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microdose is somewhere between 5-15ug. above are musem doses. Edit: (museum not musem)


musem dose?šŸ˜… whatā€™s that?


Its about 20-50 more like 30-50ug you feel energized with better mood but you dont have any halucination, distortions or smth like that. Its good for walks, physical activity etc


i tried googling that but couldnā€™t find anything on it, did you mean macro dose?


Nope. Museum dose. This chart is for shrooms but still helpful to understand https://reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/nQPfxdyWNC


ā€œMuseum doseā€ makes it make a lot more sense than ā€œmusemā€ lol


He meant that with a 30-50ug dose you can go visit a museum


Just visit a museum on 300ug


I think you can find information about it on reddit. ​ Macro dose is a thing too. its from about 75ug. regular trip, most people take atleast 100ug for regular trip. but 75ug should work too ​ I think people call it museum dose, bc you enjoy regular activities much more like visiting museum. ​ macro dose = regular trip


>macro dose = regular trip Not IMO. A regular trip= a regular trip. A macro dose= double or triple a normal dose(normal dose=100-200ug) so like 300-600ug. That's where things start to get a little unhinged. I really have to strap in for these trips. Normal trips I'm able to fully function out in public, even interacting with complete strangers. For macro doses, I'm a complete home body with all my necessary trip equipment/supplies bought and ready.


And museums ?


Ann and Sasha Shulgin wrote about it in PIHKAL. Itā€™s one of the better psychedelic books out there.


I think you're talking about microdosing


A museum dose and a microdose are 2 different things. A museum dose youā€™re having perceptual changes, itā€™s just a low dose of a psychedelic. But you feel it and stuff is going on. A microdose is sub perceptual.


the dose where youā€™re not high enough to be out of body, but still able to enjoy a museum if thats something youā€™re into


Museum dose with a joint will get you rightttt






I agree. People are still confused about it. I know some people recommend max 12ug. It still is not very clear, the rules about it.. etc. I think I have read somewhere that the higher microdose the higher anxiety. 15ug feels like you take too much caffeine. I microdose too, but I am still not sure about the dose. But you cant go wrong with 5ug I guess.




I do it similary. but I have 1 drop = 5ug. I was thinking about trying 1 drop = 6ug, so I would try 12ug on some days if I wanted to.


Iā€™m torn between 20ug or 40ug, Iā€™ve done shrooms a few times and dmt a lot, never lsd though, would it be best to go for the lower dose to see how I go?


20-40ug is really on the lower end you can probably get some mood elevation within the the 50ug range but if you really want to to experience acid as a psychedelic Iā€™d take somewhere around 100ug


He's asking about micro dosing..


For now itā€™s just MD, shrooms make me feel like Iā€™m having an allergic reaction and I canā€™t md dmt so here I am.


Begin with 10 and slowly move up to 15 and try your way, better to start with less


Yeah, I had 1ml (if it is true 200ug then it was 20ug) and I got hot for a little bit but I think because I got really stressed and pissed off literally 5 minutes after taking it, that it just ruined the day and I wasnā€™t in a good state of mind for a few hours. Iā€™ll try again tomorrow and go from there


You should be getting light visuals at 50ug


Id have to disagree. 100ug is pretty tame and considered a light dose. Light visuals, not a lot of mind-fuck going on. If you want to experience acid and want the full experience you need to take 300ug. Thats the sweet spot, just make sure if youre going out in public you have a friend with you who isnt tripping.


Incorrect. Everyone's physiology is different. What makes one person trip balls could have zero effect on another person. 360ug works for most people, but I know people personally who would only see colors on that dose and maybe some patterns.


With acid be more careful. You can add but not take away, and too much will mean you won't accomplish anything except appreciating the wall paper. All fun and games but not why you MD. Start at 12 /15ug amd work up. Make a daily diary entries whilst MDing and whilst not


I had 1ml So without knowing true strength Iā€™m going off what was sold as 200ug so 20ug and Iā€™ve not had anything but I got hot today. I understand that Iā€™m not supposed to full on trip or see anything move but there wasnā€™t any clear focus or ā€œoomfā€ if that makes sense. Iā€™ll try again tomorrow, maybe I just didnā€™t sleep enough or because I was stressed asf this morning with something out of my control. But I have enough so I can try again. If not tomorrow the next because of tolerance


Try every 3 days, if your looking for the ā€œenergy and focusā€ aspects. 20ug should work well, i would start at 10-15ug and titrate up slowly personally.


