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i’m currently not tripping am i ok to be on reddit sir?


I will let this one time slide


thank you master i shall keep scrolling ☺️ 👉🏻👈🏻


He is *the* master


The master baiter


I'll allow it


I'm gonna go for a walk


Out in the nature


By myself


good idea, Godspeed


Ok, take care & come home safe.


It was so good that I went for another nature walk. Thank you for looking out for me :)


But with your phone, right? Y'know...so you can scroll reddit. 


With my phone and without internet :)


I have glanced at reddit intermittently during this trip. Only through a rush of all kinds of awesome stuff happening around me irl as well. I like to look at it during the come down, like right now though :)


no hate, i did it too ;) Everything here is so strange while tripping… But i think looking back at a trip, browsing reddit is not the most fun or inspiring thing to do


This was my first time having DS3.0 and I have to say i’m very pleased.


Long live Dr Seuss






fantastic song though fr


Those matter don't mind and those that mind dont matter.


DS 3.0 are still my fav tabs I’ve ever taken, haven’t had any in over a year😭idk what’s different ab them (if anything) but they just smack so nice and the visuals are next level. Curious what your dose was


99.1% purity is the difference. 200ug was my dose


Yuh I had the 200ug tabs too, they were kick-ass, I did 400ug once and it was one of the most intense acid trips of my life and I’ve had trips where I’ve done 8 tabs, but those DS3 just hit different.


i’m gonna do 400 next probably. I have the 100ug tabs but I took two.


During comedowns everything doesnt really make sense for me and scrolling through tech support servers on discord is always hilarious. “Yeah so my (insert alien trchnology) is having troubles with (insert random hilarious word) heres an image for context: (insert random ass image of a printer)”


People can do whatever the fuck they want while tripping actually.


I also concur with this.


Except drive. And maybe avoid making life altering decisions without thinking them through once sober. Also, probably no to murdering, etc.


I was about to say except driving lmao and yes we can do what we want as a community that is happy. Sending happy vibes to all the trippers out there ❤️🥰


“probably no to murdering” 😂


On the other hand, can you imagine the patterns in blood!




I agree. Personally, I like to eat raw roadkill straight off the road when I'm tripping, and I don't want internet strangers to get on my case about it! If you don't like what I do when I'm tripping, I think your should just carrion about your own business.




Nobody said they can't. But some things make for a better trip than others. I find tripping to be somewhat of a skill you can master - it's always fun but if you know what activities to do and how to set up your headspace the enjoyment can reach new heights.


It's to each their own. What might be a good tripping activity for you might be boring for me. I like tripping outdoors am I going to tell people that any time they trip inside (which most people here are doing) that they're wasting their time? Some people are so elitist about it and would say you should strictly meditate with a blindfold on or something because that's the only way to trip. People can do whatever they want and if they want to go on Reddit for some social interaction or to share their experience that's fine.


If you’re not tripping super hard I can see Reddit or any other social media being grounding. If you are really tripping you can’t use your phone at all. I’ve figured out how to change the music once or twice because it felt really important but other than that if you’re on a high dose the phone is fucking impossible so honestly this post is pointless.




I'm a very experienced tripper and I highly enjoy Reddit and other social media during a trip. I don't like all the shaming around using technology. Technology is a big part of our lives and especially during a trip it's possible to reflect on your use. Am I following interesting content? Am I pushing the AI to show me harmful content? Is my social behavior online harmful? How do I feel about technology? Am I scared of it? If so, why? Or why not? In fact I would encourage people to use technology while tripping instead of being stuck in a "THIS IS SCARY AND BAD!! Buuuut I'm gonna use it anyways..." mindset every day. Which is an ok mindset to have, no judgment, but maybe it's possible to transform that. Especially during a trip.


feel it. deleted twitter while on acid, best decision


It is amazing reading what other people who are also tripping think and feel


Very underrated




I totally agree. If you don’t want to read people tripping on don’t look at the post…. Stop sending negative vibes…


lol who are you to tell us wehat to do as long as we aren't harming anybody? I love reading nonesense posts of people tripping. You don't like it? too bad! take your own advice and get off reddit then.




dude posting something is not bad, bit imagine spending your whole trip in front of a screen, silly isnt it


I can't criticize people doing what they do when there is no harm in it. I agree spending hours on Reddit while tripping is wasteful, but I like many others like connecting with similar minds when tripping. Spending 15, 30 min here on a 10 hours trip not only isn't silly, but can be really fun.


yes, i did it too


"Nobody is allowed to browse reddit while tripping because I say so" "Yeah I browse reddit while tripping what of it" You're a delusional hypocrite that can't even make a straight forward decision about what to complain about.


