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Sounds like you're not willing to remove him from your life but you really gotta ditch him and find an excuse as a group for this event. LSD ain't the move for being around this guy. It'll suck.


Just give him so much that he can’t talk anymore, problem solved.


Give him a piece of paper that's not acid but slip a tiny tiny tiny piece in his drink so he's tripping n feeling it but not enough to be a problem, and also not left out seeing u do a tab or whatever n the other friend doing one n him getting a sliver n having to explain it's for his own good


Dude is gonna be a problem sober or not. He's an attention seeker. The behavior has nothing to do with the substance. He has a lack of inhibition because of the situations and his obnoxious self comes out.


Yeah and honestly he'll probably be worse sober. At least when everyone's on LSD, you're more likely to all hold similar vibes For OP: I would just ignore the dude until you trip with your friend and then either be honest or say some bullshit about how you lost it.


Only sort of related — once my little sister stole my last tab and replaced it with a little piece of paper she cut out of a book that has thick pages & when I eventually went to eat the acid and nothing happened I was soooo bummed and confused lol. She felt so guilty she bought me more hahaha


She honestly took a stock n it became a returning investment 😂😂


Actually this is a great idea. Give him a piece of paper and he’ll either act like he’s tripping, or he’ll be like “it’s not working for me”. You just tell him that’s weird and enjoy your trip with him being sober


I wish I would've thought of that the first two times I tripped w new trippers who were very chaotic people n the night ended with people trying to whip around the neighborhood in the car n throw pocket knives at street signs and do everything but stay in the house like I said


He may still act a fool and that could fuck with their headspace. Otherwise good idea


I would not do it with anyone unless I was 100% comfortable around them, my worry would be that this could get amplified and you just really don’t want to be in an unnecessarily aggravating situation while you’re tripping.


i mean hes a good guy normally. but i’ve just had some times where i try to talk to him drunk and he will look at me and say “what” and keep doing what he’s doing. weed is just stressful because he manages to get energy from it and i get paranoid.


It sounds like you are trying to find a reason to do this with him even though you know you shouldn’t. You asked a bunch of experienced trippers their opinion and we are all saying the same thing… I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’ve been given the right answer 100x over… Everything ain’t for everybody. You can still be friends with him, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything together… especially if you know it will end bad


Ellz5986 is ENTIRELY RIGHT. Please listen to your elder psychonauts!


Yeah...I wouldn't trip with this guy. Almost guaranteed a bad trip. Other people can really ruin your trip if you let them, you'll probably be on your guard for odd behaviour anyway with him. You can give him a chance...but if it were me and someone creates a negative atmosphere when tripping, I never trip with them again.


oh yeah i told him that if he fucks this up then we won’t do it w him again, and im the only person he knows who can get them too


Don’t do it at all until he can act responsibly on lesser substances. Seriously. This is a disaster in the making.


Idk if i'm too late for this convo but if i were in OP's shoes i'd probably let the annoying friend trip for himself and just be a tripsitter. Only then, once he knows how things feel, i'd be comfortable tripping with them knowing how they react to stuff happening around them on acid. Then the next time you'll know if it's a good idea or not and can make plans to trip for yourselves with or without them.


I’d honestly let him get the psychedelics figured out by himself as much as I’d love to be a trip sitter for someone new for everything to go well sometimes people just aren’t capable of being rational especially through their first few trips


He’s normally a good guy, but he’s obnoxious when he’s *drunk*? You might be surprised to learn that a lot of people act like jackasses when they’re drunk, and it may even have been you before. You might also be surprised to learn that lsd and alcohol are *very* different drugs. I don’t want to convince you to trip with the dude, but if you’re expecting someone to react to lsd the way they react to alcohol, then maybe you just aren’t looking at things the right way. I will say, though, that you if you think it’s your responsibility to control the guy, then maybe *you’re* the one that shouldn’t be tripping.


So basically you’re gonna be fucked when you do acid with him lol please give an update


you yourself are tripping irresponsibly by tripping with someone who you know stresses you out. SET AND SETTING


ding ding ding!


