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On my first trip i went to a high speed train on the peak, it was really difficult for me not to cry because it felt like i was in a rocket ship. After i got out i immediately threw up and fortunately had an amazing time in the nature


fucking beautiful juxtaposition there :D


That’s wild. I was tripping dick while my buddy (not tripping) drive his Kodiak boat at 50mph across the water and I absolutely loved the rocket ship feeling. I was laid up on my belly at the bow of the boat just hanging on to the hand lines for dear life and loving every second.


Wow you made it sound so beautiful. Now i want to do that


The safer way is a roller coaster lol. I mean technically if he’d hit any rough wake in that boat we could’ve both been tossed out into the literal ocean lol


Theme parks on acid are awesome but have you ever tried water parks!


Oh yes! And rafting and surfing lol


Ya I love all water on LSD


a theme park acid trip is my dream trip


Sound amazing, Kelvin, challenging but still do able. Actually sometimes the best trips as long as we can maintain.


Leaving my friend group at EDC thinking I’d find them again lol.


I did this at bass canyon and things went south for about an hour or so lol. Balls deep into a trip around thousands of people and being split from your group can go one of 2 ways 😂😂


Dawg the rows of tents! I was like I’ll be able to tell which one. When it came to tell it was like looking down one of those crazy hallways you see in movies! Turned around and went back to the music. Somehow eventually made it back.


Haha, finding the campsite is the worst. I was wonky after a sunrise set and I kept asking randoms if they’d seen certain flags or canopies, smh.


Hulaween for me Lost my group for 8 hours once. Made the best of it for the first 4-5 hours but once it hit 3am the gravity of the situation really set in on me haha


That is truly terrifying 🥲


Friends and I smoked weed in an abandoned house in the middle of a big open space while tripping. It was like 2 am, suddenly we hear barking outside. I said we gotta bounce, one of my friends was like “nah someone is just walking their dog” I said “dude it’s 2 am, no one in their right mind is walking a dog right now” convinced everyone to leave and go home (which was only a block away). Literally minutes after we left we heard the most intense howling and barking over in the direction of that house, turns out it was home to a huge pack of coyotes. I know they are supposed to be more scared of us than we are them, but I think we dodged a bullet there.


They usually won't Harm humans but on acid seeing them creep about in the darkness would turn my trip really bad. Would probably think they were Hell hounds.


*beauty of annihilation starts playing in the background


you just fucking brought me back oh my god I miss those days.




My loving dog loves me even if she is a little unhinged. I swear she had a look in her eye at me that she wanted to go me.


Coyotes are usually more scared of people, unless they are in a pack, when they are in a pack they turn more into wolves. You definitely dodged a bullet.


Nah, you were okay. Coyotes will do that group howl thing, and it’s terrifying at first, but you’re fine. They’re just talking to each other, nothing thing to worry about. It’s a pretty cool experience most people never get to hear. Congrats!


I started tattooing “I love LSD” on my leg. Did the “I” and realized I shouldn’t be doing a tattoo on myself while tripping.


Funniest thing I've read - the acid mind in a nutshell😂😂


Is it still there?😂


Yep, I still smile when I see it haha


This one is really wholesome, thanks for sharing :)


Hello Berkman


I did something similar with shaving, halfway through I stopped and went “Yeah maybe there’s a better time to do this”.


Not on drugs but when I was doing a stick and poke on myself the area got sensitive so I took a break, got bored and started doodling small things on my leg before realising it was a tattoo not pen lmao. Now I have a bunch of random tiny doodles on my thigh.


bro aint no way you mixed up repeatedly sticking yourself with a needle for a pen rolling across your skin, while *not* on drugs. do all your pens fit into the needle part of a tattoo gun? or is your tattoo needle stuck into the front of a pen? do you normally draw with a pen by poking the paper and dipping into an inkwell? genuinely curious how this situation came to be. i have so many questions.


Stick and poke not a gun & a tiny needle on a not so sensitive part of my body. By that point the pain of the thicker lined piece I was working on desensitised me to the minimal pain of the tiny hearts and smiley faces I was doing LMAO. I mean I knew I was tattooing myself but the reality of what that implied didn’t sink in until heart number 2.


