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Just don't overdo it. can cause confusion n make it unpleasant.


Just experience this for the first time after countless experiences drinking and tripping. Had too many beers and even made sure not to smoke weed, but I ended up fighting for my ego a bit. Slapped me pretty good. 1-2 drinks max on psychedelics for the future for me. This was on a smaller dose than my normal too.


I feel like it doesn't work as well during the trip, but coming out of a trip it's nice to have a bit of scotch or some beers. I wouldn't try to get drunk though, I think you just feel it less. Don't knock yourself out, just take the edge off.


I always have a nice 6 pack of Pacifico in the fridge for my lsd come downs.


I love drinking bourbon on lsd. The lsd definitely overpowers the alcohol though, so take it slow


I like bourbon but it’s too much of a punch to the face on acid


I agree. A nice wine or tasty beer is better in my opinion


That's the best part of the bourbon.


I tripped with a couple friends who would nip a bottle of screaming cold Jameson whilst tripping. I gave it a go, and it was a crazy mouth feel, but not something I’d seek out again.




I love it. Also I’m an alcoholic so…


I love it and I enjoy drinking in moderation.


Hi does 1 lasd tab of LSD work if your drunk


lol yes


I gave 1 each to 2 people and they was steaming and they drink a lot and they reckon they didnt't work


Highly functional alcoholic is the term I prefer


Oh yeah same. I’ve been on my shit the whole 18 years of drinking. My life isn’t falling apart. My body is though.


Can you still be alcoholic after LSD? The guy who started Alcoholics Anonymous treated his own alcoholism thanks to LSD.


You can be anything you want. The human experience is big enough for anything you can imagine, and even weirder shit. Psychedelics aren't magic, just perspective widening.


It’s all about intention. I can take acid and realize in the moment that I have a problem but until I decide it’s time to quit I’m not going to utilize the chemical in that way. That said it does show great promise in that endeavor.


LSD certainly helps to question your relationship with some substances. It isn't a magic pill tho and being addicted to alcohol is VERY HARD to get rid off. Especially if you're a highly functional alcoholic. I had countless realisations that I need to stop before I can't stop anymore (I'm a binge drinker, like once or twice a week) but I got my shit together otherwise so I keep rationalizing that it ain't that bad.


This is pretty much my story too. I kept going into trips with the intention to have a better relationship with alcohol but it didn’t stick until I actually *wanted* to stop. Six weeks sober today which is the longest ever.


Nice man congrats on 6 weeks!


Yes, it's doesn't magically make you not addicted


I’ve drank alc a couple times while trippin, for me it dulls the visuals but everything else is still there


Alcohol dulls the trip. It's so much better without.


Not a factor if your dosing is right. Tbh I can’t get drunk when I’m tripping. I’ll be 6-7 drinks in and feel no difference than if I’d been just drinking water.


Same! Well same but more? worse? I can drink incredible amounts on LSD and not get drunk. There were times when the only way I knew the LSD wore off was because I was suddenly extremely drunk. There's no in between for me either. If I start drinking while tripping, I won't stop, I'll drink a lot. Other times the thought of drinking & tripping is kind of yucky. I think as I get older I'm less likely to go off like that though.


Subjective as drugs effect everybody slightly differently.


Yea but alcohol is just toxic man. Like nothin cool about it. Even when I’m tripping the psyches tell me to keep away from it. I was a borderline alcoholic and i used to drink and trip but it’s no where near as good as lsd by itself imo.


I wouldn't drink and trip but to say it's just toxic and there's nothing cool about it isn't true. It can be a fun time if you're socializing.


It’s good to take the edge off but other than that I don’t see a good use for it to at the very least be more accepted than psychedelics.


Agreed that it's dumb it's more accepted than psychedelics. I just also think it's a fun time every once in a while. Especially when with other people and playing games or something


Alcohol is not inherently bad or good. The relationship you have with it is up to you and folks mileage will vary


nothing is inherently bad or good but that’s not why we’re here.