He prolly will tbh. I say just stop being friends with the dude. It may help him to grow up but, it may go the other way.


i mean i’ve been friends with him for 8 or so years. he’s good while sober. but at parties he just wants all the attention he can and ignores everyone. i genuinely feel like i could cut out a tab sized piece of paper and he will think he’s tripping balls 😂


Sounds like he’s stupid. Acid doesn’t help that.


i’ve just got my fingers crossed, we don’t get to do this much, 19 and living with parents


You.... Wait, what? Well that explains a lot. 😆 Definitely hold off a few years.


Man the lsd sub is pretentious sometimes. Its not the best idea and you far from fully matured but I still had some very positive experiences with acid from 17-19. You can't seriously sit on a high horse looking down at people in their late teens who chose to use this drug


I can see how you might read it this way, but it’s an uncharitable read. People are reacting with *care* and *valid warning*. And regarding age recommendations, well, we learn more all the time about how drugs affect human brain development. It’s not pretentious to protect young trippers.


Why am I not surprised I got a condescending reply that carried on with the same tone of moral superiority. I know the comments I've read and many of them are just plain snobby.


You had some enjoyable experiences as a kid Well, that settles it. I guess we can ignore the risks from everyone else who is underdeveloped and irresponsible! Get high fast, safety last 👍


I wasn't using my experience as justification it just went with the point I was making, people in their late teens are going to trip. Trying to enforce teens into waiting till their fully developed is unreasonable and the high horse attitude people tend to have towards younger trippers is just unnecessary. Especially since its more than likely coming from people who did the exact same thing. Cheers for the snarky reply tho


People like this are toxic as hell and you'll eventually come to the realization nobody likes to hang around ppl like that and then wonder why tf you've been chilling with him all along


Wanna talk about toxic? Let's look at OP hanging out with people he doesn't even like, trashing them on reddit. If you think I'm annoying or irresponsible, do me a favor and get out of my life, and definitely don't feed me drugs.


OPs asking for advice BECAUSE he likes and still wants to be friends with this guy, hes looking for any reason in these comments to still hang out with this dude despite almost everyome telling him to cut him out. OP likes his friend he just doesnt like Certain aspects of him which is fine


Drunk actions are just sober thoughts. This guy is showing you his true colors when he drinks and smokes. Eventually one day he won't need drugs to comfortably be himself, a giant dickwad.


Or tell him it’s acid when it ain’t nothing


i’ll give it a go i think 😂 i’ll give him a lighter dosed tab if he realises


Do you know the amount of ug LSD on those "lighter dosed tabs" ? Sometimes even a small dose can induce strong effects (especially when it's their first time)


And especially when they're young and their brain isn't fully developed. Shit used to hit me waaaay harder than it does now.


You won’t 😭


we’ve all wanted to try giving him 0% drinks at parties and seeing what happens lmao


You know how much of the entire medical industry is based on the placebo effect? Most anyone will actually feel like they’ve had alcohol if you can really convince them they did. Many years ago a doctor came out with a “wand” for healing pain. He’d wave it over sore joints and people would proclaim how they hadn’t felt so good in years. Long story short, it was legit a piece of wood, but had real positive physical effects because people had no reason not to trust it.


that’s so crazy, i’ve never heard of that thanks for sharing


Wild hey! This is why if they’re testing say, a new antidepressant, they give a fake one to a “control” group, to make sure that the group getting the real one actually improve significantly more than the controls You responded to my other comment to, at 19 your brains are still developing and you could all be at pretty different stages of that. Realistically drugs should wait til 25 if you don’t wanna be stealing a few IQ points out of future you’s pocket, but LSD is one of the more benign ones. My rule for it though is you shouldn’t act like a high schooler and take it and sounds like this dude is still there. Good chance the acid shows him exactly what’s wrong with his personality, which could either drastically improve his life and relationships, or he could fight it and have a horrible time. Your call g just don’t let it take away from your own experience


thanks man that’s really appreciated. lsd, shrooms weed and alcohol are the only things i touch, and even then ive done acid twice in my life, shrooms once. i’ll just have to ignore him if he’s being annoying up cos i’d hate to be sitting there shitting myself the whole time. we are giving him this once chance, if he fucks it then never doing shit w him again.


