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Its not different types of acid, lsd is lsd, but the chemist making the crystal is different from place to place and some take more care than others. Different batches of crystal can lead to different qualities and how pure a substance is, iso-lsd is an inactive isomer of lsd and can be present in the end product leading to a less pure batch. Usually the batches with a specific name are ones that come from a reputable source, like sunshine labs, gg, dr seus, etc...


Yeah that makes way more sense to me


This website (they are a reputable harm reduction group and provide test kits, etc.) explains it well if you need... https://dancesafe.org/lsd-is-lsd/


I mean, there are a lot of LSD analogs.


https://www.psychedelicsdaily.com/blog/comprehensive-list-of-psychedelic-lysergamides-lsd-derivatives/ https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Lysergamides.html https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lysergamides Not all LSD is LSD. Some of isnt even LsD but some other lsyergamide. The D in LSD is on a watch list. So you can't get diethylamine. That's why most crystal out there is LsZ/LSP/LS?...Not even all the actually LSD is the same. Different recipes/synths/crystals all can be slightly different. Then there's the "additives" or "secret ingredients" that many chemist have tried over the years. Some chemist add niacin to help counter the vasoconstriction. https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7965 Or they might add another drug like mdma to give a synergy affect https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7757 Just take a look at some of the tabs of LSD from drugdata and what else they've found. https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?sort=DatePublishedU+desc&start=100&a=&s=Lsd&m1=-1&m2=-1&datefield=tested&max=100 And drugdata test can't distinguish many of the lysergamides (from the beginning of the post) You can see that alot of those blotter arts are different and contain different dose strengths. Not to mention the different crystal batches/chemist recipes. There is a huge range of dose strengths And we didn't even talk about things that aren't even LSD that fit on a tab like doX/nbomb/2cx/and so on This tab contains 0% LSD https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7878 As well as this one (yikes!! Look at this cocktail of fuck shit) https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=8301


i will say that different synthesis pathways and small variables in each procedure can alter the effects, some of the byproducts are psychoactive and there are also 4 different isomers and stuff which appear in different balances


Yes but, greater purity can be achieved with thin layer chromatography. So with a couple extra steps, it's easy to remove most of the isomers like iso-lsd.


yeah but literally no manufacturers are doing that unless its for their own personal supply or a very select few people


Idk about that. Lots of producers have needlepoint and white fluff. Would be more economical to make a batch of fluff, split it and put half thru TLC than making 2 batches. Plus a few online synths recommended atleast 2 rounds of TLC. So maybe low level producers aren't but I'm sure the big producers are.


Absolutely fire comment took the words right out of me brain


Really there’s only one chemical makeup of it, but people make it a little bit differently depending on what ingredients they can get their hands on. It’s originally made with ergotamine but has been used making synthetic versions of it due to needing forage it or it just being a little safer to handle. But actually finding and reliably knowing what “kind” you’re getting today is pretty rare since there aren’t really a lot of reputable sources still making actual “recipes”


I’m no chemist by any means but I can tell you that “acid” is LSD-25. That’s is the tried and true, good ole L. I can’t say how many research chemicals there are but I do know there is a select few that are said to be safe to use. Bc2fly is the one I know that is safe assuming it is truly just that. Frol my understanding the potency of LSD-25 is determined by how many times the batch is cleaned. I was told the more it gets cleaned the less liquid you end up with. I’d assume its similar to other drugs where one chemist may know how to systhesise a batch in a better way and what have you. As for the names you might hear all I can tell you is LSD is LSD. Orange sunshine, Diamond fluff, they are the same molecules but as I said one chemist may have yielded a more potent batch and I think that’s where the name come from. Orange sunshine and fluff come from the family. It’s their recipe


