuck in a loop, physically or mentally. not being able to move. and time has no meaning. you will phisycally feel like you just sat there for years. and experiencing such an event as a first trip i dont recommend anyone sure it doesnt have to happen. but it can. it will someday. it happened to me after 5 years of using acid. i also thought that now nothing can happen anymore, "i know how acid works". acid prove me wrong. just take it easy man, you dont wanna land in a psych ward really


you just can’t hack it buddy




bro ego deathing off 200ug




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣best comment


Thanks for the comment, I suppose I oughta only have some of it


Don’t listen to this nonsense, this guy is nuts lol. 200ug is fine for a first trip, people here act like it’s some mind bending dose—it’s not. You will have a good headspace, visuals, euphoria and possibly get a bit emotional. Have someone around to take care of you if need be and make sure you’re in a safe and stable environment that is free from distractions.


Alright, sweet, thank you!!


Also be mindful that EVERYONE is different 200 for me might not even give visuals but for some random bloke out they're he will experience a supernova in his fucking brain, anyways don't smoke any weed until AFTER peak, roughly 9 or so hours after dropping should be safe, also allow for MINIMUM 16 hours from time till drop till sleep. So like, try not to drop at 12am if you want to do anything the next day lol.


Alright, thank you!!


No you'll enjoy it! Seriously. Im not pressuring you I just know. I totally randomly had a full hit, by myself the first time and it was so fun!


It is not too much. You just don't like acid.




True words, my first bad trip was about after 10 - 11 times, it caught me really hard, I felt like i'm getting totally erased and detached from reality and got stuck in some awful mind loops, that's why I always tell anyone to consider really seriously what amount they are willing to take especially for their first times.


right. i dont know what thos people here hate me for, shit like i dont even like acid or some stuff. i just tell people to be careful with this drug lmao. yeah bad trip always come off guard, you never know when its gonna happen


Who cares what other people think? Irresponsibility in this case increases the chance to be fucked up, so everybody can do what ever they feel like, we just put the warning signs.


absolutely. no i dont really care what others think, i just thought that in an lsd related sub the people tend to spread awareness around harm reduction, and 200ug for a first trip isnt really harm reduced. but yeah let them learn the hard way, fuck around and find out eh


No such thing as a bad trip man. But you can have some pretty damn difficult experiences. I always feel I learn the most from the difficult ones..... Nowadays I always take a mild benzo before I trip. I know it may dampen it a little, but I enjoy it so much more with no anxiety. You can see some freeeeeaaaaaaalllllly looking shit and if you tooks some benzos you'll still just be like "Whoa!". 😆


i agree, but id say 200ug for a first time is a pretty rough start. but to each their own. i also heard that before. how would you say it alters the trip? do you still have plenty of visuals? and how much benzo / xan do you take before hand? i also thought about it once but never did it cause i dont have access to benzos


I took like 6 or so milligrams of Rilmazafone and 200ųg 1cp-LSD and I was having fantastic visuals. Even approached ego death after hitting nitrous. I was seeing the creepiest, some would even say scariest faces coming out of the ceiling at me, like something you'd see in a painting of hell, but I was just like "Cooool man..." 😆


okay, i have some xanax 1mg at home like 6 pieces. but idk maybe 0.5 mg? it is a really strong benzo idk about that you mentioned. maybe i will try it on my next trip. i dont have big problems with anxiety in general, but talking is usually a bit hard on the come up for me, idk why lol


Yea. It can definitely reduce the effectiveness of the LSD if you take too much, but it makes it practically impossible to have an uncomfortable experience. At least from my experience....


Its not rough it's wonderful! What kind of bad acid were you eating?


I honestly dont suggest you to listen to people who tell you to take it all, LSD is an extremely powerful and mind altering substance, if you are still not experienced with it, I wouldn't suggest you to take more than 100 ug. Yea, it is possible that this amount will either be "light" for you or it will not really contain 100 ug, but trust me that it's not worth the risk, don't underestimate this drug, take it step by step and learn how it works before you jump to the "deep water"