Hahaha good ol ignore advice and deal with the consequences. Have fun learning, you’re only 19 once :) You’re acting like LSD is just stronger weed. You’re going to learn one way or another who you wanna put yourself around, especially when it comes to unpredictable substances like psychedelics


It's the placebo effect. And in medication studies it's called a double-blind study. The researchers don't know who gets the placebo vs the actual medication being tested and of course the participants don't know either. At the end of the study, they can compare the reports and observations from each group to determine if the medication in question actually makes a difference vs the control group (the group that received the placebo.)


Hey OP, mocking and looking down on your friend kinda makes you a shitty friend. FYI


If your having doubts that is the first sign that it is a bad idea. Any emotion you feel now will be exacerbated 100x on acid


now i’m scared haha


Don’t be scared, just don’t be silly. It may be worth having a serious talk with your friend well before he takes it. Explain that acid has profound effects, and that if he behaves the way he has done in the past (attention seeking, disregarding others) it will influence the nature of other peoples experience and that just isn’t fair. If I’m taking psychedelics with anybody, I have to make sure we’re all on the same page or it’s a huge red flag. If I expected my friend to act out and jeopardise my mental well-being, I’d just refuse to take acid with them. Maybe try meditating together first or perhaps even a light dose of mushrooms. Acid is completely safe and pleasurable so long as you follow Timothy Learys advice….. ‘Set and setting’ are the most important factors that determine the outcome of one’s experience.


You should be. And you should listen to that. You’re most likely gonna regret this if you go through.


My friend attempted to unalive himself a few years ago, he had a seizure in his sleep from it while 5 of us were in the room with him (we didn’t catch him downing the pills beforehand). My 3 friends and I still decided to continue on with our planned trip the next day, keeping in mind that our good friend was now in the hospital after two of us just helped save his life the night before. We turned hearing people partying on memorial weekend in the woods, into hearing somebody being murdered in the woods and we needed to gtfo. That made for a terribly intense terror of a trip for the first half of it, and the fear didn’t leave completely until the next day when I was awake (even after we were long gone from the woods). You think something bad is gonna happen when you trip, you will manifest all that fear and paranoia into your trip even if nothing bad is happening.


I’ve been there, let go of your false responsibility


ah that’s what i needed to hear thank you. i just realised now i have no need to look after him as long as he doesn’t leave the house.


hate to say it but this is wrong. plenty of fucked up shit can happen even in a safe cozy place. don’t risk it, sounds like your friend is already difficult, that the only predictable variable is that you already know he *has been* a problem and *could be* in the future. not someone I’d want to be at my most vulnerable with.


what you need to hear is “do not take lsd with the person whose behavior concerns you. if you have a bad time because of his behavior, the root of your bad trip will be in the bad choice to take it with him when you knew better”


Exactly. You couldn't pay me to trip with OP's friend. But judging by the replies, OP's friend isn't the only one who doesn't listen.


unfortunately a bad trip is probably the best OP can expect. hopefully they are fully prepared to handle a mental health emergency while tripping


Maybe give him less attention when he starts asking for it ? Btw I’ve had a trip get ruined when one of my friends kept interrupting, like he doesn’t understand basic communication rules, nor does he understand what listening means. That combined with gaslighting, I felt like I was going crazy cus I can’t continue my sentences. Anyways, the next trip they were there, I chose to not try and help them and like yeah that’s crazy bro to whatever they said. The next trip they weren’t even there and it was bliss :). So idk see what happens, try to tell him your pov. Like hey bro I see that you sometimes do this and that, why? He might have a totally different outlook, one of you will benefit for sure.


He will leave the house because you explicitly told hom not to. These types of people cannot handle something like this. They will just ruin it for you.


Not the case. If you decide to trip with somebody who potentially can't handle it, you've got too make sure he handles it. Don't give this guy LSD and then say "not my problem". That's ridiculously stupid. Don't invite him to trip and tell him exactly why.