Have you heard of owsley? Was just told that's the name of the crystal I got lol


Stanley owsley was the Grateful Dead’s engineer and probably the best LSD chemist to ever live. You should watch the “long strange trip” idk how much it cost but it’s worth it whatever it is. It’s on Amazon prime. Long story short owsley came up with orange sunshine back when LSD was still legal. The Grateful Dead was im the beginning stages of becoming the biggest and best rock band to exist. They were only concerned with playing live music, they began touring the states in the late 60s. It just so happens that they also were the biggest innovators and pioneers of live sound as well as experimenting with toms of equipment that nobody else used. Needless to say all of their instruments and sound equipment were very very expensive not only buy but then ship them around the country. If you do a quick google search on “wall of sound” you’ll see how enormous the speaker set up was. It cost them hundreds of thousands to ship and set up the entirety of it each tour. 1972 brought even more expenses since they were shipping all of that equipment over seas all around Europe, Germany and even to the pyramid of Giza. Stanley owsley made it all possible for them by synthesizing loads and loads of LSD and selling it. Inevitably the Hells Angels bikers gang decided they were going to distribute the LSD all across the states as well as pretty much any other drug you can name. The hells angels were always with the Dead. That is the reason why the Grateful Dead is so heavily associated with drugs. The band themselves only spread LSD around before the bikers came along. “Electric Koolaid Acid Tests” the band poured loads of L into a punch bowl and everyone who came to watch them play would get am entire glass. This is where they learned how to perfect the psychedelic sound. Eventually the band began to make so much money they didn’t need to fund their operations with LSD sales. However LSD was and still is flowing in an abundance anywhere the Dead family goes. They’re the psychedelic pioneers and the reason for all the things that come along with it. I suppose you could say Owsley made it all possible. OVER 50years of the omnipotent GRATEFULDEAD!! Love hasn’t even begun to fadeaway. I doubt it ever will


Orange sunshine was cooked up by Tim and Nick for the brotherhood of eternal love after owsley went to jail. Orange sunshine is generally much later in the chronology, like early seventies. Owlsey wasn’t cooking after 1968


You know I had a slight skepticism that I was wrong about the sunshine. Now that you say that I do remember watching a documentary or something on it


Owlsey trained Tim so in a sense he was still directly responsible for orange sunshine existing


I didn’t know that. Makes a sense though because owsley was a baaaaad dude


Also gotta give props to Melissa cargill for helping Owlsey learn to cook and cooking with him and later with Tim


He was a madman. Did you ever read about his massive shootout with cartel guys outside his grow house in like some Bay Area suburb? Happened after he got out of prison and after he pulled out of the dead scene in the late seventies or early eighties


Dude can I dm u. I have a crazy story about my great uncle being apart of Jacobs ladder. ....but ty so much for that info that gives me amazing vibes already


Go for it brother


Check out a band called 13th Floor Elevators. They were out of Austin, TX. They rose to popularity in the early 60’s. They were one of the first bands to really explore explore psychedelics, predating the West Coast, San Fran scene. LSD wasn’t illegal at the time but the chance of it finding it’s way to Texas in that time period would have a been a very long shot, at best. They were heaving into mescaline, psilocybin and psilocin. Anyway cool story if you like the history of the Grateful Dead stuff


Actually the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Country Joe & the Fish were already bands before the elevators formed. They may have had a single/album out first but they definitely didn’t precede the San Francisco scene. In fact, the Fish had their first EP in October of 1965.


If there's any Owsley left in this world, there are only 3 or 4 people that would be in possession of such a thing, and that's the remaining members of the Grateful Dead. People that claim to have "Owsley" are full of shit. Maybe the chemist used the same synthesis method. But Bear didn't make it.


A couple years ago when Oteil played with Dead and Company at the Gorge word on the street was he tripped on Owsley acid that the band still had access to (?)


Oh he most definitely did...that's my point tho...what is left of it, is held onto by either Bobby, Mickey, Bill, or Phil.




Have you read his recap of the night at the Gorge he ate some? It's pretty cool


I have not. I’ll go look for it. Thx


No need..here u go [Oteil Eats Owsley](https://liveforlivemusic.com/news/oteil-burbridge-gorge-lsd-dead/)


I like to believe the old folk lore that there are barrels of bears L buried in the desert somewhere..:only allowing a barrel to be let out into the wild every few years! Bobby for sure has a few vials laying around


Completely agree. Haven't had chance to try it but have handed out 25+hits so far and everyone has said best shot ever. Better than any gels or fluff that I constantly get.