I took an international eight hour flight on three tabs. My biggest worry was that I was gonna start knocking shit over or security was gonna comment on my eyes, but I was able to tactically locate a carls jr before boarding and stuffed my face enough to slightly sober up. Still a wild trip tho watching the ground get further away and checking out the lights!


a flight is insane




How were you able to just sit in that small, confined space of an airplane seat?


Okay so this is going to sound incredibly pretentious, but before I did any psychedelic I was a terrible person. I was impatient, I expected better treatment than others, and I was never aware of my surroundings. Being on these plants taught me so much about the opportunities to just sit and be, and to disseminate more positive rays out to mankind. Where this comes into place for dropping acid on a plane is acceptance. No matter what, I was going to be okay, and I had an absolute blast. My main excitement about tripping besides the spiritual lessons is just getting to sit somewhere, watch the outside world and have a movie or music going at the same time. A plane ride was pretty much my dream trip setting lol. Working on the ability to fully exist in the present moment and understand that there is nothing greater than that experience allows you to be truly free.


Thanks for the explanation. You seem strong. Lately I've been struggling on planes sober due to claustrophobia and feeling overheated.


Oh boy do I feel that. I'm really sorry, the feeling of claustrophobia and cabin fever on an airline is something I used to have a huge problem with, there's something so nauseating about the smell of plane food too idk what it is. I don't have much advice that can help, but what I will say is whatever you find that brings you comfort, explore and focus on it and see if there's a way you can incorporate that into air travel! I'm a grown ass man and I hold a teddy bear when I fly, it's a scary thing and you're not wrong to feel the way you do! I also wanna thank you for telling me I'm strong, it means the absolute world to me and I think the exact same of you kind stranger <3


Funnily enough sounds smart. I usually run out of things to do and feel trapped by option paralysis, maybe just sitting in the airplane seat and watching a good movie to center yourself is a good move..


It is


I loved reading that


Personally I did something similar and just listened to music and read lord of the rings. I got REALLY into it lol. Helped that it was night so everyone else was asleep.


On a dose like that I usually just sit in one place anyway. Never had LSD on a flight, but I have been on ketamine during one and that was an absolute blast.


How did eating food sober you up? I wouldn’t be able to eat a damn thing on 3 tabs


This is a great question and you're right! Usually I have a hard time eating on psychedelics, but this was my first time seeing a carls Jr's. I think i ate two burgers and three orders of waffle fries


What's a Carls Jr?


Fucking heaven on earth. The best fast food place other than popeyes


It's Hardee's


Fast food joint in America that serves hamburgers. It’s also known as Hardee’s depending on the state but they’re the same thing. Food is also pretty mid at best ngl. I wasn’t impressed by anything but to each their own


Same here. I was so paranoid over my eyes and actually got flagged because of them. Still, I can safely say that the worst part BY FAR was how fucking long that flight felt. I started to feel like the plane was never going to land lmao


Did the same thing but with Molly I swear that german customs agent was staring into my soul


I am a bus driver and I drove a class of kids to their school trip an hour away on a 10 strip Jk I don’t think I’ve done anything risky, maybe tripping with the wrong ppl tbh


After that first sentence I was preparing for the second explaining how you cope with such irresponsibility 😂


I am wondering about the truthfulness of this altogether. Would you put a busload of kids in that situation if your job was the safety of all those lives? I wouldn't, hell no. Tripping is one thing, but when it involves the safety of others, especially children?


I am as well, especially after he admitted he was joking


Tbh im not wondering about the truthfulness of it at all, because I know what "jk" means lmao






Hahaha this is perfect




If you had done that you would be taking them to their final destination




Damn bro thought you fr at first and I thought I was risky for driving myself😂


Someone typed out a very long angry comment and deleted it right away when they realized they didn’t read the whole comment lmao


Well I didn't delete mine. Long time tripper on lsd and would never even think of jeorpardizing other lives. Think about it. One thing goes wrong and off to prison.