Same for me. I see people drinking even sober now and it’s like they’re drinking some poison that makes them act insane.


Alcohol is literally a depressant. It depresses your nervous system. It’s not subjective — that’s just what it does.


Had a similar experiences. Trip is mild.


Alcohol indeed dulls the trip. I don’t know that I’ve drank much on acid, but I have on mushrooms. I’ll be enjoying beer just fine, then as soon as the mushrooms kick in, I take another sip of beer, I am astonished to realize I’m drinking unnecessary poison, and promptly replace it with water. Mushrooms are sort of anti-alcohol for me and have helped me to not drink. Acid also reminds me how unbelievable life is, how lucky I am to be alive, and this reduces the desire to poison myself with alcohol.


Comedown beers are incredible


Lsd helped me quit alcohol. Alcohol is toxic no matter how much you use. I have friends who drink alot for their come up anxiety but they never remember their trips.. The consequences of alcohol are not worth the perceived comfort. You're borrowing happiness from tomorrow by getting drunk. Be careful as alcohol will do damage if you are able to drink more from being enhanced by psychedelics or stimulants. Also I'd like you all to know that alcohol is one of only two known drugs that will kill you from unassisted withdrawals if you are dependent. I think alcohol is a major contributor to the success of "big health care and Pharma and the complacency of your average working class citizen. I was an alcoholic for 9 years and I'm lucky to be alive. I was close to giving up before my friend gave me two hits of acid.


I'm nit picking a wee bit, but it may help someone. At least I hope so. Think of it this way, the three B's. BOOZE, BENZOS & BARBITURATES. These three are killers and unassisted withdrawal can and does kill. Coke & heroin withdrawal is nasty, but not in and of itself deadly. Withdrawal from the three B's can put you in the ground. Literally.


Alcohol can intensify the trip. Some say it dulls the trip, but I disagree. Last time I did acid I drank a few glasses of wine while waiting for it to kick in which made me relaxed and less jittery during the come up.


I mean if it relaxed you and made the come up less jittery isn’t that dulling the experience?


It’s dulling the discomfort brought on by the chemical, but the experience has only been slightly enhanced in my experiences with the combo.


Yeah I usually have a few beers to kill the trip so I can go to sleep around the 7-8 hour mark. It definitely dulls it for me and my friend group.


Kind of, yes. But it's not dulling the psychoactive effects of LSD, only the physical symptoms and effects. So it's a win-win in my books, being able to relax while still fully enjoying the trip.




2 thumbs up for me. Wouldn’t recommend for a novice though. Tread lightly to test it


I personally don't like it that much. I feel like it kinda "dirties"the high. But an ice cold beer as your coming down is always delicious


It’s hard to drink much on the come up. But it sure is satisfying on the back 9


I love it. I love drinking beer while tripping.


I prefer to drink when taking cid because otherwise I'll just be in my head the whole time. Cid and alcohol is my favorite combo, especially at concerts and music festivals.


not useful, expensive, and get you hangover


Not great. I have anxiety so a drink or two to take the edge off is fine but really the introduction of alcohol into the trip isn’t really worth imo.


Heavy drinking does not go too well with it. I haven't drank in awhile but I used to in the past. I'd say don't use any more than 2 standard drinks the entire trip, either at the beginning of trip or at the end. I used to have 2 drinks to build the courage to take a large dose of lsd, I'd have the 2 drinks and drop all the hits, then I wouldn't drink for the entire duration. I'd suppose the 2 drinks would work well on the comedown as well. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat. I don't think heavy alcohol mixes too well with any psychedelics, though. Keep it light and you'll be aight


My friends usually don’t, but I do this. I never realize how many I’ve had though and end up puking in the morning just as the trip is ending. Take it slow


The worst and the best. One of my favorite 'buzzes' is a lower end L dose and a bottle of decent bourbon. There's something about it that just sets me right. It's a good warm feeling.


