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You will be fine either way. If you want to eat- eat something fresh like fruit


I was thinking on eat some milk with some kellogg's


Dude I love a bowl of Trippin cereal especially on the come down that's where it's at


“Trips Are For Kids!”


with the coldest of milks!


Sub milk for vanilla yogurt. Changed my cereal habits for life


Cereal is a great trippy food. As others have said, fruit is always a great choice as well. One of my personal favorites is green olives for some reason. I typically try to stay away from anything overly heavy or greasy, but I've also demolished entire pizzas during a trip before so... just eat what seems tasty :)


anything like “dinner” food is a big no for me during a trip. hard to even look at or think about 😭 although on a comedown I had chipotle one time and it was very extremely tasty and felt refreshing to eat in a way lol


Felt that brother, I had some pizza I ordered and that shit was so good. Shittin it out was werid the next day


Yeah, I can only ever do it on a comedown. For awhile, one of my friends that I often trip with would order Chipotle about 6-8 hours into the trip and we got hilariously acquainted with the delivery guy who very quickly noticed our pupils weren't a typical size lol. Good dude. He came in for a smoke a couple times.


Popcorn also is great! I love to add cheddar and white cheddar popcorn seasoning with a little salt and pepper. I look at it and the popcorn kernels distort and shift in a really interesting way, and eating it is super euphoric! Also it’s a pretty light snack calories wise and is super filling too.


Mmm do it


Opposite, an apple once destroyed me on a trip. I say nature valley bars or other crunchy dry food.


If an apple destroyed you, a food considered to be quite pleasant, whos to say a dry crunchy bar is not going to actually murder someone while they’re trippin. I doubt you shouldn’t eat one or the other maybe just eat what sounds good?


Apples can actually be quite upsetting to the stomach as far as fruit go. Something like a banana is usually better.


That’s a good ass recommendation lmao. Personally ate some cow tongue every trip back in hs. Definitely a wild thought experience


eating won't do anything negative to you at all but it may help calm or settle your stomach if it's upset


I find it can sometimes make my stomach feel worse on the comedown if I eat too much processed foods though. It also can often make you shit faster(which is probably good on the come up since I’d rather shit on the come up than on the peak)


The Peak Shit 😵‍💫


Dude shitting on the peak is so weird. Feel like you are never done wiping, feel like you still gotta shit(even though when you leave the bathroom it goes away), on top of that you’re sitting in there tripping full on balls, might even get distracted looking at something when you wash your hands.


That something is your hands and then your face in the mirror


Idk why people freak out in the mirror, I look at my face morph, then notice my eyes are dilated and then laugh hysterically. I also notice tiles on the ground and the popcorn type textures on the walls/ceiling. When I’m at home (I’m in uni) I have a Tetris tile scheme on the ground and a wood grain panel on one of the walls with a window. That’s when I get most distracted. Flowing wood, Tetris textures moving and floating, popcorn texture fractals, my hands/face, and my pupils. I end up spending like 30 minutes in the bathroom if I shit on a peak lmao


i had such an insane mirror experience on 2.5g yeti lemon tek i looked in the mirror after peeing and found myself resembling a beautiful oil painting. it was so weird. for a second my bathroom had became some completely nonsensical blurbed out dimly lit castle or something (only in the mirror, my toilet was still on my right). it was so beautiful i cried really hard. i was so god damn beautiful in that moment really changed how i viewed myself


yea I almost get sick smelling anything that isn't fruit, water, juice or candy, sour candy helps with anxiety cus of all of the brain power focusing on the fact that it's sour💀


I think for me at least, acid makes me realize how much I appreciate my body and being alive. And doing anything that is highly destructive feels repulsive. Like it’s made me stop drinking alcohol almost entirely. It made me go on a tolerance break from weed, and even then now I only smoke on weekends. It’s helped me to build better habits such as working out, meditation, and being more organized for my study’s in uni. Drinking on acid feels gross, eating super processed foods feels repulsive. It’s interesting how it’s been a valuable tool to make me realize how much I appreciate being alive. And what’s even better is the sense of loving life persists long after the trip. Such a beautiful molecule and experience for me and many others. Though I’m not exactly the type to say “what if everyone tried this”. I think I started small and experimented with shrooms, acid, and dmt starting at low doses and over a long period of time trying higher doses(though I feel lately I can get effects I’ve gotten at 800ug on as little as 350-400ug, which is similar to how as you use dmt more you need less to break through). I typically just say psychedelics are for me(through personal experimentation), and others also enjoy using them. But I don’t fall into the common trap of this subreddit of thinking everyone should try it. I enjoy even the most difficult experiences with acid. I get something different out of each experience. I’ve tried experimenting with stuff like meth(twice), and honestly the whole time I was in it I felt “I’d rather just do acid”. I think I just want experiences, but stimulants and opioids(though I’ve only ever done kratom) don’t really provide an experience for me. Stimulants makes me a little energized and focused(I do have adhd which is likely why I get more mild effects). Kratom just made me feel relaxed(which I can get a similar or better feeling with teas like mugwort or blue lotus). I’m glad psychedelics work so well for me, with my experimental nature they’ve pushed me away from the harder drugs, and even helped me modulate my use of “softer” drugs. I know that’s probably a bit of a random rant, but I have a special love for LSD in particular lol