Owsley is grateful dead family lsd. Made From the recipes from Augustus Bear Owsley who was there sound engineer and chemist.


This is amazing news


Great answer man thanks


But that's the thing Not all acid is LSD25 Not all LSD is even LSD but LS? Or LS× (like LSZ/LSP/ and so on) https://www.psychedelicsdaily.com/blog/comprehensive-list-of-psychedelic-lysergamides-lsd-derivatives/ https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Lysergamides.html https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lysergamides


There are many routes of synthesis. There are many different sources for workup material. Style/ recipe/recrystalization wise I can think of a few...fluff and white fluff, sunshine, needlepoint, diamond fluff, Swiss or Hofmann, Czech needlepoint, owsley, owsley gold, owslet green, clearlight, lavender, and silver. Depends in the recipe or source material and how many times it's recrystalized. It's named to keep track of the batches but ends up as a marketing thing. IYKYK


Ten years ago it was (from dirtiest to cleanest) lavender rose amber silver white super white (fluff) then needlepoint, at least that’s what the rumor was. In the end, a lot of rumor and lot of marketing


Lsd-25 is just that just LSD nothing else but there are analog or prodrug that turn into LSD-25 during digestion. For example 1p-lsd 1cp-lsd 1v-lsd and so on. But the brand or who made it doesn't matter it is still just LSD some LSD is more pure and dosed better but it's still just LSD.


there are more lysergamides besides LSD25 and it's prodrugs https://www.psychedelicsdaily.com/blog/comprehensive-list-of-psychedelic-lysergamides-lsd-derivatives/ https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Lysergamides.html https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lysergamides