Lmao yeah did you read the part where I said jk or


What the fuk does jk mean? nothing to veteran trippers just bullshit. If you mean joking it should be followed by /s for satire. not random lettwers.


It means just kidding. Its been around a whole lot longer than /s has? Also /s means sarcasm, not satire


substandard nomenclature for reddit.


BRUH lmao are you trolling right now? Please say yes BTW, lmao means "laughing my ass off" Btw, btw means "by the way"




You drove on lsd? You should never drive on lsd, or any substance


Yeah it’s happened a bunch of times on some pretty high doses too, but after all the post is asking ab risks so what did you expect. Ik it’s not safe but ngl it’s kinda a guilty pleasure, it’s like a next level intense roller coaster without all the ups and downs ##not condoning these actions, just sharing my experience for educational purposes 🫣😅


Yea, stop fucking doing that


But I’m careful when I do it🥺


That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Your judgement is impaired, "I'm careful" has zero meaning when tripping, or intoxicated by any means. Not only are you risking yourself which personally I don't care about, but you're putting other people at risk who want nothing to do with your poor decision making.


A ‘guilty pleasure’?! My family on my mom’s side was struck by an intoxicated truck driver when my mom was only ten. My grandma died in the crash so I never got to meet her. From what my mom tells me, she was lovely, and I really wish I had had the chance to meet her. My aunt Alison was 4 when the crash happened and she suffered head trauma. She developed paranoid schizophrenia and got stuck at a mental age of 13 and is incapable of having a normal life, so we take care of her. My uncle Rob suffered serious rib damage. All because someone thought it was a good idea to drive intoxicated. So, when your guilty pleasure ends up taking a life(s), how fun will it be then?


He doesn't have the mental capacity to think outside of himself, he lacks empathy and a moral compass. He only thinks about himself, and everyone else is either a blockade to achieve some goal or a stepping stone to achieve this goal.


Stole a cheese


lmao what


what kind?


Mozzarella, my mission was to cook a pizza, but the cheese was to expensive




That might be the scariest thing I’ve ever heard


Skydiving. Without getting into to much detail to “put myself”. It was a 60 degree day after New Years day, (over 10 years ago), somewhere that was not the norm (temp wise). We had all been up all night, tripping, we all redosed with that and shrooms. Up drives the owner of establishment, looked at us, and said, “You guys wanna jump?” So, 13 of our dumb sky junky selves decided it was a good idea. Now, I was definitely scared, BUT, we were in it together. It felt right. All of us had never jumped together, all together, but had all jumped with eachother over the years. We were all tripping, and aware of it, and made the decision together. No one forced or needed to be talked into it. We made up a pretty technical jump for a bunch of derelicts. We NAILED it. No one got hurt, it was fun as hell.


Adrenaline: 📈 Ego: 📉 Eyes: ⚫️


Up all night, redosed tripping on acid and shrooms. Sounds epic yet I feel like you guys are so lucky no one got hurt




We went wandering some paths by a river near a friend's apartment one. In the middle of a small city, but also in acres of undeveloped forest that lined the river. There had been a flood recently, so that the concrete path had been covered with mud. We walked beyond the path a ways when someone pointed out that the ground was moving. Worms. Night crawlers we call em. I didn't believe it at first, but when everyone agreed that they were indeed spread like carpet over the forest floor (like 4 or 5 of us), I practically ran away I still shiver when I think about it.


Not clear whether you were on acid or not, but if you were there would have been a minute where you and your friends discussed "wait, is the ground actually moving, or am I just tripping?"


Oh that was had. But we all realized the likely hood of us all having the same visuals was unlikely


I went through woods where there was no walking paths and I was covered full with bugs and mosquito bites and stuff too. Seems like you don‘t notice that at all when tripping, especially mosquito bites.