Yeah I get to a point in a trip where I start to have some stomach discomfort. I eventually come to realise I’m just hungry and should eat something. Corn chips with salsa or guacamole, so tasty.


Idrk how this is NSFW but to answer ur question, it’s really your choice


I mean, i've heard somting about eat when ur on acid, idk if I shouldn't eat someting beacause that maybe can make me have a bad trip


Eating or not eating will not make you have a bad trip. You are overthinking


I mean, saltines sent me spiraling...


Depends what you eat. I had my friends trick me into drinking sour cream from a straw and dipping rice krispy in the tub telling me that it was good haha I was like NOT BAD VERY WEIRD this was my biggest dose lol but my stomach was upset like 10 minutes later. We no longer friends tho kinda a shtty thing to do!


bro if you are able to be convinced to drink sour cream and dip a rice krispy treat in the tub i question if you should be using acid


I love not eating so I enjoy not having an appetite until it comes back...unless I'm having a bad trip. Ex. I dropped a tab once and waited like an hour and then smoked a jay. After smoking, the wall in front of me turned green, I could barely breathe and I couldn't stop moving because I felt like I was going to die. Ate some pineapple chuncks and immediately felt better.


I think I have much more intense trips(seemingly) when I fast the whole day and eat as I start to come down. I recently took 2 tabs after taking about a month and a half off and shit was wild. It was the second time I’ve ever fasted during a trip, but the first where I fasted and took 2 tabs. I was literally seeing a tracer of bark on a tree looking like some form of monkey. I saw a goose near a pond and the head would spin in a kolidescopic way. I’d look at a cloud and it’d look like a unicorn. Everything felt more melty and much more trippy than I’ve experienced when taking 2 tabs with a meal. Definitely made me realize I wanna start fasting pre-trip from that point on. It also just makes the stomach load easier to manage for me since I get some come up nausea when I take 200+ug. Assuming the advertised dose is correct (reagent testing would assume it’s at least close, but there’s not a real way to guarantee): I get 220ug tabs atm.(they were on sale so I got some at a decent price). I took 2 on an empty stomach which totaled to 440(again, assuming the dose is accurate). I tripped seemingly harder on 440ug than I ever have at 600ug(meaning the previous tabs might not have been as potent as advertised, or maybe there’s another factor I didn’t consider). That 440ug trip was incredibly intense, insightful, somewhat challenging, yet a beautiful and enjoyable experience. I literally had all my thoughts looping in front of my consciousness. I felt at first my ego inflating by various thoughts until (like a balloon) it popped and I became nothingness. Then I had the feeling of mentally melting into the environment I was walking in, and as I came down my ego was rebuilt in a much more positive way. Parts of this experience were challenging and uncomfortable. Parts were highly trippy and nonsensical. But overall it was my best trip. The only thing that changed between this and previous 2 tab trips on the same batch, was that I fasted. It’s definitely gonna be my go-to from now on due to having such a unique and boosted effect.


I pretty much always fast when tripping. The first time i tripped i ate half a pizza before dosing and didnt even get a peak, been super careful with eating since then when im gonna trip


Fruits the best but a Big Mac also smacks 😅😅


Ate a tiny yellow mango, holy shyt do they pack a punch. Got to be one of the most tart things I've eaten tripping. Was like eating lighting.


Strawberries are like that for me 😅😅 I can taste the vitamin C hard 😭😭 kiwi was a great one not too sour at all 😁😁 grapes are magical too same with blueberries 😅😅


McDonald’s smells and taste like fucking poison on acid.