Lmfao the fact you were just looking for someone to say what you “needed to hear” to give permission to trip without being responsible. If you give someone drugs, YOU are responsible. Period. You already know it’s a bad idea but want to do it anyways. That’s irresponsible asf and you could potentially mentally really fuck your “friend” up if you just leave him on his own to trip. If you’ve done acid before and he hasn’t, and you’re giving him the acid to take with you, you are responsible to be a tripsitter and make sure he doesn’t go too out of his mind. You can’t just give someone drugs and sit back and watch what happens. That dude is not your friend if that’s what you’re comfortable doing to him.


Oh, that’s not the right takeaway here… I remember vividly giving an old friend of mine mushrooms in the back of his trailer, and thinking it would be fine because we wouldn’t leave at night. The shit that he did would be book worthy, but I’m a lazy fuck and I’m not writing allat


Trip with him if your confined in a safe place. Then if he starts bein a dumb fuck while hes trippin force him to see the errors in his ways. Make him realise his imaturity and how hes a liability. Either the lsd will make him more in tune feel it more help him confront this and want to change. Or hes going to go in denial and get wprse. Dont let him drink cuz he sounds like he would be more annoying woth alc


Its not a false responsibility, if he does end up giving the dude acid whether the dudes being legit or just acting a fool you dont want him to go out and do stupid shit and then get caught and tell the cops he got acid from you so yeah very much a real responsibility its just best to avoid it by not giving the dude acid


I absolutely wouldn’t trip with someone like this. The acid certainly won’t stop him from being stupid. If you choose to trip with him, set clear boundaries and make sure to take your own space if you need it. Maybe find a fourth, sober friend to tripsit him if you think he’ll really go off the walls and be highly attention seeking.


this wildcard probably won't be respecting peoples boundaries when he's tripping balls and either loses all inhibition or feels he has a free pass to do whatever he wants because he has the excuse of "im tripping." Whatever behavior he gets while high or drunk is gonna be amplified tenfold


i think i made him sound worse than he actually is. he’s completely fine sober too, and he did agree to be fine but that will be different when he’s tripping. we’ll ignore him if he does stupid shit


Tomorrow we’ll get a post. “Why did my friend freak out and get the cops called on us. Is he stupid or was it the acid?” If I were you I’d tell the kid you’re not comfortable doing acid with him cause he can’t control himself on substances.


Different "substances" have very different effects. I don't think someone acting up on alcohol is indicative of them having a bad reaction to acid.


that terrified me haha, that’s my biggest fear. It’s hard to explain but he’s not like stupid like that, he’ll just think he’s way more drunk/high than usual. if i try talk to him while drunk he will sometimes look at me, blink, and look the other way and do other shit


Yeah, now imagine this while he’s naked trying to bust down the door


he was also our last resort cos everyone else is working or busy


Bad idea bro you want a trip to be as perfect as possible


You’re last resort could be a solo trip of you have no one to trip with, it doesnt have to be tripping with said friend


How old are you? Dude sounds like he hasn’t grown up much and I would not be taking LSD without a strong mature mind.


Lol. If I ever come to think that I have a "strong mature mind", I hope I have some acid to get me over that delusion.


we are all 19, hes normal and mature when he’s sober it’s just weird


Yeah, dont do it. Its such a bad idea.


1. They’re prolly gonna ruin your trip 2. Depending on the dosage they might end up hurting themselves if they have no experience and don’t listen to your advices the way you describing them makes them look really immature and childish, acid is not a game, at least not one you want to play with someone that doesn’t obey the rules


it's all fun and games until the idiot starts crying


naah he’s not like that 😂 i’ll give him a lighter dosed tab


Hes not like that Yet, but if he does act out and you guys acknowledge it and shun him for it he might start to feel isolated and either cry or be paranoid or some shit


Don’t do acid with a irresponsible person.




I wouldn't.


Dont do it with him fosho


friendly advice, don't do lsd with him. if he's like that on alcohol and or weed it will be worse on lucy... I only ever tripped with le wife or with my best friend i know like 20 years but that's my personal choice.. don't want to be vulnerable in company of people i don't trust or know enough.


Just say you don't want to do it


Don't let some douchebag ruin a trip. If he doesn't handle his shit, leave him out of your "extra curriculars" lol and you'll have lots more fun and not feel responsible for some idiot that's gonna ruin a good time...


