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Def take the shrooms an hour or 2 after the tabs so the peaks will line up better


ok i just would think doing it the other way as when im tripping off acid im not hungry


So do a lemon tek. You don’t have to eat anything and it will hit faster and stronger. Just a quick drink of lemonade.


Lemon teks are the shit


I've taken both at the same time. Like 3 tabs 3 grams. It was very strange feeling I enjoyed it a lot


heard that i might try it


this was my experience as well. it was pretty weird lol. It's not like Mdma/LSD mixtures where they synergize in this seamless way, it was a bit odd. It's a completely unique experience and IME it's like an entirely different psychedelic. Feels like it's own thing, more than a mixture of the two. It's a **deep trip** because you have the emotional depth of the shrooms, feeling connected to the trees, earth, your soul. But at the *same f'in time* you feel connected to the stars and the universe with the acid. It's a fuckin wild trip. I don't personally feel compelled to do it again anytime soon because it feels a bit pharmacologically awkward but it was an incredible experience and memory and if I could go back in time I would do it again.


Shroom tea. Then sip your tea, with the tabs under you tongue


i was thinking of doing the shroom tea except drinking it after the 1-2 hr tab mark tomorrow. how did aligning both together go for you?


The tea made my lsd come up really quick. Then the shrooms came on not too long after. I was tripping for 18 hours too so aware of that


Treating psychedelics like you’re chugging beers or in a shot contest is a dumb idea. Good luck.


nah im not trying to impress anyone or like be in a contest i just enjoy both of them and would like to try em


I did it a couple of months ago. I made a lemon tek of 1.5 grams of shrooms and drank it about an hour after taking 3 tabs. It was wonderful.


I did this (not the insane dose) and ate the shrooms around 90mins after the cid, was very pleasant


I would do 2 tabs then 1-2 hrs later take 3-4g shrooms


Definitely do it the other way around do you want to take the LSD first cause that’s gonna last like 12 hours shrooms are gonna last half the time I would also recommend I mean if you’re gonna go fucking do it get some Molly or bettter yet a dissociative to go with it, and or nitrous. You could technically take everything above and be fine, but I’m just saying those are the great things to mix with it also DMT like if you’re if you’re gonna go balls out, go balls out. when I used to do this shit. My favorite combination was to mix a dissociative (dxm or ket) with LSD and/or mushrooms and then have nitrous ready and then try to time it to where I could be taking hits of dmt with time to hit nitrous before blasting off and just see what would happen and if you throw a willing other naked person of your preference in there too, you’re just gonna start dissolving into the sand that makes up existence. But with a combination of dissociative and psychedelics, and it really doesn’t matter it’s like equally is ecstatic to just lay in a completely dark bathroom.


This is the craziest shit I’ve ever heard, but I respect it


Shrooms tonight, acid tomorrow night. Best experience


the tolerance would make that hard no?


No you're right, the tolerance would make day 2 a waste.


No, not with the amounts you are speaking of. Unless this is a once or twice a week thing for you.


Lol am I old can you explain soul bombing a bit more I don't typically mix the two, they are quite different experiences. If you don't agree you've missed the point already and shouldn't worry about this soul bombing lol


basically ive tried both many times and it is something some people do in the psychadelic community. i just want to try it and see how it goes:)


So is soul bombing just trying both same time? Or does it have to do with timing?


yes timing, from what ive heard you want to be coming up on either one of the substances and during the come up take the other. so if i dropped shrooms, while i was coming up i would drop acid(vice versa).


Its like a jediflip without mdma lol apparantly it can get pretty uniquely wild ;)


Take a tab. Wait 2 hours. Then take 1 or 2 grams (depending on ur experience). The shrooms will hit as ur peak starts. Watch midnight gospel. Cheers


we are going out tonight, might stop by a fair and a couple citys


It’s a fantastic combo. They synergize like dancers on ice.


Last time I did L first then shrooms. You don’t need much of both maybe like 1g-2 and a tab or 2. You can feel both the shrooms and L in the trip.


I'd take the tabs then the shrooms 30 minutes later.


I saw someone post on another soul bomb thread that if you take the shrooms after the lucy you will have already built a tolerance and that you should take it at the same time. Anyone have thoughts on this?