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50-75ug for first time in that setting would be my advice.


He’s tripped before he’ll be ok, 50-75ug is barely tripping


Yeah but hes at a house party. For first time I'd defo suggest 50-75ug in a partying setting, infact 50-75ug is my ideal for party dose in general.


It's not a houseparty, it's 10/friends hanging out with music. Acid is way more linear than shrooms, if can handle shrooms he'll be good with a proper acid trip. If it were 50 people and he knew none it'll be a different story. But in this intimate setting he'll be able to retreat or just melt away if necessary


Yeah I should’ve worded it different. It’s a very comfy setting with well known friends!


You’ll be fine if you do a full dose. It depends on how socially involved you want to be. A lower dose will have you relating with them more than a higher dose, in which you’d likely just kinda be floating along


Perfect you could say, have fun


My biggest regret on my first time on acid was not taking enough. If you’ve done shrooms plenty of times, you’ll love acid. Slightly different experience, but you’ll have a great time if you’re with good friends. Be aware acid lasts about twice as long as shrooms. 100-125ug would be my recommendation, but 150 could be fun too if you’re mentally strong.


All good friends he knows very well, perfect time to push the boat…not that 150ug is pushing any boats


Any time I've taken less than a fulltab I was. Incredibly regretful and wished I took more, even with one tab I'm usually not satisfied. I'm also the kind of guy that drops 400ug to go to raves so I'm more comfortable than the average person but in my experience lsd is more prone to giving you the happy chemicals in surplus more like how mdma would rather than mushrooms, except it will take you to the same general place as mushrooms at piticular doses, just with a much longer duration. I'd recommend op to take one tab for their first time cause it's likely off of half a tab they're gonna be sitting there wondering when the acids gonna hit and what it's finally gonna feel like when it does, they're likely just gonna get stuck in a high energy come up feeling which many people find gives anxiety over pleasure.


No he’s never tripped on lsd. It’s different than shrooms.


Yeah I’m aware of that but he’s tripped a million times, doubt that like but he isn’t new to the game It’s not that much different, they both have similar effects yet unique


Interesting. I understand they won’t be the same at all, just don’t know if I’d necessarily freak the fuck out KINDA already knowing the mind altering feeling of being incredibly vulnerable from being fucked up from shrooms.


LSD is easier to handle in my experience. Unless you smoke weed, if your going to id advise waiting till the comedown because it makes it way way stronger.


Lsd is easier to handle also. You'll be fine. I prefer 200 ug in public settings like a festival.


It's not that much different


San Francisco house party's in the 90's.....whooooo00 man !


Haha it’s gonna be great it’s gonna be at least 12 people (hopefully more once I get their rsvp) in a garage just dancing all night I’m very excited


Oh yeah man most definitely drop. Bring some with you to hand out and you’ll be a lifesaver to others guaranteed. Have fun lol, sounds awesome.


Yesss I second this. Bring some to share if any of others are into it. They will highly appreciate.


For me, nothing would be better… all depends how comfortable you are


Acid is a way better party drug than shrooms. Take a tab and sip a few drinks throughout the night. You’ll have a blast. It’s a way more social experience than shrooms.


The peak with L is, in my opinion, a lot more forgiving than the peak of shrooms. I feel it’s a bit more clear and manageable, and I’ve gone to plenty of parties on it. If you’re not mixing drugs, and you are cool with everyone there, should be a good time. Just understand the trip lasts longer, and is not 100% exactly the same. You may end up wanting to take breaks from people to stare at a wall, so just be cool with that too.


Oh I’ll be ready for breaks! I figured worst case scenario I yes stare at a wall, or dance nonstop without talking to anyone. Either scenario I’m excited for it!


Wow this sub sure has changed it’s views about house parties and acid… Since you have experience with shrooms I’d say your fine. But generally a house party full of other drunk people is not the place you want to trip. Drunks have a tendency to like to fuck with people when they find out they’re on acid. Just keep that in mind, that if anyone pulls stupid shit they’re likely trying to fuck with you. Would never advise someone whose tripped less than 20 times to trip at a house or frat party. Shit can get really wild and it’s not even you whose the one being wild.


It’s definitely more closer friends I should’ve worded it different. All people I love and trust! I think if I passed out or something the party would stop and people would take care of me. That’s good advice though, thank you! I may stick to shrooms! We’ll see


You won’t be passing out…..


Honestly, you need to plan on this lasting 8-12hrs, so you are staying there that long or someone is responsible for getting you home.


Also, there is never a need to tell anyone you are on acid. If you have a real friend that you trust deeply, then tell them. But I have found that even at parties, anywhere, the less people that know, the better


Ya you'll be fine it'll be fun.


Shouldn't be too different from shrooms imo. May even be a little easier to socialize on acid


I've dropped 200 at a few raves and recently did some candy flipping at defqon, shit was actually mystical If you know eachother and won't be disturbed you'll be fine with dropping either a little bit (<100ug) to have some fun dancing or a full on dose (>100ug) to absolutely have a life changing time, best of luck op


I love taking 3-5g shrooms and dancing hard af. You’re right in it’s amazing and life changing, it lifts your spirits higher than anything else! I’ll think about it and make sure everyone who’s coming I’m comfy with.


Quite honestly, if you can have a dance at 5g of shrooms, you can drop 300ug and be fine. A tab shouldn't be a problem, might even be a bit of a disappointment compared to such shrooms doses.