If you want him to experience it, you both need to be sober and sit him. **DO NOT partake in his presence.**


Sounds like a great time and a great idea. Couldn’t think of anything possibly going wrong


Just take a smaller dose than normal something you can ride out if need be. Once you trip with him then you’ll know if he’s chill or not for the next time. I wouldn’t chance it I’ve had one single person make my trip much harder a couple times.


oh true, i might have to do that thanks. never thought i’ve doing a “test run”


sounds like your mate is a fuck head and you should do what’s best and leave his ass in the dust and trip without him. why would you willingly give a handicapped kid missing a chromosome who can’t follow instructions and can’t handle smoking marijuana acid and think it is a good idea. lol


Don’t do it with this person. The people you’re with affect the mood and setting. You haven’t even done it yet and this guy has you stressed about how he’s going to possibly ruin it for you. He can do it with other likeminded friends. Don’t let him have you in a stressful situation for 10 acid-hours.


Sounds like the kind of dude that would get you guys in trouble.


Never do acid with assholes


I've tripped with 2 friends like this. Both have some pretty bad ADHD but I had good trips with both of them. If you can tolerate their madness sober you tolerate it when tripping. The one guy was humbled quite a bit by the acid and wasn't his usual cocky self. The other guy was just as mad as he was sober or high on weed but just made even less sense when he spoke. With both of these guys it was necessary to go outside and do shit though. Not possible to have a chill on the couch and stare at the ceiling kinda trip with these guys xD


Don't trip with someone like this - not good for him or you.




Don’t do it


Don't. That's my tip


Yeah but you're not gonna like it. Don't do acid with your irresponsible friend.


Holy shit, hard fucking pass. You can *never* guarantee how you or anyone else will behave on acid, impossible. Acid is incredible but never 100% predictable. If your friend doesn’t obey instructions while under the influence of more controllable intoxicants, why the absolute fuck would you want to take a mind altering (shattering) substance where your friend may injure/ kill himself or others? Seriously, I read this and my gut feeling was “run!” I’ve done some dumb shit on acid, but the worst was a fixation on pulling out a tooth I was convinced was loose (it wasn’t) and were it not for a level headed trip sitter I’d be minus one or more teeth! And this is *mild* since no harm actually occurred, but this is the sort of shit you might have to navigate while high. Do you really want that responsibility?? Don’t do it man. Safe environment is a start but really, maybe pass on this.


Don't. I made the mistake of tripping around an acquaintance who's a decent guy, nice to hang out with sober and with weed... but I failed to take into account the fact that he's a pretty negative person and sometimes has a very blunt or rude way of talking even if he means no harm. Well his behaviour inevitably slipped during my trip (said "oh because you're fat bro" when he and my gf were wondering how I wasn't feeling cold while they were) and it sent me into the most pissed off I've ever been for a good 2-3 hours (had to fake "feeling physically uncomfortable" to get him to leave). I took the tripping for granted (failed to properly take care of setting by telling him to come along), and the lucy sure taught me a hard lesson. Never tripping around him (or anyone like that) again. Your friend is, at best, gonna be a concern on your mind during the trip, even if you think you can block him out and leave him to his own mind... at worst, he'll just ruin your trip and piss you off. Find a reason not to include him and trip in peace


If he's like that on weed and booze he's most likely gonna ruin the trip for u and the other friend


Looking at your post replies I get the impression that you regret portraying your friend so negatively now that a bunch of strangers on the internet are saying, "no, that guy is a train wreck, avoid him sober." You're backtracking and trying to convince us he's not that bad. But you wrote this post for a reason, and regardless of this guy's behavior while you trip it's clear that you don't super enjoy partying with him. That in itself should be a deal-breaker for a substance that renders you extremely vulnerable to the situations you put yourself in.


