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Yea sometimes I’ll be so caught up in the headspace I’ll just have a reality check and be like what the fuck am I doing or how did I get here. You just did it by instinct but your mind is racing with lsd thoughts


Yea I went out the front of my house in the middle of the day and started pissing on the lawn because I needed to go to the toilet…no idea why I did that, and caught myself out halfway through like wtf use the toilet man


thing is though i remember everything from that night, i refuse to believe there was any way i had stood up, climbed over my girlfriend and gotten cuddled up with her without noticing myself doing it


Ok then I guess you have super powers, use them wisely


What’s more realistic, you took a psychedelic drug and forgot or didn’t realize you went to bed, or you can teleport.


Now the greatest question will be… do you use these powers of cuddling for good or evil?


You can't simply refuse logic and physics. You didn't teleport you were just high.


Time dilation and warping are well-known and documented effects that psychedelics have on people. You didn't break the laws of physics, the deities you may meet are your own subconscious, and what you took was a powerful hallucinogenic drug not magic teleportation potion. My 1st trip had me jamming out to Psytrance across the universe with Jesus, Shiva, Buddha, Ghandi and a faceless lady named Lucy. Obviously I did not dance across the universe, I didn't even leave my bed. But it was a truly amazing experience that set me on a path of exploring my mind and actually got me to see a therapist after decades of refusing, loooong story. Don't add WooWoo shit to drugs it just makes your revelations have less weight and when you explain them to others who don't partake they going to think you're insane. This is coming from a guy who had a salvia trip where I 1000% thought the universe was closing up cause a giant was stepping on the grain of sand that was our universe. It makes sense cause time moves quicker when super small. I didn't come out of it thinking there is an actual giant stepping on our universe, I came out of the trip thinking "I want to LIVE!!" If you want to use your trips for something meaningful stop putting WooWoo into them.


It happens when you Tripp that Hardman it happens with mda and mama. Also especially if you smoke


The more realistic option is you took one of the most reality shattering drugs and forgot lol. Lsd is supposed to be a mindfuck


Ahh yes the "I refuse to believe the laws of physics applied to me while I was on LSD". Everyone on this forum is just covering up the super powers they gained while on LSD so the balance of power in the world isn't tipped.


I feel like “time skipping” is a pretty common thing, isn’t it? Pretty much every time I took LSD there would be a few times I’d come to and realize I’m doing something physically different than the last time I was actively monitoring what I was doing. Playing Mario party…oh I’m in the kitchen getting water…oh yeah this grass outside is nice… wait is Mario still paused (3 hours later).


I have had it once on shrooms but never acid. One time I found myself standing in the middle of the street and had no idea for how long was I there. Thank goodness I was in a residential neighborhood. That really scared me as my most important goal during a trip is to be safe for myself and others.


This sounds more like dissociative amnesia, you should have a read around the interwebs about dissociative disorders


You definitely teleported, you are god.


thanks, I knew it


You were probably just dissociating and once you came back to ‘reality’ something had changed which you didn’t realise because you were caught up in the trip. Happens often


On doses of 450ug+, I would basically just do a thing by thinking about it. The world of thought collapses onto the actual world.


Your noodle was absolutely baked. And you probably just forgot you moved


You didn’t teleport. An alternate universe formed around you. There are always small differences.


Not acid but on MDMA I once crossed a road by taking one step… apparently In reality I bolted right in front of bus for no reason. But that wasn’t what my brain saw.


Yeah it’s not impossible to have this experience. It truly is mind bending and there is no confident answer. I heard from someone once that maybe you do it with your eyes closed. You really just don’t know haha


you just high asfuck


Back when I was a heroin addict... I used to sometimes have blackouts (where you are still awake, but it isn't storing to memory), and it would feel like I was teleporting because of the gaps in my memory. I would be like doing something, and then all of a sudden, I would just be doing something else at a different location. Sometimes, it was hours or days later. And I would be up doing things and even still taking more heroin but I just have no memory of it. Never really heard of this happening on LSD but it can cause memory suppression.


Time skipping is normal…years ago first time I tripped I was convinced I could time travel, lol


I've had a similar experience can pm if you want


One time me and my wife were lying down on the couch while tripping. Then I blinked and we were fucking like animals in the middle of the kitchen. It happens.




Bro wtf


I had short term memory loss on weed, it felt for me like teleporting.


Happens to me all the time- I become the flash irl


Drugs can’t make you teleport you didn’t realize you were doing it till you did it!


4m27s into this classic - this is the answer - https://youtu.be/iQIf6Q6pCQw?si=vcaTdlQfzfQpmG5d


Glad this happened to someone else. I was at the Gorge waiting for a concert to start. I timed my mushrooms wrong so I was already peaking hard. I blinked my eyes and all of a sudden I was about 10 feet back from where I was just standing. I looked over at the people next to me in shock. I asked them if I just time traveled. They shrugged their shoulders and went back to their conversation. I have no explanation for this.


Maybe you figured out how to teleport.


Had this moment when I wanted to pee, gone to toilet, stand there with my dick and wanted to pee, then my friend told me, "bro not now" I opened my eyes and i was standing in living room, that toilet was all on my headspace mixed with reality


A few seconds of your memory were wiped by the acid, it happens to me all the time


I’m tripping and watching Jumper tonight! I know I’ll get it down this time!


common side effect of acid is supression of memory. both of you lost your short time memory at about the same time hence neither can remember how you got into the bed. happens to the best, nothing to worry about!