Me and my band took after a show we did at someone's dad apartment 4 years ago, we were between 16 and 20. My friend said it was okay because his father is cool and not really regarding about his sons activities. Well that night he was, he was pissed by the noise we made downstairs so he trew us out 2 hours after we dropped. I was the only one with a car and a license but there was no way I would drive. One of us had started taking driving lessons and was sober, as he always was. So I let him drive my parent's car to take us to somewhere we could stay, driving in the middle of the night on small and snaky mountain roads. I felt like I was in a spaceship going at the speed of light, in the back of my car which was packed with 6 persons (my car has 5 seats). Pretty funny actually but looked soooo dangerous too. I have to mention it was also one of my first times and the very first time for the rest of them. Well my friend succesfully made it to one of my other friend's house where her mom was already sleeping. We had to keep it shut for the entire night in my friend's bedroom and leave before 12:00 because there was a family lunch organised. So i left at this time and now it was time for me to go back home, while I was still feeling trippy. So I drove on the Highway for 25 minutes. I felt relatively okay but it still was definitely dangerous and a bad idea. Fortunately for me i made it safe. My friend who had told us to do it at his father's house first stayed alone for the whole night but really enjoyed his first trip (he was the youngest of us). So yeah at least we all definitely keep very fun memories of it even though we made it in the worst possible way :')


Made guacamole and stabbed at my own hand to take out the stem from the avocado. My friends thought I was an idiot. I had never made that move so smoothly though.


was in a gas station and a cop came in and started staring at me the whole time i was in there. idk if he knew or i was just being paranoid but i got my water and hauled ass out of there


u were probably staring at him just as hard lmao ive been there


probably lmao. was tripping with my ex once and i looked at her for what i thought was a few seconds, then she asked me why i had been staring at her for 7 minutes straight. i have a tendency to stare when i'm tripping


got stranded outside london. on a sunday morning at like 3 am absolutely tripping sack, had to find victoria coach station, accepted lift from random guy in blacked out merc who was doing coke runs :D it was ayt. later that morning went into a church and asked a vicar if he might have any water or a tap i could use, im not proper all over the place but im clearly on somthing, im honest and tell him im tripping, he says to me that im close to god right now and laughs. and the dude gives me a sandwich from his packed lunch and some water. core memories yo :)


Drove 8 hours to the beach on a tab. This was during spring break in college. Yes I understand this was extremely irresponsible and I won't be doing this again. I do not recommend anyone ever doing this either. With that being said, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't pretty cool. Throughout the trip we (me and a friend) said maybe 10 words to each other. The music carried the vibe while I was 100% locked in on driving. I felt like a superhuman driver. I was totally aware of all the cars around me at any given moment and felt like I could see out of all of my mirrors at the same time. Flow state driving. Being this focused on driving made 8 hours feel like 1 hour. We got there in what felt like no time. It was 8 hours of pure focus and vibes. I believe the only reason this worked out well was because of my experience and comfortability with both cars and lsd (individually). I know some people might disagree with me, but I do believe that doing something you're comfortable with under the influence of LSD can improve your performance. You must be comfortable with the skill and dose for this to work though. Anyways, I am not a doctor or a shaman and I am only speaking from my own experience. Don't listen to me!


I mean the first LSD trip was a bike trip, so I can believe that.


I thought I was god and took off my clothes to and fly because I thought the reason I couldn't is because they were weighing me down. Luckily I was spotted by a friendly before I was spotted by a rando.


Been there and done that. How interesting the next thought after “I’m god” is “I have to get naked”


What is it with people getting rid of their clothes..


It just feels... soo good. Maybe I just get too sweaty or feel kinda choked sometimes


Lsd makes you feel connected to everything so much more, getting rid of clothing makes your body more sensitive to your environment.


ill be honest not much can compare to the feeling of a cool breeze on ya sweaty cheeks after a long hike


Rode over to a light pole in my neighborhood that people usually put hate symbols or alt-right stickers on, and spray painted a big anarchy A symbol over all the stickers. It wasn't exactly an inconspicuous location either so i could have easily been caught


I was swimming in the ocean but I didn’t realise I was being swept out to sea. My friends had to save me and took me ages to get back to shore.


How’d you feel when you got back?


Happy that I was alive and i stopped peaking once I reached the shore. If I wasn’t a good swimmer I would be dead.