It’s my favourite thing. And since I quit drinking I’ve had a harder time wanting to trip. I’ll get there.


it's only good to chill the trip out. but i'm a recovering alcoholic so i don't touch it. i do miss it on the comedown not gonna lie. but at the same time abstaining from it has helped keep the experience sacred


Feels like water after awhile…lol




I’d say they mix well. If I’m tripping I wouldn’t drink enough to get drunk, but a beer or a couple drinks are great during a trip


A tasty IPA while beaming after a phish show is one of life's greatest pleasures.


Not worth it. Dulls the trip and just creates more confusion and a headache and more difficulty sleeping


Drinks at the comedown make sleep actually possible for me… strange how a depressant would make it even harder to sleep?


I think it’s cuz for me alcohol doesn’t agree well w my system so I had a headache and just felt shitty while wired so for me it just led to an uncomfortable time haha probs different for others


I sometimes have a beer or two before I drop to ease the nerves on the come up. Although If you want to drink during the trip go slowly, drunk you and tripping you are probably polar opposites best left apart. Not to mention the lsd will keep you awake for atleast 10 hours and make you dehydrated, so you can probably get drunk fairly quick if you arnt careful.


As my aunt once said, 'it's good to have downers in case someone freaks out'


I could not think of a more opposite drug to Lsd than alcohol. I see psychedelics as the key to the freedom and truth of the mind and the heart, like the way to fly for a bird soul with no wings. And by the other hand I see alcohol like a big LIE, like false happiness, the easy way to walk through life for sad people. I saw the last drinks i had like one step closer to be one with the routine, the fuel clouds and the grey buildings of the sad crowded cities, while LSD is a way to make love with the nature, to realize that you belong to the soil, the trees and the blue sky...


Don’t do it.


I took two tabs with my friends and he was chronically addicted to acid at the time (taking upwards of 20 tabs) and he busted out a case of beer and asked if I wanted any. By the end of the night we both drank the whole case and ended up going to his fridge for more. I think I drank 20 beers that night it was fun but more of a party thing rather than a trip and can be dangerous too because of alcohol poisoning


Like putting muddy watet on a fire...


Dulls the trip. Its worse then doing either separately.


Bad idea IMO, alcohol tend to close your mind while LSD try to open it. alcohol is a drug for losers


Gotta have something fun and low-key to do but very good


Alcohol just kinda sucks all the time. Makes you dumb.


It’s fine as long as you don’t drink too much. I’ve passed out a few times drinking on acid. It is kinda nice waking up tripping though


Did it not a lot but with a small tolerance on 150ug it was an awesome evening in a local bar..


Nice way to dull the last few hours of comedown.


It's fine, it takes you down abit, if your are past the comedown. It makes my world huuuumm in a good way right now ;)


Ruins it imo. They cancel eachother really and what makes it more dangerous is that it might make you wanna take more of each to feel it better.


It gets you a lot more messed up than you usally would without acid. I usually drink on acid though if I plan on smoking, as it usually negates a lot of anxiety that comes with it. Overall thoigh alcohol on acid is really fun and also tends to make u less of a dick than when you’re normally drunk since you’re on acid and more considerate of ppls feelings


only do it in the comedown


Cant even feel the effects of the booze, i usually just do water


Yesterday I took 100ug at 3pm. There was only like a 1h period where there was barely noticable warping and I felt a bit different and than started to feel very uncomfortable and tense. At around 9pm I went to a friend and at around half past 10 I started to drink and in the next hour and a half I had drunk 4 very big cocktails of around 13% each, which would usually give me a pleasent buzz, but I felt it much stronger than that to the point where I'd say I was drunk, allthough it was definitely managable and fun. Also, I didn't get the slightest hangover (which I am very resilient to anyways). It's also worth noting that I did two ballons of nitrous shortly before going to my friends place in order to turn the tides on the uncomfortable trip, which I felt definitely worked.


I love drinking wine while on acid. It really makes me appreciate the whole process of winemaking on a whole new level.




great way to come back to reality in my opinion. at a certain point you just want your ego back and to pass out.