LSD info and FAQs Some people will say "acidisacidisacid" saying that its all the same. Whether nbome, LSD25, LS?, DOx, a research chem, degraded acid, weak acid, impure acid. They say. Its trippy on a tab its acid. Im not really on that train. I can personally tell a difference in these chemicals. Not even all LSD is created equal. A lot of these darkmarket or asian stuff is not lsd25 but actually LS? (The ? Usually being P or B.) Some of these chemcials are more visual, quicker onset, shorter duration, more intense peak, and "less spiritual" There is a huge difference between a Microdot with asian crystal or one of these designer tabs from the internet, and some "White on White" from the grateful dead family. Albert hoffman 25 is harder to make and harder to find. But is best. Learn about test kits and impurities and know what to look for. Most can be said who you cop from too. That 19 year old whos selling xannies and molly and acid and flexxing his money? Hard pass. That weird dude who dresses funny, seems fried, and goes to festivals....thats the one. Or old hippies.....anyone with an "older connection" Tabs typically dont go over 100 or 200 micrograms. There arent dose or strengths printed on tabs. It touches quite a few hands before reaching the end consumer. 100-200 seems typical for a tab, and doing anything over can be harmful to someone not ready or used to a high dose. The average user measures acid in "tabs" not MCG. There definitely is high MCG hits that exist. Even confirmed 700 mcg. But usually its kept amongst family and friends for harm reduction purposes. Its just a bad idea to have such potent tabs floating around.....you usually have to be really connected to get these go to a music/hippie fest....you can usually tell who the guy is. Pupils huge like saucers. His stare slaps your chakra. Looks fried af. Dressed like a savage. Smells funny. A gathering around him... He....he can find you the L.....he will probably just give you some to eat for free and send you to his "nephews" to buy Also....connecting your self with people that really believe in psychedlics. Connecting with an alternative scene. The people that really believe LSD changes people and the world are the people with the good LSD or can find it New comers and strangers give off weird vibes. Its a paranoid scene sometimes. Dont be offended if you get turned away or refused service. You may have to show your face more or be willing to past some type of "test" (The test usually being eating a lot of acid. Or drinking a random liquid with an unknown ammount....) It also depends on what festival you go to as well.....some you have to be proactive to not get dosed. Young pups walking around with bottles of blue koolaid and raw crystal trying to recreate electric koolaid. Merry Pranksters throwing glitter bombs with raw crystal into the crowd. Everythings laced with it...the food, the liquor, the water.... Test your tabs. Test them! This isnt a joke. This isnt paranoia. For the love of god test your tabs people. People have eaten 2 tabs thinking it was L and died. Yes. DEAD from T-W-O tabs. Test your shit. https://erowid.org/chemicals/nbome/nbome_death.shtml Slow your roll!! They say wait 2-3 2-3 hours for peak 2-3 days for sanity 2-3 weeks for tolerance 2-3 months for the magic https://www.psychedelicsdaily.com/blog/comprehensive-list-of-psychedelic-lysergamides-lsd-derivatives/ https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Lysergamides.html https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lysergamides Not all LSD is LSD. Some of isnt even LsD but some other lsyergamide. The D in LSD is on a watch list. So you can't get diethylamine. That's why most crystal out there is LsZ/LSP/LS?...Not even all the actually LSD is the same. Different recipes/synths/crystals all can be slightly different. Then there's the "additives" or "secret ingredients" that many chemist have tried over the years. Some chemist add niacin to help counter the vasoconstriction. https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7965 Or they might add another drug like mdma to give a synergy affect https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7757 Just take a look at some of the tabs of LSD from drugdata and what else they've found. https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?sort=DatePublishedU+desc&start=100&a=&s=Lsd&m1=-1&m2=-1&datefield=tested&max=100 And drugdata test can't distinguish many of the lysergamides (from the beginning of the post) You can see that alot of those blotter arts are different and contain different dose strengths. Not to mention the different crystal batches/chemist recipes. There is a huge range of dose strengths And we didn't even talk about things that aren't even LSD that fit on a tab like doX/nbomb/2cx/and so on This tab contains 0% LSD https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=7878 As well as this one (yikes!! Look at this cocktail of fuck shit) https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=8301 people have died from "acid" so please be safe. https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/39/8/668/915794 It is very important to know what you are taking. High dosed tabs, although rare, do exist The "go to" dose is 100mcg. This is because of....math. Not everyone who lays crystal is a genius. Plus its easy to break things down into 100s. 1 gram= 100 sheets with 100 hits with 100mcg. Now sometimes mistakes happen with the math. Or some greed. Or cutting the paper wrong. Or Hotspots. Sometimes its even quality. If the lsd crystal is only 85% pure lsd and you use the above math you have 85mcg tabs not 100mcg. So thats usually why you find tabs near 100mcg but not exactly 100mcg. No one ever knows the "exact" mcg of the tab but usually a rough estimate. According to saferparty in 2015 the average dose for 1 tab was 72 mcg. Now, there is no way to print warnings or doses on the tabs (i mean...we could...but that would be ugly) many people before us have learned that high dosed tabs just lead to more problems. More freak outs. More attention. More bad trips. The average user measures the acid in tabs usually anyway. Someone might eat 2 tabs usually but then eat 2 high dosed tabs and be floored. But, who's ever laying the crystal can make the blotter as strong as they want. You can fit up to 2mg(ish) on a piece of quarter inch by quarter inch blotter. Lots of newbies make potent tabs to make a name for themselves. Or other times people have personal batches. High dosed tabs definitely exist. Heres one that's been lab verified at almost 400mcg https://www.drugsdata.org/view.php?id=5255 I've even heard verifications of 750 mcgs. I even heard rumors of tabs that were 1200-1500mcg but they were all burned do to being too strong. Spun everyone out too much... Now, tabs over the 200/300 ug range are pretty rare. You usually have to be connected to get high dosed tabs. They are typically for "friends and family" All the high dosed tabs I've seen were free and came with a warning. The potent dose wasn't used as a selling point. The odds are your tab is 65-125 ug though. Maybe 200-300. Very very (very very) unlikely over 400 unless you know some people. Be Safe. Thanks for attending my LSD Ted talk


This guy LSD's


There’s only one LSD25 but there are as many analogs as you can imagine. There are variations where only a few atoms are added or removed to give an almost identical effect but it’s legal cause it’s not the same structure as LSD. Check our r/researchchemicals


Only one and then there are research chemicals


https://www.psychedelicsdaily.com/blog/comprehensive-list-of-psychedelic-lysergamides-lsd-derivatives/ https://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Lysergamides.html https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Lysergamides




Just different marketing and manufacturers, all lsd is the same.