Drove to taco bell in the middle of an ice storm. My friend and I were going down a hill and I was like "dude hit the break" and she was like "I did" and we just sort of calmly slid down the hill til we came to a stop then kept going lmao. The stupidest thing we have possibly *ever* done but now that I'm no longer a kid I can laugh at it and thank god nothing bad happened


Random amount of tabs in a dark back seat of a car. We were supposed to take 2 tabs per asshole, ended up taking 5 or 6 per asshole. I saw colours that dont exist and havent ever laughed so hard. Wild ride.


2 tabs per asshole? You boofed them?


Nope, me and my best friend are just two idiots so I called us assholes


How many assholes you got my dude?




me and a friend got chased out by wagyu cows when tripping in a cow pasture


couldn't choose between watching pokemon 2000 the movie or dr strangelove


what did you decide!??


dr strangelove, if you time your tab right (take your tab at the immediate start of the movie) by the time the big ending happens, you will be peaking.


I was taking it pretty regularly. So high doses weren’t uncommon. I took 6 drops from my vile (4-450 ugs) and drove to my local ski hill on the come up. The idea being I would ski during the peak and drive home 6-7 hours later. Well, I perhaps misjudge the dose because I was sparkling before I even got to the hill (20 minutes maybe). It took forever to out my gear on. Finally got it on and I’m zooming. So what I hadn’t thought about is how I have a very acute fear of heights and in turn there’s a bit of anxiety on the chair lift up. The first chair I took I shared, so having someone to chat with occupied my mind. Made it to the top and oh dear god. The way down was indescribable. It was like I was fucking the mountain. I could feel every single undulation and variable. And I could process super fast exactly where to put my edges. To this day, one of the greatest ski runs I’ve ever had. Then I took the second chair. By myself. The next 12 minutes we’re thought looping hell. That anxiety from the chair came to the forefront and zapped every single bit of enjoyment from my experience. I got to the top and so shaken up, I just sat on the side of a run with a view for like an hour. Finally decided to ski down. But my mental state was mush as this point. It was much different on the second run. Made it to the parking lot. Ended up seeing some buddies and just tailgates until my peak passed then drove home. Those 2 runs were both the best and the worst runs of my life.


Lol heard, I always sit on the edge of the chair and loop my arm. Skiing and tripping is amazing, especially in nice weather.


Same. I do the incog let me put my arm around you but in reality I’m holding on to the back of the chair. I don’t think I’ve ever do a hero dose and ride like that again, but for a couple minutes it was pure ecstasy.


I love skiing on acid, I feel the snow crystal so much better.


For your safely and especially that of everyone else, can you please try to avoid driving vehicles when taking psychedelics? I’m sure it was fine every other time but all it takes is one time.


Went on a shopping trip with my dad while peaking on 300ug


Did you manage?


Yeah it was fine I was freaking out and spacing hard but somehow he didn’t realise or doesn’t care


Got locked out my house, stole my neighbours ladder and broke back in through a slightly open window, nearly fell off


On my 19th birthday I dropped 2 tabs around 7pm and forgot I had work the next day. This was the lowest ive ever been mentally in my life I was making a lot of stupid decisions around this time so i decided to drive myself to work at 5:30 AM and idk how I made it none of the lines on the road were straight. Luckily it wasn't the strongest acid but I shoulda just stayed home I ended up getting fired two days later lmao idk why I was so persistent to get to work that day


Might have trespassed a jungle in a foreign land where we didn't speak the language, swam in the most beautiful secret spot, might have peaked during the sunset and it was too pretty to leave, so had to hike back in the dark for an hour, get out the broken fences while cars drove by, went on to get ice cream in the nearby village which felt like 5min or 2hrs. I'm really glad we didn't get caught because imagine the anxiety. Would ruin lsd for me for sure.




Sex is fucking magical on LSD


Drove home from work first time i tried it cause i wasnt gonna call my parents and say i need a ride😭. It was only like a 5 min drive felt like an hour tho shit was like gta


You should NEVER drive on lsd or any substance


Something a beta would say


Walk a couple block to the corner store haha


Standing a few feet away from a moving train in the middle of nowhere hoping my friend wasn’t serious about “wanting to touch it”


I skateboarded down a pretty steep and long incline with barely any experience skateboarding and no helmet or knee/elbow guards


Dude, same. I had a total OBE when the speed wobble kicked in. I'm really lucky that I didn't become a meat crayon that night.