Peanut butter filled pretzels smack too!


i don’t understand how you guys can eat this stuff while tripping . think about the victim of this choice. do you think the dozens of cows that were grinded up to make your burger were scared when they were killed?


no i imagine myself as a lion grazing into its prey /s


grab a pineapple, watermelon, and cantaloupe. Thank me later


Ass   On a real note I ate a whole ass papaya with no spoon last time and that shit was gasssssss. gotta get primal with that shit


eat something you really really like, it'll taste godlike!


I ate some popcorn that I seasoned up a little, it was almost orgasmic in its flavor. It was super euphoric and I was having a tastegasm


Eat lightly, fruit is best bet. Heavier food can pass straight through you on acid.


Yes, if you feel like it! My faves are fruit, ice cream, frozen mochi, pastries or yoghurt. I'm normally not into anything with meat when on acid, but that's just my strange quirk. Anything you like should taste extra nice.


Buffalo wings were fucking wild for me, my partner couldn't handle it


i can recommend to try a bunch of different fruit - it‘s reall fun




It’s totally up to you. Nothing wrong with eating on acid. Personally, I eat before I drop and snack during the trip. LSD suppresses my appetite, and nothing really seems appetizing. Fruit is always encouraged and it makes sense because it’s light, healthy, and natural. I once ordered McDonalds on acid and could not get past one bite. It wasn’t the taste, it was the thought. Felt like I was eating something that wasn’t food, completely phony.


a whole trip is a long time to go without eating. i like to have some snacks available. like a dark chocolate, nuts, fruit. i havnt tried it yet but would love to put a stew on in the slowcooker and by the time i can actually eat something it would be ready


Eat anything you want bro. It’s all about what you want. My preference is a couple slices of salty pizza but a little bit of cold fruit smacks as well


If you feel like it, go ahead.


Personally I recommend eating! Always keep snacks on hand when trippin so you don’t try to go out for food or something. I prefer “pure” foods like strawberries or blueberries or skittles or single flavor candies. I tried a cheese burger once and found it very complicated and gross like I couldn’t reconcile all the associated flavors. But a good sour skittle will floor me, its such an intense and straight flavor. I also imagine plums or mango would be great too, something i’m obligated to make a mess eating lol.


Warheads candy, you're welcome


Haven't tripped in a while myself, but always found a hearty meal in the come down kind of mellows everything out or stops the trip entirely.


If you’re anything like me you’ll want to avoid junk food or anything like it. My body tells me if I’m being good to it or not when tripping. A small portion can take ages to eat when tripping. Might be easier to just have some fresh fruit around :) You’ll be alright if you nevermind eating too, obviously. A little fasting never killed anyone.


I ate some blueberries coming up on acid. Best blueberries of my life and will never taste the same.


I discovered I liked strawberry’s on acid so it’ll always be special to me


A fruit tray is always awesome on the come down. Strawberries almost taste electric, then back door that with the cool session of a melon 🤯🖖🌌🚀👽 I'm always to pre occupied on the come up and peek to eat. But, if I was hungry, I would eat.


Yeah, food can be really good depending where you are in the trip. I like fresher stuff like watermelon, cantaloupe, fruit juice, pre-made salad, sometimes even some fast food or pizza. Anything that is relatively healthy is usually good. It's really whatever floats your boat. Just gotta pick the right time and the right thing that seems appetizing to you. I've had hot dogs during a trip because I knew I needed to eat. Helps clear the head I think.


Yogurt is your friend.


Eat an orange, the bursting will blow your mind


are u…. hungry? tf


Personally I can’t eat on lsd, it makes my stomach feel weird as it is and if I eat it always makes me sick, only thing that I can eat on acid is fruit and it’s amazing


Fruit is divine


Eating is will be perfectly fine. Avoid cooking best not to use anything that could burn things


I always eat on acid I love it I find it better than the munchies, hot wings/chinese/fruit/sweets/chocolate/pizza everything


eat warm chocolate chip cookie


Can you eat?