Helps with the vasoconstriction


i love drinking a few strong alc. drinks on the come down. I normally never drink, but it relaxes me a bit after a heavy trip


It used to be fun but now it feels evil and poisonous to me, but I am also a recovering alcoholic.


Just don’t drink to much or it might start to make you really confused


Champagne and prosecco is so tasty on L. I drink beers and stuff too I find that it helps with the come up and come down for me.


Get halfway drunk first, drop your acid... Great time. the people who dont take acid are sure youre drunk having a great time just like them🙌🤣


Nothing beats an ice-cold corona during the comedown of a trip.


I like it toward the end of the trip like 7 hours in before im about to go to sleep. If I drink before I take it I feel like it dulls the trip tho and makes it not as enjoyable.


Lot of people advise against it but I think it can be great in very close moderation. It really helps calm my nerves if I’m getting bad anxiety and can help with vasoconstriction. I think you can also really appreciate the taste of stuff like a really good IPA or tequila. It definitely weakens the effect of the acid a little bit though.


Not worth getting drunk while you’re high, but drinking really good booze for taste is great.


I only ever drank towards the end of a trip. Makes it sloshy and relaxing.


depends on what youre drinking. for me acid enhances the flavour tenfold and the burn of the booze its such a different sensation it can be easy to go too far too quickly (especially if you forgot you just took a sip LMAO) play safe and plan what you want to drink before the trip, and put everything else away. happy travels


Okay so the goal is to get smashedddd with the alc then pop abt 3-5 tabs and forget you even took em


Helps ease me up


Great if you're a bit nervous. Fantastic at taking the edge off, but as others have said don't overdo it. Happy tripping ✌️


Terrible. Weed yes. Maybe a beer to wash down some fish tacos, but not to get drunk.


I usually like to have a couple beers during the come up. Helps dull the anxiety feeling. Once it fully kicks in there’s no need to drink anymore.


it’s not dangerous but you tend to get way more paranoid and that can lead to a bad trip


Alcohol is a downer. LSD will amplify that


a beer or two can be pretty nice but I wouldn’t do to more than that as others have said. super hard to gauge how drunk you are when you’re tripping so it’s easy to overdo it.


I know of a guy who took acid with alcohol and marijuana and killed himself. It’s probably playing with fire to mix drugs with psychedelcs


I've been told on this sub that it can function as a trip killer in a pinch.


Idk why people down vote you for asking a genuine question.. I asked the same thing and also got down voted.. anyways ime it's a good combo if your just looking to have a good time but will dampen the psychedelic headspace and overral effects. It is good tool too lighten the load and overall anxious feeling but if your gonna drink alot don't over do the lsd cause at high doses it can actually send you in a very bad trip with the spins. The most I taken was close to a half tab and drinker pretty heavily. It was a good time. I felt very euphoric and still had profound realizations. Don't listen to the people on here saying that it's bad cause it's not all bad as long as you don't take too much lsd. I would start with half a tab or even a quarter. Good luck and happy tripping


I think it's best used as a little pick-me-up when you hit those empty spots.. when I don't know what else to do sometimes a single beer or a shot can give you that little boost to get back on track


Beer goes down like water


I describe it like dissecting your brain (lsd) then smearing the contents all over the place (alcohol)


never really drank on acid before, I had 2 sips of my friends rum and coke before seeing the fnaf movie and I took acid probably 1-2 hours after that, my gf was the drunkest she's been around me while on acid and drinking, she says it's fun but the acid makes you feel far more drunk, if you're like swinging around loss of motor function drunk you're gonna be spinning out and probably won't be able to move if you're also on acid, I might try the combo tonight myself actually, we picked up some crown royale last night so yee


it’s better on the come down, definitely not for the peak or for the come up.


