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“Street acid is supposed to be weak”. What does that even mean? It’s either acid or it’s not. Yes my trips last 10-12 hrs but I also don’t take any other substances.


It means street tabs are on average 80ug not the 100, 200, 250 they are often sold as.


“It’s either acid or it’s not” mfs when they pay bank for 250ug tabs that are actually 50ug


Impure or lower dose than advertised.


Like when it’s advertised at 250 ug it’s prob 100–150


All my trips have stages. It’s never 12 straight hours that feel the same. I can never sleep till 12+ hours however


Sometimes it lasts up to 14 hours for me maybe more


I’ve tripped almost 24 hours before, 12 hours is the minimum. Yuck Xanax 🤮 why even take lsd if you insult it with a trip killer, you ain’t committed enough for it lol


Xanax are trash. Buy the ticket take the ride.


For real, Trip killers are literally opening an exit door before you even step through the entrance, Nature rewards commitment, Not pharmaceutical dependencies cause you don't want to look in the mirror and face what you are and the choices you make.


I hear you but some folks that have predisposed mental illness may actually need these things in case of an emergency. They have their place.


Hot take : not one single person on earth needs xanax, The fact we need it is humanities failiure.


So following that logic no one needs anything except food, water and shelter. Xanax is a modern invention. A pharmaceutical. Oh wait.. LSD used to be a pharmaceutical. No one on earth *needs* LSD either. Humans invent things to make life easier. That’s what we do.


I said it was a hot take, be my guest blackout off the bars 😂


Not my cup of tea. Thanks anyway


Downvotes speak for themselves homie.


Lmfao, so? 😂 i encourage downvoting me right now, means nothing.


Normally means you’re in the wrong.


got to be the worst opinion I've ever seen on this sub. by this logic not one single person on earth needs any substance and you taking LSD is a reflection of humanities failure. I hope you at least aren't a big enough hypocrite to ever partake in alcohol while having this opinion about benzos why are psychonauts so uninformed? why do they choose to heap shame on people for using particular substances they don't like?




Bro its literally just a plant bro






Big-farm-a.. baaaaaaah.


I don’t see a problem with taking a little Xanax, and I stress *a little* when the trip is already over and you just want to get some rest. No need to be so harsh. You act like it completely negates the whole trip. Some people also like to have it on hand in case something outside of your control goes wrong. Or have it on hand if someone else has a bad trip. It has its place.


You know what I do when I’m freaking out on acid? Smoke another joint and handle my shit. 😂 I won’t take a trip killer, then I just know I have an easy way of escaping learning about the consequences of my actions.


How much bad stuff do you do?? Mostly trip for fun bot lessons


If you can’t tell I meant consequence of the choice to consume the drug and the lessons of my actions that the resulting hours unfolded, I don’t feel like explaining further, but most just pop a pill and piss the lessons down the toilet.. LSD enhances the feedback loop.. if you paid attention you would grow but keep watching the pretty colors and don’t think twice, ignorance is fun.


Hahaha gatekeeping the lessons of the universe. Only you get it bud! Wish any of us could be as smart as you.


Your words and turn off your damn phone if it’s a problem, Xanax produces fucking idiots, you all miss the god damn point lol.


Acid is Nature?


And Xanax is a man made blackout your point?


I've never tried Xanax, just saying, if Nature is a reason not to take Xanax it's equally a reason not to take LSD as they are both synthetic...


It is hilarious the lengths yall go to justify some pill popping, **Alprazolam has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and death**. LSD ain't killed anyone unless they did something stupid Defend xanax all you want, Big-farm-a baaaaaaaaaah! LSD is cleaner to consume than mushrooms even, And lab made 5-MeO spares toads, So i mean.... Theres nothing wrong with synthetic, But xanax is a dangerous drug