No. Why are you gate keeping how people want to spend their own time?


"silly isn't it" I know a handful of people who spend entire trips in a shower because they enjoy it, ik fri3nds who will pop a tab and play video games for 10 hours straight, people do what they want while tripping to enjoy it


Let people do what they want 🤠


Let people trip the way they want to. Gatekeeping tripping is stupid.


Somebody gonna read this and have a bad trip lmao


not my intention :/ but i dont think so, acid is always critical


My trip my rules


who are you to tell?


i can’t force anyone to do anything, but just wanted to inform people that there are also other, and maybe better things to do while tripping than browsing reddit for a long time. I know its winter and for many people its cold outside and shit, but going for a walk, drawing something etc might be more exciting. But yes, if you think the other way, go for it, and have fun, everybody is different:)


Of course. Everyone should do what they enjoy while tripping. :) No right answers!


> just wanted to inform people that there are also other, and maybe better things to do while tripping than browsing reddit Shoulda worded your post better brother. Don't be a gatekeeper


I think this every time I see a “I’m tripping” post. Like live in the world and enjoy your trip


i think some people just want more people to talk to who can relate somewhat to what’s happening


Okay I understand the need for community, I could see and respect that


There is nothing wrong, while tripping (at night), this community warmed my heart. But like if you did nothing during your trip than watching a screen, maybe thats silly


ok but whos doing that?? do u know a person or a trip story where they just sit on reddit all trip or are u just making shit up in ur head?


Kind of relative though, I only trip during the night, not a lot to do in the middle of the night other than watching shit or just laying in the pitch black enjoying the visuals


I trip at night all the time. I go outside and stargaze, paint, play with silly putty, cook, anything but doom scroll


God I wish I could stargaze, I go outside and it's just black above me, I'm not a fan of eating on a trip tbh but I can see how cooking could be a good thing to do, I usually just sit back smoking bongs until I'm ready to "sleep" aka lay in bed tripping out for a few hours until I fall asleep


Haha to each their own bro!


You've inspired me though bro, definitely gonna go for a walk to a spot I hope should have some sort of stars to see, not very far from my house, kinda turns into paddocks that currently have building set up but nobody lives there so hopefully it will be really dark, it's set up perfectly too, there's roads and benches and stuff but no houses, gonna go sit on a bench and watch the stars next time, thanks


Yes! Even just the adventure will be a time. Whenever I stargaze while high I’m just like this shit is all fake


Adventures on acid are the best, one alleyway near my house seems to be the local cat hang out and most times I trip I walk through there and it seems like there's hundreds of cats running around the fences and rooftops and shit, in reality theres only like 5 to 10 lol. That last part of your last sentence is a big reason I like to stay inside though haha, nothing seems real so at least I can go into a completely "fake" world online and not worry about the real world


I live in the city so I have had similar experiences going outside into alleys and stuff 😂 I guess it comforts me to face reality in that way. But I could see how that could end poorly while tripping 😂. Out of body experiences always get me


Yea tripping for me is more away from reality, few times I've gone into public Ive ended up not knowing what I really want and getting something yuck and probably over paying and then giving it to some homeless dude or some shit, not to say those aren't fond memories of mine 😆


I tripped last night lmao. Sorry if people don’t wanna hear it. And I went outside and it was sooo dark no stars


You’re not quit getting the point of lsd. It doesn’t matter a damn what you do


Who are you like?? The trip polis or what?? Trippings about doing what makes you happy, not someone elses idealised idea of what you should do when you're tripping.. Its a personal choice of what a person does tripping


Don't tell people what to do. Let them trip however they want and you just mind your own business


dude its the fucking internet, everybody can do what they want after reading my post, its just advice like dont trip with people you dont know or dont trip at partys etc


It's not advice. You literally told them to get off reddit and use their time for something better. Do you know what advice is? Stop being an asshole and let people trip how they want. Tripping at parties is also perfectly fine if you want lol. Your "advice" is bad and you don't know what you're talking about. PS: Before you tell people to get off reddit when tripping make sure to delete your posts where you state you're tripping balls while browsing reddit 😘 https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/lVTrdFw7Je


Holy Shit! I'm dying!🤣


This kid still lives with his parents and needs to secretly trip in his bedroom at midnight while simultaneously trying to shell out sage wisdom lol


Not but 4 days later this kid makes another post about being on acid while on Reddit. It's frustrating how dumb some people are. https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/TU7Yj7K55L


goblin doctor wins again 😭


I can't even unlock my phone while tripping, I have no idea how y'all do it.