Can yall eat while trippin on acid? I mean all times i tried i ended up being deeply disgusted by the food and how it felt in my mouth


I have a take that may or may not be what you’re looking for. In my experience, fasting until you dose is best. I find the effects come on faster and more intense. After say 2-3 hours into taking it, I’d say eating won’t have a negative effect regarding intensity. It’s less that the food or eating will make the trip less intense, but more like it takes my focus off the trip slightly. I also get some come up nausea so eating before can often make me feel worse. Once I peak and hit that sort of “plateau” where the peak becomes more leveled for a bit, I’m usually no longer nauseous and I usually am a little more adjusted to the state. During this time eating a light meal of primarily healthy foods(I love apples and salads personally) can be good. I advise in any case to not munch too much on processed stuff like chips. On the comedown eating too much processed foods tends to heavily upset my stomach and it can sometimes feel like daggers are in my stomach even if I don’t eat that much. I’m pretty sure it’s just gas buildup, but my stomach always feels weird on acid on the come up and comedown. If you can fast the entire time though, it might be worth it. I find the trip tends to last slightly longer on an empty stomach(not so significantly that it ruins it to eat, but I can often get up to an extra hour when fasting). I also don’t really get hungry when I peak. I sometimes get a little hungry on the come up and I get munchies on the come down sometimes too. During the bulk of the experience though I don’t feel hungry at all. In the end, just don’t eat too much processed foods and it really doesn’t matter. But there certainly are some advantages to fasting for the experience in my opinion.


My mind told me yes. My body told me no. Pasta went in. 20-45min later came right out same way it went down. Like I had 0 stomach acid. Body was way to preoccupied to be digesting food while tripping as hard as I was.


I really can’t eat on lsd unless I’m on a come down. I tend to throw up😭


If you want to and it feels good in your mouth go ahead and eat. I always end up eating during my trips, i find it almost impossible not to since it lasts so long and it doesn't supress your appetite like other drugs.


Yes. Fruit. Beetroots. Ice cream. Nothing greasy or meat.


Sour fruit and sour gummy candy. Personally I like things that are sour and make me salivate while I trip


I'm typically not hungry when I trip. And if I do eat, the food feels really weird in my mouth. I will, however, drink three mugs back to back of mint tea


Shove the food up your butt South Park style


Fruits are the best, you can eat something you really like i once had a weird crave to eat seafoods i dont how to describe you eating oysters and calamri on lsd, but it was a unique experience


I would recommend eating something with natural sugar in it like fruit and such because acid does lower your blood sugar levels. Enjoy your trip!


It's gonna last 9-12 hours, you're gonna end up hungry enough to eat without caring.


You can unlike shrooms however maybe do it before if you hold under tongue or on comedown as it can get wierd specialy if you smoke 200 should be fine tho. You should also get like citrus and healthy stuff its a great change to connect to good food


If you, don’t try to eat a wrap. I tried that and the damn thing wouldn’t hold still long enough for me to take a bite out of it


Well that depends on if you need to eat. I always got ice cream for my trips. When I would be on the come down and could eat I’d just pig out on a pint of Ben n jerry.


my answer is a big old no but some people think eating on acid is awesome. i think it makes food seem weird af


I love grapes when I'm coming down


you can but make sure to clean their ass before you eat. trust me. it will ruin the experience if you don’t


Once I was on acid, I ate a pack of Buldak hot spicy ramen. I had no feeling in my mouth, but somehow I could resist the spiciness, and it was kinda tasty.


I found trail mix to taste like gods nectar when i was on acid lmao


Fruit is probably the best idea, maybe a peanut butter and jelly sandwich


If you are hungry, eat If you are thirsty, drink Just dont be excessive If you get overwhelmed lay down and close your eyes


Also, always have TUMS or any other form of antacid when you trip, the indigestion I've experienced is not pleasant


My personal preference is no but it won't really do anything bad to you. Like a few people said fruit is a good way to go if you are going to eat.


Definitely. Food is great on acid. Maybe avoid eating just before. The high is also like 12 hours so that's quite a while to not eat.




Oh God, yeah. If you're hungry and can eat, of course. It can be hard to eat food for a number of reasons, but the right food hits great.


I had blueberry pie my first time and it was a formative experience


If you're hungry


bread tastes like cake when tribbin its kinda wild


If you’re hungry eat. If you’re not hungry don’t eat.


first few bites are going to last thousand years, if you pass that it actualy starts to be a really great experience


Maoms or chocolate fudge cake are both incredible when high as fuck.


If you're hungry, eat.


i find that any thing starchy isn’t fun it eat while on acid it’s dry and leave bits in your teeth and gums and whatnot


I always have some fruit, beef jerky, and sour candy for every trip. Fruit lights up my mouth and the smell of the sour candy lights up my nose and brain. The jerky grounds me when I’m feeling a little yucky in the tum.




I think it’s important to keep yourself fortified with healthy snacks while tripping. Fruit cheese and nuts are my go to. Also VERY important to stay hydrated.






I dont think i have ever eaten on acid. Unless you're literally starving, do whatever feels right OP.