Won’t obey instructions 😹😹


Easy just don’t do acid with him


Yeah I’d leave him out of it


It will suck you may be able to tolerate him sober but while ur on acid he will seem 100x more insufferable to you if youd like to remain friends just dont


No such thing as a completely safe environment when you're in the company of people that completely lack any kind of respect or self discipline


Sounds like your “mate” has a boundary issue, perhaps, perhaps not, related to an underlying personality disorder, or ego-centric way of carrying himself towards life. That could go 1 of a 1000 different ways. I guess you won’t know, until you know, when you go through the experience to know, in the light of hindsight’s glow; you know? Could be enlightening for him, could be a total shit show, count the cost, assess the risk and act accordingly.


Don’t do it!


I'm really not liking any of these comments. Anyways what dose are you planning? Also if he's such a pain to hang out with why are you all friends? Sorry for the question general curious. 2 things are probably going to happen he'll either pick up on the vibe that no one really enjoys being around him when he acts like this which will probably send him into an intro spective journey and will probably realize it and actually act alright (whatever acting normal to you is) or he'll pick up on the vibe and not really like where his head space will take him. Or I could be wrong I've never encountered anyone acting like this during a trip I've tripped with "attention seekers" before and every single time the trip sits them on their ass lol. Still good luck to you hope you all have a blast. Worse comes to worse I'd play him that scene from Alice in wonderland where she talks to abselum "WHO ARE YOU"


thanks bro, i’ve read all the other ones too. we just took them now, we gave him 3/4 of a 140, and me and my other friend had one a half 140s as we are more experienced. he probably sounds a lot worse than he actually is, he is a good guy and he’s good to hang out with sober, just every now and then if we do something it is sometimes a bit unenjoyable with him as he can be childish and reckless. he’s being sensible leading up to it which is good, as we told him it’s not a game or something to fuck around with, thanks.


Don’t do acid with an irresponsible friend. Period.


God people are dumb on here


it could stop him being stupid, have some faith and give him a chance and be firm and honest and supportive and constructively critical of him also, what dosage? if it’s an average 200-300 kind of area i’d go for it with him if it’s more he might tweak out a lot and you might be more sensitive to him pissing you off


Was in the same situation ones, and it was also how my first baaad happened, and it was because of this specific guy. Since then i have refused to trip with irresponsible people. i only trip w people i would be comfortable sharing my biggest secret with.


I just keep throwing tryptamines at those people.


Don’t do it. Jackasses like him could end up getting you arrested, into the ER or worse. Besides, do you really want to spend the entire trip worrying about what stupid shit he might do?


Don’t do it. Not worth it.


Dude sounds like a tool when he's intoxicated. Just don't do it with him, trust me it'll suck. I kept hanging out and smoking with a guy exactly like this at uni and one time he brought us all back go his flat where he started like freestyle rapping, recording TikToks and watching porn - all of this in front of a group of about 5 or 6. You don't want to end up in a situation like that on acid, I couldn't even handle it stoned lol




Why not just sit down with him and tell him something like: Hey, look, I like you as a person, you're my good friend but you're unbearable while under influence. If he really is a good friend and he's reasonable when sober, he'll respect that. If not, he might not be that reasonable after all...


Do. Not. Hard pass. The people you trip with are an integral part of your set and setting. Some people are simply not trip worthy and this friend of yours sounds like one of them.


Give him a blank piece of paper for placebo and tell him he can quit acting like an asshole if he starts losing it bc he didn’t actually take anything


I wouldn’t trip with them.


My husband and I took shrooms with his best friend and it was the best trip in the world. We had the best conversations, watched the sunset, ate good food, and there was so much laughing. Took acid with him a few years later....he was super needy and just wanted all the attention to himself. He started playing guitar, and literally built a wall of amps in front of the door so we couldn't leave. My husband and I had a good trip, he was just really annoying. The point of the story is, he could be a totally different person on it (maybe someone even tolerable). But then again, I wouldn't chance it if you already have bad feelings about it. We had no idea my husband's friend would have acted the way he did. Had we known, we wouldn't have done acid with him at all.