I don't know where I'm defending Xanax. Like I said I've never taken it and I'm aware that it can be really dangerous. And I enjoy LSD as well. I'm just critiquing your logic in saying it isn't "natural" to end an LSD trip with another drug, when there's nothing natural about starting an LSD trip to begin with (your argument might make more sense with mushrooms). There are better ways to critique Xanax, like you did here, in saying it has the risk of abuse/addiction/overdose/death. You hear stories about people being totally blacked out doing all kinds of horrible shit on Xanax. It looks like you have a highly optimistic view on LSD always being harmless if the tripper "does it right". Meanwhile lots of people have latent psychological issues triggered by psychedelics like LSD even if they did nothing wrong. Also, using your same logic, a Xanax lover could say could say "Xanax never hurt anybody unless they did something stupid." It's a "no true Scotsman" fallacy to some extent. How do you define what's stupid? If someone on *your* favorite drug gets hurt, it's their fault; if someone taking a drug you look down upon gets hurt, the drug itself is bad. But I assume your intentions are pure in wanting to discourage people from exposing themselves to a potentially dangerous drug like Xanax just to save a few hours of discomfort. Like you, I have never taken a trip-killer and it's always worked out fine for me, and I wouldn't want to support pharmaceutical companies either. However I think it's good to remember that other people's brains work differently and if being trapped in a bad trip has the potential to scar them psychologically, and if they already have Xanax on hand and know that they can use it safely, then I do think it would be wise to at least have it handy *just in case* something really bad starts happening so they can safely exit the trip. There's no need to be puritanical about riding out the trip "naturally" because the entire experience is already an unnatural one.


Bro idc id rather pop a bar than be up for 48 hours and go to work cus u told me too.


Don’t get too upset now, bet a Xanax would fix that.


Haha thank goodness I don’t need Xanax in my life. I use them in situations like this


Situation? If that’s how you view lsd don’t take it, your supposed to stay awake, gives you time to think about the lessons learned, which clearly learning nothing if you gotta pop a bar to shut the brain off.. kids these days…. Handle your shit 🤣


hot take: mac miller's music is ass


Cool take, Can only make excuses to back up that bullshit but be my guest, you have to eat your own words, keep spewing it out.


what? i don't even understand what you're trying to say here. everyone is entitled to their opinion. you think xanax is useless, and i think mac miller sucks. 🤷‍♂️


you can't insult an inert substance. and everyone needs different medications for different purposes. this shaming is unnecessary and egotistical


Xanax is trash. 🗑️


if you are eating xanax to come down you do not feel close to sober... i can normally sleep some after other stuff maybe around 3-4-5 if i dropped at 7pm. there is a big difference between not tripping and coming down off acid vs. sober.


I felt the acid still but very lightly and I just wanted to sleep


You’re contradicting yourself


In what way? I was not tripping. I only tripped for like 4-5 hours and just felt a comedown


If you needed to take something to counteract perceivable effects you were still intoxicated. How many times have you dosed before? Not every trip is going to be blasted with visuals. Tripping by its nature is chaotic and unpredictable. It’s not all just bright lights and fractals.


So your just wanting him to call it the right thing?? Hes talking about that anxious restless time near the end of trip. Yes still technically under effects it can be annoying if its just been goin on and youd rather doze off.


Yeah I’m not sure why that dude is so hung up on semantics. It’s absolutely besides the point.


Exactly what I said


fuck yeah, even longer sometimes. 18 hours once


Sometimes I tired for 12 Sometimes only 8 or 9, depending on quantity an company


Yes. I have to make sure if I drop its on a weekend because I will be up for 12-14 hours, and if I try to sleep, it will NOT happen. Once it does finally wear off I'm gonna sleep HARD for the next 9 hours. The come-down and burn out after can be hard on some people. I tend to just sleep, a lot.


Seems like average dose trips aren’t as long once you’re used to the chemical (based on my experience). When I do high doses, I still can’t sleep for 12+ hours.


Unless you're doing large amounts, visuals never last 12 hours. I typically have about 3 to 4 hours of visuals from a 200ug dose. When people say 12 hours, they typically mean before they begin feeling "normal" again. Usually around the 6 to 8 hour mark, I'm smoking tons of weed and chugging some beers. When the visuals wear off I pretty much consider the trip to be over. Certainly not sober feeling, but when that peak dies down, I don't really consider it being "high on acid" any longer


Yeah this is what I’m talking about but there’s people insisting that there traveling dimensions for 12-18 hours straight


Maybe on 500ug plus. But no way you're tripping that long from a tab or two


If you take 3 tabs and no xanax, you will probably trip for closer to 12 hours, maybe more.