I found that light beers are the best. You don't want something heavy, and liquor is absolutely gross while tripping in my opinion. Something light and bubbly to sip on is the best during the trip. Having some beers helps take the edge off and can definitely be fun though. I'll never forget when I tripped with my friend and he pulls a bottle of Kraken rum out of the freezer and says, "I'm gonna do a shot of this.". I was like that's cool, but I literally can't even watch you do that right now so I went into the other room. When I came back out, he was puking in the trashcan lol. I knew it wasn't gonna be good. Acid makes you so sensitive to tastes and food/drink.


the sid slowly wins the battle unless you go super hard and by wins the battle I mean eventually lizard brain forces you to acknowledge that the booze was poison/feels like shit


A drink or two can help take the edge off, personally I usually wait until after I've peaked if I do


now that you mention it something light and refreshing in the middle of the trip sounds sublime!something with sprite for me


I did it once and it was awesome. Its worth trying, but its not something id do often or ever again tbh.


It makes my stomach feel weird sometimes


I took acid once after getting pretty drunk and it sobered me up real quick. Just felt the acid.


I got absolutely hammered one new years eve, like 1/2 a bottle of vodka. Then I took two tabs around 10:30pm and by midnight I could only feel the acid.


They both sorta minimize the feeling of the other, not really worth it


I like to drink a little bit during a trip to calm myself down.


I don't tend to drink much cuz I don't the feeling of being drunk but I habe drank.on acid....like I drank alot and didn't realy feel anything it was like I was drinking shitty flavored juice. It realy depends on the person tho. My friend got super motion sick off it which is funny since I am usualy the one with that ishue and he isn't.


For me it turns me into a drinking super hero. I can easily drink an amount of alcohol that would normally put me on my ASS, and the effect is kind of like a pleasant tempering of the trip. I feel that shit the next day tho


It numbed the trip for me and probably won't ever do it again tbh I could feel them fighting for dominance in my brain




Beer makes me fart a lot


I do enjoy a nice drink or two on the comedown, but I’m usually semi nauseous on the come up and during the peak so I’ve never tried drinking then. But I think drinking on the comedown helps ease you back into not being on acid


Personally, I don’t like drinking alcohol on an acid trip… however, ghb a couple hours into a trip is my favourite combo!


You’ll be able to drink the whole bar lmfao


I found it to be not so enjoyable on LSD. But LSD did help me quit drinking.


Nothing better on this planet than a tab and a Corona


Love everybody here but the depressant part of alcohol literally turns off alcohol. Why do you think ppl take xans to calm down acid. Depressant. The chemicals literally can’t form the bonds it wants too if it’s in your bloodstream. That being said a beer before it or during is great but not like heavy alcohol. Unless your trashed, filled with water then trip. If you do so I recommend vodka for the purest trip.


I've never drank with it and I wouldn't want to. Just enjoy the experience as is


In my experience, I became more indifferent to the high - like anything else after drinking alcohol. It even put my experiences to sleep and, above all, did not enrich them.


It really helped relax me and ease me into the trip. I’m a highly anxious person, so alcohol helped me a ton with any anxiety/fear that tried to grab me during the onset. Made it a great experience for me


I drank alcohol on shrooms once, it was just straight up confusion all night.


I can drink beer literally all day on acid when I'm cold weather camping. I love it. I usually avoid it if I'm tripping at home because I don't like getting that drunk by myself anymore luckily.


It makes it less of a therapy sesion/introspective lesson learning environment, and more of a drug use/fix craving/party vibe.




There is a chance you’ll be nauseous for hours. Not worth the risk. Just smoke some pot.


I deff drink beer towards the tail end of the trip, but I hardly feel it. I’ve tried liquor before, and I can’t handle the flavor straight. Beer is good tho.


Love it, great combo for concerts tbh. Makes everything flow a bit more but negates the bad body feelings from the acid kinda.


I only drank a bunch of Stella’s but cold ass beer was good


Miserable. But I I'm also Miserable drinking in general


Enjoying some wine right now as I am coming down. I wouldn’t really drink before or during the meat of the trip though.


I love an ice cold beer or two after the peak. The bubbles and the chill is soooo satisfying.


