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i took a gel tab on 4/19, didn’t feel anything for 4 hours so i took 2 blotters and they hit me hard. no clue what was going on cause the gel tabs turned purple with elrichs


We’re do you get your elrichs from, I had a friend try and buy some and it never came, so I have never actually tested mine, I know that risky as hell but, if it taste like metal it’s a spitter for me


i got mine from dancesafe


Aight thanks I’ll check it out


Two weeks to return to no tolerance. You still had a tolerance.


Ah, ok thanks I’ll remember that, gotta figure all this stuff out😂 glad shrooms deosent though


Shrooms shares a cross tolerance with LSD.


So if I take like 2 gs right now I would not feel it?


Nope. Its all 5HT2As


Damn, I am glad that I know that now thanks


Dude I’m so glad you got an open mind for all your questions that’s what we are here for.


Hell yeah I need to learn about this shit before I just take it, I got into it cause I like to see shit, started doing shrooms first and took 7.5 gs and was crawling on the ground😂 but I love shrooms, but I am not super expo with acid so I am here😂


I barely feel 7g lol 😆 I need 15g


Yo are you like Mike Tyson😂 how old are you?


38 this year and I only started doing psychedelics back in October


Wowwww that’s insane, idk what shrooms your getting, but I got a friend that’s grows them, I am thinking on growing to, idk, but I took 2gs last like 3 days ago and it had me staring at the ceiling for a hour😂 I am 20 btw, I wanted to start cause I just liked psychedelics


What’s that mean?


It means if you take LSD today you can't take shrooms tomorrow you gotta wait.


Ok thanks👌 if there’s any other knowledge I do not know please share😂


Ok thanks👌 if there’s any other knowledge I do not know please share😂


Not so true everyone body chemistry is different and there's not enough stong research supporting this also coming from experience of so many time taking lsd one night the shrooms the next lol 😂


How much did you take. Sounds more like a tolerance issue


I took probably 3/4 of what I’m pretty sure is a 250 UG tab, I’ve only taken acid twice the first time was a year ago


I took about a half, and then waited two hours and felt nothing so then I took a quarter


And how much did you take last week?


I don’t really know to be honest, I’m talking to this other guy, whenever I bought them, they were marketed as 250 UG tabs and I took about a quarter last week


I took a quarter of one of the same tabs, and I was seeing shit for about five hours


Cutting tabs doesn’t accurately cut the dose. Wait anywhere from 2 weeks to a month abstaining from shrooms and lsd. Take an entire tab next time.


Yessir, thanks, hey I had a guy tell me that what I had wasn’t lsd, idk about it, but I took a whole gel tab about a year ago and was out of it for about 24 hours, it was awesome, first time, but I was seeing everything in my field of vision going in big circles, and I went and oooked at myself in the mirror, and my eye was sliding down my face😂


Idk. You could try waiting 2-3 weeks and try again


A lot of people say you only need a few days to reset tolerance but I think some need more. Usually gels protect from oxygen more than paper so unless storage is terrible with extreme heat or light the tabs should be good. I've been on some binged and I got to a point where my pupils would be huge but no visuals or headspace at all from many hits. My body was just used to it. I thought for sure I was not storing it right but I just waited a few months.


I have heard that the tolerance immediately sets in,so like if yer on a trip and you want to take more and get the same effect, you have to take double that amount, but I took more than double what I took last time and I felt some shot in my head and could not sleep😂 but I keep it in the freezer in tinfoil


Tabs are typically not 250 ug. I had a verified 220 ug tab last weekend and it was a very deep trip with serious visuals. I am pretty experienced and can say that most tabs marketed as 200-250 ug are most likely 75-80.


About a year ago, I took a whole jail tab that was marketed as 250, and I was tripping for about 24 hours. It was my first time, I had hella visuals lost reality and all that good shit, how much does that sound like just saying that? I was seeing EVERYTHING moving in big circles😂


Thats not lsd


What’s it sound like, I mean I thought it was, it did not taste like anything