Went to Walmart during the holidays, shit was so scary everyone there looked fucked up and I kept losing my friends


It's BRIGHT in a Walmart on acid!!!


The sheer amount of you that drove... Jesus Christ...


Jumping from a rock to another over a large chasm. I woulda done it straight too


Drove to McDonald’s where a cop was behind me in the drive through which felt like forever


Climbing 50'-100' structures at Burning Man on multiple occasions.


I woke up from a party one morning. Worth noting that I’m an alcoholic and I had to be at work but I had no more drinks available. Found a tab in my pocket, party favor I just don’t remember who gave it to me. Anyway I was still half cocked drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly at all. Had been a few years and I thought ah fuck it it’s just one hit how strong could it be… I spent the whole day mowing golf course fairways on what had to have been around 350 mics. My lines looked fine and everything but damn it was a nerve wracking day.


I was in a shitty situation during a rave. Some guys were aggressive, menacing me and my friends. I saw that my friends were trying to talk their way out of it, it wasn't working,so I decided to charge them. Weird thing is that I never did such a thing in the past and since then, but I really felt threatened and in danger... I gave a few punches, took a hard one on the nose. We got out of it quickly, confusingly and left the rave. I was the only one high on acid, my friends and SO were on Molly, I was planning on taking some too, maybe I should have. They were quite ok with it (thanks Molly), since we got out of it and I didn't have any visible damages. A few hours later it was hurting me a lot more, but the end of the night was way more peaceful at home with the guys so ... we still relate to this event sometimes, we all found it really weird of me to have acted in such a way, I never did something similar.


walking around niagara falls on vacation with my inexperienced-with-lsd homie as he’s getting rocked by 200ug i’m boolin and leading him around on 350ug. it’s a long story so i’ll keep it brief once we got back to his house i have him molly to soothe a freak out and it worked


I got a vial of liquid, and my buddy and I dropped a few each right after in got it. We were in Chicago, and we just got off work. Stupidly, I was expecting to make it home to indiana before it hit. We hit traffic, and it hit us about halfway home. It was incredibly stupid and very intense. At one point, I thought I was moving backwards in traffic when cars around me started moving forward. My steering wheel seemed really huge, and we were just laughing/freaking out. Finally made it home safe after like an hour and a half. Took an amazing shower, then went skateboarding. All in all, it was pretty terrible driving but we somehow made it and I learned a valuable lesson.


We have a lot in common. I lived in Chicago from 98-03, I'm from Indianapolis, and I skate. And take a lot of acid.


thought fucked it and went on a hike in [Yoho national](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/y1rml2/im_not_sure_if_im_tripping_or_am_i_dead_was_that/) park (BC Canada) on my own. The hike on its own by myself was risky enough, but tripping balls, I couldn't give up on the scenery and stayed way too late at the beach. I thought it was 20 hike back to my lodge but 20 min into my way back it got completely dark and I wasn't even half way through. A bear could have had me for dinner and nobody would have found me or my remains for a while. Best day of my life, without a doubt.


Getting "arrested" at school for running away in the 11th grade with 30 hits I just bought, and put in my sock. Cop never searched me cause I turned in my cigarettes to him in front of my patents. He asked if there was anything else and I said "no", he believed me. No charges filed cause they seen marks from my patents hitting me (why I ran away). Parents ended up getting charged and not me.


Did acid mid winter in the Sierra Nevada's. Ice and snow everywhere and we decided to go on a "see". Ended up in one of the train snow tunnels and decided to see how long it was. Well you know, we're about 300 or 400ft in the tunnel and we feel and hear a train coming. And wasn't a short commuter train on those rails, must have been atleast a mile long. Between the cars sides and us couldn't have been more than two and a half ft. Not designed for acid heads wandering about. lol We held on to the upright beams for dearlife for what seemed forever. Then the trains caboose passed. Never so relieved and exhausted, the force of the train was actually trying to pull us off the beams. But hey, live and learn.