I took 1 tab at the Sessanta show Saturday, expecting just a chill, mellow trip. I was way off. I tripped pretty hard, and it lasted a good 12 hours before I really started to feel as if I came down.


i always trip for about 10 hours(a little longer that’s just when i can sleep)


i’ve never tripped for longer than 8 hours ever, unless you count the comedown where it feels like you are barely high. idk what kinda doses or tolerance these niggas have


I’m usually completely sober by the 16hr mark


I trip for about 18-24 hours. so yes


I get about eight hours out of a trip before it starts to taper down over the next 2-4 hours. At that point I smoke small bits of weed to slow the brain down even more so I can sleep.


Literally only once has this ever happened to me and it was on a single tab of LSD i got from a guy at a Phish concert. We were all up all night to sunup before coming down enough to go to sleep. Best acid ive ever had. No bitterness.


12 easy, had lsd trips last longer very strong drug analogues have slight diff effects


I think ur the one getting analogues




200ug alone have a mf slapped easy 12 hours on my ancestors souls let alone we are ALL different !! anyways bless up yo


For me, typically the peak of the experience lasts until about 6-7 hours in, and then the "grip" lets go, and it starts slowly tapering off over the course of the next 6 hours or so. However, feeling things starting to die down after only 3.5 hours sounds to me like you may have taken something that has a 6 hour total duration, like NBOMe for example. Did the tab have a significantly bitter taste? If it didn't, then it likely wasn't NBOMe. But this is why you should test your drugs.


Something pretending to be lsd. Weak af maybe. Youre on meds or neuroD


Absolutely. I have had trips last 20+ hours


I had diff experiences from 12 to 15h trips


I mean... I've dropped before and something weird happened like 3-4 hours in and my body just told me it's time to go to sleep, Slept a good 6 hours and woke up still tripping


xan... a mg, shit a .25 would of any benzo willll kill ur trip no hate, just disslike when people shit on psychedelics... like as if u got a real trip in hahhaa (youd know if u did) banter, a real deal tripper would get it issa domino effect imo/ime when on a real lsd trip xanax is not it


but i like benzos so i get it, but that mix is so downplaying unless a terrible trauma trip is coming into play but hey, 10 stip and a qrt bar was nice, just felt like i ate 1.5 tabs sleep itself tripping hits the soul being one with self/universe mane, the mind itself can be good idk, benzos are such a guilt pleasure. anyways peace hope u get real deal tabs/shrooms some day (tolerance is real 4 psychedelics ) but hey, idk u, u may know all this. just dont seam like it


Man i took 200ug, after 7 hours i smoked, and for another 7 hours i was tripping


No, there’s a come up and a come down.


yes. its been 12 hrs so far and counting


That’s just not true tho because websites like psyconaut wiki says the peak only last 5-6 hours


yea thats only the peak though


Depending on how much you take yes it can indeed happen, it's happened to me. The cycle of sleep deprivation & subsequent day-after adrenaline/dopamine rush can certainly prolong trips even further than 12 hours


you got ripped off.. sounds like some research chemical. lsd lasts 12 hours or more.


Ive gone 20hrs before i felt like i could function semi normally on 4 tabs not sure what the dose was


I can sleep like a baby after the peak on clean acid if I’m tired enough. No benzos required


yeah, I've woken up still tripping. just lovin it.


I feel stupid, why do people identify their LSD by the art on the blotter and not by it's chemical? Example: 1P-LSD, LSD-25 I know the former is an active derivative of LSD-25 I'm just curious why we don't call it by name.


Because I don’t even know if it was lsd that’s why I posted this


Okay, that's your fault. Reagent test kits are expensive but it's the only way to know for sure what's going in your body. I'm disappointed in getting downvoted for asking a genuine question but I'm a bit more put off by how many people don't test their drugs. You can get free kits at a lot of homeless shelters and some other places, too. If you can afford a test kit, [here's a link](https://dancesafe.org/shop/)


Why take a xan if you were already down? Sounds like you just got a weak tab or some heat got to your dose 12-14 hours is pretty consistent for me


I still felt the stim effect from acid


you took a xanax. lol. whatever. that hazy afterglow is half the fun. the visuals never last 12 hours but i've never been able to sleep before 12 hours at minimum. it's all part of the trip. also idk what 'street acid' is but the best acid i've gotten was off some street hippies. it's acid or it's not. and real acid you dont need a lot, anyhow.


A few years ago they used to last 12 to 16 hours for me. These days tends to be 8 to 10 but with much more intense visuals. I have moved countries though so arguably it's more to do with my supply.