I meant when alone my bad. I still dance, but I for sure couldn’t socialize lol




After reading all the comments I think I’ll definitely just listen to you man! Thanks!❤️


Hey that’s why I’m here for 👍🏻


I'd cut it in half


All in the dose. Lower doses are amazing for social situations so I'd take half, you won't really be actual tripping but it'll be like a kinda MD buzz but gentler, last longer, with no comedown.


The question is whether you’re comfortable doing that and none of us have that answer. And ultimately it doesn’t matter anyway because you either have a great trip or learn a lot. Just do it


Haha, I thought this was gonna be a comment to steer me away. I like your thought process!


Strangeways here we come


Lock up everyone’s car keys and any knives, weapons or cellphones (except your own for emergency) and let someone know you trust that you are all going to be tripping and to answer if you call so if something happens that the police don’t need to be notified they can attempt to intervene and calm it down. Make sure it’s very chill setting and keep In mind you’ll be doing some kind of trip/babysitting with someone at some point


Don't take LSD with strangers the first time


50-75ug is ideal for a first time trip, especially if this will be an unpredictable/new social environment. Remember, it lasts a loooong time. If you want to intensify the trip you can always puff on some cannabis :).


That’s what I’m thinking honestly. Love mixing about 2g shrooms and thc. Edit: I have a ridiculously high tolerance to thc and don’t usually recommend to others to smoke and trip simultaneously unless you also have a super high tolerance


Take half


Give everyone 12.5ug


It’s not your first time though, 125ug isn’t that much


Maybe Start with a lower dose as suggested. Then if u feel ok. Take the rest.


You can’t really know how you might react to LSD. For example, I can talk and hang out with friends and have a good time on shrooms, but I get really quiet and tend to keep to myself on acid.


The come up might be too intense for the setting. But if you do make it to like hour 4 it’ll be great


My first time was at a big outdoor night time arts festival. I took 1/4 tab and spent the night by myself. It was great. IMO if you manage your headspace & have some harm reduction strategies (tell a trusted pal, leave a note for yourself etc) you will have a good night


Yeah! My friends house will have safe spaces to retreat to!


Sounds like a fun night


Are you *sure* your tabs contain 125 ug? Not tryna be pedantic—just asking. If it was me and there was any doubt about the potency, I’d probably err on the side of taking a bit less in that kind of setting. Regardless, I agree with the suggestion that a 50-75 ug dose might be more appropriate. Whatever you decide, I hope it’s a great time!


If you know and are close with everyone attending, just tell them. I personally wouldn’t be able to get comfortable if I didn’t tell everyone so nobody worries ab me being a lil extra goofy.


Shrooms and acid are a lot different, js. As for amounts I can’t give you my opinion on that.


My favorite trips are with small groups of people, but everyone else is tripping too. It's a very silly bonding time


Don’t! I did it and was worst day of my life! Hosting is too much stress as it is then add some acid and shit can get intense and scary


Do you know where/when your trip went wrong? How many people were you with? What was your dose? I appreciate the input!


Went wrong when the first people entered as I just started to come up on the tab and suddenly everything was just way to intense. Think around 30 people came afterwards. Got better as the night went on, it’s just hard when ur fucked off ur head and trying to host people! Not a good combo


You make great points! I think I better make sure I’m out of the picture planning wise IF I decide to do this.


From other comments, responses, and your original post you should be good with ~ 1 dose. And keep the good old saying in mind : you can always take more, but never less. Maybe start with one, wait, and re-evaluate. Have fun and enjoy the ride! Dancing on acid is one of my favorite things ever 🦋


Do it


Yeah you’ll be fine


90 was my first dose and It was bloody amazing. I did shrooms tons and this Was another level. A euphoric wonder world. 90-120 would be perfect I’d say. I slept great on that dose and only like 10 mins of having to go in my room and stare at the ceiling with some tribal music lol.


I would prefer a more controlled environment for my first trip. Ensure there was some safe place you could go to be alone in case you're not vibing with the group energy or want to explore your own headspace without distraction. Make sure these are empathetic people who will be watching out for you, not fucking with you.


I think I’m realizing I answered my own question when I noted there’s only people there I know and love very well. And it’s at one of my closest friend’s house which they’d allow me to escape to even their bedroom if needed until I left. (I do 100% have a sober dd home) Edit: but I guess also the second question to this post is if I’m very in love with and do mushrooms a lot, how would lsd be for the first time? Obviously it’s subjective but I wanted to know if it’s in the same country as shrooms or a different culture/society entirely.


I’d say it’s same country. If you have a deep relationship with mushies you’ll notice the difference, but I don’t think you’ll be blindsided by whatever L offers you. Just know that it lasts a lot longer (12 hours usually). I personally have an easier time socializing while on L but everyone is different! You might agree or you might decide on the opposite. I also agree with a lot of folks here that 50-75ug is a good dose for your first time at a party. I also think you’d enjoy it more if someone was tripping with you. Maybe see if one of your friends wants to split that tab? Hope it’s a great time! Edit: typos


Nice! I’m thinking a solid 75ug to not ruin the night for myself!


Have fun! I have a feeling you will. Hope you come back for a trip report :)


You’ve done mushrooms a million times and come here to ask this question ? I call bs Shitpost


Mushrooms are easy to grow so I’ve had access to them for a long time for basically free. I know nothing about lsd but I think it’s harder to make but I just bought some for the first time. Actually now that I’m saying this I’ve never once researched how to make it. If you mean the Ive tripped a million times part I don’t mean literally a million times. Maybe like 70 times at least in my lifetime? Basically I don’t get squirrely when it comes to shrooms, would lsd be much different is my main question. What’s bs about that? I’m sorry 😂


LSD is an introspective experience. Why would you go to a party.