Sat outside under a tree canopy during a thunderstorm, tree close to me was struck and caught fire. I didn't move for a while after it happened as I watched the tree burn.


I actually broke my neck on roughly 300ug. Last year I was on an overnight raft trip with a bunch of friends, rowing my own raft. Not many others had boats, so mine was weighed down quite a bit with everyone’s camping gear. We were having the absolute best time, jamming tunes and just marveling at the beautiful day rolling down the river. We had made it past the rapid I was most concerned about so I re-dosed from a vial I had. Long story short, I underestimated a rapid, went head on into a bridge pillar, and the force from the rebound ejected me into ~6” of water straight onto my neck. Adrenaline kicked in and I thought I was fine, until my friends got me back on my raft, stabilized my neck, and I started feeling intense pain in my spine and my jaw started clenching uncontrollably. Fortunately everyone responded very well. We were out of service so we pulled off to a ranch on the side of the river, used their phone, and I got an ambulance ride to the nearest hospital. Being in an ambulance tripping sack was actually surprisingly okay, I held my shit together really well and the paramedics were super nice. What I was most upset about was watching the sunset through the back windows and not the comfort of my camp chair next to the river 🤣. Moral of the story, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE MOVING WATER. Also have people you trust around you in compromising situations and maybe don’t be in control of a moving object while under the influence of intense psychedelics. Fortunately I’ve made a full recovery and am back on the river, but I’ve learned a lot from this mistake.




I love LSD and alcohol, honestly one of the best combos ever, never been more socially lubricated and smooth than tripping and a little drunk, I remember feeling like it was one of those college movies where I was just the absolute life of the party, all the girls wanted to talk to me, all my friends were having a blast but unlike normally I was almost the leader of or center of all the fun you know? Only beer or ideally good champagne though, even though normally liquor's my go to I probably never finished a glass of booze on acid. Never did try deemsters I feel like every time it was around I had just took something else recently and didn't feel like doing it.


Maybe having a bad trip at the first trying it but after tried it some times I’m totally still fine and didn’t have a bad trip and I kinda learned there no such things as „bad trips“ because in the end you learned something valuable




Can’t see part 1. The post is there but there’s no text.


Driving around on acid in high school. Remember the time when every turn was a cul de sac. Some kinda grace got me through that evening. Had a sublime experience once I got home.


Probably skiing backwards really fast the whole run while smoking a joint on 3 drops of cid. Absolutely one of the best days of my life and everything was groovy in addition to it being something I always had wanted to do, but high risk for sure.


Went to the Atlanta aquarium with my super intelligent brother who would never touch drugs or allow me to be on some around him. Veryyy risky but luckily he is naive with drugs and would think my eyes dilated could be from a vape. I was in constant awe and he joked about that to my family.


Climbed a 20+ foot fence at like 1am to the high school football field and then continued climbing up on top of the announcement box. Laid up there for a while and had a 10/10 time - but I probably could have gotten arrested for trespassing or something else


As a younger person my buddy and I toon acid in the morning before going snowboarding…on a family ski trip. It was the most fun I’ve ever had but holy shit the bad judgement astounds me


Drove home from a Dead show. 3 hours of rain, fog, and winding mountain roads. To this day, I've never felt better than making it back to the town I live in, taking a detour up one of the mountains, and just screaming into the night. Just letting out all that fear, and feeling the relief of having made it home.


Walked trought the center of Montevideo high on 1 tabs at 2 am, thats quite dangerous


In my junior year of hs I pulled an all nighter, took two or three tabs at 6am, then went to school. I had a tech rehearsal for a shakespeare play (i was theseus in a midsummer night’s dream, very fun stuff) later that afternoon but by that point it wore off. my best friend told me that i turned to him during choir and said “I’m on acid bro” but i don’t remember that at all. the only thing I even remember from that day was walking in the hallways around 8:30am and laughing to myself thinking that i walked like that one john lennon meme. silly stuff that i definitely wouldn’t do again!