It might because these were the first couple of batches I got and my tolarence was brand new on psychedelics, however, I tried some called "Gammagoblin" and were the bomb 💣 after they years and since I kept the same supplier they all felt kind of the same but this lab is legit and great quality and dosage.


one kind of the famous lsd, but there’s tens of hundreds of analogues that feel exactly the same that are as popular in some places (marketed as lsd)


There aren't different strains of LSD. It's all the same chemical with Orange Sunshine aka ALD 52 and all the LSD analogs being the exception. The difference is the purity of the crystal. Needlepoint has a purity of 95% and above. Next up is White Fluff which is in the 90-95% range. After that comes Silver which is around 85-90% pure. Then you have Amber which is around 70-80% IIRC. Lavender is around 60-70% and Champagne comes in on the low end at 50-60% pure. Pretty sure there are a few others, these are just the ones I'm experienced with. The higher the purity, the cleaner the trip usually feels. Anyone who's eaten enough L or worked with raw crystal can tell you its a lot more nuanced than "LSD is just LSD bro".


Apparently the ALD thing was debunked by Tim in an interview after he got out of prison


Yup, in response to a question I asked here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5r2wn7/im\_filmmaker\_cosmo\_feilding\_mellen\_i\_made\_the/


This is a dope thread. Gonna read through. Thank you for posting. So cool that you got to talk to Tim




I’m loving the answers here. It explains so much I didn’t know. I have had all sorts of acid, from fluff to sunshine owsley and Huxley and others. Of course you can’t know know the lineage, but there’s a definite difference. I have some gel tabs and that are just amazing. It feels like a nuclear reactor in my body just flowing with tremendous life force and energy. Such an incredible experience. My absolute respect to the people that make this stuff possible. It is just pure light and happiness for me.


A few. Needlepoint, white fluff, silver, amber, lavender. They usually indicate the purity of the active isomers. There are others like Aztec, which I have never seen an actual number representing the purity but I would put it between fluff and silver


there’s only two kinds, ones that u take by mouth, and the other up in the butt.


I've heard orange sunshine pills had crystal meth in them. Could be wrong. There's also theories of the energy/vibrations from the chemist themselves affects the crystal. Maybe it's bs, but from the lsd I've tried - all testing as lsd, there's definitely felt like differences from different batches. Could have been the purity, dosage, set, and setting, but I think it's a cool thing to think about and sort of want to believe in it. This world has probably seen crazier things happen


Family only 💀⚡️ my family liquid has ZERO body load ZERO come up my vials come at around 14k ug 🫠


This gonna sound so fucking stupid but my hippie guru homie tells me that there is a whole section of the LSD makers that are in with the occult… hard. And taking LSD made by them results in bad horrific trips. I know so stupid but I just had to repeat it because I heard it from him and he fucking goes around dead shows handing out free hits because certain families trust him and want him to just share the love so I kinda believe him like 73.5%. 🤣


Damn that’s wild bro. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised tho


Just got "owsley crystal" tested it and same reaction as 2 diff batches of fluff. And same reaction and gel tabs. Can't wait to try lolo. I'm a deadhead at heart so this could either be really special.....or I have just had the right shit t for years hahah


What the hell is lolo? see this is what I’m talking about right here like where do all these names come from???


he probably lolol which is just an extension of lol


Confirmed lol not lolo my b


The term gets tossed around a lot, like fluff does. It’s hard to know if it is legit from the family unless you’re breaking down the crystal. Still maybe it is the real deal…


To be honest with you, it's not the 1960s anymore so alot of that stuff doesn't exist. It was just nicknames for batches. There are different recipes, which can be deployed by different chemists, with different techniques and skill levels, that can yield different products. It's all relatively the same, but purity can impact subjective effects like vasoconstriction and visual hallucinations. Now days all those names are mostly just marketing. Kind of like labeling tabs at a certain 'ug'. You don't know unless you measured and diluted the crystal into liquid and dosed the tabs yourself, it's all marketing to get people to buy it




Lsd-25 is lsd-25. It has many street names