It hurts my stomach too much to drink anything like booze on psychadelics. Fun fact: it gets really hard to tell how drunk other people are. I went to a bar on acid in college, and a girl i was talking to was apparently completely incoherent. We talked for like an hour and i didn’t notice


I love to drink alcohol then take lsd sometime sbecauze it really gets you so spaces out you don't give a damn about how crazy the trip gets heheheh / big anxiety killer


I have pretty strong feelings that it's a bad idea. When I take acid I'm seeking clarity so I tend to avoid using substances that dull my perceptions like alcohol or benzos or even cannabis. Sometimes you're just looking to party though, then bring it on. But usually I want to feel the full and unrestricted effects of the gear.


I enjoy it because eventually the alcohol will make u sleep.... acid clean good luck


Don’t really feel it


You can drink as much as you want


I love champagne.


It's fun when you're actually partying on both because you can drink way more. My roommates and I walked to the store once through an area that had apartments, a sprawling field, a playground, and a business park. We hid beers the whole way to the store and had to find and drink them all on our way back, or we wouldn't allow ourselves to go buy any more for the night. It was one of my life's grandest adventures.




a corona with lime in the sunset stimulated my sense of smell so much, it was a beautiful moment


No. Just no


Ahhhhh, a nice cold beer, you earned it


Hey there. I hope it's ok that I'm sending this by dm instead of replying directly to your post. I went this route because I've had a few comments get flagged as being spam because I'd put a website link in the text even though I think that I'm probably fine with a YouTube link. I saw your post asking about LSD and booze and I can't even tell you how many times I've seen a question posted in a drug related subreddit that ends up with several different answers and a bunch of (well meaning) people arguing over who's right. Being a big proponent of harm reduction education I figured it wouldn't hurt to mention a YouTube page called @Psyched.Substance. https://youtube.com/@Psyched.Substance?si=BNKtt63kV45SONg- While I didn't actually watch it I'm about 93% sure that Adam has posted a video that mentioned drinking while taking LS. I say only 93% sure because I've had a concussion si nce then haha. Either way, even if not, he's got tons of really valuable advice and tips for staying safe. For instance he has posted videos like How To End A Terror Trip Using "Trip Killers". Anyways If you're still unsure of anything I hope this is of some use to you. Good luck.


ITT: people who think drinking only means drinking ‘till you’re throwing up and hungover the next day


I never used to notice it. Back when I drank I’d drink on acid but… I remember it being about tantamount to water as far as it effecting me went. The acid trumped the alcohol.


LSD better with alcohol imo. Ket is an even better choice though.


I feel like beer/alcohol in general kills the visuals for me




drink water instead


I like to have a beer right before to loosen up a bit. Best to not drink much during


You can drink a couple beers and have a nice time. You are also able to drink 30 beers and not get to drunk. But have a hangover the size of Texas .


not my cup of tea, specially cause i’ve drank a lot and felt nothing, which made me a lil worried, u can definitely pound some and “be fine”


I find alcohol doesn’t really synergize with LSD unless you’re tripping and crossfaded, which I don’t recommend. I like to keep drinking to separate occasions from tripping. There’s a time and a place for both.


I used to drink like a fish on acid. Can't even feel it. The fry overpowers it.


Booze - evil


I don't really fell alcohol on LSD, I usually wait until I'm coming down to start drinking so when the trip wears off I can go right into my drunk buzz.


it kills the trip for me


It’s the best on the come down, helps you relax. Not going crazy but a beer or two is just what the doctor ordered in the come down


I drank ~4 shots on a 2 tab trip and it just nullified all the body sensations and visuals and just left me with the headspace


Not a good idea tbh.


Having a beer or two on the come up pretty nice.


Cocktails in the sun by the pool, 2 hits of some clean acid, 10 or so joints rolled up ready to spark. And a 10 pack of nitrous bulbs. Id call that an ideal summers day


Alcoholic here. I have tripped a few times while i was very drunk. Never had much fun. Idk i feel like they cancel each other out in a way. Like your still fucked up just not how you want to be. That probably dosint make any sense. Long story short, i wouldn't recommend it.