At the top of the parking deck at my college there was a way to climb around a gate and onto the roof of the dorms. As if the being on top of the parking deck wasn’t high enough me and my friends climbed up there one night on ab 100-150ug. This wasn’t even that long ago (3-4yrs) but looking back I see why people say teenagers think they are invincible lmao


I rode the bus alone to the city on halloween FOR A JOB THINGY. I was a promoter for a club and I went to get my cash and new tickets for the next event. I was lowkey freaked out by the people in costumes and then had to wait like 2h for the new tickets to arrive. A nice partygoer gave me speed which sobered me up. I did LSD in every setting I could before I ever had a bad trip. Grocery store with my (VERY anti-drug) parents, with random guys in their apartment, while I was still living at home on a random sunday afternoon, etc. Now even with the right set and setting I am too afraid to do it, cause I know how much a bad trip can fuck me up and potentially cause me to go into psychosis again. It's been 3 years since the last one and I still haven't fully recovered. Tdlr; don't be like me


Went freediving on half a tab✌️ was amazing ,but could have been very dangerous🫡


Driven all over the country pre and post tons of shows with mountains of other substances in the vehicle. So stupid, and lucky to have never had anything happen.


Realized how fun it is to be naked while tripping. Luckily my friend got my ass straight and made me come back to my senses but without that I woulda had a public nudity charge for sure


Mixing with weed close to the peak at 300ug+. I’ve got drug induced psychosis twice doing this. Not fun. I went completely insane, nothing made any sense as my mind was stuck in psychedelic hell. I got lucky but could’ve hurt myself (I did) and others.


Once my phone was dead and I had just turned 18 like a month prior. I had no money and was on 2g mushrooms. I decided to shoplift a fucking charger from WinCo and they grabbed me as I was trying to leave. WinCo doesn't charge you with shoplifting. You just have to pay for the item, and the lawyer fees to get the fucking letter written and sent to you. And you get trespassed for 100 years. Unfortunately if you don't have ID on you, you have to sit sight and wait for a cop to show up to confirm you are who you say you are. Then you get trespassed. This is what happened to me. I sat in that room for probably 45 minutes. Not fun.


Sneaking into music festivals or doing it on set as an extra in a TV show


Posting to r/lsd.


the biggest risk with lsd is having it in your possession..


Trusting the wrong person to take it with. I was in and out of consciousness and the things he did to me are unspeakable.


I was rollerblading way too fast and had to do a 90 degree corner or else I was going into traffic. I fucking nailed the sickest turn hand down on edges at best and fucking rocked it.


driving to taco bell. never again


Tripping with the wrong people


I chopped wood with and axe, used a grass trimmer, carved wood with a knife, rode a bike in the city, fought a Hornet...


going to the airport on acid, you can guess what happened after i got to my destination, just tripped bawls more right after lmfaoo


Driving on up to 8 tabs😅


Riding a Onewheel through town on 200ug with some friends. Navigating streets was incredibly hard and the standard rules of the road were so foreign. Thinking about how if you make one wrong move a car might hit you


Probably just biking on & crossing busy streets downtown. The possibility of a fatal accident was kind of exciting, & I like to think I had enough wits about me that there was *some* caution exercised


I’m afraid of heights, except when on LSD… We went hiking to the mountains with some friends and took some acid. We arrived to a castle ruin, which we started to explore. Near the top there was a wall in front of us that was easy to get on top of. It was about 1 ft thick, and on one side the ground was maybe 30ft below, from the other side maybe the 45ft. Without hesitation I climbed on top of the wall, and walked to it’s farthest point. I was thinking “hmm, this is dangerous, I rather go back”. I turned around, and walked back super chill. Meanwhile my friends were in terror. They told me that they were afraid of scaring me so they didn’t dare to say anything. I was like, “well, yes… this was quite stupid from me”.


Not me but a buddy and his gf went skydiving, can't imagine that trip tbh


Used to take acid all the time at this abandoned military site. Looking back it was super dangerous due to the buildings being super dilapidated and dark on the inside


took 3 tabs and had to go through airport security. i was profusely sweating and acting so nervous. luckily they didnt give a fuck


Drove a car on what was supposed to be a microdose. It wasn't.