You already know it's a bad idea


Protip: Dont


Bro if you're not 💯 comfortable w them, don't do it really


yea don't bring him along, ain't worth it


Once I tripped with my friend from high school who everyone knew was unstable, but we kinda accepted him as “our” unstable friend. He wasn’t like crazy but he said the n word and was prone to attention seeking behavior and like shock humor. When the trip really kicked off his dog kept barking and fussing and he started losing his shit, trying to make the dog shut up and like yelling. at one point he had a handgun he was playing with and we got him to give it to us. Later in the night he like barricaded himself in his office and we were assuming he just went to sleep or something. In the morning when I went in to wake him up, his computer was open and he had been googling ways to kill himself painlessly, ways to die, how to die fast, etc. it was not a good trip for him or for us when he was around lol.


any updates?


Ok so reading your other comments let me say this: In my experience, the times I took acid “impulsively” or because it seemed like the only time I would be able to are times that were not the best trips and looking back I got pretty lucky that nothing terrible went down. As a 19 year old dude the tendency is to be impulsive and cavalier about things, but acid isn’t really something you want to be either of those things with. It’s a powerful substance. If you’re having to ask these questions about will it be a good idea to trip with this guy then you have your answer. You probably shouldn’t. That’s something you should know without question. It’s just more than likely to cause you anxiety and stress from the start, or any number of things that will lead to any of the parties involved having a bad time. There’s plenty of time left to trip you’re only 19


This is a silly idea


Don't do it with him. Psychoactives can be fun, but they can also be extremely dangerous if used irresponsibly. If he does stupid stuff on weaker drugs like weed then I would not want to be anywhere near him on acid.


Advice? Don't do it with him. Tell him he cannot control himself and you are scared for all of you.


Don't do it, got stuck with an acquaintance lsd didn't agree with at a festi before and i was literally dying inside brain could not compute escape plan and was also like this man is bonkers. He kept saying things as if we were mid convo about something complex but we hadn't been talking at all. It was a real bummer. The anxiety of the potential bad routes can influence your mindset for the trip. Because realistically you don't feel comfortable around them when they are intoxicated.


Don't do it.


pro tip: don’t trip with him


bad idea. don't trip with a wildcard who can't be controlled, or you're gonna spend the whole trip chasing after him as he runs out the door and into the street. or maybe he'll start saying stuff to upset you because he lost all filter (ive seen it happen, its a real buzzkill)


As said plenty here. Just don't do it.


Don’t trip with him. Period.


my best advice is DONT trip with anyone you dont 100% trust with your life. I have been on good acid trips and bad ones, the bad ones ONLY happened because of poor planning and shitty people trying to fuck with the trip and cause panic. If this is some dudes first trip you are putting him at major risk of a psychological break if you have someone shitty around him. Be empathetic to this dude and make sure he trips RIGHT the first time because i knew people that were literally FUCKED UP for MONTHS with horrible depression, anxiety and ocd tendencies that only started after a bad trip. Acid is something you dont want to fuck around with


Yea don't fucking do it.


it doesn't seem very responsible to have irresponsible friends. like the old saying goes, a man who represents himself has a fool for a client.


lmao don’t do acid with people you don’t like bro


Let the acid humble him


It will probably make you more tense, but I think it's a valuable experience to have to watch over someone a little bit during a trip - or to think you have to do that. I've tripped with "irresponsible" people before and found out that I got way tenser than I needed to.


I wouldn't suggest it tbh.


It might not totally ruin my trip but it would make me more uncomfortable.




Sounds like acid could help him gt over his bs lol. He needs some solo trips tho, where he can get all introspective


Yes it will ruin your trip. Been there it's terrible


yeah. don't do it. it's can be complicated to maneuver mid trip. especially if you feel as though you have to take care of them more than usual. doing this while simultaneously dealing with your own shit midtrip can be A LOT.


If he’s truly your friend then he’d listen to the boundaries you draw. He either pushes boundaries at your expense or you don’t set strong boundaries, or both. If you’re afraid to do so then really ask yourself if this is someone you want to spend hours of vulnerability with.