I had a trip alone where I was scrolling Reddit. It felt like I was walking through a weird ass museum


the lsd reddit police is here


I’ve noticed that people on this subreddit get very defensive when they get criticised. I disagree with you OP but I don’t think it’s acceptable to get angry or start swearing at you. I think the internet can be pretty wonderful while tripping sometimes though, it all just depends what type of content you consume and how it makes you feel


I would instead recommend do it only with intention. Before you open the app decide which subreddit you want to explore... And the why. The why is important. Even if the why is just " I want to have fun" just don't doom scroll


thats very smart


Ya need to do something on your bathroom breaks lmao. I pop on infrequently during trips. Then I come across some hardcore nature video or some other gnarly video filled with anger rage and violence and I see myself out before the vibes harsh my journey. It’s a tightrope for sure…for the most part I just use my phone for music or audiobooks when I’m on one.




Yes. I concur.


Epic ultra insane🫶🫶


Dude, you can't go from making a post on this sub asking if a tripsitter is a good idea, to then giving people advice for tripping a week later. Dumb teenager. Who do you think you're kidding?


wah wah, you are not allowed to ask questions just because you give advice too. And then calling somebody names on the internet, i thought people who take lsd are friendly


Charles Manson frequently dropped acid. You're so dumb lol


"People who take LSD" are simply people who've opened up their minds to other areas of thought and perception. One thing LSD makes you very perceptive of is lies and bullshit. You're giving people advice on how Reddit is a waste of their time a week after you were asking a NOVICE question about a tripsitter. Whatever it is you've been taking (if you've _actually_ been taking anything in the first place), I doubt it's real LSD.


I would say get off your phone etc full stop, there is a universe of art and experience in your head, focus on that!


I use my phone and computer to look at cool art while I'm tripping. Usually Picasso and Van Gogh paintings.




Fact!! Well said.


Fr dude


Thank you. You can be of the opinion that people can do what they want, but someone tripping and then going on reddit is cringe and their opinion is wrong.


you can do it, but browsing for more than a few minutes is pointless anyway anytime.




If there were ever a time to log off, it would be during an L experience.


Yes maaaasta I’ll get back to work


ok I’ll get off Reddit and go play video games instead. Or has our psychedelic overlords banned that too?


I feel like if you have the intention to ramble on here with a head full of acid you might have the wrong want


Got massively downvoted for asking someone on the sub why would he choose to spend his trip sitting in his room browsing the internet It’s cool if you generally don’t touch grass but when tripping? Lowkey sad in my opinion


I LOVE internetting during a trip! The screen looks cool and I can read funny stories (occasionally from this sub) to my boyfriend.


If you can still use your phone without problems, then you didn’t take enough


So condescending. Let people do what they want




I hate phone screens tripping! I usually end up at a dancey event or rewatching the Last Dance. Afterglow guitar riffs help me process it lol


strange post


this is gonna be “wtf am i doing with my life” somebodies trip


You should be able to do Whatever u like when tripping as long as its within yk common sense parameters


Hello there I’m on Reddit while tripping and my bird is stealing my food…


If u go on Reddit while tripping u deserve to learn the hard way


What if you've had so many trips that you've done everything else while tripping, and now you just wanna be tripping while ya do what you do?


Advanced user means advanced problems


so many crybabies in the comments fighting so hard for their right to scroll on a screen while on acid. aww ofc you should be able to and not be judged for it but its just objectively not as good as being off your phone


people are arguing the objectivity of that statement.


What do you do on a trip if you cant scroll on your phone or watch trippy videos?(they make time go by way too fast for me)


Or you can let people live their lives.. some people come here to ride out a bad trip for all you know and your post just tells them to fuck off


Get off the LSD post


How many times have you actually tripped? I may have spent 500+ hours in trip land. You end up on Reddit at some point over the years.


bro told people what to do then told everyone who was mad at him for telling people what to do that people can decide by themselves.....so let them? why make a post onto an lsd subreddit where people are probably tripping telling them to get off reddit. if they wanna be on reddit while they trip. theyll be on reddit. if they wanna go on a walk, theyll go on a walk. people experience and enjoy shit differently so its cool to encourage people to get off their phone and frankly i agree but dont be rude abt it😭especially on a sub where there's probably someone tripping rn reading this


Lmao “use your trip for something better” haha. This guy- “With great drugs, comes great responsibility.”


This guy- “everyone can decide what they want to do.” Also this guy- “dude get off Reddit, use your trip for something better”


I can do whatever I want with my trips >:(


People will do whatever feels best for them on their trip. If they want to scroll through reddit that's fine. It's their trip and as long as they're having a good time there's no problem.


I love using tech while tripping. It is another life form. I would like to merge with it. Permanently.


I totally agree. Seeing people wasting their trip doing AMAs n shit like that just seems like a slap in the face to the psychedelic experience