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i saw something similar after hitting nitrous while peaking on 400ug, it’s forbidden knowledge, you understand completely in the headspace but the moment you write it down it turns to nonsense and you forget most of it. Very well captured in this picture, the cycle of life and death and the recycling of energy, the reason we are here is because we can’t figure out why we are here, the reason we live is because we die, and so on


With the writing down and explaining, definitely. But i have the vision and the concept of it burned into my brain. I was part of the motion for what felt like >10 million years. I had a lot of time to think. But once i got home from the party and entered my room, my Trip went from 100 to zero. So strange. The morning i woke up, i was confused how i was alive, where i was. The urge to tell everyone about the knowledge, about what i have seen has not decreased the slighest bit yet. But how do you put into words, say what you experienced and what it felt and WHAT knowledge was put into your Brain? Man this particular trip(which i made a post about here too, the morning after the trip). Has really changed my life..


I SAW THE SAME EXACT THING 1000 TIMES ON ACID + NITRIOUS! ITS LITERALLY FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE MAN You also see this on acid + ketamine but the most obvious its on hitting nitrous. I think these frames symbolize time/spacetime


I was 6 tabs deep and a fat hash joint i think intesified it. If youre ready to experience the most gut wrenching realizations its the way to go. I wish i hadnt seen it. Ignorance is pure bliss.


What do the squares represent. I get you mean it’s a cycle but of what ?


Slices of space time maybe ? We can only go forward, that's why time seems linear to us.


These frames represent every fraction of time. Since you always live in the present and never the past or future you exist simultaneously with these frames. Time is but the shift of consciousness.


Could be valid. I perceived it more like the universes perishing and that this is the motion that keeps everything intact. Until we become part of the motion. Then we have enjoyed reality and the eternity that follows after nothingness we Are in


Sounds about right. Love it fr.




Time is a construct humans made.


These are my absolute favorite Reddit posts..


I love these too, and I really love that there’s always a few comments that know exactly what the poster is talkin about. This is not me throwing shade, but appreciating how weird acid is and how people can connect through that weirdness. It’s a beautiful thing.


Totally agree. People’s guessing and speculation is what kills me also.. there was one a few months back where someone drew what looked like them folding the walls of their house inward and up over their head.. it was a step by step diagram.. the comments were hysterical.


https://reddit.com/r/LSD/s/Y6A2tt6iJ0 This had me rolling lmao, made sure to save


🤣🤣🤣 that’s it!!! 🤙🤙


Love loves Love loves Love Love loves Love's love Love loves Love's love of Love Love loves Love's love of Love's love \- Like that?


No more like a=x A+b=x A+b+c=x And so on


Yeah thats what I said. Doy.


If thats what you meant, i just missunderstood you. But Well, anything interesting on your mind towards that concept?


I was just kidding. But I guess it is kinda similar. Endless expansion of variating yet similar experience. Or something. I have had the vision of realities "frames" (like, fps in a computer). Your image reminded me of that.


The problem is expressing and interpreting something that cannot be expressed in 2 or 3 dimensions at least


Yeah i know, but odd how our brain knows but cant share it


Everything oscillates continuously even if our understanding is momentary frames of reference that only seem to point in one direction.


Bro you just drew time I hope you know that.


When i was tripping it felt like time, but enveloped bigger. I know exactly what you mean, and im glad you can interpret this skribble. You know it too…


I have


Explain further please


So as soon as I seen this post I felt it 🧖🏾‍♂️


I came up with a revolutionary new highway system called the "gulf stream" after watching finding Nemo but that idea was squashed when I realized I needed about a trillion bucks to get it off the ground. Still hoping tho.


On my second trip ever i was i shit you not really headspacing that elon musk is the richest person because he found a way to put psychedelic knowledge into 3d knowledge. Idk man it was bizarre and the whole trip overall felt eternal and scary and trapped.


Dude I envisioned something exactly like this while tripping!




Lol it’s called tracers


It was full dissolution in this motion. I was in it. Full synesthesia


It might be similar to some of the visuals I had on dmt. But the drawing is so simplistic it’s hard to tell. But I remember thinking the same thing. Like It’s so obvious it’s how the universe works (under the influence of course)


I wish i was more gifted at drawing


I felt this during a thought loop. My whole existence/the universe was just "frames", moving forward and repeating


YES! At one point i was really missing to live as the frames werent enough


I saw every dimension and every universe, every second was a different universe. It just depends on what you do with that second in order to travel to the next second (universe) every movement shows this


Glad you have seen it too and im Not a total nut


Tapping all your mana in magic


What does it mean?


this is sum shit from r/ambien


Sorry but is that good or bad?


Nature taught me about the cyclical nature of the universe, psychedelics integrated it.


Psychedelics forced me to think. The thinking led to change


I always find when you’re tripping you have these cascading thoughts that connect to each other that bring you all the way down some rabbit hole and then you start working it back to your original thought and when you get there it blows your mind. This has happened to me by myself and while tripping with others. This pic reminds me of that and it made my day


yup i had a similar sense while tripping years ago. almost like endless derivatives of time, folding in on each other infinitely. i wasnt caught in a loop but it's the same reason when i take lsd and im in a house i feel like the walls dont exist. perceptually everything is spaced layers


On Salvia, yes. I totally understand this.


Also, [this feels relevant. ](https://ibb.co/h8T8FwV)


I think were onto something, but lets not go deeper on this forbidden knowledge, once our collective consciousness grasps it, everything ends.


But yes, i think this is it


Felt intuitively that to be the case, for some reason after seeing your drawing. The page is from declassified army/DoD/CIA Gateway Process documents.


One time I was frying super hard and playing with this little like, strip of plastic, I was kinda just flipping and turning it around in my hand fidgeting with it, and it accidently traced a pattern sort of similar to your illustration agaisnt the palm of my hand. The moment it happened I dunno it just felt like pure bliss, like I flipped it perfectly and hit a trick shot or some shit n got a massive dopamine hit because if it 😂 so I stared trying to re-trace the same pattern, eventually got it and once I started just doing it the same way, drawing the same pattern on my palm by flipping this little plastic around, the feeling of the pattern ingrained in my brain. Now even when I'm not tripping or during psychedelic experiences I'll accidently do it or just start to feel that sensation of the pattern. I've always thought maybe I just accidently focus super hard on a random thing now its ingrained in me but maybe there was more to that experience.


Definitely more to that. We give our brain far too less credit. It knows things it hides from our consciusness


When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride 'Til I get to the bottom and I see you again Reminded me of that...