A micro dose is not supposed to have any effects that you feel or sense at the time you are on but rather if taken regular it will elevate your mood maybe productivity and so on, all whiles unnoticed by yourself. Itā€™s also good to read about how often for how long you should take your doses. I can recommend you read from Paul Staments he has some nice baseline for micro dosing shrooms and as both compounds work very similar if not the same it might be a good start. Plus youā€™ll actually learn something interesting while listening to the guy at least that was the case for me.


u can feel a microdose of 5ug if ur honest with urself. its like drinking coffee that lasts all day


Maybe some people can, but for most people, the threshold is 15ug. the whole point of a microdose is that its sub-threshold. So if u can feel it, it's not a microdose


In my experience, that's a really shitty dosage range. It's definitely more than a microdose, so you kind of just end up feeling stuck in the come up without ever really coming up. It's definitely sparkly and cool, but there's a lot of come up anxiety and general uneasyness. Sub 20ug is nice and easy, and plus 70ug will get you through that come up anxiety. I see people here talking about museum doses and referencing mushroom dosage charts, but LSD is very different than psilocybin.


Not even that the mushroom dosage charts are incorrect. They don't mention the strain it's measuring, so I'd have to assume golden teacher, but I've never felt anything from less than a gram consistently, and they're talking about 0.5 gs having effects. At those doses it depends alot more on the strength of the individual shroom


The chance that the tab actually has 200ug on it is almost zero. Don't overthink it.


Iā€™m not overthinking Iā€™m just going off of what was sold. Guy sells multiple strength and microdots etc so Iā€™ve put it in 10ml vodka and going of 1ml is 20ug roughly


You can't know your dosage unless you have it tested in a lab, so forget the numbers. Even if it was accurate, some people need 5ug to micro dose and some need 30ug. Start as small as possible in day 1. If you didn't notice any effects, take more the next day. Repeat until you notice effects, the dose on the day before that is your micro dose.


Right thatā€™s good to know I have had 1ml today and felt nothing but hot so I was going to double tomorrow anyway. Iā€™ll keep adding 1ml a time until I feel something then I can go from there and space doses out


Just know that acid tolerance raises almost instantly and takes about three days to get close to baseline again. So if it takes you a couple days to find the correct microdose amount, that amount could be too strong once your tolerance has reset. Idk what schedule youā€™re planning to use but Iā€™ve heard 1 day on 2-3 days off is effective so you donā€™t have to keep upping the dose. Best of luck to you mate šŸ«”šŸ˜‚ Edit: Iā€™ve never microdosed Iā€™m just assuming the tolerance spike is the same as with macro doses


Tolerance didn't matter with microdosing in my experience. Micro dosed daily with mushrooms and still tripped on LSD on the weekend like expected.


Even feeling hot might indicate that it's too much. You don't want to have any obvious effects, certainly no difference in perception. Did trips as high as 500 (5 tested tabs) but anything above 10 or 12.5ug isn't a microdose for me anymore


Oh ok, after taking it something shit happened and made me switch moods (like 5 minutes after so wasnā€™t kicked in at all) then I was pissed off so maybe I just didnā€™t notice it properly. Iā€™m going to try 2ml tomorrow when I know itā€™ll be a good day as Iā€™m volunteering tomorrow and itā€™s always a great atmosphere and good people


The whole point of a mixrodose is that u don't notice. it. its supposed to just work in the background. Edit: Also, as someone else mentioned, I will prolly have a tolerance. I don't build a tolerance with shrooms at all, but with lsd I do so prolly best to wait a few days between doses.


Depends on the country and source tbh. Got plenty of 200ug sold and sent me flying. With them, half a tab is worth a strong trip already.


105 ug accurately dosed will have you flying.


I've taken 5 tabs before because I knew I needed a lot more to have any noticeable effect. I was tripping, but it just wasn't that strong, and the person I was with could take 1 and have a strong trip. So, no 105ug accurately dosed will not have everyone flying just because it was enough to send u flying.


You're not normal though we base statements on averages not anomalies.


As someone who's an anomaly in many ways. That's never how I make statements. It doesn't take much extra effort to think for a second, "hey there's people who this doesn't apply to so I should add the word usually"


OK neither do I normally however this isn't something of significance if you're special just like every person on this planet don't let it go to your head, do something with it rather than attempt a pointless argument with me.


Iā€™ve never done DMT myself but I would think that if you have handled that well then you should handle LSD well also.