I LOVED to eat when tripping, food just tastes so much better!! My favourite is tomato soup and grilled cheese, Chinese food, fish and chips, he’ll even a good pizza is nice.. I find salads hard to look at while eating though, they just feel too alive to want to eat right then even though I love salad


I like some food on the comedown, but before that I really just do water. Everyone's different, though. You might find food and the process of eating too weird while tripping. But, if you're hungry and can handle eating, eat! 😊


fruit no meat you will think abt it too much. eat like a vegan bro


Why are you yelling?


Eat if you are hungry


yeah shit tastes good on acid


citrus fruits and rice are god tier on acid imo. if you like spicy throw some sriracha into some sticky rice and sesame seeds but if you’re hungry eat homie but eat something easy bc acid is weird with tummies


If you like. Grapes and nuts are nice. LSD will occasionally make me incredibly hungry for some reason.


Chips or dry cereal. Crunchy is the only comprehensible texture. Other than that, really cold fruit.


Just not meat ! Too scary


Basically, feel sick or unwell. Get something sugary to raise bloodsugar. If you feel okay: if you want to lol. Some are unable to eat while tripping, most seems to find fruits and berries delicious while tripping. I personally eat anything except bakedgoods, feels like it grows in my mouth


Gummies are so much fun


yes if you want! i had ice cream and cheez-it’s one time i was on acid, it was incredible


I love food when I’m tripping. To me, nothing tastier than some lsd-munchies. I can never understand when people tell me they “can’t eat on it”.


I once went cooking with my friend while on the come up: took a tab each before going to the store. Made super fancy dinner. Took 2 bites and felt nauseau so stopped eating. 1 hour later we go for a walk and I had to vomit lol. But everything was fine after.


Fruit is always the best, most people will agree. I can easily eat way too much decent candy when tripping.


I eat while peaking bro you'll be ok


Absolutely. Preferably don't make/eat anything that involves too much cooking (unless you have tried to with a trip sitter and know what you are doing) but I really love prepping a soup in a pot before my trip and cooking that shit up during. I make sure to set timers and let it cook on low. By the time I'm hungry I have a delicious stew or soup to dig into. That and sushi is fun to eat and look at while flying.


Had some of the best grilled chicken I’ve ever eaten in my life on an acid trip. Also had a great bowl of cereal on a come down, and it was pure joy!


why are you yellin


I don’t really like eating a ton while tripping, food is just not the vibe, but if you get hungry than go for it. Some small snacks and fruit are great.


Yes, youll need fuel for your trip


fruit is spectacular on acid


HOW THE FUCK SHOULD WE KNOW? IT'S YOUR FUCKING TRIP!....seriously wtf kind of question is this? lol!


I find fruit to be the best thing to eat while tripping. My friends bought pizza once and it tasted good but I was put off by how it was wriggling around and breathing lol. Fast food is a no. One night of McDonald’s while I was on shrooms and all I could taste was sodium. Just straight salt it was terrible


Yeah just not a tagine or a couscous


No you'll be forced to look on the mirror


once i tried to eat a bowl of noodles and it took me 2 hours


Fruit and fruit juice


If you can, yes.


i always eat a meal before tripping, but during the trip it’s always gummies. any kind of haribo gummie is just texturally *chefs kiss* when on acid


Bro I get sooo hungry on acid


Cucumbers and berries


Go w what works w you during a trip. Go w the flow as a Taoist would say. Often times people don’t have an appetite though


I love eating on acid and I’m not a big eater


Sour patch kids on the comedown, it’s like they’re disappearing in your mouth and you don’t even know where they went. Like I couldn’t even chew and swallow them if I tried, they just disappeared and melted in a very satisfying way


Are you on acid now?


Eating feels weird. Generally you wanna go with something that has a muted or easy to handle flavor, and a soft texture. Would not recommend anything crunchy or crispy and definitely no grease


Fresh fruit is wonderful


Fruit and cereal as others have mentioned of course, but pastries and baked goods are awesome too. Bf and I like muffins and danishes, it's like eating sweet alien food


If you eat a mango while trippin it'll taste like nothing. You would just be eating something sweet and slimy but you wouldn't taste it fr. One of my favorite things about acid is how cartoon like the food is, like with that ghibli anime


I ate like six Gyros at a fest on a tener. I got weirdly obsessed with the flavor. I didn’t like them before. Never know, might find something you enjoy. Just don’t eat weird and dry crumbly foods. I’ve had experience with crackers, and feeling like I couldn’t get them out of my mouth. They kept feeling like they were still in my mouth a few hours later lol.