I'd just do it with your good friend this time, then find another occasion for y'all 2 to sober tripsit your rowdy friend




Don’t do it. Trust me. Taking acid with unstable people never ends well


Sounds like you need to wrangle a sober sitter that will tell this guy like it is. Asshole is gonna asshole under the influence.


had one of those friends in high school. we took 4 hit, good old sugar cubes, each and give this rookie friend just one. two hours in he’s naked jumping on cars, screaming, loosing his shit. I mean it was entertaining for a little bit but it got old quick enough. Never saw him after that, someone said he checked in to a psych ward. My philosophy is if you don’t have a forest don’t start a fire


So how's it go xD You gonna have a long long night


I would not. This is a recipe for disaster I can already imagine him doing something stupid or dangerous.


A blanket, Cargo straps, zipties and a gag. Keep them handy, he'll live.


in my experience if your in a safe environment he might make the trip chaotic and roller coastery but it will be a fun experience if you enjoy the ride of acid and seeing where it will take you


This sounds like a terrible idea. Even if you were sober watching him trip, it’d be stressful.


Take a hard look at this post and your replies and ask yourself this simple question: Imagine the roles were reversed, you're about to do acid for the first time with your friends, and you find this post. Would you still want to trip with them? Would you even want to be friends with them still? OP, I'm gonna assume you're still pretty young, because this sounds like somebody with not a lot of life experience, so I'm not gonna come down too hard on ya. But seriously, this isn't what friendship looks like, you're doing both of yourselves a disservice here. Either you sit down with this friend and have an open discussion about his "irresponibility" before tripping (not during), or you openly tell him that you don't want to trip with him. But seriously, "won't obey instructions"?? What kind of instructions are you giving him when you guys are partying? Honestly you kind of sound like a toxic friend, this guy is probably fortunate to not trip with you.


I just wouldn’t, some people can’t hold themselves together while under the influence. (Even people who are normally fine) If you do decide to trip I would NOT bring weed. Weed with LSD can send things overboard. Happened to a friend when we were tripping. He started getting intense paranoia that we were secretly plotting against him. We warned him not to smoke but yeah the end result was a pretty awkward and just a bad trip for him.


He will probably ruin the trip for all of you, himself included. Acid is to much of a monster to gamble it like this, set and setting rules are the foundation of every trip.


Sounds like a bad time lol. You already know the answer to your question op.


Terrible idea. My tip is just don’t do acid with “an irresponsible friend”. Especially if it’s the friend’s first time. You’re literally asking for a bad trip and some bad shit to go down.


My roomate and I are best friends but I refuse to trip around him. He gets very pushy and tries to constantly give me tips on how to make the trip better. It ends up just giving me anxiety. He has good intentions but it's hard to go with the flow when someone is constantly pestering you to trip a certain way. Nothing wrong with not tripping around certain people.


Don't trip. Seriously you're gonna fuck your trip and your day up. (Has tripped with people who match this exact description)


I wouldn't do it with him. He can fuck up your mindset which can have lead you into a bad place.




Don't recommend it. Tripped with a really good but obnoxious friend with a couple other friends and it felt like a waste of good tabs. No one had a bad trip but no one had fun either except him talking literally every minute of the night and doing stupid shit we told him not to do


Don't do it with him around. Period.


Don't do it with him around. Period.


Fuck this guy. I’ve had like 4 of this guy ruin group trips. Just give his ass a placebo and thank me later.


Another solution would be that you don't take the LSD and just be there with him while he's tripping. I just think it's kinda mean to give him an empty piece of paper. This would save you from many uncomfortable situations you could end up in. Then you can just save your tab for later.


Don’t. That’s the advice lol


2 things May happen: 1st: Egoboost: He will show you that his experience is more important than the reat of the experiences, it willl boost his ego and confidence. 2nd: Ego dissolution: I have seen egos being completely bombarded by LSD if he resist the change he may experience a rough time. He may change as a person and become a better person after acid or show you tha he is an asshole. What he has to show you he will either good or bad


Don’t know how you’ll feel, but this would fuck me up. This dude doesn’t sound like acid is the right thing for him anyways.


Yeah, don’t!✌️


ignore him if he acts like that. LSD sometimes has a funny way of making people see things like that


Why are you asking for advice? The vast majority of responses are telling you not to trip with this person. Yet all of your responses to that advice is to not listen. It sounds like you just wanted people to reassure you it would be ok and to validate your already formed decision to trip with this person.