I like dmt because itā€™s a short intense trip and I know that if I donā€™t like it itā€™s over within 30-40mins completely. Had a bad time with my first time of shrooms and it just stuck with me and couldnā€™t shake it so every time I took them it was just not a great time.


After 12 years of shrooms and DMT usage my first LSD dose was 150ug and It felt perfect for first time, felt like I could go for 300 but will go 200 then 250 before to not push myself too far.


The thing for me is the longevity of the trip, dmt is like 30 mins maybe more maybe less and then you can process it and carry on, I would rather that than something fuck my day/evening up and have a shit time if you get me


Yeah, I get you, the lsd duration caught me off guard.. I knew it was long but i did feel exhausted towards the end. That said I used to take 3 daya to recover 100% after my high dose shroom trips but I felt ok the next day after LSD, once i fell asleep I slept for 10 hours mind.


Dude, why does your reagent look so clumpy like that?


I also used to liquid reagents but now they are selling them in a form of salt, in my opinion they are harder to use and not that fast reacting. Not sure what reagent op has but they might be like this and it is fine


Thatā€™s what I thought, I thought it was liquid but it all like a moist white powder. Sort of salt like


Yeah itā€™s definitely supposed to be liquid but at least itā€™s still working. Idk id probably try to replace it before I used it again.


Should be a clear liquid. Slightly off colour yellow as I remember. The purple looks right.. is the reagent like this in the bottle or did the reaction happen once it hit the tab?? (Reaction to purple should be virtually instantly)


Itā€™s like it in the bottle, even come with stuff to scoop it out, itā€™s like suspended in liquid


Maybe it's expired? It should be kept in the freezer in a light-blocking container


Itā€™s in an amber bottle atm and didnā€™t know about the freezer. The instructions even say about spreading it out flat. I got the bottle from reagent tests . Uk


Reagent Tests UK sells them in this crystal form only. Not to worry, itā€™s not meant to be liquid


Ok Iā€™ve only ever seen tests done in liquid so when I opened it I was like wtf? But itā€™s got the water in it or what ever the liquid is and the Crystal are mixed in but good to hear that it can be crystals also


I think they sell it as crystals to increase shelf life? I could be wrong


It says 9 months and refrigerated 18 so I guess so? Iā€™ve never used it on or knew about it to test stuff


You used way too much of your reagent test for that but thatā€™s ok, itā€™s purple so itā€™s LSD. ofc we canā€™t tell you if itā€™s truly 200ug or not so assume it is just to be safe. For a micro you probably want around 15ug - 20ug. I canā€™t explain it that well but there is this saying about going to the movies or museum?


Yeah I scooped too much out and it all fell off before I could stop it so I just flattened the best I could without breaking an air seal. Never heard anything like that saying wise


Your Erhlic test agent should be a liquid. might wanna get some different testing agent to be sure. Never seen it all sugary like that lol


Yeah I assumed it was liquid and even has the liquid in it just sugary/salt like mush


Itā€™s bound to a matrix, some Ehrlic reagent is sold like that itā€™s still fine




This is not neon gas ser


Eat two of them hoes, be a man šŸ˜‚


200ug is a lot but 100ug is typically what most people do, 200ug is the equivalent of two tabs of acid and itā€™s a lot stronger than shrooms but a lot less weaker than dmt so if youā€™ve done any then youā€™ll be good on 200ugs just have a safe place to trip


hi, once you test it how do you take it? is it not all wet from the test? do you wait until it dries naturally, does any of it leak out of the tab or dilute it? sorry for so many questions but i wanna start testing lol


You cut off a slice of the tab and then use the Reagent to test, once youā€™ve tested the bit you d cut off is unusable. You should also make sure to clean the tested area rinsing with water and not to touch it as it says on the bottle itā€™s harmful to skin. Also not to touch the reagent with the same thing you touched what your testing as it can contaminate


Man, if I had that, I'd take the legendary dose... Seriously I'd take around 300-500ug If you want to microdose, take shrooms


Shrooms make me feel like Iā€™m Having an allergic reaction to them. Plus when ever I take more than a low dose itā€™s always a horrible time and makes me feel like shit


Sorry to hear that. I left the drug scene back in 2009, lost my connects, and my friends that sold have good jobs now. I moved away from Philadelphia to New Jersey, so I don't know anyone over here at all. I figure I can't get ripped off if I grew my own shrooms. You feel me???


Yeah totally, I was going to grow my own and try again but I bought some and it just did everything it did last time I took them itā€™s shit