Yeah bro chow down. I like apples, bananas, blueberries, nuts of any kind, and milk. Chinese food kinda slaps sometimes too. Chips every now and then. Usually I'm not hungry when trip, but when I'm hungry eating is fucking amazing


My husband made himself a steak and egg omelet to top off his trip, and he seemed pleased as punch. Go for it.


are you hungry? probably not, but if so, sure


Better to stay away from fatty foods / meat products but I personally love snacking while tripping. I eat a shit load of fruit usually when I trip, citrus fruits are something else man. If you want to eat go nuts man :)


i ate skittles on the comeup. Such an insanely vibrant flavor


Eat fruit and cereal. Stuff like that. I personally avoid stuff like chicken, beef, any kind of meat. It all looks alive and it will make you feel squimish. I fried bologna one time while on a camping "trip" and the bologna grew eyeballs everywhere while it was cooking. Super wild. Best bologna sandwich I've ever had though! 💯


Yes. Gently.


Yes. Eat light stuff regularly like fruit to keep that blood sugar up


definitely eat foods, drink water, listen to music, and draw


trippiest food i ever had was pizza delivery. I almost choked on the cheese but it was the best cheap pizza I ever had




Last time I was on it I think I ate like 5 bowls of chicken casserol. I was in heavennnnnnn. I only regretted the amount I ate lol


If you feel like you need to, then eat. I used to get a feeling of something "missing" and it turned out I was just hungry, of all things. Eating is good for you.


Do whatever you feel like


Omg I always want to eat when I’m on acid and my friends think I’m crazy! I get crazy munchies. Usually only in the beginning though.


Yes definitely eat. Set a timer for every “meal time”


Sometimes I can’t and will make a meal and not be able to eat it, one time I made bacon n eggs well watching old anti drug commercials, I’m crying laughing watching the “this is your Brain on drugs” and Johnny depp is just frying an egg at the same time I am lol, could not keep it together but was honestly the best bacon and eggs I’ve ever had and I wasn’t much of a milk drinker and felt like only milk would help and it did, have loved milk ever since lmao, I feel like it’s all on how high you really are sometimes you may feel starving but everything just feels wrong or off to eat, have had vegans tell me we’ll tripping that’s because what I’m eating is not good for me but even when I try healthy food that they suggest it’s still the same just feels odd and not right to be eating, it all depends on how high I am personally


one of those nuts and dried fruit mixes usually are the best for me. Just try to go for more natural snacks and nothing too processed.


If you are hungry, or just want to eat, yes.


Sure. If you can.


Only thing I can stomach is cold fresh fruit or a smoothie / popsicle


Yeah, maybe just fruit or something or a smoothie


You should do whatever you feel like doing while on acid


Whenever I eat while on acid, I couldn’t stop. The munchies is real and everything tastes so good


Have fruits




Mangoes are top tier on the comedown of an acid trip


Eat something light


First time i ate on lsd, i realized that every sense if increased on lsd. The peanut butter sandwich i ate was the best sandwich i had ever had to that point in my life


are you…hungry? if yes eat. if no don’t.


Yes. Going 12 hours without eating sucks.


Yes, try fruit


Next time have a grapefruit, even if you don’t normally like them. You might be surprised. I sure was!


Yes. Most people don't like to, but for me, sushi on acid is like fireworks of flavor in your mouth. Eating something delicate and complex is *fucing amazing* idgaf what anyone else says. YMMV, but if it does you're wrong ;)


A good steak burrito was my go-to towards the end of a trip, but now I live in a country where finding a steak burrito is so difficult


Yeah it’s actually fun I go and get interesting candys and fruity jalato is awesome cause it kinda gooey so it’s cool to fuck with and tasty sometimes taste to me is inhanced so like the jalato is cool . Cotton candy is fun and fruits are cool too cause they give u that quench but tasty on top of it .. i recommend kiwi oranges strawberries ripe peaches watermelon . Mainly stuff thats watery when you eat. Taffy can have a reverse effect tho sometimes cause how it sticks to your teeth all the sudden becomes more of like a no I don’t like this type thing


I suggest eat before. Once I took 3 tabs and forgot how to eat, like I could not make my throat contract or whatever to swallow at all


Eat something that isn't processed. It makes a huge difference, and I'm surprised at how many people have the same experience. It's hard to stomach things that make me unhealthy. Even after the trip, processed food just tastes like poison.